Пример #1
static int
emitrules(FILE *fp)
	struct files *fi;
	const char *fpath;

	/* write suffixes */
	if (fprintf(fp,
	    ".SUFFIXES: .s .S .c .o .ln\n\n"






	    "\t${LINT_S}\n\n") < 0)
		return (1);

	for (fi = allfiles; fi != NULL; fi = fi->fi_next) {
		if ((fi->fi_flags & FI_SEL) == 0)
		if ((fpath = srcpath(fi)) == NULL)
			return (1);
		/* special rule: need to emit them independently */
		if (fi->fi_mkrule[0] || fi->fi_mkrule[1]) {
			if (emit_1rule(fp, fi, fpath, ".o", 0) ||
			    emit_1rule(fp, fi, fpath, ".ln", 1))
				return (1);
		/* simple default rule */
		} else {
			if (fprintf(fp, "%s.o %s.ln: %s%s\n", fi->fi_base,
			    *fpath != '/' ? "$S/" : "", fpath) < 0)
				return (1);

	return (0);
Пример #2
static int
emitobjs(FILE *fp)
	struct files *fi;
	struct objects *oi;
	int lpos, len, sp;
	const char *fpath;

	if (fputs("OBJS=", fp) < 0)
		return (1);
	sp = '\t';
	lpos = 7;
	for (fi = allfiles; fi != NULL; fi = fi->fi_next) {
		if ((fi->fi_flags & FI_SEL) == 0)
		if ((fpath = srcpath(fi)) == NULL)
			return (1);
		len = strlen(fi->fi_base) + 3;
		if (lpos + len > 72) {
			if (fputs(" \\\n", fp) < 0)
				return (1);
			sp = '\t';
			lpos = 7;
		if (fprintf(fp, "%c%s.o", sp, fi->fi_base) < 0)
			return (1);
		lpos += len + 1;
		sp = ' ';
	for (oi = allobjects; oi != NULL; oi = oi->oi_next) {
		if ((oi->oi_flags & OI_SEL) == 0)
		len = strlen(oi->oi_path) + 3;
		if (lpos + len > 72) {
			if (fputs(" \\\n", fp) < 0)
				return (1);
			sp = '\t';
			lpos = 7;
		if (fprintf(fp, "%c$S/%s", sp, oi->oi_path) < 0)
			return (1);
		lpos += len + 1;
		sp = ' ';
	if (putc('\n', fp) < 0)
		return (1);
	return (0);
Пример #3
static int
emitfiles(FILE *fp, int suffix)
	struct files *fi;
	int lpos, len, sp;
	const char *fpath;
	int uppersuffix = toupper(suffix);

	if (fprintf(fp, "%cFILES=", uppersuffix) < 0)
		return (1);
	sp = '\t';
	lpos = 7;
	for (fi = allfiles; fi != NULL; fi = fi->fi_next) {
		if ((fi->fi_flags & FI_SEL) == 0)
		if ((fpath = srcpath(fi)) == NULL)
			return (1);
		len = strlen(fpath);
		if (fpath[len - 1] != suffix && fpath[len - 1] != uppersuffix)
		if (*fpath != '/')
			len += 3;	/* "$S/" */
		if (lpos + len > 72) {
			if (fputs(" \\\n", fp) < 0)
				return (1);
			sp = '\t';
			lpos = 7;
		if (fprintf(fp, "%c%s%s", sp, *fpath != '/' ? "$S/" : "",
		    fpath) < 0)
			return (1);
		lpos += len + 1;
		sp = ' ';
	if (putc('\n', fp) < 0)
		return (1);
	return (0);
Пример #4
    void addTestFunctionsAndPaths(lua_State* L)
        lua_atpanic(L, atPanicThrow);
        lua_pushcfunction(L, ts_fail);
        lua_setglobal(L, "TS_FAIL");
        lua_pushcfunction(L, ts_trace);
        lua_setglobal(L, "TS_TRACE");
        lua_pushcfunction(L, ts_warn);
        lua_setglobal(L, "TS_WARN");

        lua_getglobal(L, "package");
        luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);

        // for cxxtest.lua
        lua_getfield(L, 1, "path");
        lua_pushstring(L, ";");
        lua_pushstring(L, srcpath().c_str());
        lua_pushstring(L, "/?.lua");
        lua_concat(L, 4);
        lua_setfield(L, 1, "path");

