Пример #1
fivePointFive() {
	/* s is an array while p is a point, the case below show the difference. 
	 * The same thing for them is both them can visit value by adding steps.*/

	char s[] = "i love you"; /* s can not be refered to another address, but string content can be modified.*/
	// s = "iii"; //this will cause a compile error, for s is not a pointer.
	*(s + 1) = 'i'; // this is well, because for an array, the value can be modified.
	printf("%s %c\n", s, *s);

	char *p = "i love you"; /* p can be refered to another address, but string content can not be modified. */
	p = "you love me"; // this is well, because p is a point, not a name of array.
	// *(p + 1) = 'u'; // this will cause a runtime error, for p can not modify the value.
	printf("%s %c\n", p, *p);

	// char *p = "you love me"; p will be pointed to an anonymous string, so it can't modify the value.

	// s = p; s++; //this will cause a compile error, for s is not a pointer.

	p = s; /* p now refered to an array and can be used just like s to modify the string content.*/
	*(p + 1) = ' ';
	printf("%s\n", p);

	// char *ss = "123"; This will cause a runtime error, for ss should be an array which its value is allowed to be modified.
	char ss[10] = "123";
	char *tt = "456"; // Here, use pointer is ok, for we just visit the value, no modification.
	printf("%s compared with %s: %d\n", ss, tt, strcmp(ss, tt));
	strcpy(ss, tt);
	strcpy1(ss, tt);
	strcpy2(ss, tt);
	strcpy3(ss, tt);
	strcpy4(ss, tt);
	printf("copy tt to ss get %s\n", ss);
	printf("%s compared with %s: %d\n", ss, tt, strcmp2(ss, tt));
Пример #2
int main(void)
    char s[100];
    char *t = "Test strcpy;";

    printf("%s\n", t);

    printf("%s\n", t);

    printf("%s\n", t);

    printf("%s\n", t);

    printf("%s\n", s);
    printf("%d\n", strcmp1(s,t));
    printf("%d\n", strcmp2(s,t));

    return 0;