Пример #1
LLGlobalVariable * IrStruct::getInterfaceArraySymbol()
    if (classInterfacesArray)
        return classInterfacesArray;

    ClassDeclaration* cd = aggrdecl->isClassDeclaration();

    size_t n = stripModifiers(type)->irtype->isClass()->getNumInterfaceVtbls();
    assert(n > 0 && "getting ClassInfo.interfaces storage symbol, but we "
                    "don't implement any interfaces");

    VarDeclarationIter idx(ClassDeclaration::classinfo->fields, 3);
    LLType* InterfaceTy = DtoType(idx->type->nextOf());

    // create Interface[N]
    LLArrayType* array_type = llvm::ArrayType::get(InterfaceTy,n);

    // put it in a global
    std::string name("_D");

    llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes _linkage = DtoExternalLinkage(aggrdecl);
    classInterfacesArray = new llvm::GlobalVariable(*gIR->module,
        array_type, true, _linkage, NULL, name);

    return classInterfacesArray;
Пример #2
IrFuncTy &DtoIrTypeFunction(DValue *fnval) {
  if (DFuncValue *dfnval = fnval->isFunc()) {
    if (dfnval->func) {
      return getIrFunc(dfnval->func)->irFty;

  Type *type = stripModifiers(fnval->getType()->toBasetype());
  return type->ctype->getIrFuncTy();
Пример #3
LLGlobalVariable * IrStruct::getClassInfoSymbol()
    if (classInfo)
        return classInfo;

    // create the initZ symbol
    std::string initname("_D");

    if (aggrdecl->isInterfaceDeclaration())

    llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes _linkage = DtoExternalLinkage(aggrdecl);

    ClassDeclaration* cinfo = ClassDeclaration::classinfo;
    IrTypeClass* tc = stripModifiers(cinfo->type)->irtype->isClass();
    assert(tc && "invalid ClassInfo type");

    // classinfos cannot be constants since they're used as locks for synchronized
    classInfo = new llvm::GlobalVariable(
        *gIR->module, tc->getMemoryLLType(), false, _linkage, NULL, initname);

    // Generate some metadata on this ClassInfo if it's for a class.
    ClassDeclaration* classdecl = aggrdecl->isClassDeclaration();
    if (classdecl && !aggrdecl->isInterfaceDeclaration()) {
        // Gather information
        LLType* type = DtoType(aggrdecl->type);
        LLType* bodyType = llvm::cast<LLPointerType>(type)->getElementType();
        bool hasDestructor = (classdecl->dtor != NULL);
        bool hasCustomDelete = (classdecl->aggDelete != NULL);
        // Construct the fields
        MDNodeField* mdVals[CD_NumFields];
        mdVals[CD_BodyType] = llvm::UndefValue::get(bodyType);
        mdVals[CD_Finalize] = LLConstantInt::get(LLType::getInt1Ty(gIR->context()), hasDestructor);
        mdVals[CD_CustomDelete] = LLConstantInt::get(LLType::getInt1Ty(gIR->context()), hasCustomDelete);
        // Construct the metadata and insert it into the module.
        llvm::SmallString<64> name;
        llvm::NamedMDNode* node = gIR->module->getOrInsertNamedMetadata(
            llvm::Twine(CD_PREFIX, initname).toStringRef(name));
            llvm::makeArrayRef(mdVals, CD_NumFields)));
#endif // USE_METADATA

    return classInfo;
Пример #4
LLGlobalVariable * IrStruct::getVtblSymbol()
    if (vtbl)
        return vtbl;

    // create the initZ symbol
    std::string initname("_D");

    llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes _linkage = DtoExternalLinkage(aggrdecl);

    LLType* vtblTy = stripModifiers(type)->irtype->isClass()->getVtbl();

    vtbl = new llvm::GlobalVariable(
        *gIR->module, vtblTy, true, _linkage, NULL, initname);

    return vtbl;
Пример #5
LLType* DtoType(Type* t)
    t = stripModifiers( t );

    if (t->ctype)
        return t->ctype->getLLType();

    IF_LOG Logger::println("Building type: %s", t->toChars());

    switch (t->ty)
    // basic types
    case Tvoid:
    case Tint8:
    case Tuns8:
    case Tint16:
    case Tuns16:
    case Tint32:
    case Tuns32:
    case Tint64:
    case Tuns64:
    case Tint128:
    case Tuns128:
    case Tfloat32:
    case Tfloat64:
    case Tfloat80:
    case Timaginary32:
    case Timaginary64:
    case Timaginary80:
    case Tcomplex32:
    case Tcomplex64:
    case Tcomplex80:
    //case Tbit:
    case Tbool:
    case Tchar:
    case Twchar:
    case Tdchar:
        return IrTypeBasic::get(t)->getLLType();

