Пример #1
bool MEmblemMgr::CreateCache()
	TCHAR szEmblemPath[MAX_PATH]="";
	TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]="";

	if(GetMyDocumentsPath(szPath)) {
		strcpy_safe(szEmblemPath, szPath);
		strcat_safe(szEmblemPath, GUNZ_FOLDER);

		strcat_safe(szEmblemPath, MPATH_EMBLEMFOLDER);

		strcat_safe(szEmblemPath, MPATH_EMBLEMFILE);
	} else {
		return false;

	MXmlDocument	xmlDoc;

	bool bResult = xmlDoc.SaveToFile(szEmblemPath);

	return bResult;
 * int room_index	Identifies the room to add connection(s) to.
 * char* rooms[]	Array of room names, each to correspond to a file.
 * int connections	Total number of connections the room 
 * 			identified by room_index should have.
void initRoom(int room_index, char* rooms[], int connections, char* directory ) {
	char *room_name = rooms[room_index];
	FILE *file_p = NULL;
	// need to open in directory, so craft the string here
	char room_dir[100] = "";
	strcat_safe( room_dir, 100, directory );
	strcat_safe( room_dir, 100, "/" );
	strcat_safe( room_dir, 100, rooms[room_index] );

	file_p = fopen( room_dir, "a+" );
	// Check for successful file opening.
	if ( ! file_p ) {
		printf( "Error opening file in function initRoom!\n" );
		exit( 1 );

	int connections_in_file = countConnections( file_p );
	int connections_to_make = connections - connections_in_file;

	while ( connections_to_make > 0 ) {
		int rand_index = randInRange( 0, 6 );
		if ( makeConnection( room_index, rand_index, rooms, directory, file_p ) ) {

 * Call this function at the very end, but we can still use
 * the files because we know room type by rooms array position
void addRoomTypes( char* rooms[], char* directory ) {
	char room_dir[100] = "";
	FILE *file_p = NULL;
	int i;
	for ( i = 0; i < 7; ++i ) {
		// prepare directory string
		strcat_safe( room_dir, 100, directory );
		strcat_safe( room_dir, 100, "/" );
		strcat_safe( room_dir, 100, rooms[i] );

		// do final writes to file
		file_p = fopen( room_dir, "a+" );
		if (i == 0) {
			fprintf( file_p, "ROOM TYPE: START_ROOM\n" );
		} else if (i < 6) {
			fprintf( file_p, "ROOM TYPE: MID_ROOM\n" );
		} else {
			fprintf( file_p, "ROOM TYPE: END_ROOM\n" );
		fclose( file_p );

		memset( &room_dir[0], 0, sizeof(room_dir) );

void listLocations( char *room, char *directory ) {
	char other_1[100] = "";
	char other_1a[100] = "";
	char name[100] = "";
	char path[100] = "";
	// prepare directory string
	strcat_safe( path, 100, directory );
	strcat_safe( path, 100, "/" );
	strcat_safe( path, 100, room );
	FILE *file = fopen( path, "a+" );
	int connections = countConnections( file ) - 1; // countConnections actually counts the number of lines in file - 1 
	fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET );
	int count = 0;
	while( fscanf( file, "%s %s %s\n", other_1, other_1a, name ) == 3 ) {
		if ( ! strcmp( other_1, "CONNECTION" ) ) {
			printf( "%s", name );
			if (count + 1 < connections)
				printf( ", " );
	printf( ".\n" );
	fclose( file );
Пример #5
bool MEmblemMgr::InitDefaut()
	if(GetMyDocumentsPath(m_szEmblemBaseDir)) {
		// EmblemBaseFolder
		strcat_safe(m_szEmblemBaseDir, GUNZ_FOLDER);
		strcat_safe(m_szEmblemBaseDir, MPATH_EMBLEMFOLDER);
		// EmblemDataFile
		strcpy_safe(m_szEmblemDataFile, m_szEmblemBaseDir);
		strcat_safe(m_szEmblemDataFile, MPATH_EMBLEMFILE);
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;
Пример #6
bool RWFile::open(const char* path, ExistingFileAction efa)
	if (efa.Value == Nonexistent.Value && Exists(path))
		state.error = true;
		return false;

