Пример #1
KD_API KDImageATX KD_APIENTRY kdDXTCompressBufferATX(const void *buffer, KDint32 width, KDint32 height, KDint32 comptype, KDint32 levels)
    _KDImageATX *image = (_KDImageATX *)kdMalloc(sizeof(_KDImageATX));
    if(image == KD_NULL)
        return KD_NULL;
    image->levels = levels;
    image->width = width;
    image->height = height;

            image->format = KD_IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT1_ATX;
            image->alpha = KD_FALSE;
            return KD_NULL;
            return KD_NULL;
            image->format = KD_IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5_ATX;
            image->alpha = KD_TRUE;
            return KD_NULL;
    image->bpp = image->alpha ? 16 : 8;
    image->size = (KDsize)image->width * (KDsize)image->height * (KDsize)(image->bpp / 8);

    KDint _width = image->width;
    KDint _height = image->height;
    for(KDint i = 0; i < image->levels; i++)
        _width >>= 1;
        _height >>= 1;
        image->size += (KDsize)_width * (KDsize)_height * (KDsize)(image->bpp / 8);

    image->buffer = kdMalloc(image->size);
    if(image->buffer == KD_NULL)
        return KD_NULL;

    _width = image->width;
    _height = image->height;
    KDint channels = (image->alpha ? 4 : 3);
    for(KDint i = 0; i <= image->levels; i++)
        KDsize size = (KDsize)_width * (KDsize)_height * (KDsize)channels;
            void *tmp = kdMalloc(size);
            if((_width == image->width) && (_height == image->height))
                kdMemcpy(tmp, buffer, size);
                stbir_resize_uint8(buffer, image->width, image->height, 0, tmp, _width, _height, 0, channels);
            for(KDint y = 0; y < _height; y += 4)
                for(KDint x = 0; x < _width; x += 4)
                    KDuint8 block[64];
                    __kdExtractBlock(tmp, x, y, _width, _height, block);
                    stb_compress_dxt_block(image->buffer, block, image->alpha, STB_DXT_NORMAL);
                    image->buffer += image->bpp;
        _width >>= 1;
        _height >>= 1;

    return image;
Пример #2
static bool TextureCompressQDM(LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE *base, LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE *norm, int minlevel) {
  RESOURCEINFO based, baseo;
  RESOURCEINFO normd, normo;

  TextureInfoLevel(*base, baseo, 0);
  TextureInfoLevel(*norm, normo, 0);

#if 0
  /* Converts a height map into a normal map. The (x,y,z)
   * components of each normal are mapped to the (r,g,b)
   * channels of the output texture.
  HRESULT D3DXComputeNormalMap(
    __out  LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE pTexture,
    __in   LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE pSrcTexture,
    __in   const PALETTEENTRY *pSrcPalette,
    __in   DWORD Flags,
    __in   DWORD Channel,
    __in   FLOAT Amplitude

  /* they have to have the same dimension */
  if ((baseo.Width  != normo.Width ) ||
      (baseo.Height != normo.Height))
    return false;

  /* convert to ARGB8 (TODO: support at least the 16bit formats as well) */
  if ((baseo.Format != TEXFMT_A8B8G8R8) && baseo.Format = TEXFMT_A8R8G8B8, !TextureConvert(baseo, base, false))
    return false;
  if ((normo.Format != TEXFMT_A8B8G8R8) && normo.Format = TEXFMT_A8R8G8B8, !TextureConvert(normo, norm, true))
    return false;

  /* create the textures */
  int levels = TextureCalcMip(baseo.Width, baseo.Height, minlevel);
  int flags = squish::kColourIterativeClusterFit | squish::kBtc3;

#ifdef DX11
  ULONG *bases;
  ULONG *norms;

  DWORD basel = 1;
  DWORD norml = 1;
  DWORD level = max(basel, norml);
  /* create the textures */
  pD3DDevice->CreateTexture(baseo.Width, baseo.Height, levels, 0, D3DFMT_DXT5, D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM, &baset, NULL);
  pD3DDevice->CreateTexture(normo.Width, normo.Height, levels, 0, D3DFMT_DXT5, D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM, &normt, NULL);

