Пример #1
static void rfx_compose_message_context(RFX_CONTEXT* context, STREAM* s)
	UINT16 properties;

	stream_write_UINT16(s, WBT_CONTEXT); /* CodecChannelT.blockType */
	stream_write_UINT32(s, 13); /* CodecChannelT.blockLen */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, 1); /* CodecChannelT.codecId */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, 0); /* CodecChannelT.channelId */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, 0); /* ctxId */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, CT_TILE_64x64); /* tileSize */

	/* properties */
	properties = context->flags; /* flags */
	properties |= (COL_CONV_ICT << 3); /* cct */
	properties |= (CLW_XFORM_DWT_53_A << 5); /* xft */
	properties |= ((context->mode == RLGR1 ? CLW_ENTROPY_RLGR1 : CLW_ENTROPY_RLGR3) << 9); /* et */
	properties |= (SCALAR_QUANTIZATION << 13); /* qt */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, properties);

	/* properties in tilesets: note that this has different format from the one in TS_RFX_CONTEXT */
	properties = 1; /* lt */
	properties |= (context->flags << 1); /* flags */
	properties |= (COL_CONV_ICT << 4); /* cct */
	properties |= (CLW_XFORM_DWT_53_A << 6); /* xft */
	properties |= ((context->mode == RLGR1 ? CLW_ENTROPY_RLGR1 : CLW_ENTROPY_RLGR3) << 10); /* et */
	properties |= (SCALAR_QUANTIZATION << 14); /* qt */
	context->properties = properties;
Пример #2
void rdp_write_client_font_list_pdu(STREAM* s, UINT16 flags)
	stream_write_UINT16(s, 0); /* numberFonts (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, 0); /* totalNumFonts (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, flags); /* listFlags (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, 50); /* entrySize (2 bytes) */
Пример #3
static void rfx_compose_message_sync(RFX_CONTEXT* context, STREAM* s)
	stream_write_UINT16(s, WBT_SYNC); /* BlockT.blockType */
	stream_write_UINT32(s, 12); /* BlockT.blockLen */
	stream_write_UINT32(s, WF_MAGIC); /* magic */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, WF_VERSION_1_0); /* version */
Пример #4
static void rdpdr_send_client_name_request(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr)
	STREAM* data_out;
	WCHAR* computerNameW = NULL;
	size_t computerNameLenW;

	if (!rdpdr->computerName[0])
		gethostname(rdpdr->computerName, sizeof(rdpdr->computerName) - 1);

	computerNameLenW = ConvertToUnicode(CP_UTF8, 0, rdpdr->computerName, -1, &computerNameW, 0) * 2;

	data_out = stream_new(16 + computerNameLenW + 2);

	stream_write_UINT16(data_out, RDPDR_CTYP_CORE);
	stream_write_UINT16(data_out, PAKID_CORE_CLIENT_NAME);

	stream_write_UINT32(data_out, 1); /* unicodeFlag, 0 for ASCII and 1 for Unicode */
	stream_write_UINT32(data_out, 0); /* codePage, must be set to zero */
	stream_write_UINT32(data_out, computerNameLenW + 2); /* computerNameLen, including null terminator */
	stream_write(data_out, computerNameW, computerNameLenW);
	stream_write_UINT16(data_out, 0); /* null terminator */


	svc_plugin_send((rdpSvcPlugin*) rdpdr, data_out);
Пример #5
static void audin_server_send_open(audin_server* audin, STREAM* s)
	if (audin->context.selected_client_format < 0)

	audin->opened = TRUE;

	stream_set_pos(s, 0);
	stream_write_BYTE(s, MSG_SNDIN_OPEN);
	stream_write_UINT32(s, audin->context.frames_per_packet); /* FramesPerPacket (4 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT32(s, audin->context.selected_client_format); /* initialFormat (4 bytes) */
	 * The second format specify the format that SHOULD be used to capture data from
	 * the actual audio input device.
	stream_write_UINT16(s, 1); /* wFormatTag = PCM */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, 2); /* nChannels */
	stream_write_UINT32(s, 44100); /* nSamplesPerSec */
	stream_write_UINT32(s, 44100 * 2 * 2); /* nAvgBytesPerSec */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, 4); /* nBlockAlign */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, 16); /* wBitsPerSample */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, 0); /* cbSize */

	WTSVirtualChannelWrite(audin->audin_channel, stream_get_head(s), stream_get_length(s), NULL);
Пример #6
static int drdynvc_process_capability_request(drdynvcPlugin* drdynvc, int Sp, int cbChId, STREAM* s)
	STREAM* data_out;
	int error;

