int ftp_write_str(const struct vsf_session* p_sess, const struct mystr* p_str, enum EVSFRWTarget target) { if (target == kVSFRWData) { if (p_sess->data_use_ssl) { return ssl_write_str(p_sess->p_data_ssl, p_str); } else { return str_netfd_write(p_str, p_sess->data_fd); } } else { if (p_sess->control_use_ssl && p_sess->ssl_slave_active) { priv_sock_send_cmd(p_sess->ssl_consumer_fd, PRIV_SOCK_WRITE_USER_RESP); priv_sock_send_str(p_sess->ssl_consumer_fd, p_str); return priv_sock_get_int(p_sess->ssl_consumer_fd); } else if (p_sess->control_use_ssl) { return ssl_write_str(p_sess->p_control_ssl, p_str); } else { return str_netfd_write(p_str, VSFTP_COMMAND_FD); } } }
static void ftp_write_str_common(struct vsf_session* p_sess, int status, char sep, const struct mystr* p_str, int noblock) { static struct mystr s_write_buf_str; static struct mystr s_text_mangle_str; if (tunable_log_ftp_protocol) { str_alloc_ulong(&s_write_buf_str, (unsigned long) status); str_append_char(&s_write_buf_str, sep); str_append_str(&s_write_buf_str, p_str); vsf_log_line(p_sess, kVSFLogEntryFTPOutput, &s_write_buf_str); } str_copy(&s_text_mangle_str, p_str); /* Process the output response according to the specifications.. */ /* Escape telnet characters properly */ str_replace_text(&s_text_mangle_str, "\377", "\377\377"); /* Change \n for \0 in response */ str_replace_char(&s_text_mangle_str, '\n', '\0'); /* Build string to squirt down network */ str_alloc_ulong(&s_write_buf_str, (unsigned long) status); str_append_char(&s_write_buf_str, sep); str_append_str(&s_write_buf_str, &s_text_mangle_str); str_append_text(&s_write_buf_str, "\r\n"); if (noblock) { (void) str_netfd_write_noblock(&s_write_buf_str, VSFTP_COMMAND_FD); } else { int retval = str_netfd_write(&s_write_buf_str, VSFTP_COMMAND_FD); if (retval != 0) { die("str_netfd_write"); } } }