Пример #1
void sysfs_notify(struct kobject * k, char *dir, char *attr)
	struct dentry *de = k->dentry;
	if (de)
	if (de && dir)
		de = step_down(de, dir);
	if (de && attr)
		de = step_down(de, attr);
	if (de) {
		struct sysfs_dirent * sd = de->d_fsdata;
		if (sd)
Пример #2
movegen(struct Game* game, int move_count)
    U64 temp_move, temp_move2, temp_piece;
    U32 from, to, move;

    U64 free_squares = game->board[OCCUPIED][0];

    if (game->to_move == WHITE)
        /* WHITE PAWNS */
        temp_move = step_up(game->board[PAWNS][WHITE]) & free_squares;
        temp_move2 = temp_move;

        /* single pushes */
        while (temp_move)
            to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
            if (to/8 == 7)
            { /* time for a promotion */
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(to-8,to,BISHOP_PROMO_FLAG);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(to-8,to,KNIGHT_PROMO_FLAG);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(to-8,to,ROOK_PROMO_FLAG);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(to-8,to,QUEEN_PROMO_FLAG);
            } else game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(to-8,to,QUIET_FLAG);
            temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

        /* double pushes */
        temp_move2 = step_up(temp_move2) & free_squares & rank4;
        while (temp_move2)
            to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move2);
            game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(to-16,to,DOUBLE_PAWN_PUSH_FLAG);
            temp_move2 &= temp_move2 - 1;

        /* captures */
        /* TODO: add en passante capture */
        temp_piece = game->board[PAWNS][WHITE];
        while (temp_piece)
            from = bit_scan_forward(temp_piece);
            temp_move = pawn_attacks[WHITE][from] & game->board[PIECES][BLACK];
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                if (to/8 == 7)
                { /* time for a promotion */
                    game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,BISHOP_PROMO_CAPTURE_FLAG);
                    game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,KNIGHT_PROMO_CAPTURE_FLAG);
                    game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,ROOK_PROMO_CAPTURE_FLAG);
                    game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,QUEEN_PROMO_CAPTURE_FLAG);
                } else game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,CAPTURE_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;
            temp_piece &= temp_piece - 1;

        /* WHITE KNIGHTS */
        temp_piece = game->board[KNIGHTS][WHITE];
        while (temp_piece)
            from = bit_scan_forward(temp_piece);

            /* quiets */
            temp_move = knight_table[from] & free_squares;
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,QUIET_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            /* captures */
            temp_move = knight_table[from] & game->board[PIECES][BLACK];
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,CAPTURE_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            temp_piece &= temp_piece - 1;

        /* WHITE BISHOPS */
        temp_piece = game->board[BISHOPS][WHITE];
        while (temp_piece)
            from = bit_scan_forward(temp_piece);
            temp_move2 = get_bishop_attacks(game->board[OCCUPIED][1], from);

            /* quiets */
            temp_move = temp_move2 & free_squares;
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,QUIET_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            /* captures */
            temp_move = temp_move2 & game->board[PIECES][BLACK];
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,CAPTURE_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            temp_piece &= temp_piece - 1;

        /* WHITE ROOKS */
        temp_piece = game->board[ROOKS][WHITE];
        while (temp_piece)
            from = bit_scan_forward(temp_piece);
            temp_move2 = get_rook_attacks(game->board[OCCUPIED][1], from);

            /* quiets */
            temp_move = temp_move2 & free_squares;
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,QUIET_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            /* captures */
            temp_move = temp_move2 & game->board[PIECES][BLACK];
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,CAPTURE_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            temp_piece &= temp_piece - 1;

        /* WHITE QUEENS */
        temp_piece = game->board[QUEENS][WHITE];
        while (temp_piece)
            from = bit_scan_forward(temp_piece);
            temp_move2 = get_queen_attacks(game->board[OCCUPIED][1], from);

            /* quiets */
            temp_move = temp_move2 & free_squares;
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,QUIET_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            /* captures */
            temp_move = temp_move2 & game->board[PIECES][BLACK];
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,CAPTURE_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            temp_piece &= temp_piece - 1;

        /* WHITE KINGS */
        temp_piece = game->board[KINGS][WHITE];
        from = bit_scan_forward(temp_piece);

