Пример #1
/** \brief The constructor.
 *  Loads an airplane model from an xml description. The 3D model
 *  will be added to the specified scenegraph.
 *  \param  xml   XML model description file
 *  \param  graph Pointer to the scenegraph which shall render the model
CRRCAirplaneLaRCSimSSG::CRRCAirplaneLaRCSimSSG(SimpleXMLTransfer* xml, ssgBranch *graph)
  : CRRCAirplaneLaRCSim(xml), initial_trans(NULL), 
    model_trans(NULL), model(NULL),
    shadow(NULL), shadow_trans(NULL)
  printf("CRRCAirplaneLaRCSimSSG(xml, branch)\n");
  std::string s;      
  s = XMLModelFile::getGraphics(xml)->getString("model");
  // plib automatically loads the texture file, but it does not know which directory to use.
    // where is the object file?
    std::string    of  = FileSysTools::getDataPath("objects/" + s);
    // compile and set relative texture path
    std::string    tp  = of.substr(0, of.length()-s.length()-1-7) + "textures";    
    // load model
    model = ssgLoad(of.c_str());

  if (model != NULL)
    // Offset of center of gravity
    CRRCMath::Vector3  pCG;         
    pCG = CRRCMath::Vector3(0, 0, 0);
    if (xml->indexOfChild("CG") >= 0)
      SimpleXMLTransfer* i;
      i = xml->getChild("CG");
      pCG.r[0] = i->attributeAsDouble("x", 0);
      pCG.r[1] = i->attributeAsDouble("y", 0);
      pCG.r[2] = i->attributeAsDouble("z", 0);
      if (i->attributeAsInt("units") == 1)
        pCG *= M_TO_FT;
    // transform model from SSG coordinates to CRRCsim coordinates
    initial_trans = new ssgTransform();
    model_trans = new ssgTransform();
    sgMat4 it = {  {1.0,  0.0,  0.0,  0},
                   {0.0,  0.0, -1.0,  0},
                   {0.0,  1.0,  0.0,  0},
                   {pCG.r[1],  pCG.r[2],  -pCG.r[0],  1.0} };

    // add a simple shadow
    shadow = (ssgEntity*)initial_trans->clone(SSG_CLONE_RECURSIVE | SSG_CLONE_GEOMETRY | SSG_CLONE_STATE);
    shadow_trans = new ssgTransform();
    // add animations ("real" model only, without shadow)
    initAnimations(xml, model, &Global::inputs, animations);
    std::string msg = "Unable to open airplane model file \"";
    msg += s;
    msg += "\"\nspecified in \"";
    msg += xml->getSourceDescr();
    msg += "\"";

    throw std::runtime_error(msg);

Пример #2
ModelBasedScenery::ModelBasedScenery(SimpleXMLTransfer *xml, int sky_variant)
    : Scenery(xml, sky_variant), location(Scenery::MODEL_BASED)
  ssgEntity *model = NULL;
  SimpleXMLTransfer *scene = xml->getChild("scene", true);
  getHeight_mode = scene->attributeAsInt("getHeight_mode", DEFAULT_HEIGHT_MODE);
  //std::cout << "----getHeight_mode : " <<  getHeight_mode <<std::endl;
  SceneGraph = new ssgRoot();

  // Create an "invisible" state. This state actually makes a node
  // visible in a predefined way. This is used to visualize invisible
  // objects (e.g. collision boxes).
  invisible_state = new ssgSimpleState();
  invisible_state->setMaterial(GL_EMISSION, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  invisible_state->setMaterial(GL_AMBIENT, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
  invisible_state->setMaterial(GL_DIFFUSE, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
  invisible_state->setMaterial(GL_SPECULAR, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);

  // transform everything from SSG coordinates to CRRCsim coordinates
  initial_trans = new ssgTransform();
  sgMat4 it = {  {1,  0.0,  0.0,   0},
    {0.0,  0.0, -1,   0},
    {0.0,  1,  0.0,   0},
    {0.0,  0.0,  0.0, 1.0}


  // find all "objects" defined in the file
  int num_children = scene->getChildCount();

  for (int cur_child = 0; cur_child < num_children; cur_child++)
    SimpleXMLTransfer *kid = scene->getChildAt(cur_child);
    // only use "object" tags
    if (kid->getName() == "object")
      std::string filename = kid->attribute("filename", "not_specified");
      bool is_terrain = (kid->attributeAsInt("terrain", 1) != 0);
      bool is_visible = (kid->attributeAsInt("visible", 1) != 0);

