Subscriber::Subscriber(ros::NodeHandle& nh, okvis::VioInterface* vioInterfacePtr, const okvis::VioParametersReader& param_reader) : vioInterface_(vioInterfacePtr) { param_reader.getParameters(vioParameters_); imgTransport_ = 0; if (param_reader.useDriver) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBVISENSOR if(param_reader.viSensor != nullptr) sensor_ = std::static_pointer_cast<visensor::ViSensorDriver>(param_reader.viSensor); initialiseDriverCallbacks(); std::vector<unsigned int> camRate( vioParameters_.nCameraSystem.numCameras(), vioParameters_.sensors_information.cameraRate); startSensors(camRate, vioParameters_.imu.rate); // init dynamic reconfigure cameraConfigReconfigureService_.setCallback(boost::bind(&Subscriber::configCallback, this, _1, _2)); #else LOG(ERROR) << "Configuration specified to directly access the driver. " << "However the visensor library was not found. Trying to set up ROS nodehandle instead"; setNodeHandle(nh); #endif } else setNodeHandle(nh); }
/* * Application entry point. */ int main(void) { /* * System initializations. * - HAL initialization, this also initializes the configured device drivers * and performs the board-specific initializations. * - Kernel initialization, the main() function becomes a thread and the * RTOS is active. */ halInit(); chSysInit(); chEvtInit(&eventImuIrq); chEvtInit(&eventMagnIrq); chEvtInit(&eventImuRead); chEvtInit(&eventMagnRead); chEvtInit(&eventEKFDone); palSetPadMode(GPIOB, 3, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); // BLUE palSetPadMode(GPIOB, 4, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); // GREEN palSetPadMode(GPIOB, 5, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); // RED chThdCreateStatic(waThreadLed, sizeof(waThreadLed), NORMALPRIO, ThreadLed, NULL ); I2CInitLocal(); configInit(); mavlinkInit(); initSensors(); TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_TimeBaseStructure; RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM5, ENABLE); TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period = 0xFFFFFFFF; TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler = 84 - 1; TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_ClockDivision = 0; TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up; TIM_TimeBaseInit(TIM5, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure); TIM_Cmd(TIM5, ENABLE); startEstimation(); startSensors(); radioInit(); motorsInit(); extStart(&EXTD1, &extcfg); extChannelEnable(&EXTD1, 0); extChannelEnable(&EXTD1, 1); chEvtBroadcastFlags(&eventEKFDone, EVT_EKF_DONE); while (TRUE) { chThdSleepMilliseconds(1000); } }
THD_FUNCTION(Thread4, arg) { (void)arg; startAdc(); /* ADC runs in continuous mode with DMA */ startSensors(); }
int main(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Beginning Structure Test\n"); //make stdin non blocking int flags = fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_GETFL, 0); flags |= O_NONBLOCK; flags = fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_SETFL, flags); char userInput; // setPriority(); fprintf(stderr, "Connecting to sensors.\n"); startSensors(); printf("Here 3"); //start data collection and print threads, initialize necessary mutex's startThreads(); fprintf(stderr, "Collecting data.\n"); data.outFile = fopen("/home/pi/Desktop/ArmTrack/ArmTrackData.bin", "wb"); data.errors = 0; data.reads = 0; struct timeval last; struct timeval curr; struct timeval temp; gettimeofday(&curr, NULL); //update current time while(read(fileno(stdin), &userInput, 1) < 0) { last.tv_sec = curr.tv_sec; last.tv_usec = curr.tv_usec; //update last time gettimeofday(&curr, NULL); //update current time data.time += (curr.tv_sec - last.tv_sec) + (curr.tv_usec - last.tv_usec) * .000001; //increment by difference between last and current time getData(); //signal print thread while (data.controlValues[4] != 2) {}; pthread_mutex_lock(&threadLocks[4]); data.controlValues[4] = 1; pthread_cond_signal(&threadSignals[4]); pthread_mutex_unlock(&threadLocks[4]); checkSensors(); //wait for 25ms cycle length if ( == -1) { do { gettimeofday(&temp, NULL); } while ( (temp.tv_sec - curr.tv_sec) + (temp.tv_usec - curr.tv_usec) * .000001 < .024993); } if (data.time > 13) { endSession(); return 1; } } endSession(); return 1; }