    // pointers
    case Tnull:
    case Tpointer:
        return IrTypePointer::get(t)->getLLType();

    // arrays
    case Tarray:
        return IrTypeArray::get(t)->getLLType();

    case Tsarray:
        return IrTypeSArray::get(t)->getLLType();

    // aggregates
    case Tstruct:
        TypeStruct* ts = static_cast<TypeStruct*>(t);
        if (ts->sym->type->ctype)
            // This should not happen, but the frontend seems to be buggy. Not
            // sure if this is the best way to handle the situation, but we
            // certainly don't want to override ts->sym->type->ctype.
            IF_LOG Logger::cout() << "Struct with multiple Types detected: " <<
                ts->toChars() << " (" << ts->sym->locToChars() << ")" << std::endl;
            return ts->sym->type->ctype->getLLType();
        return IrTypeStruct::get(ts->sym)->getLLType();
    case Tclass:
        TypeClass* tc = static_cast<TypeClass*>(t);
        if (tc->sym->type->ctype)
            // See Tstruct case.
            IF_LOG Logger::cout() << "Class with multiple Types detected: " <<
                tc->toChars() << " (" << tc->sym->locToChars() << ")" << std::endl;
            return tc->sym->type->ctype->getLLType();
        return IrTypeClass::get(tc->sym)->getLLType();

    // functions
    case Tfunction:
        return IrTypeFunction::get(t)->getLLType();

    // delegates
    case Tdelegate:
        return IrTypeDelegate::get(t)->getLLType();

    // typedefs
    // enum

    // FIXME: maybe just call toBasetype first ?
    case Tenum:
        Type* bt = t->toBasetype();
        return DtoType(bt);

    // associative arrays
    case Taarray:
        return getVoidPtrType();

    case Tvector:
        return IrTypeVector::get(t)->getLLType();

    Not needed atm as VarDecls for tuples are rewritten as a string of
    VarDecls for the fields (u -> _u_field_0, ...)

    case Ttuple:
        TypeTuple* ttupl = static_cast<TypeTuple*>(t);
        return DtoStructTypeFromArguments(ttupl->arguments);

        llvm_unreachable("Unknown class of D Type!");
    return 0;
Пример #6
DValue* DtoCastClass(Loc& loc, DValue* val, Type* _to)
    IF_LOG Logger::println("DtoCastClass(%s, %s)", val->getType()->toChars(), _to->toChars());

    Type* to = _to->toBasetype();

    // class -> pointer
    if (to->ty == Tpointer) {
        IF_LOG Logger::println("to pointer");
        LLType* tolltype = DtoType(_to);
        LLValue* rval = DtoBitCast(val->getRVal(), tolltype);
        return new DImValue(_to, rval);
    // class -> bool
    else if (to->ty == Tbool) {
        IF_LOG Logger::println("to bool");
        LLValue* llval = val->getRVal();
        LLValue* zero = LLConstant::getNullValue(llval->getType());
        return new DImValue(_to, gIR->ir->CreateICmpNE(llval, zero));
    // class -> integer
    else if (to->isintegral()) {
        IF_LOG Logger::println("to %s", to->toChars());

        // get class ptr
        LLValue* v = val->getRVal();
        // cast to size_t
        v = gIR->ir->CreatePtrToInt(v, DtoSize_t(), "");
        // cast to the final int type
        DImValue im(Type::tsize_t, v);
        return DtoCastInt(loc, &im, _to);

    // must be class/interface
    assert(to->ty == Tclass);
    TypeClass* tc = static_cast<TypeClass*>(to);

    // from type
    Type* from = val->getType()->toBasetype();
    TypeClass* fc = static_cast<TypeClass*>(from);

    // x -> interface
    if (InterfaceDeclaration* it = tc->sym->isInterfaceDeclaration()) {
        Logger::println("to interface");
        // interface -> interface
        if (fc->sym->isInterfaceDeclaration()) {
            Logger::println("from interface");
            return DtoDynamicCastInterface(loc, val, _to);
        // class -> interface - static cast
        else if (it->isBaseOf(fc->sym,NULL)) {
            Logger::println("static down cast");

            // get the from class
            ClassDeclaration* cd = fc->sym->isClassDeclaration();
            DtoResolveClass(cd); // add this
            IrTypeClass* typeclass = stripModifiers(fc)->ctype->isClass();

