Пример #1
st_conn_stinger_source (const struct stinger * G, const int64_t nv,
                        const int64_t ne, const int64_t from,
                        const int64_t * sources, const int64_t num,
                        const int64_t numSteps)
  int64_t k;

  int64_t *Q = (int64_t *) xmalloc (nv * sizeof (int64_t));
  int64_t *marks_s = (int64_t *) xmalloc (nv * sizeof (int64_t));
  int64_t *marks_t = (int64_t *) xmalloc (nv * sizeof (int64_t));
  int64_t *QHead = (int64_t *) xmalloc (2 * numSteps * sizeof (int64_t));
  int64_t *neighbors = (int64_t *) xmalloc (ne * sizeof (int64_t));

  int64_t count = 0;

  int64_t deg_s = stinger_outdegree (G, from);
  if (deg_s == 0) {
    return num;

  bfs_stinger (G, nv, ne, from, marks_s, numSteps, Q, QHead, neighbors);

  for (k = 0; k < num; k++) {
    int64_t t = sources[k];
    int64_t deg_t = stinger_outdegree (G, t);

    if (deg_t == 0) {
      stinger_int64_fetch_add (&count, 1);
    } else {
      bfs_stinger (G, nv, ne, t, marks_t, numSteps, Q, QHead, neighbors);

      int64_t local_count = 0;

      MTA ("mta assert nodep")
        for (int64_t j = 0; j < nv; j++) {
          if (marks_s[j] && marks_t[j])
            stinger_int64_fetch_add (&local_count, 1);

      if (local_count == 0)
        stinger_int64_fetch_add (&count, 1);

  free (neighbors);
  free (QHead);
  free (marks_t);
  free (marks_s);
  free (Q);

  return count;

Пример #2
bfs_stinger (const struct stinger *G, const int64_t nv, const int64_t ne,
             const int64_t startV,
             int64_t * marks, const int64_t numSteps,
             int64_t * Q, int64_t * QHead, int64_t * neighbors)
  int64_t j, k, s;
  int64_t nQ, Qnext, Qstart, Qend;
  int64_t w_start;

  MTA ("mta assert nodep")
    for (j = 0; j < nv; j++) {
      marks[j] = 0;

  s = startV;
  /* Push node s onto Q and set bounds for first Q sublist */
  Q[0] = s;
  Qnext = 1;
  nQ = 1;
  QHead[0] = 0;
  QHead[1] = 1;
  marks[s] = 1;

 PushOnStack:                   /* Push nodes onto Q */

  /* Execute the nested loop for each node v on the Q AND
     for each neighbor w of v  */
  Qstart = QHead[nQ - 1];
  Qend = QHead[nQ];
  w_start = 0;

  MTA ("mta assert no dependence")
    MTA ("mta block dynamic schedule")
    for (j = Qstart; j < Qend; j++) {
      int64_t v = Q[j];
      size_t d;
      size_t deg_v = stinger_outdegree (G, v);
      int64_t my_w = stinger_int64_fetch_add (&w_start, deg_v);
      stinger_gather_typed_successors (G, 0, v, &d, &neighbors[my_w], deg_v);
      assert (d == deg_v);

      MTA ("mta assert nodep")
        for (k = 0; k < deg_v; k++) {
          int64_t d, w, l;
          w = neighbors[my_w + k];
          /* If node has not been visited, set distance and push on Q */
          if (stinger_int64_fetch_add (marks + w, 1) == 0) {
            Q[stinger_int64_fetch_add (&Qnext, 1)] = w;

  if (Qnext != QHead[nQ] && nQ < numSteps) {
    QHead[nQ] = Qnext;
    goto PushOnStack;
Пример #3
// NE number of undirected edges.
csrGraph* CreateCSRFromStinger(struct stinger* stingerGraph,int64_t NV,int64_t NE)
    csrGraph* newGraph = (csrGraph*)malloc(sizeof(csrGraph));
    newGraph->NV = NV;
    newGraph->NE = NE*2;


    int64_t edgeCounter=0;
    for(int64_t v=0; v<NV;v++)
        newGraph->vertexPointerArray[v+1]= newGraph->vertexPointerArray[v]+stinger_outdegree(stingerGraph,v);

Пример #4
count_triangles (stinger_t * S, uint64_t v)
  int64_t out = 0;

  int64_t deg = stinger_outdegree(S, v);
  int64_t * neighbors = xmalloc(deg * sizeof(int64_t));
  size_t d;
  stinger_gather_typed_successors(S, 0, v, &d, neighbors, deg);
  qsort(neighbors, d, sizeof(int64_t), compare);


    if (STINGER_EDGE_DEST != v) {
      //out += count_intersections (S, v, STINGER_EDGE_DEST);
      out += count_intersections (S, v, STINGER_EDGE_DEST, neighbors, d);


  free (neighbors);

  return out;
Пример #5
st_conn_stinger (const struct stinger *G, const int64_t nv, const int64_t ne,
                 const int64_t * sources, const int64_t num,
                 const int64_t numSteps)
  int64_t k, x;

  int64_t *Q_big = (int64_t *) xmalloc (INC * nv * sizeof (int64_t));
  int64_t *marks_s_big = (int64_t *) xmalloc (INC * nv * sizeof (int64_t));
  int64_t *marks_t_big = (int64_t *) xmalloc (INC * nv * sizeof (int64_t));
  int64_t *QHead_big =
    (int64_t *) xmalloc (INC * 2 * numSteps * sizeof (int64_t));
  int64_t *neighbors_big = (int64_t *) xmalloc (INC * ne * sizeof (int64_t));

  int64_t count = 0;

  k = 0;
  x = 0;

  OMP ("omp parallel for")
    MTA ("mta assert parallel")
    MTA ("mta loop future")
    MTA ("mta assert nodep")
    MTA ("mta assert no alias")
    for (x = 0; x < INC; x++) {
      int64_t *Q = Q_big + x * nv;
      int64_t *marks_s = marks_s_big + x * nv;
      int64_t *marks_t = marks_t_big + x * nv;
      int64_t *QHead = QHead_big + x * 2 * numSteps;
      int64_t *neighbors = neighbors_big + x * ne;

      for (int64_t claimedk = stinger_int64_fetch_add (&k, 2);
           claimedk < 2 * num; claimedk = stinger_int64_fetch_add (&k, 2)) {
        int64_t s = sources[claimedk];
        int64_t deg_s = stinger_outdegree (G, s);
        int64_t t = sources[claimedk + 1];
        int64_t deg_t = stinger_outdegree (G, t);

        if (deg_s == 0 || deg_t == 0) {
          stinger_int64_fetch_add (&count, 1);
        } else {
          bfs_stinger (G, nv, ne, s, marks_s, numSteps, Q, QHead, neighbors);
          bfs_stinger (G, nv, ne, t, marks_t, numSteps, Q, QHead, neighbors);
          int64_t local_count = 0;

          MTA ("mta assert nodep")
            for (int64_t j = 0; j < nv; j++) {
              if (marks_s[j] && marks_t[j])
                stinger_int64_fetch_add (&local_count, 1);

          if (local_count == 0)
            stinger_int64_fetch_add (&count, 1);

  free (neighbors_big);
  free (QHead_big);
  free (marks_t_big);
  free (marks_s_big);
  free (Q_big);

  return count;
