Пример #1
*       Function Name   : main
*       Description     : Demonstration basic string concepts
*       Returns         : Success or Failure
int main()
 /* Initialising an array */
  char str[SIZE] = " Technologies Pvt Ltd., Gurgaon Bangalore Chennai."; 
 /* This mus the done at the end. Uncomment this line and comment the above 
    line. The program crashes because strtok is trying to change a const */

 /* Initializing an pointer to a consant */
 //char *str = " Technologies Pvt Ltd., Gurgaon Bangalore Chennai."; 
 char *words[MAX]; /* Array of pointers to store the tokenized words */
 int no_of_words = 0; /* Stores the total number of words */
 str_ret ret_value = SUCCESS; /* Return value from function */
 /* Initializing the array of pointers */ 
 printf("Original string before tokenization is %s\n", str); 

 /* Function call to tokenize the words */
 ret_value = store_words(str, words, &no_of_words);
 if(FAILURE == ret_value) /* Error handling */
  printf("Function Failed\n");

 /* Displaying the tokenized words */
 ret_value = display_words(words, no_of_words);

 /* Observe the output here. The challenge with strtok is that it modifies
    the input string. It is better to write our own tokenizer */
 printf("Original string after tokenization is %s\n", str); 
 return 0;
Пример #2
Dict::Dict(string f) : INIT_SIZE(50)

  //ifstream reference; // decided to make this a member 
  reference.open(f.c_str()); // makes the file stream point to the file

  //cout << "Dict object successfully instantiated" << endl;

  words = new string[INIT_SIZE];
  phrases = new string[INIT_SIZE];
  sentences = new string[INIT_SIZE];

  store_words(); // scan for and store all unique words
  store_sentences(); // same, but for sentences that end with a period

  qsort(words, word_count, sizeof(string), compare);
  qsort(phrases, phrase_count, sizeof(string), compare);
  qsort(sentences, sentence_count, sizeof(string), compare);

  //for(int i = 0; i < word_count; i++)
  //  //cout << words[i] << endl;
  //for(int i = 0; i < phrase_count; i++)
    //cout << phrases[i] << endl;
  //for(int i = 0; i < sentence_count; i++)
  //  //cout << sentences[i] << endl;
