Пример #1
void Constraint::DoLabel(Vector ref, Vector *labelPos, Vector gr, Vector gu) {
    double th;
    if(type == COMMENT) {
        th = Style::TextHeight(disp.style);
    } else {

    char *s = Label();
    double swidth  = ssglStrWidth(s, th),
           sheight = ssglStrHeight(th);

    // By default, the reference is from the center; but the style could
    // specify otherwise if one is present, and it could also specify a
    // rotation.
    if(type == COMMENT && disp.style.v) {
        Style *st = Style::Get(disp.style);
        // rotation first
        double rads = st->textAngle*PI/180;
        double c = cos(rads), s = sin(rads);
        Vector pr = gr, pu = gu;
        gr = pr.ScaledBy( c).Plus(pu.ScaledBy(s));
        gu = pr.ScaledBy(-s).Plus(pu.ScaledBy(c));
        // then origin
        int o = st->textOrigin;
        if(o & Style::ORIGIN_LEFT) ref = ref.Plus(gr.WithMagnitude(swidth/2));
        if(o & Style::ORIGIN_RIGHT) ref = ref.Minus(gr.WithMagnitude(swidth/2));
        if(o & Style::ORIGIN_BOT) ref = ref.Plus(gu.WithMagnitude(sheight/2));
        if(o & Style::ORIGIN_TOP) ref = ref.Minus(gu.WithMagnitude(sheight/2));

    if(labelPos) {
        // labelPos is from the top left corner (for the text box used to
        // edit things), but ref is from the center.
        *labelPos = ref.Minus(gr.WithMagnitude(swidth/2)).Minus(

    if(dogd.drawing) {
        ssglWriteTextRefCenter(s, th, ref, gr, gu, LineCallback, this);
    } else {
        double l = swidth/2 - sheight/2;
        l = max(l, 5/SS.GW.scale);
        Point2d a = SS.GW.ProjectPoint(ref.Minus(gr.WithMagnitude(l)));
        Point2d b = SS.GW.ProjectPoint(ref.Plus (gr.WithMagnitude(l)));
        double d = dogd.mp.DistanceToLine(a, b.Minus(a), true);

        dogd.dmin = min(dogd.dmin, d - (th / 2));
        dogd.refp = ref;
Пример #2
void ssglWriteTextRefCenter(const char *str, double h, Vector t, Vector u, Vector v,
                            ssglLineFn *fn, void *fndata)
    u = u.WithMagnitude(1);
    v = v.WithMagnitude(1);

    double scale = FONT_SCALE(h)/SS.GW.scale;
    double fh = ssglStrHeight(h);
    double fw = ssglStrWidth(str, h);

    t = t.Plus(u.ScaledBy(-fw/2));
    t = t.Plus(v.ScaledBy(-fh/2));

    // Undo the (+5, +5) offset that ssglWriteText applies.
    t = t.Plus(u.ScaledBy(-5*scale));
    t = t.Plus(v.ScaledBy(-5*scale));

    ssglWriteText(str, h, t, u, v, fn, fndata);
Пример #3
void Constraint::DoArcForAngle(Vector a0, Vector da, Vector b0, Vector db,
                                   Vector offset, Vector *ref)
    Vector gr = SS.GW.projRight.ScaledBy(1/SS.GW.scale);
    Vector gu = SS.GW.projUp.ScaledBy(1/SS.GW.scale);

    if(workplane.v != Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) {
        a0 = a0.ProjectInto(workplane);
        b0 = b0.ProjectInto(workplane);
        da = da.ProjectVectorInto(workplane);
        db = db.ProjectVectorInto(workplane);

    bool skew;
    Vector pi = Vector::AtIntersectionOfLines(a0, a0.Plus(da),
                                              b0, b0.Plus(db), &skew);

    if(!skew) {
        *ref = pi.Plus(offset);
        // We draw in a coordinate system centered at the intersection point.
        // One basis vector is da, and the other is normal to da and in
        // the plane that contains our lines (so normal to its normal).
        Vector dna = (da.Cross(db)).Cross(da);
        da = da.WithMagnitude(1); dna = dna.WithMagnitude(1);

        Vector rm = (*ref).Minus(pi);
        double rda = rm.Dot(da), rdna = rm.Dot(dna);
        double r = sqrt(rda*rda + rdna*rdna);
        double c = (da.Dot(db))/(da.Magnitude()*db.Magnitude());
        double thetaf = acos(c);

        Vector m = da.ScaledBy(cos(thetaf/2)).Plus(
        if(m.Dot(rm) < 0) {
            da = da.ScaledBy(-1); dna = dna.ScaledBy(-1);

        Vector prev = da.ScaledBy(r).Plus(pi);
        int i, n = 30;
        for(i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
            double theta = (i*thetaf)/n;
            Vector p = da. ScaledBy(r*cos(theta)).Plus(
            LineDrawOrGetDistance(prev, p);
            prev = p;