  /* damit */
  if (!baset || !normt) {
    if (baset) baset->Release();
    if (normt) normt->Release();

    return false;

  ULONG bPch, *bases = TextureLock(*base, &bPch, 0);
  ULONG nPch, *norms = TextureLock(*norm, &nPch, 0);

  DWORD basel = baset->GetLevelCount();
  DWORD norml = normt->GetLevelCount();
  DWORD level = max(basel, norml);

  for (unsigned int l = 0; l < level; l++) {
    /* square dimension of this surface-level */
    /* square area of this surface-level */
    int lv = (1 << l);
    int av = lv * lv;

    TextureInfoLevel(baset, based, l);
    TextureInfoLevel(normt, normd, l);

    ULONG sPch, *baser = TextureLock(baset, l, &sPch, true);
    ULONG nPch, *normr = TextureLock(normt, l, &nPch, true);

    ULONG *sBase = (ULONG *)bases;
    ULONG *sNorm = (ULONG *)norms;
    ULONG *dBase = (ULONG *)baser;
    ULONG *dNorm = (ULONG *)normr;

    /* loop over 4x4-blocks of this level (DXT5) */
    for (unsigned int y = 0; y < based.Height; y += TY) {
      if (!(y & 0x3F)) {
//	logrf("line processed %d/%d of level %d/%d\r", y, based.Height, l, level);

//	PollProgress();

    for (unsigned int x = 0; x < based.Width; x += TX) {
      UTYPE bBase[2][TY][TX];
      ULONG bNorm[2][TY][TX];
      type  fBase[2][TY][TX][DIM];
      float fNorm[2][TY][TX][DIM];

      /* generate this level's 4x4-block from the original surface */
      for (int ly = 0; ly < TY; ly += 1)
      for (int lx = 0; lx < TX; lx += 1) {
	type  bs[DIM] = {0}; int yl = ((y + ly) << l);
	/*ng  ns[DIM] = {0*/ int xl = ((x + lx) << l);
	float nn[DIM] = {0.0f};

	/* access all pixels this level's 4x4-block represents in
	 * the full dimension original surface (high quality mip-mapping)
	for (int oy = 0; oy < lv; oy += 1)
	for (int ox = 0; ox < lv; ox += 1) {
	  /* assume seamless tiling: wrap pixels around */
	  int posx = (xl + ox) % baseo.Width;
	  int posy = (yl + oy) % baseo.Height;

	  ULONG &b = sBase[(posy * sPch) + posx];
	  ULONG &n = sNorm[(posy * nPch) + posx];

	  /* transfer heightmap into the normal-map (overwrite) */
	  if (LODed)
	    n = (n & 0x00FFFFFF) + (b & 0xFF000000);

	  { static const f<TCOMPRESS_RGBH> fmt; Accu(bs, b); }
	  { static const f<TCOMPRESS_XYZD> fmt; Accu(nn, n); }

//	  AccuRGBM<ACCUMODE_LINEAR>(bs, b, level, l, colorgamma);	// += and max
#if	defined(NORMALS_INTEGER)
//	  AccuXYZD<ACCUMODE_SCALE >(ns, n, level, l, NORMALS_SCALEBYLEVEL);	// +=
//	  AccuXYZD<ACCUMODE_SCALE >(nn, n, level, l, NORMALS_SCALEBYLEVEL);	// +=

	/* build average of each channel */
	{ const int format = TCOMPRESS_RGBH; Norm(fBase[0][ly][lx], bs, av, levels, l); }
	{ const int format = TCOMPRESS_XYZD; Norm(fNorm[0][ly][lx], nn, av, levels, l); }

//	NormRGBM<TRGTMODE_CODING_RGB                         >(fBase[0][ly][lx], bs, av, colorgammainv);
#if	defined(NORMALS_INTEGER)
//	NormXYZD<TRGTMODE_CODING_DXDYdZt | TRGTNORM_CUBESPACE>(fNorm[0][ly][lx], ns, av);
//	NormXYZD<TRGTMODE_CODING_DXDYdZt | TRGTNORM_CUBESPACE>(fNorm[0][ly][lx], nn, av);

      type  br[DIM] = {0};
      /*ng  nr[DIM] = {0*/
      float rn[DIM] = {0.0f};

