Пример #1
/* Function: mdlDerivatives =================================================
 * Abstract:
 *      xdot = Ax + Bu
static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S)
    real_T            *dx     = ssGetdX(S);
    real_T            *x      = ssGetContStates(S);
    InputRealPtrsType uPtrs   = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0);
    const real_T      *apr    = mxGetPr(A_PARAM(S));
    const real_T      *bpr    = mxGetPr(B_PARAM(S));
    int_T             nStates = ssGetNumContStates(S);
    int_T             nInputs  = ssGetInputPortWidth(S,0);
    int_T i, j;
    real_T accum;
    /* Matrix Multiply: dx = Ax + Bu */
    for (i = 0; i < nStates; i++) {
        accum = 0.0;
        /* Ax */
        for (j = 0; j < nStates; j++) {
            accum += apr[i + nStates*j] * x[j];
        /* Bu */
        for (j = 0; j < nInputs; j++) {
            accum += bpr[i + nStates*j] * U(j);
        dx[i] = accum;
Пример #2
static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S)
  const real_T *x = ssGetContStates(S);
  real_T *dx = ssGetdX(S);
  dx[0] = x[1];
  dx[1] = 9.8*sin(x[0]);
Пример #3
/* Function: mdlDerivatives =================================================
   * Abstract:
   *    In this function, you compute the S-function block's derivatives.
   *    The derivatives are placed in the derivative vector, ssGetdX(S).
  static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S)
    const real_T   *u0  = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,0);
    real_T         *dx  = ssGetdX(S);
    real_T         *xC  = ssGetContStates(S);
    real_T        *y0  = (real_T *) ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0);

    builderC_Derivatives_wrapper(u0, y0,dx, xC);
Пример #4
static void mdlDerivatives ( SimStruct * S ) { nmsgyp54ig * _rtB ; jxfihej1dy
* _rtXdot ; pklu3vjy1t * _rtDW ; _rtDW = ( ( pklu3vjy1t * ) ssGetRootDWork (
S ) ) ; _rtXdot = ( ( jxfihej1dy * ) ssGetdX ( S ) ) ; _rtB = ( ( nmsgyp54ig
* ) _ssGetModelBlockIO ( S ) ) ; _rtXdot -> ouzmraehom = 0.0 ; jreinmfd0u ( &
_rtB -> bemu4fk2sq4 , & _rtDW -> bemu4fk2sq4 , & _rtXdot -> bemu4fk2sq4 ) ;
h5kbws31cy ( & _rtB -> cqabclhqip4 , & _rtDW -> cqabclhqip4 , & _rtXdot ->
cqabclhqip4 ) ; jreinmfd0u ( & _rtB -> n1qdzssqu3 , & _rtDW -> n1qdzssqu3 , &
_rtXdot -> n1qdzssqu3 ) ; h5kbws31cy ( & _rtB -> nfugx5ih43 , & _rtDW ->
nfugx5ih43 , & _rtXdot -> nfugx5ih43 ) ; }
Пример #5
/* Function: mdlDerivatives =================================================
   * Abstract:
   *    In this function, you compute the S-function block's derivatives.
   *    The derivatives are placed in the derivative vector, ssGetdX(S).
  static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S)
    const real_T   *dm  = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,0);
    const real_T   *dmf  = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,1);
    const real_T   *dV  = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,2);
    const real_T   *dmfb  = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,3);
    const real_T   *dQCyl  = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,4);
    const real_T   *dHCyl  = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,5);
	const real_T   *dWCyl = (const real_T*)ssGetInputPortSignal(S, 6);
    real_T         *dx  = ssGetdX(S);

Пример #6
static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S)
    real_T *dx = ssGetdX(S);
    real_T *x = ssGetContStates(S);
    InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0);
    double *m=mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,0));
    real_T mm=m[0];
Пример #7
static void derivatives_c1_newtons_cradle(SFc1_newtons_cradleInstanceStruct
  int32_T c1_i1;
  real_T (*c1_p_dot)[3];
  real_T (*c1_v_dot)[3];
  real_T (*c1_v)[3];
  real_T (*c1_p)[3];
  c1_v_dot = (real_T (*)[3])(ssGetdX(chartInstance->S) + 3);
  c1_v = (real_T (*)[3])(ssGetContStates(chartInstance->S) + 3);
  c1_p_dot = (real_T (*)[3])(ssGetdX(chartInstance->S) + 0);
  c1_p = (real_T (*)[3])(ssGetContStates(chartInstance->S) + 0);
  for (c1_i1 = 0; c1_i1 < 3; c1_i1++) {
    (*c1_p_dot)[c1_i1] = 0.0;
    (*c1_v_dot)[c1_i1] = 0.0;