        // for libluacppreflect
        lua_getfield(L, 1, "cpath");
        lua_pushstring(L, ";");
        lua_pushstring(L, binpath().c_str());
        lua_pushstring(L, "/../lua_module/?.so");
        lua_pushstring(L, ";");
        lua_pushstring(L, binpath().c_str());
        lua_pushstring(L, "/../lua_module/?.dll"); // don't want to mess with platform DEFINEs
        lua_concat(L, 7);
        lua_setfield(L, 1, "cpath");

        // Uncomment this to prevent the unloading of the library
        // When the library is unloaded valgrind cannot translate function addresses to names
        // in the stacktrace
        //std::string library_path = fmt_str("%1/../lua_module/libluaselfportrait.so", binpath());
        //void* handle = dlopen(library_path.c_str(), RTLD_NOW);
Пример #5
ProjectWindow::ImportFile(entry_ref ref)
	BString command;
	DPath srcpath(ref);
	DPath destpath(fProject->GetPath().GetFolder());
	command << "copyattr --data '" << srcpath.GetFullPath() << "' '" 
			<< destpath.GetFullPath() << "'";
	BString ext(srcpath.GetExtension());
	if ((ext.ICompare("h") == 0) || (ext.ICompare("hxx") == 0) ||
			(ext.ICompare("hpp") == 0) || (ext.ICompare("h++") == 0))
	DPath destfile(destpath);
	destfile << ref.name;
	BEntry destEntry(destfile.GetFullPath());
	entry_ref destref;
Пример #6
static int
domerg(struct cfextra **extlist, int part, int nparts,
	int myclass, char **srcp, char **dstp,
	char **r_updated, char **r_skipped,
	char **r_anyPathLocal)
	boolean_t	stateFlag = B_FALSE;
	int		i;
	int		msg_ugid;
	static int	maxvol = 0;
	static int	svindx = 0;
	static int	svpart = 0;
	struct cfent	*ept = (struct cfent *)NULL;
	struct mergstat *mstat = (struct mergstat *)NULL;

	/* reset returned path pointers */

	*dstp = (char *)NULL;
	*srcp = (char *)NULL;

	/* set to start or continue based on which part being processed */

	if (part != 0) {
		maxvol = 0;
		svindx = 0;
		svpart = part;
	} else {
		i = svindx;
		part = svpart;

	 * This goes through the pkgmap entries one by one testing them
	 * for inclusion in the package database as well as for validity
	 * against existing files.
	for (i = svindx; extlist[i]; i++) {
		ept = &(extlist[i]->cf_ent);
		mstat = &(extlist[i]->mstat);

		 * as paths are processed, if the "anyPathLocal" flag has not
		 * been set, if the object is not of type 'i' (package script),
		 * check to see if the object is in an area inherited from the
		 * global zone - if not, set "anyPathLocal" to the path found,
		 * indicating that at least one path is in an area that is not
		 * inherited from the global zone.

		if ((r_anyPathLocal != (char **)NULL) &&
			(*r_anyPathLocal == (char *)NULL) &&
			(ept->ftype != 'i') &&
			(z_path_is_inherited(ept->path, ept->ftype,
						get_inst_root()) == B_FALSE)) {
			echoDebug(DBG_INSTVOL_OBJ_LOCAL, ept->path);
			*r_anyPathLocal = ept->path;

		/* if this isn't the class of current interest, skip it */

		if (myclass != ept->pkg_class_idx) {

		/* if the class is invalid, announce it & exit */
		if (ept->pkg_class_idx == -1) {
			progerr(ERR_CLIDX, ept->pkg_class_idx,
			    (ept->path && *ept->path) ? ept->path : "unknown");
			    (ept->path && *ept->path) ? ept->path : "unknown");
			    (ept->pkg_class && *ept->pkg_class) ?
			    ept->pkg_class : "Unknown");
			    getenv("CLASSES") ? getenv("CLASSES") : "Not Set");

		 * Next check to see if we are going to try to delete a
		 * populated directory in some distressing way.
		if (mstat->dir2nondir)
			if (dir_is_populated(ept->path)) {
				logerr(WRN_INSTVOL_NOTDIR, ept->path);
				mstat->denied = 1;	/* install denied! */
			} else {	/* Replace is OK. */
				 * Remove this directory, so it won't
				 * interfere with creation of the new object.
				if (rmdir(ept->path)) {
					 * If it didn't work, there's nothing
					 * we can do. To continue would
					 * likely corrupt the filesystem
					 * which is unacceptable.
					progerr(ERR_RMDIR, ept->path);

				repl_permitted = 1;	/* flag it */

		/* adjust the max volume number appropriately */

		if (ept->volno > maxvol) {
			maxvol = ept->volno;