        // The elliptical approximation isn't exactly right, but the correct
        // calculation (against the bounding box of the text) would be rather
        // complex and this looks pretty good.
        double tl = atan2(rm.Dot(gu), rm.Dot(gr));
        double adj = EllipticalInterpolation(
            ssglStrWidth(Label(), DEFAULT_TEXT_HEIGHT)/2,
        *ref = (*ref).Plus(rm.WithMagnitude(adj + 3/SS.GW.scale));
    } else {
        // The lines are skew; no wonderful way to illustrate that.
        *ref = a0.Plus(b0);
        *ref = (*ref).ScaledBy(0.5).Plus(disp.offset);
        gu = gu.WithMagnitude(1);
        Vector trans =
        ssglWriteTextRefCenter("angle between skew lines", DEFAULT_TEXT_HEIGHT,
            trans, gr, gu, LineCallback, this);
Пример #4
// There is a rectangular box, aligned to our display axes (projRight, projUp)
// centered at ref. This is where a dimension label will be drawn. We want to
// draw a line from A to B. If that line would intersect the label box, then
// trim the line to leave a gap for it, and return zero. If not, then extend
// the line to almost meet the box, and return either positive or negative,
// depending whether that extension was from A or from B.
int Constraint::DoLineTrimmedAgainstBox(Vector ref, Vector a, Vector b) {
    Vector gu = SS.GW.projUp.WithMagnitude(1),
           gr = SS.GW.projRight.WithMagnitude(1);

    double pixels = 1.0 / SS.GW.scale;
    char *s = Label();
    double swidth  = ssglStrWidth(s, DEFAULT_TEXT_HEIGHT) + 4*pixels,
           sheight = ssglStrHeight(DEFAULT_TEXT_HEIGHT)   + 8*pixels;

    struct {
        Vector n;
        double d;
    } planes[4];
    // reference pos is the center of box occupied by text; build a rectangle
    // around that, aligned to axes gr and gu, from four planes will all four
    // normals pointing inward
    planes[0].n = gu.ScaledBy(-1); planes[0].d = -(gu.Dot(ref) + sheight/2);
    planes[1].n = gu;              planes[1].d =   gu.Dot(ref) - sheight/2;
    planes[2].n = gr;              planes[2].d =   gr.Dot(ref) - swidth/2;
    planes[3].n = gr.ScaledBy(-1); planes[3].d = -(gr.Dot(ref) + swidth/2);

    double tmin = VERY_POSITIVE, tmax = VERY_NEGATIVE;
    Vector dl = b.Minus(a);

    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        bool parallel;
        Vector p = Vector::AtIntersectionOfPlaneAndLine(
                                planes[i].n, planes[i].d,
                                a, b, &parallel);
        if(parallel) continue;

        int j;
        for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            double d = (planes[j].n).Dot(p) - planes[j].d;
            if(d < -LENGTH_EPS) break;
        if(j < 4) continue;

        double t = (p.Minus(a)).DivPivoting(dl);
        tmin = min(t, tmin);
        tmax = max(t, tmax);

    int within = 0;

    if(tmin > -0.01 && tmin < 1.01 && tmax > -0.01 && tmax < 1.01) {
        // Both in range; so there's pieces of the line on both sides of the
        // label box.
        LineDrawOrGetDistance(a, a.Plus(dl.ScaledBy(tmin)));
        LineDrawOrGetDistance(a.Plus(dl.ScaledBy(tmax)), b);
    } else if(tmin > -0.01 && tmin < 1.01) {
        // Only one intersection in range; so the box is right on top of the
        // endpoint
        LineDrawOrGetDistance(a, a.Plus(dl.ScaledBy(tmin)));
    } else if(tmax > -0.01 && tmax < 1.01) {
        // Likewise.
        LineDrawOrGetDistance(a.Plus(dl.ScaledBy(tmax)), b);
    } else {
        // The line does not intersect the label; so the line should get
        // extended to just barely meet the label.
        if(tmin < 0.01 && tmax < 0.01) {
            LineDrawOrGetDistance(a.Plus(dl.ScaledBy(tmax)), b);
            within = 1;
        } else if(tmin > 0.99 && tmax > 0.99) {
            LineDrawOrGetDistance(a, a.Plus(dl.ScaledBy(tmin)));
            within = -1;
        } else {
            // This will happen if the entire line lies within the box.
            LineDrawOrGetDistance(a, b);
    // 0 means the label lies within the line, negative means it's outside
    // and closer to b, positive means outside and closer to a.
    return within;
Пример #5
void Entity::DrawOrGetDistance(void) {
    if(!IsVisible()) return;