            // find interface impl

            size_t i_index = typeclass->getInterfaceIndex(it);
            assert(i_index != ~0UL && "requesting interface that is not implemented by this class");

            // offset pointer
            LLValue* v = val->getRVal();
            LLValue* orig = v;
            v = DtoGEPi(v, 0, i_index);
            LLType* ifType = DtoType(_to);
            IF_LOG {
                Logger::cout() << "V = " << *v << std::endl;
                Logger::cout() << "T = " << *ifType << std::endl;
            v = DtoBitCast(v, ifType);

            // Check whether the original value was null, and return null if so.
            // Sure we could have jumped over the code above in this case, but
            // it's just a GEP and (maybe) a pointer-to-pointer BitCast, so it
            // should be pretty cheap and perfectly safe even if the original was null.
            LLValue* isNull = gIR->ir->CreateICmpEQ(orig, LLConstant::getNullValue(orig->getType()), ".nullcheck");
            v = gIR->ir->CreateSelect(isNull, LLConstant::getNullValue(ifType), v, ".interface");

            // return r-value
            return new DImValue(_to, v);
Пример #7
LLConstant * IrStruct::getClassInfoInterfaces()
    IF_LOG Logger::println("Building ClassInfo.interfaces");

    ClassDeclaration* cd = aggrdecl->isClassDeclaration();

    size_t n = interfacesWithVtbls.size();
    assert(stripModifiers(type)->irtype->isClass()->getNumInterfaceVtbls() == n &&
        "inconsistent number of interface vtables in this class");

    VarDeclarationIter interfaces_idx(ClassDeclaration::classinfo->fields, 3);

    if (n == 0)
        return getNullValue(DtoType(interfaces_idx->type));

// Build array of:
//     struct Interface
//     {
//         ClassInfo   classinfo;
//         void*[]     vtbl;
//         ptrdiff_t   offset;
//     }

    LLSmallVector<LLConstant*, 6> constants;

    LLType* classinfo_type = DtoType(ClassDeclaration::classinfo->type);
    LLType* voidptrptr_type = DtoType(
    VarDeclarationIter idx(ClassDeclaration::classinfo->fields, 3);
    LLStructType* interface_type = isaStruct(DtoType(idx->type->nextOf()));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        BaseClass* it = interfacesWithVtbls[i];

        IF_LOG Logger::println("Adding interface %s", it->base->toPrettyChars());

        IrStruct* irinter = it->base->ir.irStruct;
        assert(irinter && "interface has null IrStruct");
        IrTypeClass* itc = stripModifiers(irinter->type)->irtype->isClass();
        assert(itc && "null interface IrTypeClass");

        // classinfo
        LLConstant* ci = irinter->getClassInfoSymbol();
        ci = DtoBitCast(ci, classinfo_type);

        // vtbl
        LLConstant* vtb;
        // interface get a null
        if (cd->isInterfaceDeclaration())
            vtb = DtoConstSlice(DtoConstSize_t(0), getNullValue(voidptrptr_type));
            ClassGlobalMap::iterator itv = interfaceVtblMap.find(it->base);
            assert(itv != interfaceVtblMap.end() && "interface vtbl not found");
            vtb = itv->second;
            vtb = DtoBitCast(vtb, voidptrptr_type);
            vtb = DtoConstSlice(DtoConstSize_t(itc->getVtblSize()), vtb);

        // offset
        LLConstant* off = DtoConstSize_t(it->offset);

        // create Interface struct
        LLConstant* inits[3] = { ci, vtb, off };
        LLConstant* entry = LLConstantStruct::get(interface_type, llvm::makeArrayRef(inits, 3));

    // create Interface[N]
    LLArrayType* array_type = llvm::ArrayType::get(interface_type, n);

    // create and apply initializer
    LLConstant* arr = LLConstantArray::get(array_type, constants);

    // return null, only baseclass provide interfaces
    if (cd->vtblInterfaces->dim == 0)
        return getNullValue(DtoType(interfaces_idx->type));

    // only the interface explicitly implemented by this class
    // (not super classes) should show in ClassInfo
    LLConstant* idxs[2] = {
        DtoConstSize_t(n - cd->vtblInterfaces->dim)

    LLConstant* ptr = llvm::ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(
        classInterfacesArray, idxs, true);

