Пример #1
void storeImage(const FilePath& filename, DynamicArray<unsigned char> data,
    unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
    constexpr int CHANNEL_COUNT = 3;

    OutFileStream file(filename.c_str(), OutFileStream::binary);

    if (!file.is_open())
        throw InvalidArgumentException("Cannot open output file: " + filename.toString());

    // Image is vertically flipped
    DynamicArray<unsigned char> data_flip(data.size());

    const unsigned int line_size = width * CHANNEL_COUNT;

    // Vertically flip lines
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
            data_flip.data() + i * line_size,
            data.data() + (height - i - 1) * line_size,

    // Write function
    stbi_write_func* func = [] (void* context, void* data, int size) {
        reinterpret_cast<OutFileStream*>(context)->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), size);

    // Copy data
    if (!stbi_write_png_to_func(func, &file, width, height, CHANNEL_COUNT, data_flip.data(), 0))
        throw RuntimeException("Unable to write a picture");
Пример #2
void Gosu::saveImageFile(const Gosu::Bitmap& bitmap, Gosu::Writer writer,
    const std::wstring& formatHint)
    int ok;
    if (isExtension(formatHint.c_str(), L"bmp"))
        ok = stbi_write_bmp_to_func(stbiWriteToWriter, &writer,
                                    bitmap.width(), bitmap.height(), 4, bitmap.data());
    else if (isExtension(formatHint.c_str(), L"tga"))
        stbi_write_tga_with_rle = 0;
        ok = stbi_write_tga_to_func(stbiWriteToWriter, &writer,
                                    bitmap.width(), bitmap.height(), 4, bitmap.data());
        ok = stbi_write_png_to_func(stbiWriteToWriter, &writer,
                                    bitmap.width(), bitmap.height(), 4, bitmap.data(), 0);
    if (ok == 0)
        throw std::runtime_error("Could not save image data to memory (format hint = '" +
                                 Gosu::wstringToUTF8(formatHint) + "'");
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_lwjgl_stb_STBImageWrite_nstbi_1write_1png_1to_1func(JNIEnv *__env, jclass clazz, jlong funcAddress, jlong contextAddress, jint w, jint h, jint comp, jlong dataAddress, jint stride_in_bytes) {
	stbi_write_func *func = (stbi_write_func *)(intptr_t)funcAddress;
	void *context = (void *)(intptr_t)contextAddress;
	const void *data = (const void *)(intptr_t)dataAddress;
	UNUSED_PARAMS(__env, clazz)
	return (jint)stbi_write_png_to_func(func, context, w, h, comp, data, stride_in_bytes);
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int nx = 450;
    int ny = 450;
    int ns = 300; 

    camera cam(M_PI/3.7, float(nx)/float(ny));
    hitable_list list;
    set_cornell_view(cam, nx, ny);
#ifdef _WIN32
    setmode(fileno(stdout), O_BINARY);

    // Don't stack allocate this, it is usually way larger than the compiler's set
    // stack size. 
    unsigned char *img = new unsigned char[nx * ny * 3];

    //std::cout << "P3\n" << nx << " " << ny << "\n255\n";
    for (int j = ny - 1; j >= 0; j--)
        for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++)
            vec3 col(0,0,0);
            for (int s=0; s < ns; s++)
                float u = float(i + random1d()) / float(nx);
                float v = float(j + random1d()) / float(ny);
                ray r = cam.get_ray(u, v);
                col += compute_color(r, &list, 0);
            col /= float(ns);
            col = gamma_corrected_clamp(col);
            /*if (col.x() > 1 || col.y() > 1 || col.z() > 1)
                std::cout << "# channel greater than 1 at " << i << "," << j << "\n";
            img[((ny - 1 - j) * nx + i) * 3 + 0] = (unsigned char)(254.99 * col[0]);
            img[((ny - 1 - j) * nx + i) * 3 + 1] = (unsigned char)(254.99 * col[1]);
            img[((ny - 1 - j) * nx + i) * 3 + 2] = (unsigned char)(254.99 * col[2]);
            //std::cout << ir << " " << ig << " " << ib << "\n";

    if (!stbi_write_png_to_func(stbi_write_to_stdout, 0, nx, ny, 3, img, 3 * sizeof(char) * nx))
        std::cerr << "Failed to write anything at all.\n";

    delete[] img;
Пример #5
void DBTexture::writeRawToCompressed()
	stbi_write_png_to_func(setPNGCompressedData, this, m_width, m_height, m_numComp, m_rawData.data(), 0);
	m_compressedDataUpToDate = true;
Пример #6
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   int w,h;