	DEBUG_DVC("Sp=%d cbChId=%d", Sp, cbChId);
	stream_seek(s, 1); /* pad */
	stream_read_UINT16(s, drdynvc->version);

	if (drdynvc->version == 2)
		stream_read_UINT16(s, drdynvc->PriorityCharge0);
		stream_read_UINT16(s, drdynvc->PriorityCharge1);
		stream_read_UINT16(s, drdynvc->PriorityCharge2);
		stream_read_UINT16(s, drdynvc->PriorityCharge3);

	data_out = stream_new(4);
	stream_write_UINT16(data_out, 0x0050); /* Cmd+Sp+cbChId+Pad. Note: MSTSC sends 0x005c */
	stream_write_UINT16(data_out, drdynvc->version);
	error = svc_plugin_send((rdpSvcPlugin*) drdynvc, data_out);

	if (error != CHANNEL_RC_OK)
		DEBUG_WARN("VirtualChannelWrite failed %d", error);
		return 1;

	drdynvc->channel_error = error;

	return 0;
Пример #7
static void audin_server_send_formats(audin_server* audin, STREAM* s)
	int i;
	UINT32 nAvgBytesPerSec;

	stream_set_pos(s, 0);
	stream_write_BYTE(s, MSG_SNDIN_FORMATS);
	stream_write_UINT32(s, audin->context.num_server_formats); /* NumFormats (4 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT32(s, 0); /* cbSizeFormatsPacket (4 bytes), client-to-server only */

	for (i = 0; i < audin->context.num_server_formats; i++)
		nAvgBytesPerSec = audin->context.server_formats[i].nSamplesPerSec *
			audin->context.server_formats[i].nChannels *
			audin->context.server_formats[i].wBitsPerSample / 8;
		stream_check_size(s, 18);
		stream_write_UINT16(s, audin->context.server_formats[i].wFormatTag);
		stream_write_UINT16(s, audin->context.server_formats[i].nChannels);
		stream_write_UINT32(s, audin->context.server_formats[i].nSamplesPerSec);
		stream_write_UINT32(s, nAvgBytesPerSec);
		stream_write_UINT16(s, audin->context.server_formats[i].nBlockAlign);
		stream_write_UINT16(s, audin->context.server_formats[i].wBitsPerSample);
		stream_write_UINT16(s, audin->context.server_formats[i].cbSize);
		if (audin->context.server_formats[i].cbSize)
			stream_check_size(s, audin->context.server_formats[i].cbSize);
			stream_write(s, audin->context.server_formats[i].data,

	WTSVirtualChannelWrite(audin->audin_channel, stream_get_head(s), stream_get_length(s), NULL);
Пример #8
void rail_write_rectangle_16(wStream* s, RECTANGLE_16* rectangle_16)
	stream_write_UINT16(s, rectangle_16->left); /* left (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, rectangle_16->top); /* top (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, rectangle_16->right); /* right (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, rectangle_16->bottom); /* bottom (2 bytes) */
Пример #9
void license_write_binary_blob(STREAM* s, LICENSE_BLOB* blob)
	stream_write_UINT16(s, blob->type); /* wBlobType (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, blob->length); /* wBlobLen (2 bytes) */

	if (blob->length > 0)
		stream_write(s, blob->data, blob->length); /* blobData */
Пример #10
void rail_write_client_window_move_order(STREAM* s, RAIL_WINDOW_MOVE_ORDER* window_move)
	stream_write_UINT32(s, window_move->windowId); /* windowId (4 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, window_move->left); /* left (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, window_move->top); /* top (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, window_move->right); /* right (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, window_move->bottom); /* bottom (2 bytes) */
Пример #11
static void rfx_compose_message_codec_versions(RFX_CONTEXT* context, STREAM* s)
	stream_write_UINT16(s, WBT_CODEC_VERSIONS); /* BlockT.blockType */
	stream_write_UINT32(s, 10); /* BlockT.blockLen */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, 1); /* numCodecs */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, 1); /* codecs.codecId */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, WF_VERSION_1_0); /* codecs.version */
Пример #12
static void rfx_compose_message_channels(RFX_CONTEXT* context, STREAM* s)
	stream_write_UINT16(s, WBT_CHANNELS); /* BlockT.blockType */
	stream_write_UINT32(s, 12); /* BlockT.blockLen */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, 1); /* numChannels */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, 0); /* Channel.channelId */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, context->width); /* Channel.width */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, context->height); /* Channel.height */
Пример #13
void rdp_write_share_control_header(STREAM* s, UINT16 length, UINT16 type, UINT16 channel_id)