        /* quiets */
        temp_move = king_table[from] & free_squares;
        while (temp_move)
            to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
            game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,QUIET_FLAG);
            temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

        /* captures */
        temp_move = king_table[from] & game->board[PIECES][BLACK];
        while (temp_move)
            to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
            game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,CAPTURE_FLAG);
            temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

        /* TODO: add castling moves here after writing is_attacked function */

    } else { /* to_move == BLACK */
        /* BLACK PAWNS */
        temp_move = step_down(game->board[PAWNS][BLACK]) & free_squares;
        temp_move2 = temp_move;

        /* single pushes */
        while (temp_move)
            to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
            if (to/8 == 0)
            { /* time for a promotion */
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(to+8,to,BISHOP_PROMO_FLAG);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(to+8,to,KNIGHT_PROMO_FLAG);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(to+8,to,ROOK_PROMO_FLAG);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(to+8,to,QUEEN_PROMO_FLAG);
            } else game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(to+8,to,QUIET_FLAG);
            temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

        /* double pushes */
        temp_move2 = step_down(temp_move2) & free_squares & rank5;
        while (temp_move2)
            to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move2);
            game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(to+16,to,DOUBLE_PAWN_PUSH_FLAG);
            temp_move2 &= temp_move2 - 1;

        /* captures */
        /* TODO: add en passante capture */
        temp_piece = game->board[PAWNS][BLACK];
        while (temp_piece)
            from = bit_scan_forward(temp_piece);
            temp_move = pawn_attacks[BLACK][from] & game->board[PIECES][WHITE];
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                if (to/8 == 7)
                { /* time for a promotion */
                    game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,BISHOP_PROMO_CAPTURE_FLAG);
                    game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,KNIGHT_PROMO_CAPTURE_FLAG);
                    game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,ROOK_PROMO_CAPTURE_FLAG);
                    game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,QUEEN_PROMO_CAPTURE_FLAG);
                } else game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,CAPTURE_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;
            temp_piece &= temp_piece - 1;

        /* BLACK KNIGHTS */
        temp_piece = game->board[KNIGHTS][BLACK];
        while (temp_piece)
            from = bit_scan_forward(temp_piece);

            /* quiets */
            temp_move = knight_table[from] & free_squares;
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,QUIET_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            /* captures */
            temp_move = knight_table[from] & game->board[PIECES][WHITE];
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,CAPTURE_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            temp_piece &= temp_piece - 1;

        /* BLACK BISHOPS */
        temp_piece = game->board[BISHOPS][BLACK];
        while (temp_piece)
            from = bit_scan_forward(temp_piece);
            temp_move2 = get_bishop_attacks(game->board[OCCUPIED][1], from);

            /* quiets */
            temp_move = temp_move2 & free_squares;
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,QUIET_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            /* captures */
            temp_move = temp_move2 & game->board[PIECES][WHITE];
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,CAPTURE_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            temp_piece &= temp_piece - 1;

        /* BLACK ROOKS */
        temp_piece = game->board[ROOKS][BLACK];
        while (temp_piece)
            from = bit_scan_forward(temp_piece);
            temp_move2 = get_rook_attacks(game->board[OCCUPIED][1], from);

            /* quiets */
            temp_move = temp_move2 & free_squares;
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,QUIET_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            /* captures */
            temp_move = temp_move2 & game->board[PIECES][WHITE];
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,CAPTURE_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            temp_piece &= temp_piece - 1;

        /* BLACK QUEENS */
        temp_piece = game->board[QUEENS][BLACK];
        while (temp_piece)
            from = bit_scan_forward(temp_piece);
            temp_move2 = get_queen_attacks(game->board[OCCUPIED][1], from);

            /* quiets */
            temp_move = temp_move2 & free_squares;
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,QUIET_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            /* captures */
            temp_move = temp_move2 & game->board[PIECES][WHITE];
            while (temp_move)
                to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
                game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,CAPTURE_FLAG);
                temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

            temp_piece &= temp_piece - 1;

        /* BLACK KINGS */
        temp_piece = game->board[KINGS][BLACK];
        from = bit_scan_forward(temp_piece);