   #if 0
   // test hdr asserts
   for (h=0; h < 100; h += 2)
      for (w=0; w < 200; ++w)
         hdr_data[h][w][0] = (float) rand(),
         hdr_data[h][w][1] = (float) rand(),
         hdr_data[h][w][2] = (float) rand();

   stbi_write_hdr("output/test.hdr", 200,200,3,hdr_data[0][0]);

   if (argc > 1) {
      int i, n;

      for (i=1; i < argc; ++i) {
         int res;
         int w2,h2,n2;
         unsigned char *data;
         printf("%s\n", argv[i]);
         res = stbi_info(argv[1], &w2, &h2, &n2);
         data = stbi_load(argv[i], &w, &h, &n, 4); if (data) free(data); else printf("Failed &n\n");
         data = stbi_load(argv[i], &w, &h,  0, 1); if (data) free(data); else printf("Failed 1\n");
         data = stbi_load(argv[i], &w, &h,  0, 2); if (data) free(data); else printf("Failed 2\n");
         data = stbi_load(argv[i], &w, &h,  0, 3); if (data) free(data); else printf("Failed 3\n");
         data = stbi_load(argv[i], &w, &h, &n, 4);
         assert(w == w2 && h == h2 && n == n2);
         if (data) {
            char fname[512];
            stb_splitpath(fname, argv[i], STB_FILE);
            stbi_write_png(stb_sprintf("output/%s.png", fname), w, h, 4, data, w*4);
            stbi_write_bmp(stb_sprintf("output/%s.bmp", fname), w, h, 4, data);
            stbi_write_tga(stb_sprintf("output/%s.tga", fname), w, h, 4, data);
            stbi_write_png_to_func(dummy_write,0, w, h, 4, data, w*4);
            stbi_write_bmp_to_func(dummy_write,0, w, h, 4, data);
            stbi_write_tga_to_func(dummy_write,0, w, h, 4, data);
         } else
            printf("FAILED 4\n");
   } else {
      int i, nope=0;
      char **files = stb_readdir_files("pngsuite/primary");
      char **files = stb_readdir_files("images");
      for (i=0; i < stb_arr_len(files); ++i) {
         int n;
         char **failed = NULL;
         unsigned char *data;
         //printf("%s\n", files[i]);
         data = stbi_load(files[i], &w, &h, &n, 0); if (data) free(data); else stb_arr_push(failed, "&n");
         data = stbi_load(files[i], &w, &h,  0, 1); if (data) free(data); else stb_arr_push(failed, "1");
         data = stbi_load(files[i], &w, &h,  0, 2); if (data) free(data); else stb_arr_push(failed, "2");
         data = stbi_load(files[i], &w, &h,  0, 3); if (data) free(data); else stb_arr_push(failed, "3");
         data = stbi_load(files[i], &w, &h,  0, 4); if (data)           ; else stb_arr_push(failed, "4");
         if (data) {
            char fname[512];

            #ifdef PNGSUITE_PRIMARY
            int w2,h2;
            unsigned char *data2;
            stb_splitpath(fname, files[i], STB_FILE_EXT);
            data2 = stbi_load(stb_sprintf("pngsuite/primary_check/%s", fname), &w2, &h2, 0, 4);
            if (!data2)
               printf("FAILED: couldn't load 'pngsuite/primary_check/%s\n", fname);
            else {
               if (w != w2 || h != w2 || 0 != memcmp(data, data2, w*h*4)) {
                  int x,y,c;
                  if (w == w2 && h == h2)
                     for (y=0; y < h; ++y)
                        for (x=0; x < w; ++x)
                           for (c=0; c < 4; ++c)
                              assert(data[y*w*4+x*4+c] == data2[y*w*4+x*4+c]);
                  printf("FAILED: %s loaded but didn't match PRIMARY_check 32-bit version\n", files[i]);
            stb_splitpath(fname, files[i], STB_FILE);
            stbi_write_png(stb_sprintf("output/%s.png", fname), w, h, 4, data, w*4);
         if (failed) {
            int j;
            printf("FAILED: ");
            for (j=0; j < stb_arr_len(failed); ++j)
               printf("%s ", failed[j]);
            printf(" -- %s\n", files[i]);
      printf("Tested %d files.\n", i);
   return 0;
Пример #7
rdctype::array<byte> CaptureFile::GetThumbnail(FileType type, uint32_t maxsize)
  rdctype::array<byte> buf;