		/* if this part goes into another volume, skip it */

		if (part != ept->volno) {

		 * If it's a conflicting file and it's not supposed to be
		 * installed, note it and skip.
		if (nocnflct && mstat->shared && ept->ftype != 'e') {
			if (mstat->contchg || mstat->attrchg) {
				echo(MSG_SHIGN, ept->path);

		 * If we want to set uid or gid but user says no, note it.
		 * Remember that the actual mode bits in the structure have
		 * already been adjusted and the mstat flag is telling us
		 * about the original mode.
		if (nosetuid && (mstat->setuid || mstat->setgid)) {
			msg_ugid = 1;	/* don't repeat attribute message. */
			if (is_fs_writeable(ept->path,
				&(extlist[i]->fsys_value))) {
				if (!(mstat->contchg) && mstat->attrchg) {
					echo(MSG_UGMOD, ept->path);
				} else {
					echo(MSG_UGID, ept->path);
		} else {
			msg_ugid = 0;

		switch (ept->ftype) {
			case 'l':	/* hard link */
				/* links treated as object "update/skip" */
				stateFlag = B_TRUE;
				continue; /* defer to final proc */

			case 's': /* for symlink, verify without fix first */
				/* links treated as object "update/skip" */
				stateFlag = B_TRUE;

				/* Do this only for default verify */
				if (cl_dvfy(myclass) == DEFAULT) {
					if (averify(0, &ept->ftype,
						ept->path, &ept->ainfo))
						echo(MSG_SLINK, ept->path);


			case 'd':	/* directory */
			case 'x':	/* exclusive directory */
			case 'c':	/* character special device */
			case 'b':	/* block special device */
			case 'p':	/* named pipe */
				/* these NOT treated as object "update/skip" */
				stateFlag = B_FALSE;

				 * If we can't get to it for legitimate reasons,
				 * don't try to verify it.
				if ((z_path_is_inherited(ept->path, ept->ftype,
				    get_inst_root())) ||
				    &(extlist[i]->fsys_value)) &&
				    &(extlist[i]->fsys_value))) {
					mstat->attrchg = 0;
					mstat->contchg = 0;

				if (averify(1, &ept->ftype, ept->path,
							&ept->ainfo) == 0) {
					mstat->contchg = mstat->attrchg = 0;
				} else {
					progerr(ERR_CREATE_PKGOBJ, ept->path);


			case 'i':	/* information file */
				/* not treated as object "update/skip" */
				stateFlag = B_FALSE;

				/* all files treated as object "update/skip" */
				stateFlag = B_TRUE;

		 * Both contchg and shared flags have to be taken into
		 * account. contchg is set if the file is already present
		 * in the package database, if it does not exist or if it
		 * exists and is modified.
		 * The shared flag is set when 'e' or 'v' file is not
		 * present in the package database, exists and is not
		 * modified. It also has to be checked here.
		 * Shared flag is also set when file is present in package
		 * database and owned by more than one package, but for
		 * this case contchg has already been set.
		if (mstat->contchg || (mstat->shared &&
		    ((ept->ftype == 'e') || (ept->ftype == 'v')))) {
			*dstp = ept->path;
			if ((ept->ftype == 'f') || (ept->ftype == 'e') ||
				(ept->ftype == 'v')) {
				*srcp = ept->ainfo.local;
				if (is_partial_inst() != 0) {
					if (*srcp[0] == '~') {
						/* translate source pathname */
						*srcp = srcpath(instdir,
							part, nparts);
					} else {
						*srcp = extlist[i]->map_path;
				} else {
					if (*srcp[0] == '~') {
						/* translate source pathname */
						*srcp = srcpath(instdir,
						    part, nparts);

					ept->ftype, cl_nam(ept->pkg_class_idx),
			} else {
				 * At this point, we're returning a non-file
				 * that couldn't be created in the standard
				 * way. If it refers to a filesystem that is
				 * not writeable by us, don't waste the
				 * calling process's time.
				if (!is_fs_writeable(ept->path,
					&(extlist[i]->fsys_value))) {

