Пример #1
/* Cast a spell from a book */
void do_cmd_cast(cmd_code code, cmd_arg args[])
    int spell = args[0].choice;
    int dir = args[1].direction;

    int item_list[INVEN_TOTAL + MAX_FLOOR_STACK];
    int item_num;
    int i;

    cptr verb = ((cp_ptr->spell_book == TV_MAGIC_BOOK) ? "cast" : "recite");
    cptr noun = ((cp_ptr->spell_book == TV_MAGIC_BOOK) ? "spell" : "prayer");

    /* Check the player can cast spells at all */
    if (!player_can_cast())

    /* Check spell is in a book they can access */
    item_tester_hook = obj_can_browse;
    item_num = scan_items(item_list, N_ELEMENTS(item_list), (USE_INVEN | USE_FLOOR));

    /* Check through all available books */
    for (i = 0; i < item_num; i++)
        if (spell_in_book(spell, item_list[i]))
            if (spell_okay_to_cast(spell))
                /* Get the spell */
                const magic_type *s_ptr = &mp_ptr->info[spell];

                /* Verify "dangerous" spells */
                if (s_ptr->smana > p_ptr->csp)
                    /* Warning */
                    msg_format("You do not have enough mana to %s this %s.", verb, noun);

                    /* Flush input */

                    /* Verify */
                    if (!get_check("Attempt it anyway? ")) return;

                /* Cast a spell */
                if (spell_cast(spell, dir))
                    p_ptr->energy_use = 100;
                /* Spell is present, but player incapable. */
                msg_format("You cannot %s that %s.", verb, noun);


Пример #2
/* Gain a specific spell, specified by spell number (for mages). */
void do_cmd_study_spell(cmd_code code, cmd_arg args[])
	int spell = args[0].choice;

	int item_list[INVEN_TOTAL + MAX_FLOOR_STACK];
	int item_num;
	int i;

	/* Check the player can study at all atm */
	if (!player_can_study())

	/* Check that the player can actually learn the nominated spell. */
	item_tester_hook = obj_can_browse;
	item_num = scan_items(item_list, N_ELEMENTS(item_list), (USE_INVEN | USE_FLOOR));

	/* Check through all available books */
	for (i = 0; i < item_num; i++)
		if (spell_in_book(spell, item_list[i]))
			if (spell_okay_to_study(spell))
				/* Spell is in an available book, and player is capable. */
				p_ptr->energy_use = 100;
				/* Spell is present, but player incapable. */
				msg("You cannot learn that spell.");