  Serialiser ser(Filename(), Serialiser::READING, false);

    return buf;


  int chunkType = ser.PushContext(NULL, NULL, 1, false);

  if(chunkType != THUMBNAIL_DATA)
    return buf;

  bool HasThumbnail = false;
  ser.Serialise(NULL, HasThumbnail);

    return buf;

  byte *jpgbuf = NULL;
  size_t thumblen = 0;
  uint32_t thumbwidth = 0, thumbheight = 0;
    ser.Serialise("ThumbWidth", thumbwidth);
    ser.Serialise("ThumbHeight", thumbheight);
    ser.SerialiseBuffer("ThumbnailPixels", jpgbuf, thumblen);

  if(jpgbuf == NULL)
    return buf;

  // if the desired output is jpg and either there's no max size or it's already satisfied,
  // return the data directly
  if(type == FileType::JPG && (maxsize == 0 || (maxsize > thumbwidth && maxsize > thumbheight)))
    create_array_init(buf, thumblen, jpgbuf);
    // otherwise we need to decode, resample maybe, and re-encode

    int w = (int)thumbwidth;
    int h = (int)thumbheight;
    int comp = 3;
    byte *thumbpixels =
        jpgd::decompress_jpeg_image_from_memory(jpgbuf, (int)thumblen, &w, &h, &comp, 3);

    if(maxsize != 0)
      uint32_t clampedWidth = RDCMIN(maxsize, thumbwidth);
      uint32_t clampedHeight = RDCMIN(maxsize, thumbheight);

      if(clampedWidth != thumbwidth || clampedHeight != thumbheight)
        // preserve aspect ratio, take the smallest scale factor and multiply both
        float scaleX = float(clampedWidth) / float(thumbwidth);
        float scaleY = float(clampedHeight) / float(thumbheight);

        if(scaleX < scaleY)
          clampedHeight = uint32_t(scaleX * thumbheight);
        else if(scaleY < scaleX)
          clampedWidth = uint32_t(scaleY * thumbwidth);

        byte *resizedpixels = (byte *)malloc(3 * clampedWidth * clampedHeight);

        stbir_resize_uint8_srgb(thumbpixels, thumbwidth, thumbheight, 0, resizedpixels,
                                clampedWidth, clampedHeight, 0, 3, -1, 0);


        thumbpixels = resizedpixels;
        thumbwidth = clampedWidth;
        thumbheight = clampedHeight;

    std::vector<byte> encodedBytes;

      case FileType::JPG:
        int len = thumbwidth * thumbheight * 3;
        jpge::params p;
        p.m_quality = 90;
        jpge::compress_image_to_jpeg_file_in_memory(&encodedBytes[0], len, (int)thumbwidth,
                                                    (int)thumbheight, 3, thumbpixels, p);
      case FileType::PNG:
        stbi_write_png_to_func(&writeToByteVector, &encodedBytes, (int)thumbwidth, (int)thumbheight,
                               3, thumbpixels, 0);
      case FileType::TGA:
        stbi_write_tga_to_func(&writeToByteVector, &encodedBytes, (int)thumbwidth, (int)thumbheight,
                               3, thumbpixels);
      case FileType::BMP:
        stbi_write_bmp_to_func(&writeToByteVector, &encodedBytes, (int)thumbwidth, (int)thumbheight,
                               3, thumbpixels);
        RDCERR("Unsupported file type %d in thumbnail fetch", type);
        delete[] jpgbuf;
        return buf;

    buf = encodedBytes;


  delete[] jpgbuf;

  return buf;