Пример #1
  * @brief  Displays a bitmap picture loaded in the internal Flash.
  * @param  BmpAddress: Bmp picture address in the internal Flash.
  * @retval None
void st7735_DrawBitmap(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint8_t *pbmp)
  uint32_t index = 0, size = 0;
  /* Read bitmap size */
  size = *(volatile uint16_t *) (pbmp + 2);
  size |= (*(volatile uint16_t *) (pbmp + 4)) << 16;
  /* Get bitmap data address offset */
  index = *(volatile uint16_t *) (pbmp + 10);
  index |= (*(volatile uint16_t *) (pbmp + 12)) << 16;
  size = (size - index)/2;
  pbmp += index;
  /* Set GRAM write direction and BGR = 0 */
  /* Memory access control: MY = 0, MX = 1, MV = 0, ML = 0 */
  st7735_WriteReg(LCD_REG_54, 0x40);

  /* Set Cursor */
  st7735_SetCursor(Xpos, Ypos);  
  LCD_IO_WriteMultipleData((uint8_t*)pbmp, size*2);
  /* Set GRAM write direction and BGR = 0 */
  /* Memory access control: MY = 1, MX = 1, MV = 0, ML = 0 */
  st7735_WriteReg(LCD_REG_54, 0xC0);
Пример #2
  * @brief  Draws horizontal line.
  * @param  RGBCode: Specifies the RGB color   
  * @param  Xpos: specifies the X position.
  * @param  Ypos: specifies the Y position.
  * @param  Length: specifies the line length.  
  * @retval None
void st7735_DrawHLine(uint16_t RGBCode, uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Length)
  uint8_t counter = 0;
//  if(Xpos + Length > ST7735_LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH) return;
  /* Set Cursor */
  st7735_SetCursor(Xpos, Ypos);
  for(counter = 0; counter < Length; counter++)
    ArrayRGB[counter] = RGBCode;
  LCD_IO_WriteMultipleData((uint8_t*)&ArrayRGB[0], Length * 2);
Пример #3
  * @brief  Writes pixel.   
  * @param  Xpos: specifies the X position.
  * @param  Ypos: specifies the Y position.
  * @param  RGBCode: the RGB pixel color
  * @retval None
void st7735_WritePixel(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t RGBCode)
  uint8_t data = 0;
  /*if((Xpos >= ST7735_LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH) || (Ypos >= ST7735_LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT)) 
  /* Set Cursor */
  st7735_SetCursor(Xpos, Ypos);
  data = RGBCode >> 8;
  LCD_IO_WriteMultipleData(&data, 1);
  data = RGBCode;
  LCD_IO_WriteMultipleData(&data, 1);