      /* analyze this level's 4x4-block */
      for (int ly = 0; ly < TY; ly += 1)
      for (int lx = 0; lx < TX; lx += 1) {
	{ const int format = TCOMPRESS_RGBH; Look(fBase[0][ly][lx], br); }
	{ const int format = TCOMPRESS_XYZD; Look(fNorm[0][ly][lx], rn); }

//	LookRGBH<TRGTMODE_CODING_RGB                         >(fBase[0][ly][lx], br);
#if	defined(NORMALS_INTEGER)

      /* generate this level's 4x4-block from the original surface */
      for (int ly = 0; ly < TY; ly += 1)
      for (int lx = 0; lx < TX; lx += 1) {
	/* build average of each channel an join */

	{ const int format = TCOMPRESS_RGBH;
	Code(fBase[0][ly][lx], br, (TCOMPRESS_CHANNELS(format) +
				   (TCOMPRESS_GREYS   (format) ? 2 : 0)) == 2 ? 8 :
				   (TCOMPRESS_SWIZZL  (format) ? 6 : 5)); }
	{ const int format = TCOMPRESS_XYZD;
	Code(fNorm[0][ly][lx], rn, (TCOMPRESS_CHANNELS(format) +
				   (TCOMPRESS_GREYS   (format) ? 2 : 0)) == 2 ? 8 :
				   (TCOMPRESS_SWIZZL  (format) ? 6 : 5)); }
	{ const int format = TCOMPRESS_RGBH; b = Join(fBase[0][ly][lx], br); }
	{ const int format = TCOMPRESS_XYZD; n = Join(fNorm[0][ly][lx], rn); }

//	CodeRGBH<TRGTMODE_CODING_RGB                                                           >(fBase[0][ly][lx], br);
#if	defined(NORMALS_INTEGER)
//	CodeXYZD<TRGTMODE_CODING_DXDYdZt | TRGTNORM_CUBESPACE, TCOMPRESS_SWIZZL(format) ? 6 : 5>(fNorm[0][ly][lx], nr);
//	CodeXYZD<TRGTMODE_CODING_DXDYdZt | TRGTNORM_CUBESPACE, TCOMPRESS_SWIZZL(format) ? 6 : 5>(fNorm[0][ly][lx], rn);

//	b = JoinRGBH<TRGTMODE_CODING_RGB                         >(fBase[0][ly][lx], br);
#if	defined(NORMALS_INTEGER)
//	n = JoinXYZD<TRGTMODE_CODING_DXDYdZt | TRGTNORM_CUBESPACE>(fNorm[0][ly][lx], nr);
//	n = JoinXYZD<TRGTMODE_CODING_DXDYdZt | TRGTNORM_CUBESPACE>(fNorm[0][ly][lx], rn);

	/* write the result ABGR */
	bBase[0][ly][lx] = b;
	bNorm[0][ly][lx] = n;

      /* compress to DXT5 */
#if 0
      stb_compress_dxt_block((unsigned char *)dBase, (unsigned char *)bBase[0], true, STB_DXT_DITHER | STB_DXT_HIGHQUAL);
      stb_compress_dxt_block((unsigned char *)dNorm, (unsigned char *)bNorm[0], true, STB_DXT_NORMAL | STB_DXT_HIGHQUAL);
      squish::Compress((unsigned char *)bBase[0], dBase, flags + squish::kColourMetricPerceptual);
      squish::Compress((unsigned char *)bNorm[0], dNorm, flags + squish::kColourMetricUniform);

      /* advance pointer of compressed blocks */
      dBase += (128 / 32);
      dNorm += (128 / 32);

#if 0
      for (int ly = 0; ly < TY; ly += 1)
      for (int lx = 0; lx < TX; lx += 1) {
	dBase[((y + ly) * bPch) + (x + lx)] = bBase[0][ly][lx];
	dNorm[((y + ly) * nPch) + (x + lx)] = bNorm[0][ly][lx];

    TextureUnlock(baset, l);
    TextureUnlock(normt, l);

  TextureUnlock((*base), 0);
  TextureUnlock((*norm), 0);


  (*base) = baset;
  (*norm) = normt;

  return true;