	char mode_string[8];
	auto base_string = [&] {
		switch (efa.Value)
		case Nonexistent.Value:
		case Clear.Value:
			return "w+";
		case Append.Value:
			return "a+";
		case Prepend.Value:
			// "r+" will fail if the file doesn't exist.
			return Exists(path) ? "r+" : "w+";
		return "r+";
	strcpy_safe(mode_string, base_string);
	if (!efa.Text)
		strcat_safe(mode_string, "b");

	return open_impl(path, mode_string);
 * Checks to see whether the two rooms identified by index are the same,
 * and returns 0 if they are (avoiding a room making a connection to itself).
 * If the two rooms identified are different, a connection will be made
 * between them unless the connection already exists.
int makeConnection( int first, int second, char* rooms[], char* directory, FILE* first_room_file ) {
	if ( first == second )
		return 0;

	// get room names
	char *first_room = rooms[first];
	char *second_room = rooms[second];
	// reserve room for file path strings
	char second_dir[100] = "";

	strcat_safe( second_dir, 100, directory );
	strcat_safe( second_dir, 100, "/" );
	strcat_safe( second_dir, 100, second_room );

	// Open room files for reading and writing
	FILE *second_room_file = fopen( second_dir, "a+" );

	if ( ! ( first_room_file && second_room_file ) ) {
		printf( "in makeConnection: second_dir: %s\n", second_dir );
		printf( "Error opening file in function makeConnection\n" );
		exit( 1 );

	if ( connectionExists( first_room_file, second_room_file, first_room, second_room ) ) {
		return 1;

	int c1 = countConnections( first_room_file ) + 1;
	int c2 = countConnections( second_room_file ) + 1;
	fprintf( first_room_file, "CONNECTION %d: %s\n", c1, second_room );
	fprintf( second_room_file,"CONNECTION %d: %s\n", c2, first_room );
	// Close only the file this function opened
	fclose( second_room_file );

	return 1;	
Пример #8
void AddStr(const char* pFormat,...)
	va_list args;
	char temp[1024];

	va_start(args, pFormat);
	vsprintf_safe(temp, pFormat, args);

	strcat_safe(log_buffer, temp);
 * Call this function at the beginning to create all
 * room files and add the first line to each file.
void makeRoomFiles( char* rooms[], char* directory ) {

	char room_dir[100] = "";
	FILE *file_p = NULL;
	int i;
	for ( i = 0; i < 7; ++i ) {
		// prepare directory string
		strcat_safe( room_dir, 100, directory );
		strcat_safe( room_dir, 100, "/" );
		strcat_safe( room_dir, 100, rooms[i] );

		// do initial writes to file
		file_p = fopen( room_dir, "a+" );
		fprintf( file_p, "ROOM NAME: %s\n", rooms[i] );
		fclose( file_p );

		memset( &room_dir[0], 0, sizeof(room_dir) );
Пример #10
char* EagleDbTuple_toString(EagleDbTuple *tuple)
    char *desc = (char *) EagleMemory_Allocate("EagleDbTuple_toString.1", 1024);
    int i;

    if (!desc) return NULL;

    desc[0] = 0;
    strcat_safe(desc, "(");
    for (i = 0; i < EagleDbTable_countColumns(tuple->table); ++i) {
        if (i > 0)
            strcat_safe(desc, ",");
        strcat_safe(desc, EagleDbTable_getColumn(tuple->table, i)->name);
        strcat_safe(desc, "=");

        switch (EagleDbTable_getColumn(tuple->table, i)->type) {

        case EagleDataTypeUnknown:
            sprintf(desc, "%s?", desc);

        case EagleDataTypeInteger:
            sprintf(desc, "%s%d", desc, *(((EagleDataTypeIntegerType**) tuple->data)[i]));

        case EagleDataTypeVarchar:
            sprintf(desc, "%s\"%s\"", desc, ((EagleDataTypeVarcharType*) tuple->data)[i]);

        case EagleDataTypeFloat:
            sprintf(desc, "%s%g", desc, *(((EagleDataTypeFloatType**) tuple->data)[i]));

    strcat_safe(desc, ")");

    return desc;
Пример #11
void ZRoomListBox::OnDraw( MDrawContext* pDC )
	MBitmap* pBitmap;
	MRECT		rect;
	map<string, MBitmap*>::iterator iter;
	map<MMATCH_GAMETYPE, MBitmap*>::iterator iterIcon;
	int pressed_reposition = 0;