        /* quiets */
        temp_move = king_table[from] & free_squares;
        while (temp_move)
            to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
            game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,QUIET_FLAG);
            temp_move &= temp_move - 1;

        /* captures */
        temp_move = king_table[from] & game->board[PIECES][WHITE];
        while (temp_move)
            to = bit_scan_forward(temp_move);
            game->move_buffer[move_count++] = create_move(from,to,CAPTURE_FLAG);
            temp_move &= temp_move - 1;


    return move_count;
Пример #3
static void exynos5250_monitor(struct busfreq_data *data,
			struct opp **mif_opp, struct opp **int_opp)
	int i;
	unsigned int cpu_load_average = 0;
	unsigned int ddr_c_load_average = 0;
	unsigned int ddr_l_load_average = 0;
	unsigned int ddr_r1_load_average = 0;
	unsigned int right0_load_average = 0;
	unsigned int ddr_load_average;
	unsigned long cpufreq = 0;
	unsigned long freq_int_right0 = 0;
	unsigned long lockfreq[PPMU_TYPE_END];
	unsigned long freq[PPMU_TYPE_END];
	unsigned long cpu_load;
	unsigned long ddr_load=0;
	unsigned long ddr_load_int=0;
	unsigned long ddr_c_load;
	unsigned long ddr_r1_load;
	unsigned long ddr_l_load;
	unsigned long right0_load;
	struct opp *opp[PPMU_TYPE_END];
	unsigned long newfreq[PPMU_TYPE_END];

	ppmu_update(data->dev[PPMU_MIF], 3);

	/* Convert from base xxx to base maxfreq */
	cpu_load = div64_u64(ppmu_load[PPMU_CPU] * data->curr_freq[PPMU_MIF], data->max_freq[PPMU_MIF]);
	ddr_c_load = div64_u64(ppmu_load[PPMU_DDR_C] * data->curr_freq[PPMU_MIF], data->max_freq[PPMU_MIF]);
	ddr_r1_load = div64_u64(ppmu_load[PPMU_DDR_R1] * data->curr_freq[PPMU_MIF], data->max_freq[PPMU_MIF]);
	ddr_l_load = div64_u64(ppmu_load[PPMU_DDR_L] * data->curr_freq[PPMU_MIF], data->max_freq[PPMU_MIF]);
	right0_load = div64_u64(ppmu_load[PPMU_RIGHT0_BUS] * data->curr_freq[PPMU_INT], data->max_freq[PPMU_INT]);

	data->load_history[PPMU_CPU][data->index] = cpu_load;
	data->load_history[PPMU_DDR_C][data->index] = ddr_c_load;
	data->load_history[PPMU_DDR_R1][data->index] = ddr_r1_load;
	data->load_history[PPMU_DDR_L][data->index] = ddr_l_load;
	data->load_history[PPMU_RIGHT0_BUS][data->index++] = right0_load;

	if (data->index >= LOAD_HISTORY_SIZE)
		data->index = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < LOAD_HISTORY_SIZE; i++) {
		cpu_load_average += data->load_history[PPMU_CPU][i];
		ddr_c_load_average += data->load_history[PPMU_DDR_C][i];
		ddr_r1_load_average += data->load_history[PPMU_DDR_R1][i];
		ddr_l_load_average += data->load_history[PPMU_DDR_L][i];
		right0_load_average += data->load_history[PPMU_RIGHT0_BUS][i];

	/* Calculate average Load */
	cpu_load_average /= LOAD_HISTORY_SIZE;
	ddr_c_load_average /= LOAD_HISTORY_SIZE;
	ddr_r1_load_average /= LOAD_HISTORY_SIZE;
	ddr_l_load_average /= LOAD_HISTORY_SIZE;
	right0_load_average /= LOAD_HISTORY_SIZE;

	if (ddr_c_load >= ddr_l_load) {
		ddr_load = ddr_c_load;
		ddr_load_average = ddr_c_load_average;
	} else {
		ddr_load = ddr_l_load;
		ddr_load_average = ddr_l_load_average;

	ddr_load_int = ddr_load;

