Пример #1
int pmap::read_params(const std::string fname, const int argc, std::vector<std::string> &argv){

    //TODO: need locations for input files: numerical input
    //TODO: need to add an auxilliary variable to accept user variables. Right now everything gets put to standard files
    paramVec general_opts, time_opts, wf_opts, field_opts, run_opts, plot_opts;
    boost::shared_ptr<int> ndim_def(new int), charges_def(new int), field_def(new int);
    defMap dist_map, traj_map, inwf_map, inpot_map, field_map, weight_map, sim_map, int_map;

        (1,"Null integrator, does nothing")
        (3,"Symplectic Integrator")
        (4,"Adaptive Runge-Kutta")
        (0, "None")
        (1, "OpenMP")
#ifdef MPI_FOUND
        (2, "MPI ")
        (3,"staged-linear (not implemented)")
        (1,"Unit weight")
        (2,"ADK atomic rate with gaussian weight")
        (1,"Check parameters only")
        (2,"Build ICs only")
        (3,"run trajectories only")
        (4,"run binning only")
        (6,"everything from 3")
        (7,"everything from 4")
        (1,"Hydrogen atom like")
        (2,"Hydrogen molecule like")
        (3,"GAMESS checkpoint file")
        (4,"anything on a grid")
        (1,"Hydrogen atom like")
        (2,"Hydrogen molecule like")
        (3,"GAMESS checkpoint file")
        (4,"anything on a grid")
        (5,"null potential")
        (1,"constant cosine field")
        (2,"static field")
        (3,"gaussian envelope")
        (4,"sine squard envelope")
        (5,"numerical form")

    general_opts.push_back(intRunPtr(new intRun("The Number of dimensions to be used in the calculation", "ndim", 4, 100, 1)));
    general_opts.push_back(intListPtr(new intList("The number of trajectories in each dimension. comma separated list.", "dims", "1,1,1,1",ndim_def)));
    general_opts.push_back(statePtr(new state_param("The number of trajectories in each dimension. comma separated list.", "dist-type", 1, dist_map)));
    general_opts.push_back(statePtr(new state_param("Type of run", "run-type", 5, traj_map)));
    general_opts.push_back(intRunPtr(new intRun("Number of stages for staged-linear distribution(not implemented)", "id-stages", 1, 100, 1)));
    general_opts.push_back(filePtr( new file_param("Input file, expects serialized results of previous run", "input_file", "in.dat")));
    general_opts.push_back(filePtr( new file_param("Output file, either serialized results of current run or results of whole run. If empty, then results will print to stdout for results of whole run.", "output_file", "out.dat")));

    time_opts.push_back(doubleRunPtr(new doubleRun("Start time of the simulation, can be negative", "tinitial", 0, 10E10, -10E10)));
    time_opts.push_back(doubleRunPtr(new doubleRun("Finish time of the simulation, can be negative", "tfinal", 100, 10E10, -10E10)));
    time_opts.push_back(doubleRunPtr(new doubleRun("Initial time step", "dt", 0.01, 10E10, -10E10)));
    wf_opts.push_back(statePtr(new state_param("Type of initial wave-function", "wf-type", 1, inwf_map)));
    wf_opts.push_back(statePtr(new state_param("Type of initial potential", "pot-type", 1, inpot_map)));
    wf_opts.push_back(statePtr(new state_param("Type of ionization weight function", "weight-func", 2, weight_map)));
    wf_opts.push_back(doubleListPtr(new doubleList("charge on core(s). list of numbers for each core only needed for H-like and H2-like potential. 1 is for singly ionized etc.", "charges", "1",charges_def)));
    wf_opts.push_back(doubleRunPtr(new doubleRun("Smoothing parameter to avoid coulomb singularity. Should be small and is only needed when using analytic potentials.", "smoothing", 1E-4, 10E10, -10E10)));
    wf_opts.push_back(doubleRunPtr(new doubleRun("Internuclear separation in atomic units, only needed for analytic potentials", "rnuc", 0.0, 10E10, -10E10)));
    wf_opts.push_back(doubleRunPtr(new doubleRun("x-y plane orientation of molecule", "phi-nuc", 0.0, 10E10, -10E10)));
    wf_opts.push_back(doubleRunPtr(new doubleRun("alignment of molecule wrt the z-axis.", "theta-nuc", 0.0, 10E10, -10E10)));
    wf_opts.push_back(doubleRunPtr(new doubleRun("ionization potential of target, given in atomic units", "ip", 0.5, 10E10, -10E10)));
    wf_opts.push_back(doubleRunPtr(new doubleRun("state of atomic or molecular system (not implemented)", "state", 0.01, 10E10, -10E10)));
    wf_opts.push_back(doubleRunPtr(new doubleRun("escape range: the distance from the origin which an electron can consider being ionized", "escape-range", 1E-5, 10E10, 0)));
    field_opts.push_back(intRunPtr(new intRun("Number of fields, every option below is given as a comma separated list of options for each field. Currently only 1 field is allowed", "nfield", 1, 100, 1)));
    field_opts.push_back(statePtr(new state_param("Type of fields", "env", 1,field_map)));
    field_opts.push_back(doubleListPtr(new doubleList("Field strengths given in atomic units", "ef", "0.01",field_def)));
    field_opts.push_back(doubleListPtr(new doubleList("frequencies given in atomic units", "omega", "0.057",field_def)));
    field_opts.push_back(doubleListPtr(new doubleList("FWHM of envelope, ignored for static or constant field.", "fwhm", "0",field_def)));
    field_opts.push_back(doubleListPtr(new doubleList("initial CE phase of each field given in degrees", "ce", "0",field_def)));
    field_opts.push_back(intListPtr(new intList("polarization direction, 1 = x, 2 = y, 3 = z,", "pol", "3",field_def)));