  _sfTime_ = (real_T)ssGetT(chartInstance->S);
  for (c1_i1 = 0; c1_i1 < 3; c1_i1++) {
    (*c1_p_dot)[c1_i1] = (*c1_v)[c1_i1];
    (*c1_v_dot)[c1_i1] = muDoubleScalarSin((*c1_p)[c1_i1]);
    (*c1_v_dot)[c1_i1] *= -9.81;
Пример #8
  /* Function: mdlDerivatives =================================================
   * Abstract:
   *    In this function, you compute the S-function block's derivatives.
   *    The derivatives are placed in the derivative vector, ssGetdX(S).
  static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S)

    real_T t, *xC, *xD, *u, *sys;

    int i;
    t  = ssGetT(S);
    xC = ssGetContStates(S);
    xD = ssGetDiscStates(S);
    u  = ssGetInputPortRealSignal(S,0);
    sys  = ssGetdX(S);

      ssGetSFcnParam(S, 0),ssGetSFcnParam(S, 2),ssGetSFcnParam(S, 3));
Пример #9
/* Function: mdlDerivatives */
static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S)
    double wn    = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,0)) )[0];
    double E     = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,1)) )[0];
    double In    = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,2)) )[0];
    double Kva   = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,3)) )[0];
    double Kvb   = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,4)) )[0];
    double KvlkA = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,5)) )[0];
    double KvlkB = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,6)) )[0];
    double ps    = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,7)) )[0];
    double pt    = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,8)) )[0];
    double up_dz = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,9)) )[0];
    double lw_dz = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,10)) )[0];
    double beta  = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,11)) )[0];
    double Va0   = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,12)) )[0];
    double Vb0   = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,13)) )[0];
    double Aa    = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,14)) )[0];
    double Ab    = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,15)) )[0];
    double L     = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,16)) )[0];
    double leak  = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,17)) )[0];

    real_T            *dx   = ssGetdX(S);
    real_T            *x    = ssGetContStates(S);
    InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0);

    dx[0]= x[1];
    dx[1]= -wn*wn*x[0] - 2*E*wn*x[1] + wn*wn*sat(U(0),-In,In);

    if ((sat(U(0),-In,In) >= up_dz) && (sat(U(0),-In,In) <= In))
        dx[2] = (beta/(Va0 + Aa*U(1))) * (((Kva *(x[0]/In) + KvlkA) * sgn(ps-x[2]) * sqrt(abso(ps-x[2])) - KvlkA * sgn(x[2]-pt) * sqrt(abso(x[2]-pt))) - Aa*U(2)- leak*(x[2]-x[3]));
        dx[3] = (beta/(Vb0 + Ab*(L - U(1)))) * (Ab*U(2) - ((Kvb *(x[0]/In) + KvlkB) * sgn(x[3]-pt) * sqrt(abso(x[3]-pt)) - KvlkB * sgn(ps-x[3]) * sqrt(abso(ps-x[3]))) + leak*(x[2]-x[3]));
    else if ((sat(U(0),-In,In) >= -In) && (sat(U(0),-In,In) <= lw_dz))
        dx[2] = (beta/(Va0 + Aa*U(1))) * ((-(Kva *(abso(x[0])/In) + KvlkA) * sgn(x[2]-pt) * sqrt(abso(x[2]-pt)) + KvlkA * sgn(ps-x[2]) * sqrt(abso(ps-x[2]))) - Aa*U(2)- leak*(x[2]-x[3]));
        dx[3] = (beta/(Vb0 + Ab*(L - U(1)))) * (Ab*U(2) - (-(Kvb *(abso(x[0])/In) + KvlkB) * sgn(ps-x[3]) * sqrt(abso(ps-x[3])) + KvlkB * sgn(x[3]-pt) * sqrt(abso(x[3]-pt))) + leak*(x[2]-x[3]));
        dx[2] = 0;
        dx[3] = 0;

Пример #10
  /* Function: mdlDerivatives =================================================
   * Abstract:
   *    In this function, you compute the S-function block's derivatives.
   *    The derivatives are placed in the derivative vector, ssGetdX(S).
  static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S)
	  real_T *dx = ssGetdX(S);
	  double *w2 =  (double *) ssGetDWork(S,2);
	  for (int i = 0; i < ssGetDWorkWidth(S,2); i++)
		dx[i] = w2[i]; // 

	char v_buf[128];
	mwSize v_buflen;
	v_buflen = mxGetNumberOfElements(verbosity) + 1;
	mxGetString(verbosity, v_buf, v_buflen);//v_buf contains the verbosity char string
	int is_debug = strcmp(v_buf,"debug");
	if(is_debug == 0){ 
		mexPrintf("\nMDL Derivatives.\n");

Пример #11
/* Function: mdlDerivatives =================================================
 * Abstract:
 *      xdot = Ax + Bu
static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S)
    real_T            *dx     = ssGetdX(S);
    real_T            *x      = ssGetContStates(S);
    InputRealPtrsType uPtrs   = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0);
    const real_T      *apr    = mxGetPr(MAGICNUM_PARAM(S));
    int_T             nStates = ssGetNumContStates(S);
    int_T             nInputs  = ssGetInputPortWidth(S,0);
    int_T i, j;
    real_T accum;
    /* Matrix Multiply: dx = Ax + Bu */
    real_T  T_0 = x[0];
    real_T  A = U(0);
    real_T  x1 = U(1);   //muscle length
    real_T  x2 = U(2);   //muscle change of length (vel)
   // real_T  dT = dx[0];
    real_T  Kse = apr[0];
    real_T  Kpe = apr[1];
    real_T  b = apr[2];

    dx[0] = Kse / b * (Kpe * (x1 - 1.0) + b*x2 - (1 + Kpe/Kse)*T_0 + A);

