Пример #1
std::string RecpathConfig::GetNextPathForStream()
    logD(recpath, _func_);


    if(m_configs.size() == 0)
        logD(recpath, _func_, "Config is empty");
        return std::string("");
        logD(recpath, _func_, "Config size is ", m_configs.size());

    std::string next_path;
        for(ConfigMap::const_iterator it = m_configs.begin(); it != m_configs.end(); ++it)
            Int64 freeSize = MemoryDispatcher::Instance().GetDiskFreeSizeFromDiskname(it->first);
            logD(recpath, _func_, "diskname is ", it->first.c_str());
            logD(recpath, _func_, "freeSize is ", freeSize);
            if(freeSize > MINFREESIZE)
                next_path = it->first;
                logD(recpath, _func_, "next_path is ", next_path.c_str());

            logD(recpath, _func_, "next_path is empty");

        // cleaning
        logD(recpath, _func_, "CLEANING");
        ChannelChecker::ChannelFileDiskTimes channelFileDiskTimes;
        std::map<std::string, WeakRef<FFmpegStream> >::iterator itFFStream = m_pStreams->begin();
        for(itFFStream; itFFStream != m_pStreams->end(); itFFStream++)
            logD(recpath, _func_, "channel_name = ", itFFStream->first.c_str());
            Ref<ChannelChecker> channelChecker = itFFStream->second.getRefPtr()->GetChannelChecker();
            std::pair<std::string, ChChDiskTimes> oldestFileDiskTimes = channelChecker->GetOldestFileDiskTimes();
            logD(recpath, _func_, "filename = ", oldestFileDiskTimes.first.c_str());
            logD(recpath, _func_, "diskname = ", oldestFileDiskTimes.second.diskName.c_str());
            logD(recpath, _func_, "beginTime = ", oldestFileDiskTimes.second.times.timeStart);
            logD(recpath, _func_, "endTime = ", oldestFileDiskTimes.second.times.timeEnd);

        // find most older file
        int minTime = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        std::string fileName;
        std::string diskName;
        ChannelChecker::ChannelFileDiskTimes::iterator iter = channelFileDiskTimes.begin();
        for(iter; iter != channelFileDiskTimes.end(); iter++)
            if(minTime > iter->second.times.timeStart)
                minTime = iter->second.times.timeStart;
                fileName = iter->first;
                diskName = iter->second.diskName;

        logD(recpath, _func_, "minTime = ", minTime);
        logD(recpath, _func_, "minfileName = ", fileName.c_str());
        logD(recpath, _func_, "mindiskName = ", diskName.c_str());

        // delete it (if filename is not recorded at current time)
        StRef<String> dir_name = st_makeString(diskName.c_str());
        StRef<String> file_name = st_makeString(fileName.c_str());
        StRef<String> full_file_name = st_makeString(dir_name, "/", file_name, ".flv");
            Ref<Vfs> vfs = Vfs::createDefaultLocalVfs (dir_name->mem());

            StRef<String> const filenameFull = st_makeString(fileName.c_str(), ".flv");

            logD(recpath, _func_, "filenameFull to remove = ", filenameFull);

            vfs->removeFile (filenameFull->mem());
            vfs->removeSubdirsForFilename (filenameFull->mem());

            std::string channel_name = fileName.substr(0,fileName.find("/"));
            (*m_pStreams)[channel_name].getRefPtr()->GetChannelChecker()->DeleteFromCache(diskName, fileName);


    return next_path;
Пример #2
DefaultNamingScheme::getPath (ConstMemory   const channel_name,
                              const timeval & tv,
                              Time        * const ret_next_unixtime_sec)
    const Time unixtime_sec = tv.tv_sec;

    struct tm tm;
    if (!unixtimeToStructTm (unixtime_sec, &tm)) {
        logE_ (_func, "unixtimeToStructTm() failed");
        return NULL;

//    logD_ (_func, "unixtimeToStructTm() cur_unixtime_sec: ", cur_unixtime_sec);
//    logD_ (_func, "unixtimeToStructTm() unixtime_sec: ", unixtime_sec);
//    logD_ (_func, "unixtimeToStructTm() tv.tv_sec: ", tv.tv_sec, ", tv.tv_usec: ", tv.tv_usec);
    //double time_in_mill = (tv.tv_sec) * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec) / 1000 ; // convert tv_sec & tv_usec to millisecond

    unsigned const    day_duration = 3600 * 24;
    unsigned const   hour_duration = 3600;
    unsigned const minute_duration = 60;
    Time file_duration_sec_local = file_duration_sec;

    Format fmt;
    fmt.min_digits = 2;

    StRef<String> res_str;

    //  previous file    gmtime   next file boundary 
    //    boundary          |             |
    //       |              v             |
    // ______|____________________________|_____________________
    //        \____________/^
    //              |       |
    //              |   unixtime
    //              |
    //           offset

    if (file_duration_sec_local >= day_duration) {
        // The offset is approximate but close.
        // There may a few seconds of difference, and we don't account for that here,
        // rounding to the neares day instead.
//        unsigned const offset = tm.tm_hour * 3600 + tm.tm_min * 60 + tm.tm_sec;

//        *ret_next_unixtime_sec = unixtime_sec + (day_duration - offset);
//        res_str = st_makeString (tm.tm_year + 1900, "/", fmt, tm.tm_mon + 1, "/", tm.tm_mday);
//    } else
        file_duration_sec_local = day_duration - 1;
    if (file_duration_sec_local < minute_duration)
        file_duration_sec_local = minute_duration;

    if (file_duration_sec_local >= hour_duration) {
        unsigned hours = file_duration_sec_local / hour_duration;
        unsigned const offset = (tm.tm_hour % hours) * 3600 + tm.tm_min * 60 + tm.tm_sec;
        *ret_next_unixtime_sec = unixtime_sec + (hours * 3600 - offset);
        //logD_ (_func, "tm.tm_mday: ", tm.tm_mday, ", tm.tm_hour: ", tm.tm_hour, ", hour: ", tm.tm_hour - tm.tm_hour % hours);
        res_str = st_makeString (tm.tm_year + 1900, "/", fmt, tm.tm_mon + 1, "/", tm.tm_mday, "/", tm.tm_hour/* - tm.tm_hour % hours*/, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec);
    else // (file_duration_sec_local >= minute_duration)
        unsigned minutes = file_duration_sec_local / minute_duration;
        unsigned const offset = (tm.tm_min % minutes) * 60 + tm.tm_sec;
        *ret_next_unixtime_sec = unixtime_sec + (minutes * 60 - offset);
        res_str = st_makeString (tm.tm_year + 1900, "/", fmt, tm.tm_mon + 1, "/", tm.tm_mday, "/", tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min/* - tm.tm_min % minutes*/, tm.tm_sec);
//    else {
//        unsigned const offset = tm.tm_sec % file_duration_sec_local;
//        *ret_next_unixtime_sec = unixtime_sec + (file_duration_sec_local - offset);
//        res_str = st_makeString (tm.tm_year + 1900, "/", fmt, tm.tm_mon + 1, "/", tm.tm_mday, "/", tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec - offset);
//    }

    if (*ret_next_unixtime_sec == unixtime_sec)
        *ret_next_unixtime_sec = unixtime_sec + 1;

    Time unixtimeprefix = (Time)tv.tv_sec * 1000000000LL + (Time)tv.tv_usec * 1000;
    res_str = st_makeString (channel_name, "/", res_str, "_", unixtimeprefix);
//    logD_ (_func, "res_str: ", res_str);

    return res_str;