    run_opts.push_back(intRunPtr(new intRun("Number of concurrent trajectories using OpenMP", "nthreads", 1, 100, 1)));
    run_opts.push_back(intRunPtr(new intRun("Number of nodes using MPI", "mklthreads", 1, 100, 1)));
    run_opts.push_back(doubleRunPtr(new doubleRun("Absolute error", "abserr", 1.E-9, 10E10, -10E10)));
    run_opts.push_back(doubleRunPtr(new doubleRun("Relative error", "relerr", 1E-7, 10E10, -10E10)));
    run_opts.push_back(statePtr(new state_param("Type of parallel run", "parallel", 0, sim_map)));
    run_opts.push_back(statePtr(new state_param("Type of integrator to use", "int-type", 4, int_map)));

    plot_opts.push_back(intRunPtr(new intRun("Number of bins in final distrbution", "plot-nums", 256, 10E6, 1)));
    plot_opts.push_back(doubleRunPtr(new doubleRun("absolute range of saved distribution in atomic units of momentum", "plot-ranges", 6., 10E10, 0)));

    std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<po::options_description> > opts_desc;
    opts_desc.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<po::options_description>(new po::options_description("Generic Options")));
    opts_desc.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<po::options_description>(new po::options_description("Time Grid")));
    opts_desc.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<po::options_description>(new po::options_description("Wave function and potential")));
    opts_desc.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<po::options_description>(new po::options_description("Field options")));
    opts_desc.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<po::options_description>(new po::options_description("Plotting specific options")));
    opts_desc.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<po::options_description>(new po::options_description("Run specific options")));

	        ("help", "displays help message");
	        ("help-glog", "displays help messages for google glog, the logging interface");
    		("no-build", "builds the initial conditions on the fly, without holding entire set in memory");
            ("no-bin", "do not create distribution while running trajectories, bining of distribution is done in separate step, not valid when doing parallel calculations");
            ("no-store", "do not store trajectories separately just add them to the distribution(mutually exclusive with no-bin, this takes precedence)");
            ("binary", "serialize in binary(OS-dependent), if not set serializes to text(default)");
            ("watch", "turns on observer for RK integrator...lots of output!");
    std::vector<paramVec> opts;
    for(std::size_t i=0;i<opts.size();++i){
        foreach(paramPtr m, opts[i]){
Пример #2
		 * 上线接口
		void ImAdapter::online(int userId, bool isLongOnline, std::string onlineIp){
			 * 按uid在池子中找到map,再在map中搜寻离线请求对象
			size_t poolIndex = getPoolIndex(userId);
			unique_lock<shared_mutex> lock(userPoolMutex_[poolIndex]);
			UserOnlineStateMap& subPool = userOnlineStateMaps[poolIndex];
			UserOnlineStateMap::iterator it = subPool.find(userId);

			if(it != subPool.end()){
				 * 已经存在的离线请求对象的情况
				UserOnlineStatePtr statePtr = it->second;
				if(statePtr->imState == ONLINE){
					// 将缓冲状态置为在线
					statePtr->cushionState = ONLINE;
					// 更新登录IP
					statePtr->onlineIp = onlineIp;
					// 打印日志,特别说明more,表明是在离线请求受到缓冲的情况下进行的上线操作
					// 离线请求缓冲的情况下上线行为不立即引发对IM对象上线接口的调用
				}else if(statePtr->imState == OFFLINE){
				 * map中不存在uid对应的离线请求对象时,需要新建
				// 新建离线请求对象
				UserOnlineStatePtr statePtr(new UserOnlineState);

				 * 初始化工作
				// 初始化其uid
				statePtr->userId = userId;
				// 在线状态初始化为在线
				statePtr->imState = ONLINE;
				statePtr->cushionState = ONLINE;
				// 离线请求总数初始化为0
				statePtr->offlineCount = 0;
				// 更新登录IP
				statePtr->onlineIp = onlineIp;

				 * 初始化结束
				// 离线请求对象放入池子的所属map,不进入离线缓冲队列
				subPool[userId] = statePtr;	

				 * 日志打印
				// 打印日志,输出上线用户的uid

				 * 调用im接口通知上线,上线请求行为不进行缓冲