	//Calculate MIF/INT frequency level
	if (ddr_r1_load >= MIF_R1_THRESHOLD) {
		freq[PPMU_MIF] = data->max_freq[PPMU_MIF];
		if (right0_load >= INT_RIGHT0_THRESHOLD) {
			freq[PPMU_INT] = data->max_freq[PPMU_INT];
			goto go_max;
		} else {
			freq_int_right0 = div64_u64(data->max_freq[PPMU_INT] * right0_load, INT_RIGHT0_THRESHOLD);
	} else {
		// Caculate next MIF frequency
		if (ddr_load >= MIF_MAX_THRESHOLD) {
			freq[PPMU_MIF] = data->max_freq[PPMU_MIF];
		} else if ( ddr_load < IDLE_THRESHOLD) {
			if (ddr_load_average < IDLE_THRESHOLD)
				freq[PPMU_MIF] = step_down(data, PPMU_MIF, 1);
				freq[PPMU_MIF] = data->curr_freq[PPMU_MIF];
		} else {
			if (ddr_load < ddr_load_average) {
				ddr_load = ddr_load_average;
				if (ddr_load >= MIF_MAX_THRESHOLD)
					ddr_load = MIF_MAX_THRESHOLD;
			freq[PPMU_MIF] = div64_u64(data->max_freq[PPMU_MIF] * ddr_load, MIF_MAX_THRESHOLD);

		freq_int_right0 = div64_u64(data->max_freq[PPMU_INT] * right0_load, INT_RIGHT0_THRESHOLD);

	// Caculate next INT frequency
	if (ddr_load_int >= INT_MAX_THRESHOLD) {
		freq[PPMU_INT] = data->max_freq[PPMU_INT];
	} else if ( ddr_load_int < IDLE_THRESHOLD) {
		if (ddr_load_average < IDLE_THRESHOLD)
			freq[PPMU_INT] = step_down(data, PPMU_INT, 1);
			freq[PPMU_INT] = data->curr_freq[PPMU_INT];
	} else {
		if (ddr_load_int < ddr_load_average) {
			ddr_load_int = ddr_load_average;
			if (ddr_load_int >= INT_MAX_THRESHOLD)
				ddr_load_int = INT_MAX_THRESHOLD;
		freq[PPMU_INT] = div64_u64(data->max_freq[PPMU_INT] * ddr_load_int, INT_MAX_THRESHOLD);

	freq[PPMU_INT] = max(freq[PPMU_INT], freq_int_right0);

	if (freq[PPMU_INT] == data->max_freq[PPMU_INT])
		freq[PPMU_MIF] = data->max_freq[PPMU_MIF];

	printk(KERN_DEBUG "cpu[%ld] l[%ld] c[%ld] r1[%ld] rt[%ld] m_load[%ld] i_load[%ld]\n",
			cpu_load, ddr_l_load, ddr_c_load, ddr_r1_load, right0_load, ddr_load, ddr_load_int);
	lockfreq[PPMU_MIF] = (dev_max_freq(data->dev[PPMU_MIF])/1000)*1000;
	lockfreq[PPMU_INT] = (dev_max_freq(data->dev[PPMU_MIF])%1000)*1000;
	printk(KERN_DEBUG "i_cf[%ld] m_cf[%ld] i_nf[%ld] m_nf[%ld] lock_Mfreq[%ld] lock_Ifreq[%ld]\n",
			data->curr_freq[PPMU_INT],data->curr_freq[PPMU_MIF],freq[PPMU_INT], freq[PPMU_MIF], lockfreq[PPMU_MIF], lockfreq[PPMU_INT]);
	newfreq[PPMU_MIF] = max(lockfreq[PPMU_MIF], freq[PPMU_MIF]);
	newfreq[PPMU_INT] = max(lockfreq[PPMU_INT], freq[PPMU_INT]);
	opp[PPMU_MIF] = opp_find_freq_ceil(data->dev[PPMU_MIF], &newfreq[PPMU_MIF]);
	opp[PPMU_INT] = opp_find_freq_ceil(data->dev[PPMU_INT], &newfreq[PPMU_INT]);