 	int index = 0;
	for( int i = 0; i < NUM_DISPLAY_ROOM; ++i )
		bool	bRoomFull = false;

		if( m_Selection == i )			pressed_reposition = 1; 
		else							pressed_reposition = 0;

		const char*	mapName = MGetBannerName( m_pMapInfo[i].map_name);
		if( m_pMapInfo[i].IsEmpty )
		rect = GetInitialClientRect();
		int width  = (int)( m_iGapWidth + ( m_RoomWidth + m_iGapWidth*2 + m_iGapCenter ) * ( index%2 ) );
		int height = (int)( m_iGapHeight + ( m_RoomHeight + m_iGapHeight ) * (int)(index*0.5f));
 		if( m_pMapInfo[i].nPeople >= m_pMapInfo[i].nMaxPeople )
			bRoomFull = true;
		iter = find_if( m_pMapImage.begin(), m_pMapImage.end(), string_key_equal<string, MBitmap*>(mapName));
		if( iter != m_pMapImage.end() )
			pBitmap	= iter->second;
			if( pBitmap != 0 )
				if( ( m_pMapInfo[i].roomState == GMAE_CLOSED ) || bRoomFull )	

				pDC->SetBitmap( pBitmap ); 
				pDC->Draw( width + pressed_reposition, height + pressed_reposition, m_RoomWidth, m_RoomHeight );

 				pDC->Draw(width + pressed_reposition, height + pressed_reposition, m_RoomWidth * 0.75, m_RoomHeight, 0, 0, 512, 32 );

		char szBuf[128];
		MRECT r;

 		r.x = width + m_RoomWidth*0.01f	+ pressed_reposition;
		r.y = height + m_RoomHeight*0.1f + pressed_reposition;
		r.w = m_RoomWidth*0.1;
		r.h = m_RoomHeight *0.5;
     	sprintf_safe(szBuf,"%03d", m_pMapInfo[i].RoomNumber);

		pDC->SetFont( MFontManager::Get("FONTc8b") );
		pDC->SetColor( 0,0,0);
		pDC->Text( MRECT( r.x+1, r.y+1, r.w, r.h), szBuf);
		if(  m_pMapInfo[i].roomState == GMAE_CLOSED || bRoomFull )
			pDC->SetColor( 115,146,173 );
			pDC->SetColor( 181, 247, 66 );
		pDC->Text( r, szBuf );

		r.x = width + m_RoomWidth*0.01f + pressed_reposition;
		r.y = height + m_RoomHeight*0.5f + pressed_reposition;
		r.w = m_RoomWidth*0.1f;
		r.h = m_RoomHeight*0.5f;
		sprintf_safe(szBuf,"%d/%d", m_pMapInfo[i].nPeople, m_pMapInfo[i].nMaxPeople );

		pDC->SetColor( 0,0,0);
		pDC->Text( MRECT( r.x+1, r.y+1, r.w, r.h), szBuf);
		if(  m_pMapInfo[i].roomState == GMAE_CLOSED || bRoomFull )
			pDC->SetColor( 115,146,173 );
			pDC->SetColor( 181, 247, 66 );
		pDC->Text( r, szBuf );

		pDC->SetFont( MFontManager::Get("FONTc8b") );
 		r.x = width + m_RoomWidth*0.12 + pressed_reposition;
 		r.y = height + pressed_reposition;
  		r.w = m_RoomWidth*0.75;
		r.h = m_RoomHeight;
		MFont * pFont  = pDC->GetFont();
		char szBufTemp[SMI_MAPNAME_LENGTH];
		int strLength = 0;
		int RoomWidth = pFont->GetWidth(m_pMapInfo[i].room_name);
		if( RoomWidth > m_RoomWidth*0.7 )
			while( strLength < 29 )
				if( m_pMapInfo[i].map_name[strLength] == '0' )
					strcpy_safe( szBufTemp, m_pMapInfo[i].room_name );
				if( ((unsigned char)m_pMapInfo[i].room_name[strLength]) > 127 )
					strLength += 2;
			strncpy_safe( szBufTemp, m_pMapInfo[i].room_name, strLength*sizeof(char) );
			szBufTemp[strLength] = '\0';
			strcat_safe( szBufTemp, "..."	);