				*srcp = NULL;
					ept->ftype, cl_nam(ept->pkg_class_idx),

			svindx = i+1;
			backup(*dstp, 1);
			return (i);

		if (mstat->attrchg) {
			backup(ept->path, 0);
			if (!msg_ugid)
				echo(MSG_ATTRIB, ept->path);

			/* fix the attributes now for robustness sake */
			if (averify(1, &ept->ftype,
				&ept->ainfo) == 0) {
				mstat->attrchg = 0;

		 * package object exists, or does not need updating: if the path
		 * is in an area inherited from the global zone, then treat
		 * the object as if it were "skipped" - if the path is not in an
		 * area inherited from the global zone, then treat the object as
		 * if it were "updated"

		/* LINTED warning: statement has no consequent: if */
		if ((stateFlag == B_FALSE) || (ept == (struct cfent *)NULL)) {
			 * the object in question is a directory or special
			 * file - the fact that this type of object already
			 * exists or does not need updating must not trigger
			 * the object updated/object skipped indication -
			 * that would cause class action scripts to be run
			 * when installing a new non-global zone - that action
			 * must only be done when a file object that is in
			 * an area inherited from the global zone is present.
		} else if (z_path_is_inherited(ept->path, ept->ftype,
						get_inst_root()) == B_TRUE) {
			if (r_skipped != (char **)NULL) {
				if (*r_skipped == (char *)NULL) {
					*r_skipped = ept->path;
		} else {
			if (r_updated != (char **)NULL) {
				if (*r_updated == (char *)NULL) {
				*r_updated = ept->path;

	if (maxvol == part) {
		eocflag++;	/* endofclass */

	return (DMRG_DONE);	/* no remaining entries on this volume */
Пример #7
static void
outvol(struct cfent **eptlist, int eptnum, int part, int nparts)
	FILE	*fp;
	char	*svpt, *path, temp[PATH_MAX];
	int	i;

	if (nparts > 1)
		(void) fprintf(stderr, gettext(" -- part %2d:\n"), part);
	if (part == 1) {
		/* re-write pkgmap, but exclude local pathnames */
		(void) snprintf(temp, sizeof (temp), "%s/pkgmap", pkgloc);
		if ((fp = fopen(temp, "w")) == NULL) {
			progerr(gettext(ERR_TEMP), errno);
		(void) fprintf(fp, ": %d %ld\n", nparts, limit);
		for (i = 0; eptlist[i]; i++) {
			svpt = eptlist[i]->ainfo.local;
			if (!strchr("sl", eptlist[i]->ftype))
				eptlist[i]->ainfo.local = NULL;
			if (ppkgmap(eptlist[i], fp)) {
				progerr(gettext(ERR_TEMP), errno);
			eptlist[i]->ainfo.local = svpt;
		(void) fclose(fp);
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", temp);

	(void) snprintf(temp, sizeof (temp), "%s/pkginfo", pkgloc);
	if (copyf(svept->ainfo.local, temp, svept->cinfo.modtime))
	(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", temp);

	for (i = 0; i < eptnum; i++) {
		if (eptlist[i]->volno != part)
		if (strchr("dxslcbp", eptlist[i]->ftype))
		if (eptlist[i]->ftype == 'i') {
			if (eptlist[i] == svept)
				continue; /* don't copy pkginfo file */
			(void) snprintf(temp, sizeof (temp),
				"%s/install/%s", pkgloc,
			path = temp;
		} else
			path = srcpath(pkgloc, eptlist[i]->path, part, nparts);
		if (sflag) {
			if (slinkf(eptlist[i]->ainfo.local, path))
		} else if (copyf(eptlist[i]->ainfo.local, path,
				eptlist[i]->cinfo.modtime)) {

		 * If the package file attributes can be sync'd up with
		 * the pkgmap, we fix the attributes here.
		if (*(eptlist[i]->ainfo.owner) != '$' &&
		    *(eptlist[i]->ainfo.group) != '$' && getuid() == 0) {
			/* Clear dangerous bits. */
			    (eptlist[i]->ainfo.mode & S_IAMB);
			 * Make sure it can be read by the world and written
			 * by root.
			eptlist[i]->ainfo.mode |= 0644;
			if (!strchr("in", eptlist[i]->ftype)) {
				/* Set the safe attributes. */
				averify(1, &(eptlist[i]->ftype),
				    path, &(eptlist[i]->ainfo));

		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", path);