Пример #1
BOOL CCommandsDlg::OnInitDialog() 
  int nCount = g_nCommandCount;

  CFile fileout;
  fileout.Open("c:/commandlist.txt", CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite);
  for (int n = 0; n < nCount; n++)
    CString strLine;
    char c = g_Commands[n].m_nKey;
    CString strKeys = c;
    for (int k = 0; k < g_nKeyCount; k++)
      if (g_Keys[k].m_nVKKey == g_Commands[n].m_nKey)
        strKeys = g_Keys[k].m_strName;
    CString strMod("");
    if (g_Commands[n].m_nModifiers & RAD_SHIFT)
      strMod = "Shift";
    if (g_Commands[n].m_nModifiers & RAD_ALT)
      strMod += (strMod.GetLength() > 0) ? " + Alt" : "Alt";
    if (g_Commands[n].m_nModifiers & RAD_CONTROL)
      strMod += (strMod.GetLength() > 0) ? " + Control" : "Control";
    if (strMod.GetLength() > 0)
      strMod += " + ";
    strLine.Format("%s \t%s%s", g_Commands[n].m_strCommand, strMod, strKeys);

    strLine.Format("%s \t\t\t%s%s", g_Commands[n].m_strCommand, strMod, strKeys);

    fileout.Write(strLine, strLine.GetLength());
    fileout.Write("\r\n", 2);
	return TRUE;  // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
	              // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
Пример #2
void Actor::attack(Actor * a) {
    Weapon * w = activeWeapon();
    if (w!=NULL) {
        float distanceToTarget = ofVec2i(x, y).distance(ofVec2i(a->x, a->y)) * FEET_PER_TILE; // 5 feet per square

        int roll = d20();
        bool hit = false;
        bool crit = false;
        ofPtr<CombatEvent> ce = ofPtr<CombatEvent>(new CombatEvent());
        ce->a = this;
        ce->b = a;
        ce->type = CombatEvent::MISS_EVENT;
        ce->dmg = 0;
        int ac = a->ac();
        int attackBonus = data.tohit + w->data.toHit;
        int damageBonus = data.damageBonus + w->data.damageBonus;

        if (type==Object::Player) {
            attackBonus = data.tohit + w->data.toHit;

            switch (w->data.weaponType) {
                case Weapon::LIGHT_WEAPON:
                case Weapon::REACH_WEAPON:
                case Weapon::DOUBLE_WEAPON:
                case Weapon::ONE_HANDED_WEAPON:
                case Weapon::TWO_HANDED_WEAPON:
                    attackBonus += strMod() ;
                case Weapon::THROWN_WEAPON:
                case Weapon::PROJECTILE_WEAPON:
                case Weapon::AMMUNITION_WEAPON:
                    attackBonus += dexMod() ;

            attackBonus += level();
            damageBonus = 1 + w->data.damageBonus;

        switch (w->data.weaponType) {
            case Weapon::THROWN_WEAPON:
            case Weapon::PROJECTILE_WEAPON:
            case Weapon::AMMUNITION_WEAPON:
                attackBonus -= MAX(0,distanceToTarget - w->data.range) / FEET_PER_TILE;
        //ofLog() << getName() << " > target ac: " << ac << " tohit: "<<attackBonus<<" damageBonus: "<<damageBonus;

        //ofLog() << "attack roll: " << roll << " +" << attackBonus << ", against ac: "<<ac;

        if (roll==1) {
            // whiff!!
            hit = false;
        } else if (roll>=w->data.criticalThreat) {
            //ofLog() << "Crit!";
            // have critical threat, but roll again...
            roll = d20();
            if (roll+attackBonus>=ac) {
                crit = true;
                ce->type = CombatEvent::CRIT_EVENT;
            } else {
                hit = true;
                ce->type = CombatEvent::HIT_EVENT;
        } else if (roll+attackBonus>=ac) {
            hit = true;
            ce->type = CombatEvent::HIT_EVENT;

        if (crit||hit) {
            ce->dmg = w->rollAttack() + damageBonus;
            if (crit) {
                for (int i=1; i<w->data.criticalMultiplier; i++) {
                    ce->dmg += w->rollAttack() + damageBonus;
        if (ce->dmg ==0) ce->type = CombatEvent::MISS_EVENT;

        if (w->data.weaponType == Weapon::PROJECTILE_WEAPON) {
            ofPtr<CombatEvent> ae = ofPtr<CombatEvent>(new CombatEvent());
            ae->a = this;
            ae->b = a;
            ae->nextEvent = ce;
            ae->type = CombatEvent::ARROW_EVENT;
            ofNotifyEvent(CombatEvent::combatEvent, *ae);
        } else {
            ofNotifyEvent(CombatEvent::combatEvent, *ce);

        //a->takeDamage(ce->dmg); // TODO: move this logic to a combat resolution class
        actionDebt += ((float)w->data.attackDebt) * ((float)data.attackSpeed / 100.0f);


    } else {
        ofLog() << getName() << " has no weapon in hand!";

    return 0;
