Пример #1
int FireSystem_GetFiresInSphere( CFire **pList, int listMax, bool onlyActiveFires, const Vector &origin, float radius )
	CFireSphere sphereEnum( pList, listMax, onlyActiveFires, origin, radius );
	partition->EnumerateElementsInSphere( PARTITION_ENGINE_NON_STATIC_EDICTS, origin, radius, false, &sphereEnum );

	return sphereEnum.GetCount();
Пример #2
// Purpose: Pass in an array of pointers and an array size, it fills the array and returns the number inserted
// Input  : **pList - 
//			listMax - 
//			&center - 
//			radius - 
//			flagMask - 
// Output : int
int UTIL_EntitiesInSphere( C_BaseEntity **pList, int listMax, const Vector &center, float radius, int flagMask, int partitionMask )
	CFlaggedEntitiesEnum sphereEnum( pList, listMax, flagMask );
	partition->EnumerateElementsInSphere( partitionMask, center, radius, false, &sphereEnum );

	return sphereEnum.GetCount();

Пример #3
// Purpose: Pass in an array of pointers and an array size, it fills the array and returns the number inserted
// Input  : **pList - 
//			listMax - 
//			&center - 
//			radius - 
//			flagMask - 
// Output : int
int UTIL_EntitiesInSphere( C_BaseEntity **pList, int listMax, const Vector &center, float radius, int flagMask )
	CFlaggedEntitiesEnum sphereEnum( pList, listMax, flagMask );
	partition->EnumerateElementsInSphere( PARTITION_CLIENT_NON_STATIC_EDICTS, center, radius, false, &sphereEnum );

	return sphereEnum.GetCount();