	*mif_opp = opp[PPMU_MIF];
	*int_opp = opp[PPMU_INT];
static void exynos5250_monitor(struct busfreq_data *data,
			struct opp **mif_opp, struct opp **int_opp)
	int i;
	unsigned int cpu_load_average = 0;
	unsigned int dmc_c_load_average = 0;
	unsigned int dmc_l_load_average = 0;
	unsigned int dmc_r1_load_average = 0;
	unsigned int dmc_load_average;
	unsigned long cpufreq = 0;
	unsigned long lockfreq;
	unsigned long dmcfreq;
	unsigned long cpu_load;
	unsigned long dmc_load;
	unsigned long dmc_c_load;
	unsigned long dmc_r1_load;
	unsigned long dmc_l_load;
	struct opp *opp[PPMU_TYPE_END];
	unsigned long newfreq[PPMU_TYPE_END];

	ppmu_update(data->dev[PPMU_MIF], 3);

	/* Convert from base xxx to base maxfreq */
	cpu_load = div64_u64(ppmu_load[PPMU_CPU] * data->curr_freq[PPMU_MIF], data->max_freq[PPMU_MIF]);
	dmc_c_load = div64_u64(ppmu_load[PPMU_DDR_C] * data->curr_freq[PPMU_MIF], data->max_freq[PPMU_MIF]);
	dmc_r1_load = div64_u64(ppmu_load[PPMU_DDR_R1] * data->curr_freq[PPMU_MIF], data->max_freq[PPMU_MIF]);
	dmc_l_load = div64_u64(ppmu_load[PPMU_DDR_L] * data->curr_freq[PPMU_MIF], data->max_freq[PPMU_MIF]);

	data->load_history[PPMU_CPU][data->index] = cpu_load;
	data->load_history[PPMU_DDR_C][data->index] = dmc_c_load;
	data->load_history[PPMU_DDR_R1][data->index] = dmc_r1_load;
	data->load_history[PPMU_DDR_L][data->index++] = dmc_l_load;

	if (data->index >= LOAD_HISTORY_SIZE)
		data->index = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < LOAD_HISTORY_SIZE; i++) {
		cpu_load_average += data->load_history[PPMU_CPU][i];
		dmc_c_load_average += data->load_history[PPMU_DDR_C][i];
		dmc_r1_load_average += data->load_history[PPMU_DDR_R1][i];
		dmc_l_load_average += data->load_history[PPMU_DDR_L][i];

	/* Calculate average Load */
	cpu_load_average /= LOAD_HISTORY_SIZE;
	dmc_c_load_average /= LOAD_HISTORY_SIZE;
	dmc_r1_load_average /= LOAD_HISTORY_SIZE;
	dmc_l_load_average /= LOAD_HISTORY_SIZE;

	if (dmc_c_load >= dmc_r1_load) {
		dmc_load = dmc_c_load;
		dmc_load_average = dmc_c_load_average;
	} else {
		dmc_load = dmc_r1_load;
		dmc_load_average = dmc_r1_load_average;

	if (dmc_l_load >= dmc_load) {
		dmc_load = dmc_l_load;
		dmc_load_average = dmc_l_load_average;

	if (dmc_load >= DMC_MAX_THRESHOLD) {
		dmcfreq = data->max_freq[PPMU_MIF];
	} else if (dmc_load < IDLE_THRESHOLD) {
		if (dmc_load_average < IDLE_THRESHOLD)
			dmcfreq = step_down(data, PPMU_MIF, 1);
			dmcfreq = data->curr_freq[PPMU_MIF];
	} else {
		if (dmc_load < dmc_load_average) {
			dmc_load = dmc_load_average;
			if (dmc_load >= DMC_MAX_THRESHOLD)
				dmc_load = DMC_MAX_THRESHOLD;
		dmcfreq = div64_u64(data->max_freq[PPMU_MIF] * dmc_load, DMC_MAX_THRESHOLD);

	lockfreq = dev_max_freq(data->dev[PPMU_MIF]);

	newfreq[PPMU_MIF] = max3(lockfreq, dmcfreq, cpufreq);
	opp[PPMU_MIF] = opp_find_freq_ceil(data->dev[PPMU_MIF], &newfreq[PPMU_MIF]);
	opp[PPMU_INT] = opp_find_freq_ceil(data->dev[PPMU_INT], &data->max_freq[PPMU_INT]);

	*mif_opp = opp[PPMU_MIF];
	/* temporary */
	*int_opp = opp[PPMU_INT];