    // return as a slice
    return DtoConstSlice( DtoConstSize_t(cd->vtblInterfaces->dim), ptr );
Пример #8
void IrStruct::addBaseClassInits(
    std::vector<llvm::Constant*>& constants,
    ClassDeclaration* base,
    size_t& offset,
    size_t& field_index)
    if (base->baseClass)
        addBaseClassInits(constants, base->baseClass, offset, field_index);

    IrTypeClass* tc = stripModifiers(base->type)->irtype->isClass();

    // go through fields
    IrTypeAggr::iterator it;
    for (it = tc->def_begin(); it != tc->def_end(); ++it)
        VarDeclaration* vd = *it;

        IF_LOG Logger::println("Adding default field %s %s (+%u)", vd->type->toChars(), vd->toChars(), vd->offset);

        assert(vd->offset >= offset && "default fields not sorted by offset");

        // get next aligned offset for this type
        size_t alignedoffset = realignOffset(offset, vd->type);

        // insert explicit padding?
        if (alignedoffset < vd->offset)
            add_zeros(constants, vd->offset - alignedoffset);

        // add default type
        constants.push_back(get_default_initializer(vd, vd->init));

        // advance offset to right past this field
        offset = vd->offset + vd->type->size();

    // has interface vtbls?
    if (base->vtblInterfaces && base->vtblInterfaces->dim > 0)
        // false when it's not okay to use functions from super classes
        bool newinsts = (base == aggrdecl->isClassDeclaration());

        size_t inter_idx = interfacesWithVtbls.size();

        offset = (offset + PTRSIZE - 1) & ~(PTRSIZE - 1);

        ArrayIter<BaseClass> it2(*base->vtblInterfaces);
        for (; !it2.done(); it2.next())
            BaseClass* b = it2.get();
            constants.push_back(getInterfaceVtbl(b, newinsts, inter_idx));
            offset += PTRSIZE;

            // add to the interface list
Пример #9
LLConstant * IrStruct::getVtblInit()
    if (constVtbl)
        return constVtbl;

    IF_LOG Logger::println("Building vtbl initializer");

    ClassDeclaration* cd = aggrdecl->isClassDeclaration();
    assert(cd && "not class");

    std::vector<llvm::Constant*> constants;

    // start with the classinfo
    llvm::Constant* c = getClassInfoSymbol();
    c = DtoBitCast(c, DtoType(ClassDeclaration::classinfo->type));

    // add virtual function pointers
    size_t n = cd->vtbl.dim;
    for (size_t i = 1; i < n; i++)
        Dsymbol* dsym = static_cast<Dsymbol*>(cd->vtbl.data[i]);
        assert(dsym && "null vtbl member");

        FuncDeclaration* fd = dsym->isFuncDeclaration();
        assert(fd && "vtbl entry not a function");

        if (cd->isAbstract() || (fd->isAbstract() && !fd->fbody))
            c = getNullValue(DtoType(fd->type->pointerTo()));
            assert(fd->ir.irFunc && "invalid vtbl function");
            c = fd->ir.irFunc->func;
#if DMDV2
            if (cd->isFuncHidden(fd))
            {   /* fd is hidden from the view of this class.
                 * If fd overlaps with any function in the vtbl[], then
                 * issue 'hidden' error.
                for (size_t j = 1; j < n; j++)
                {   if (j == i)
                    FuncDeclaration *fd2 = static_cast<Dsymbol *>(cd->vtbl.data[j])->isFuncDeclaration();
                    if (!fd2->ident->equals(fd->ident))
                    if (fd->leastAsSpecialized(fd2) || fd2->leastAsSpecialized(fd))
                        if (global.params.warnings)
                            TypeFunction *tf = static_cast<TypeFunction *>(fd->type);
                            if (tf->ty == Tfunction)
                                error("%s%s is hidden by %s\n", fd->toPrettyChars(), Parameter::argsTypesToChars(tf->parameters, tf->varargs), toChars());
                                error("%s is hidden by %s\n", fd->toPrettyChars(), toChars());
                        c = DtoBitCast(LLVM_D_GetRuntimeFunction(gIR->module, "_d_hidden_func"), c->getType());

    // build the constant struct
    LLType* vtblTy = stripModifiers(type)->irtype->isClass()->getVtbl();
    constVtbl = LLConstantStruct::get(isaStruct(vtblTy), constants);

#if 0
   IF_LOG Logger::cout() << "constVtbl type: " << *constVtbl->getType() << std::endl;
   IF_LOG Logger::cout() << "vtbl type: " << *stripModifiers(type)->irtype->isClass()->getVtbl() << std::endl;