	/* Share Control Header */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, length); /* totalLength */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, type | 0x10); /* pduType */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, channel_id); /* pduSource */
Пример #14
void update_write_surfcmd_frame_marker(STREAM* s, UINT16 frameAction, UINT32 frameId)
	stream_check_size(s, SURFCMD_FRAME_MARKER_LENGTH);

	stream_write_UINT16(s, CMDTYPE_FRAME_MARKER);

	stream_write_UINT16(s, frameAction);
	stream_write_UINT32(s, frameId);
Пример #15
void rail_write_client_exec_order(STREAM* s, RAIL_EXEC_ORDER* exec)
	stream_write_UINT16(s, exec->flags); /* flags (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, exec->exeOrFile.length); /* exeOrFileLength (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, exec->workingDir.length); /* workingDirLength (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, exec->arguments.length); /* argumentsLength (2 bytes) */
	rail_write_unicode_string_value(s, &exec->exeOrFile); /* exeOrFile */
	rail_write_unicode_string_value(s, &exec->workingDir); /* workingDir */
	rail_write_unicode_string_value(s, &exec->arguments); /* arguments */
Пример #16
static BOOL rdpsnd_server_set_volume(rdpsnd_server_context* context, int left, int right)
	rdpsnd_server* rdpsnd = (rdpsnd_server*) context;
	STREAM* s = rdpsnd->rdpsnd_pdu;


	stream_write_UINT16(s, left);
	stream_write_UINT16(s, right);
Пример #17
wStream* cliprdr_packet_new(UINT16 msgType, UINT16 msgFlags, UINT32 dataLen)
	wStream* s;

	s = stream_new(dataLen + 8);
	stream_write_UINT16(s, msgType);
	stream_write_UINT16(s, msgFlags);
	/* Write actual length after the entire packet has been constructed. */
	stream_seek(s, 4);

	return s;
Пример #18
BOOL rdp_send_server_font_map_pdu(rdpRdp* rdp)

	s = rdp_data_pdu_init(rdp);

	stream_write_UINT16(s, 0); /* numberEntries (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, 0); /* totalNumEntries (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, FONTLIST_FIRST | FONTLIST_LAST); /* mapFlags (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, 4); /* entrySize (2 bytes) */

	return rdp_send_data_pdu(rdp, s, DATA_PDU_TYPE_FONT_MAP, rdp->mcs->user_id);
Пример #19
void license_write_padded_binary_blob(STREAM* s, LICENSE_BLOB* blob)
	UINT16 pad_len;

	pad_len = 72 % blob->length;
	stream_write_UINT16(s, blob->type); /* wBlobType (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, blob->length + pad_len); /* wBlobLen (2 bytes) */

	if (blob->length > 0)
		stream_write(s, blob->data, blob->length); /* blobData */

	stream_write_zero(s, pad_len);
Пример #20
static void rfx_compose_message_frame_begin(RFX_CONTEXT* context, STREAM* s)
	stream_check_size(s, 14);

	stream_write_UINT16(s, WBT_FRAME_BEGIN); /* CodecChannelT.blockType */
	stream_write_UINT32(s, 14); /* CodecChannelT.blockLen */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, 1); /* CodecChannelT.codecId */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, 0); /* CodecChannelT.channelId */
	stream_write_UINT32(s, context->frame_idx); /* frameIdx */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, 1); /* numRegions */

Пример #21
static void update_write_suppress_output(STREAM* s, BYTE allow, RECTANGLE_16* area)
	stream_write_BYTE(s, allow); /* allowDisplayUpdates (1 byte) */
	stream_seek(s, 3); /* pad3Octets (3 bytes) */

	if (allow > 0)
		stream_write_UINT16(s, area->left); /* left (2 bytes) */
		stream_write_UINT16(s, area->top); /* top (2 bytes) */
		stream_write_UINT16(s, area->right); /* right (2 bytes) */
		stream_write_UINT16(s, area->bottom); /* bottom (2 bytes) */
Пример #22
static void rfx_compose_message_region(RFX_CONTEXT* context, STREAM* s,
	const RFX_RECT* rects, int num_rects)
	int size;
	int i;

	size = 15 + num_rects * 8;
	stream_check_size(s, size);

	stream_write_UINT16(s, WBT_REGION); /* CodecChannelT.blockType */
	stream_write_UINT32(s, size); /* set CodecChannelT.blockLen later */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, 1); /* CodecChannelT.codecId */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, 0); /* CodecChannelT.channelId */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, 1); /* regionFlags */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, num_rects); /* numRects */

	for (i = 0; i < num_rects; i++)
		stream_write_UINT16(s, rects[i].x);
		stream_write_UINT16(s, rects[i].y);
		stream_write_UINT16(s, rects[i].width);
		stream_write_UINT16(s, rects[i].height);

	stream_write_UINT16(s, CBT_REGION); /* regionType */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, 1); /* numTilesets */
Пример #23
BOOL rdp_send_server_control_granted_pdu(rdpRdp* rdp)

	s = rdp_data_pdu_init(rdp);

	stream_write_UINT16(s, CTRLACTION_GRANTED_CONTROL); /* action (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, rdp->mcs->user_id); /* grantId (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT32(s, 0x03EA); /* controlId (4 bytes) */

	rdp_send_data_pdu(rdp, s, DATA_PDU_TYPE_CONTROL, rdp->mcs->user_id);

	return TRUE;
Пример #24
void rdp_write_share_data_header(STREAM* s, UINT16 length, BYTE type, UINT32 share_id)