//     for (i = 0; i < nStates; i++) {
//         accum = 0.0;
//         /* Ax */
//         for (j = 0; j < nStates; j++) {
//             accum += apr[i + nStates*j] * x[j];
//         }
//         /* Bu */
//         for (j = 0; j < nInputs; j++) {
//             accum += bpr[i + nStates*j] * U(j);
//         }
//         dx[i] = accum;
//     }
Пример #12
  /* Function: mdlDerivatives =================================================
   * Abstract:
   *    In this function, you compute the S-function block's derivatives.
   *    The derivatives are placed in the derivative vector, ssGetdX(S).
  static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S)

    real_T t, *xC, *xD, *uWQ, *uES, *sys;
	int i;

    t  = ssGetT(S);
    xC = ssGetContStates(S);
    xD = ssGetDiscStates(S);
    uWQ  = ssGetInputPortRealSignal(S,0);
    sys  = ssGetdX(S);

    for (i=0; i<(int)B(S,"CStates"); i++)
  	// verwijzing naar exra inputs
  	if (B(S,"Setpoints")>0)
  	  uES = &(uWQ[(int) (U(S,"Number")*B(S,"WaterIn"))]); 
	 if (ozoncc_Derivatives(sys,t,xC,xD,uWQ,uES,
                          ssGetSFcnParam(S, 0),ssGetSFcnParam(S, 2),ssGetSFcnParam(S, 3)))
//     ssSetErrorStatus(S,StimelaErrorMessage);
Пример #13
static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S)
  real_T            *dx     = ssGetdX(S);
  real_T            *x      = ssGetContStates(S);
  InputRealPtrsType uPtrs   = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0);
  // double         *param0 = mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,0));

  int i, j, k;
  double u[N_INPUTS];

  // pointers to 'input structure'
  double *alf = u, *mu = alf+NS, *wt = mu+NI;

  // double a[NS], b[NI], Ko_b[NS], K_b[NS];

  double *P__ = x;
  double *dP__ = dx;
  double dp;
  double *P_[NS], *dP_[NS];	// array of pointers for lower triangular P, dP

  double A_[NS2], A_BKo_[NS2];
  double B_[NS*NI], Ko_[NI*NS];
  double Q_[NS2];

  /* index A & P with 1:NS  (NOT 0:NS-1!) */
#define A(i,j)		A_[((i)-1) + NS*((j)-1)]
#define Q(i,j)		Q_[((i)-1) + NS*((j)-1)]
#define P(i,j)	(( (j<=i) ? P_[i-1][j-1]  : P_[j-1][i-1] ))	// low tri
#define dP(i,j)	( dP_[i-1][j-1] )	// *** i <= j *** REQUIRED!
#define B(i,j)	B_[ ((i)-1) + ((j)-1)*(NS) ]	// columnwise
#define Ko(i,j)		Ko_[ ((i)-1)*NS + ((j)-1) ]	// rowwise

  // set up lower triangular structure for P and dP
  j = 0;
  for (i=0; i<NS; i++) {
    P_[i]  = P__ + j;
    dP_[i] = dP__ + j;
    j += i+1;

  /* copy inputs to u[] to ensure contiguity ... and easy access*/
  for (i=0; i<N_INPUTS; i++)
    u[i] = *uPtrs[i];

/* prontoTK spec:
dynamics(x,u,wt,ders, dx,y,  fxu_x_,fxu_u_, q,q_fxu_x_x_,q_fxu_x_u_,q_fxu_u_u_);
           ders:   dx(1),y(2), A(4),B(8),     Q(16),     S(32),     R(64)
   cost(x,u,wlt,ders, lxu,   lxu_x_,lxu_u_, lxu_x_x_,lxu_x_u_,lxu_u_u_);
           ders:      lxu(1),  a(2),b(4),     Q(8),    S(16),   R(32)

  // get A of linearization about (alf(t),mu(t))

  // get A(4)
  dynamics(alf,mu,wt, 4, NULL,NULL,  A_,NULL,  NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL);

  /* set up Q matrix --- start with zero */
  for (i=0; i<NS2; i++){
    Q_[i] = 0.0;
  /* add diagonal cost fcn terms  */
  for (i=1; i<=NS; i++){
    Q(i,i) = Qr[i-1];

  optBK(B_, Ko_, x, u);

  /* only *lower triangle* of dP */
  for (i=1; i<=NS; i++) {
    for (j=1; j<=i; j++) {
      dp = Q(i,j);
      for (k=1; k<=NS; k++) {
        dp += A(k,i)*P(k,j) + P(i,k)*A(k,j);    // A^T P + P A
      for (k=1; k<=NI; k++) {
        dp -= Ko(k,i)*Rr[k-1]*Ko(k,j);  // -P B R^-1 B^T P = -Ko^T R Ko
      dP(i,j) /* = dP(j,i) */  = dp;

#undef B
#undef K
#undef Ko
#undef dP
#undef P
#undef A