    Group *g = SK.GetGroup(group);

    switch(type) {
        case POINT_N_COPY:
        case POINT_N_TRANS:
        case POINT_N_ROT_TRANS:
        case POINT_N_ROT_AA:
        case POINT_IN_3D:
        case POINT_IN_2D: {
            Vector v = PointGetNum();
            dogd.refp = v;

            if(dogd.drawing) {
                double s = 3.5;
                Vector r = SS.GW.projRight.ScaledBy(s/SS.GW.scale);
                Vector d = SS.GW.projUp.ScaledBy(s/SS.GW.scale);

                    ssglVertex3v(v.Plus (r).Plus (d));
                    ssglVertex3v(v.Plus (r).Minus(d));
                    ssglVertex3v(v.Minus(r).Plus (d));
            } else {
                Point2d pp = SS.GW.ProjectPoint(v);
                dogd.dmin = pp.DistanceTo(dogd.mp) - 6;

        case NORMAL_N_COPY:
        case NORMAL_N_ROT:
        case NORMAL_N_ROT_AA:
        case NORMAL_IN_3D:
        case NORMAL_IN_2D: {
            int i;
            for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                if(i == 0 && !SS.GW.showNormals) {
                    // When the normals are hidden, we will continue to show
                    // the coordinate axes at the bottom left corner, but
                    // not at the origin.

                hRequest hr = h.request();
                // Always draw the x, y, and z axes in red, green, and blue;
                // brighter for the ones at the bottom left of the screen,
                // dimmer for the ones at the model origin.
                int f = (i == 0 ? 100 : 255);
                if(hr.v == Request::HREQUEST_REFERENCE_XY.v) {
                    ssglColorRGB(RGBi(0, 0, f));
                } else if(hr.v == Request::HREQUEST_REFERENCE_YZ.v) {
                    ssglColorRGB(RGBi(f, 0, 0));
                } else if(hr.v == Request::HREQUEST_REFERENCE_ZX.v) {
                    ssglColorRGB(RGBi(0, f, 0));
                } else {
                    if(i > 0) break;

                Quaternion q = NormalGetNum();
                Vector tail;
                if(i == 0) {
                    tail = SK.GetEntity(point[0])->PointGetNum();
                } else {
                    // Draw an extra copy of the x, y, and z axes, that's
                    // always in the corner of the view and at the front.
                    // So those are always available, perhaps useful.
                    double s = SS.GW.scale;
                    double h = 60 - SS.GW.height/2;
                    double w = 60 - SS.GW.width/2;
                    tail = SS.GW.projRight.ScaledBy(w/s).Plus(
                           SS.GW.projUp.   ScaledBy(h/s)).Minus(SS.GW.offset);

                Vector v = (q.RotationN()).WithMagnitude(50/SS.GW.scale);
                Vector tip = tail.Plus(v);
                LineDrawOrGetDistance(tail, tip);

                v = v.WithMagnitude(12/SS.GW.scale);
                Vector axis = q.RotationV();
                LineDrawOrGetDistance(tip,tip.Minus(v.RotatedAbout(axis, 0.6)));

        case DISTANCE:
        case DISTANCE_N_COPY:
            // These are used only as data structures, nothing to display.

        case WORKPLANE: {
            Vector p;
            p = SK.GetEntity(point[0])->PointGetNum();

            Vector u = Normal()->NormalU();
            Vector v = Normal()->NormalV();

            double s = (min(SS.GW.width, SS.GW.height))*0.45/SS.GW.scale;

            Vector us = u.ScaledBy(s);
            Vector vs = v.ScaledBy(s);

            Vector pp = p.Plus (us).Plus (vs);
            Vector pm = p.Plus (us).Minus(vs);
            Vector mm = p.Minus(us).Minus(vs), mm2 = mm;
            Vector mp = p.Minus(us).Plus (vs);

            glLineStipple(3, 0x1111);
            if(!h.isFromRequest()) {
                mm = mm.Plus(v.ScaledBy(60/SS.GW.scale));
                mm2 = mm2.Plus(u.ScaledBy(60/SS.GW.scale));
                LineDrawOrGetDistance(mm2, mm);
            LineDrawOrGetDistance(pp, pm);
            LineDrawOrGetDistance(pm, mm2);
            LineDrawOrGetDistance(mm, mp);
            LineDrawOrGetDistance(mp, pp);

            char *str = DescriptionString()+5;
            double th = DEFAULT_TEXT_HEIGHT;
            if(dogd.drawing) {
                ssglWriteText(str, th, mm2, u, v, NULL, NULL);
            } else {
                Vector pos = mm2.Plus(u.ScaledBy(ssglStrWidth(str, th)/2)).Plus(
                Point2d pp = SS.GW.ProjectPoint(pos);
                dogd.dmin = min(dogd.dmin, pp.DistanceTo(dogd.mp) - 10);
                // If a line lies in a plane, then select the line, not
                // the plane.
                dogd.dmin += 3;

        case LINE_SEGMENT:
        case CIRCLE:
        case ARC_OF_CIRCLE:
        case CUBIC:
        case CUBIC_PERIODIC:
        case TTF_TEXT:
            // Nothing but the curve(s).

        case FACE_NORMAL_PT:
        case FACE_XPROD:
        case FACE_N_ROT_TRANS:
        case FACE_N_TRANS:
        case FACE_N_ROT_AA:
            // Do nothing; these are drawn with the triangle mesh


    // And draw the curves; generate the rational polynomial curves for
    // everything, then piecewise linearize them, and display those.
    SEdgeList sel;
    GenerateEdges(&sel, true);
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < sel.l.n; i++) {
        SEdge *se = &(sel.l.elem[i]);
        LineDrawOrGetDistance(se->a, se->b, true);