			pDC->SetColor( 0,0,0);
			pDC->Text( MRECT( r.x+1, r.y+1, r.w, r.h), szBufTemp, MAM_LEFT);
			if(  m_pMapInfo[i].roomState == GMAE_CLOSED || bRoomFull )
				pDC->SetColor( 115,146,173 );
				pDC->SetColor( 255, 255, 255 );
			pDC->Text(r, szBufTemp, MAM_LEFT );
			pDC->SetColor( 0,0,0);
			pDC->Text( MRECT( r.x+1, r.y+1, r.w, r.h), m_pMapInfo[i].room_name, MAM_LEFT);
			if(  m_pMapInfo[i].roomState == GMAE_CLOSED || bRoomFull )
				pDC->SetColor( 115,146,173 );
				pDC->SetColor( 255, 255, 255 );
			pDC->Text(r, m_pMapInfo[i].room_name, MAM_LEFT );

		r.x = width + m_RoomWidth*0.75f + pressed_reposition;
		r.y = height + pressed_reposition;
		r.w = m_RoomWidth * 0.2f ;
		r.h = m_RoomHeight;

		if( m_pMapInfo[i].bLimitLevel )
			char szBufTemp[64];
			sprintf_safe( szBufTemp, "%d~%d", max(m_pMapInfo[i].nMasterLevel - m_pMapInfo[i].nLimitLevel,1), m_pMapInfo[i].nMasterLevel + m_pMapInfo[i].nLimitLevel);

			pDC->SetColor( 0,0,0);
			pDC->Text( MRECT( r.x+1, r.y+1, r.w, r.h), szBufTemp);
			if( m_pMapInfo[i].roomState == GMAE_CLOSED || bRoomFull )
				pDC->SetColor( 100, 100, 100 );
				pDC->SetColor( 181, 247, 66 );
			pDC->Text( r, szBufTemp );
		if (m_pMapInfo[i].bPrivate)
			// 비밀방이면 게임모드 아이콘대신 열쇠아이콘이 나온다.
			// 열쇠아이콘은 하드코드됨. 나중에 일반화해서 xml로 빼놔야할 듯..

			#define FN_ROOMLIST_PRIVATE_KEY		"in_key.png"
			pBitmap = MBitmapManager::Get(FN_ROOMLIST_PRIVATE_KEY);
			if (pBitmap != NULL) 
				float x, y;
				x = width + m_RoomWidth*0.9 + pressed_reposition;
				y = height + pressed_reposition + ((m_RoomHeight-pBitmap->GetHeight())/2);
				pDC->SetBitmap( pBitmap );
				pDC->Draw(x, y, pBitmap->GetWidth(), pBitmap->GetHeight());
			iterIcon = m_pIconImage.find( m_pMapInfo[i].nGame_Type );
			if( iterIcon != m_pIconImage.end() )
				pBitmap = iterIcon->second;
				if( pBitmap != 0)
 					r.x = width + m_RoomWidth*0.9 + pressed_reposition;
					r.y = height + m_RoomHeight/4.7 + pressed_reposition;

					// 아이콘
					if( m_pMapInfo[i].roomState == GMAE_CLOSED || bRoomFull )

					pDC->SetBitmap( pBitmap );
					pDC->Draw(r.x, height + pressed_reposition, m_RoomHeight, m_RoomHeight);

		// 플레이 중이면 플레이 아이콘을 표시한다.
		if ( m_pMapInfo[i].roomState == GAME_PLAYING)
			// 역시 플레이 아이콘도 하드코딩... -_-;
			#define FN_ROOMLIST_PLAYICON		"icon_play.tga"
			pBitmap = MBitmapManager::Get( FN_ROOMLIST_PLAYICON);
			if (pBitmap != NULL) 
				float x, y;
				x = width  + (m_RoomWidth  * 0.955) + pressed_reposition;
				y = height + (m_RoomHeight * 0.54)  + pressed_reposition;
				pDC->SetBitmap( pBitmap );
				pDC->Draw(x, y, (m_RoomHeight * 0.5), (m_RoomHeight * 0.5));

		if( i == m_Selection)
			if( m_pMapInfo[i].roomState == GMAE_CLOSED || bRoomFull) pDC->SetColor(115,146,173);
			else pDC->SetColor( 181, 247, 66 );
		else pDC->SetColor(128,128,128,255);
		pDC->Rectangle(width+pressed_reposition, height+pressed_reposition, m_RoomWidth, m_RoomHeight );

	pDC->SetOpacity( 255 );