	/* Share Data Header */
	stream_write_UINT32(s, share_id); /* shareId (4 bytes) */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, 0); /* pad1 (1 byte) */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, STREAM_LOW); /* streamId (1 byte) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, length); /* uncompressedLength (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, type); /* pduType2, Data PDU Type (1 byte) */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, 0); /* compressedType (1 byte) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, 0); /* compressedLength (2 bytes) */
Пример #25
static void update_write_refresh_rect(STREAM* s, BYTE count, RECTANGLE_16* areas)
	int i;

	stream_write_BYTE(s, count); /* numberOfAreas (1 byte) */
	stream_seek(s, 3); /* pad3Octets (3 bytes) */

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		stream_write_UINT16(s, areas[i].left); /* left (2 bytes) */
		stream_write_UINT16(s, areas[i].top); /* top (2 bytes) */
		stream_write_UINT16(s, areas[i].right); /* right (2 bytes) */
		stream_write_UINT16(s, areas[i].bottom); /* bottom (2 bytes) */
Пример #26
static void rdpdr_send_client_announce_reply(rdpdrPlugin* rdpdr)
	STREAM* data_out;

	data_out = stream_new(12);

	stream_write_UINT16(data_out, RDPDR_CTYP_CORE);
	stream_write_UINT16(data_out, PAKID_CORE_CLIENTID_CONFIRM);

	stream_write_UINT16(data_out, rdpdr->versionMajor);
	stream_write_UINT16(data_out, rdpdr->versionMinor);
	stream_write_UINT32(data_out, (UINT32) rdpdr->clientID);

	svc_plugin_send((rdpSvcPlugin*) rdpdr, data_out);
Пример #27
void rts_pdu_header_write(STREAM* s, RTS_PDU_HEADER* header)
	stream_write_BYTE(s, header->rpc_vers); /* rpc_vers (1 byte) */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, header->rpc_vers_minor); /* rpc_vers_minor (1 byte) */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, header->ptype); /* PTYPE (1 byte) */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, header->pfc_flags); /* pfc_flags (1 byte) */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, header->packed_drep[0]); /* packet_drep[0] (1 byte) */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, header->packed_drep[1]); /* packet_drep[1] (1 byte) */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, header->packed_drep[2]); /* packet_drep[2] (1 byte) */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, header->packed_drep[3]); /* packet_drep[3] (1 byte) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, header->frag_length); /* frag_length (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, header->auth_length); /* auth_length (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT32(s, header->call_id); /* call_id (4 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, header->flags); /* flags (2 bytes) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, header->numberOfCommands); /* numberOfCommands (2 bytes) */
Пример #28
void tpdu_write_header(STREAM* s, UINT16 length, BYTE code)
	stream_write_BYTE(s, length); /* LI */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, code); /* code */

	if (code == X224_TPDU_DATA)
		stream_write_BYTE(s, 0x80); /* EOT */
		stream_write_UINT16(s, 0); /* DST-REF */
		stream_write_UINT16(s, 0); /* SRC-REF */
		stream_write_BYTE(s, 0); /* Class 0 */
Пример #29
void license_write_preamble(STREAM* s, BYTE bMsgType, BYTE flags, UINT16 wMsgSize)
	/* preamble (4 bytes) */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, bMsgType); /* bMsgType (1 byte) */
	stream_write_BYTE(s, flags); /* flags (1 byte) */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, wMsgSize); /* wMsgSize (2 bytes) */
Пример #30
void gcc_write_server_network_data(STREAM* s, rdpSettings* settings)
	int i;

	gcc_write_user_data_header(s, SC_NET, 8 + settings->ChannelCount * 2 + (settings->ChannelCount % 2 == 1 ? 2 : 0));

	stream_write_UINT16(s, MCS_GLOBAL_CHANNEL_ID); /* MCSChannelId */
	stream_write_UINT16(s, settings->ChannelCount); /* channelCount */

	for (i = 0; i < settings->ChannelCount; i++)
		stream_write_UINT16(s, settings->ChannelDefArray[i].ChannelId);

	if (settings->ChannelCount % 2 == 1)
		stream_write_UINT16(s, 0);