      // PLIB automatically loads the texture file,
      // but it does not know which directory to use.
      // Where is the object file?
      std::string    of  = FileSysTools::getDataPath("objects/" + filename, TRUE);
      // compile and set relative texture path
      std::string    tp  = of.substr(0, of.length()-filename.length()-1-7) + "textures";

      // load model
      std::cout << "Loading 3D object \"" << of.c_str() << "\"";
      if (is_terrain)
        std::cout << " (part of terrain)";
      if (!is_visible)
        std::cout << " (invisible)";
      std::cout << std::endl;
      model = ssgLoad(of.c_str());
      if (model != NULL)
        if (!is_visible)
        // The model may contain internal node attributes (e.g. for
        // integrated collision boxes). Parse these attributes now.
        // now parse the instances and place the model in the SceneGraph
        for (int cur_instance = 0; cur_instance < kid->getChildCount(); cur_instance++)
          SimpleXMLTransfer *instance = kid->getChildAt(cur_instance);
          if (instance->getName() == "instance")
            sgCoord coord;
            // try north/east/height first, then fallback to x/y/z
              coord.xyz[SG_X] = instance->attributeAsDouble("east");
            catch (XMLException &e)
              coord.xyz[SG_X] = instance->attributeAsDouble("y", 0.0);
              coord.xyz[SG_Y] = instance->attributeAsDouble("north");
            catch (XMLException &e)
              coord.xyz[SG_Y] = instance->attributeAsDouble("x", 0.0);
              coord.xyz[SG_Z] = instance->attributeAsDouble("height");
            catch (XMLException &e)
              coord.xyz[SG_Z] = instance->attributeAsDouble("z", 0.0);
            coord.hpr[0] = 180 - instance->attributeAsDouble("h", 0.0);
            coord.hpr[1] = -instance->attributeAsDouble("p", 0.0);
            coord.hpr[2] = -instance->attributeAsDouble("r", 0.0);

            std::cout << std::setprecision(1);
            std::cout << "  Placing instance at " << coord.xyz[SG_X] << ";" << coord.xyz[SG_Y] << ";" << coord.xyz[SG_Z];
            std::cout << ", orientation " << (180-coord.hpr[0]) << ";" << -coord.hpr[1] << ";" << -coord.hpr[2] << std::endl;
            std::cout << std::setprecision(6);
            ssgTransform *trans = new ssgTransform();
            // In PLIB::SSG, intersection testing is done by a tree-walking
            // function. This can be influenced by the tree traversal mask
            // bits. The HOT and LOS flags are cleared for objects that are
            // not part of the terrain, so that the height-of-terrain and
            // line-of-sight algorithms ignore this branch of the tree.
            if (!is_terrain)
              trans->clrTraversalMaskBits(SSGTRAV_HOT | SSGTRAV_LOS);
            // Objects are made invisible by clearing the CULL traversal flag.
            // This means that ssgCullAndDraw will ignore this branch.
            if (!is_visible)
  // create actual terrain height model
  if (getHeight_mode == 1)
    heightdata = new HD_TabulatedTerrain(SceneGraph);
  else if (getHeight_mode == 2)
    heightdata = new HD_TilingTerrain(SceneGraph);
    heightdata = new HD_SsgLOSTerrain(SceneGraph);

  SimpleXMLTransfer *wind = xml->getChild("wind", true);
  std::string wind_filename = wind->attribute("filename","");
#if WINDDATA3D == 1
  wind_data = 0;//default : no wind_data
  std::string wind_position_unit = wind->attribute("unit","");
  try {
    flDefaultWindDirection = wind->attributeAsInt("direction");
    ImposeWindDirection = true;
  catch (XMLException)
    // if not attribut "direction", normal mode
  if (wind_position_unit.compare("m")==0)
    wind_position_coef = FT_TO_M;
    wind_position_coef = 1;
  std::cout << "wind file name :  " << wind_filename.c_str()<< std::endl;
  if (wind_filename.length() > 0)
    wind_filename = FileSysTools::getDataPath(wind_filename);  
    std::cout << "init wind ---------";
    int n = init_wind_data((wind_filename.c_str()));
    std::cout << n << "  points processed" << std::endl;
  if (wind_filename.length() > 0)
    new CGUIMsgBox("Insufficient configuration to read windfields.");