Пример #1
    void object::test<4>()
        set_test_name("combine file path");

        std::string str_path("c:\\test\\"), str_file("test.txt");
        ensure_equals("combine file path", std::string("c:\\test\\test.txt"), win32::filesystem::combine_file_path(str_path, str_file));
Пример #2
// processing the file_name by removing its \t and spaces at the head
// and attach the file handler with the class
// Return 0 if successful
// Return non zero if fail
int Traffic_source::set_trace_file(char * file_name) {

  trace_file_empty = false;

    string str_file(file_name);
    // lets rip off any space or table key at the beginning of the file_name

    trace_file_loop_cnt = 0;

    if (!trace_file.is_open() || !trace_file.good())
        return -1;

    // let's preparse the file to get the period, and also verify the trace_file
    period = 0;
    int prev_time = -1;
    char input_line[MAX_LINE];
    char * sub_string;
    while (trace_file.getline(input_line, MAX_LINE, '\n')) {
        // line starting with "#" are coomments
        if (input_line[0] == '#')

        if (strstr(input_line, "PERIOD")) {
            sub_string = strstr(input_line, "PERIOD");
            sub_string += strlen("PERIOD");

            if (!sscanf(sub_string, "%d", &period)) {
                cerr << ERRO_BAD_TRACE_FILE << str_file << endl;
                return -1;
            assert(period > 0);

        // otherwise, the line should contain 3 integers in the format
        // of:
        // timestamp     destination     message_size
        int timestamp;
        unsigned int destination, message_size;
        istringstream istr(input_line, istringstream::in);
        istr >> timestamp >> destination >> message_size;
        period = max(timestamp+1, period);
        if (timestamp <= prev_time) {
            cerr << ERRO_BAD_TRACE_FILE << str_file << endl;
            return -1;
        prev_time = timestamp;

 //   assert(period > 0);

    if (prev_time == -1) {
      // the trace file does not contain any messages
      cout << WARN_EMPTY_TRACE_FILE << str_file << endl;
      trace_file_empty = true;
      return 0;

    // rewind the trace file and pre-fetch one message
    trace_file.seekg(0, ios::beg);

    return 0;
bool ParseAviris::Parse(QString fileName, HyperCube& cube)
    QFile file(fileName);
    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
        return false;
    QString *Text = new QString[10000]; int number_lines = 0;
        while (!file.atEnd()) {      //считывание текста в массив строк
            Text[number_lines] = file.readLine();
    QString str_name[6];
        str_name[0] = "samples";
        str_name[1] = "lines";
        str_name[2] = "bands";
        str_name[3] = "header offset";
        str_name[4] = "data type";
        str_name[5] = "byte order";

        int samples = 0, lines = 0, bands = 0, header_offset = 0, data_type = 0, byte_order = 0;
        int array_name[6] = { samples, lines, bands, header_offset, data_type, byte_order };
        QString str_number;
        for (int n = 0, l = 0; n < 6; n++)
        for (int k = 0; k < number_lines; k++) {
            QString  str_file(Text[k]); // создаем строку-копию из строки Text[k]
            bool search = str_file.contains(str_name[n],Qt::CaseInsensitive); //  поиск подстроки  в строке str с 0 позиции
            if (search){
                for (l = 0; l < str_file.length(); l++)
                    if (str_file[l] >= '0' && str_file[l] <= '9') break; // если цифра найдена - то выходим из цикла

                str_number = str_file.remove(0, l - 1); // str_number – подстрока str_file всех символов  с l позиции
                array_name[n] = str_number.toInt();
}       // запись значений параметров в куб
       // qDebug() << "";
        double wavelength[300];
        int	first_wavelength = 0; // номер строки "wavelength" в файле
        for(int n = 0; n < number_lines; n++)
            QString  str_file(Text[n]); // создаем строку-копию из строки Text[k]
            bool search = str_file.contains("wavelength",Qt::CaseInsensitive); //  поиск подстроки  в строке str с 0 позиции
            if (search)
            { first_wavelength = n;
        for(int n = first_wavelength + 1, w = 0; n < first_wavelength + 225; n++)
            QString  str_file(Text[n]); // создаем строку-копию из строки Text[k]
            int end_line = str_file.length(); // длина строки
            QString str_number;
            int first_digit = -1, comma = -1; // первая цифра, запятая
            for(int i = 0; i < end_line; i++)
                if(i < end_line)
                    if (str_file[i] >= '0' && str_file[i] <= '9')
                        first_digit = i; // поиск первой цифры
                        for(int c = first_digit; c < end_line; c++)
                            if(str_file[c] == ',' || str_file[c] == '}')
                                comma = c; break;
                            if(str_file[c] == ' ' )
                                comma = c; break;
                        QString str_number(str_file); // копия строки
                        str_number = str_file.remove(0, first_digit - 1);
                        str_number = str_file.remove(comma + 1, end_line + 1);
                       wavelength[w] = str_number.toDouble();
                      // qDebug() << wavelength[w];
                        str_file = str_file.remove(0, comma - 1);
                        end_line = str_file.length(); // длина строки
        file.close(); // закрытие файла с параметрами
        char** dataCube = new char*[array_name[2]]; // bands
        int ChunkSize = array_name[0] * array_name[1] * array_name[4]; // samples*lines*datatype

        for (int i = 0; i < array_name[2]; i++)
            dataCube[i] = new char[ChunkSize]; // samples*lines*datatype

         int end_line_FileName = fileName.length(); // длина строки
         int point;
         for(int i = end_line_FileName; i > 0; i--)
             if (i > 0)
                 if (fileName[i] == '.')
                 {point = i; break;}
         fileName = fileName.remove(point, end_line_FileName);

        QFile dataFile(fileName); // открытие файла с данными
        if (!dataFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
            return false;
        for(int i = 0; i < array_name[2]; i++) // i < bands
            //char* TempBuf = new char[ChunkSize];
                if(dataFile.read(dataCube[i], ChunkSize) != ChunkSize)
                    return false;
               // cube->DataCube(i, TempBuf, ChunkSize, 0);
            //delete [] TempBuf;
        return true;