#if 0

    size_t nc = constants.size();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < nc; ++i)
        if (constVtbl->getOperand(i)->getType() != vtblTy->getContainedType(i))
            Logger::cout() << "type mismatch for entry # " << i << " in vtbl initializer" << std::endl;



    assert(constVtbl->getType() == stripModifiers(type)->irtype->isClass()->getVtbl() &&
        "vtbl initializer type mismatch");

    return constVtbl;
Пример #10
LLType *DtoType(Type *t) {
  t = stripModifiers(t);

  if (t->ctype) {
    return t->ctype->getLLType();

  IF_LOG Logger::println("Building type: %s", t->toChars());

  switch (t->ty) {
  // basic types
  case Tvoid:
  case Tint8:
  case Tuns8:
  case Tint16:
  case Tuns16:
  case Tint32:
  case Tuns32:
  case Tint64:
  case Tuns64:
  case Tint128:
  case Tuns128:
  case Tfloat32:
  case Tfloat64:
  case Tfloat80:
  case Timaginary32:
  case Timaginary64:
  case Timaginary80:
  case Tcomplex32:
  case Tcomplex64:
  case Tcomplex80:
  // case Tbit:
  case Tbool:
  case Tchar:
  case Twchar:
  case Tdchar: {
    return IrTypeBasic::get(t)->getLLType();

  // pointers
  case Tnull:
  case Tpointer:
  case Treference: { // CALYPSO
    return IrTypePointer::get(t)->getLLType();

  // arrays
  case Tarray: {
    return IrTypeArray::get(t)->getLLType();

  case Tsarray: {
    return IrTypeSArray::get(t)->getLLType();

  // aggregates
  case Tstruct: {
    TypeStruct *ts = static_cast<TypeStruct *>(t);
    if (ts->sym->type->ctype) {
      // This should not happen, but the frontend seems to be buggy. Not
      // sure if this is the best way to handle the situation, but we
      // certainly don't want to override ts->sym->type->ctype.
      IF_LOG Logger::cout()
          << "Struct with multiple Types detected: " << ts->toChars() << " ("
          << ts->sym->locToChars() << ")" << std::endl;
      return ts->sym->type->ctype->getLLType();
    return IrTypeStruct::get(ts->sym)->getLLType();
  case Tclass: {
    TypeClass *tc = static_cast<TypeClass *>(t);
    if (tc->sym->type->ctype) {
      // See Tstruct case.
      IF_LOG Logger::cout()
          << "Class with multiple Types detected: " << tc->toChars() << " ("
          << tc->sym->locToChars() << ")" << std::endl;
      return tc->sym->type->ctype->getLLType();
    return IrTypeClass::get(tc->sym)->getLLType();

  // functions
  case Tfunction: {
    return IrTypeFunction::get(t)->getLLType();

  // delegates
  case Tdelegate: {
    return IrTypeDelegate::get(t)->getLLType();

  // typedefs
  // enum

  // FIXME: maybe just call toBasetype first ?
  case Tenum: {
    Type *bt = t->toBasetype();
    if (t == bt) {
      // This is an enum forward reference that is only legal when referenced
      // through an indirection (e.g. "enum E; void foo(E* p);"). For lack of a
      // better choice, make the outer indirection a void pointer.
      return getVoidPtrType()->getContainedType(0);
    return DtoType(bt);

  // associative arrays
  case Taarray:
    return getVoidPtrType();

  case Tvector: {
    return IrTypeVector::get(t)->getLLType();

    llvm_unreachable("Unknown class of D Type!");
  return nullptr;
Пример #11
LLConstant* DtoDefineClassInfo(ClassDeclaration* cd)
//     The layout is:
//        {
//         void **vptr;
//         monitor_t monitor;
//         byte[] initializer;     // static initialization data
//         char[] name;        // class name
//         void *[] vtbl;
//         Interface[] interfaces;
//         ClassInfo *base;        // base class
//         void *destructor;
//         void *invariant;        // class invariant
//         uint flags;
//         void *deallocator;
//         OffsetTypeInfo[] offTi;
//         void *defaultConstructor;
//         version(D_Version2)
//              const(MemberInfo[]) function(string) xgetMembers;
//         else
//              TypeInfo typeinfo; // since dmd 1.045
//        }

    Logger::println("DtoDefineClassInfo(%s)", cd->toChars());

    assert(cd->type->ty == Tclass);
    TypeClass* cdty = static_cast<TypeClass*>(cd->type);

    IrStruct* ir = cd->ir.irStruct;

    ClassDeclaration* cinfo = ClassDeclaration::classinfo;

    if (cinfo->fields.dim != 12)
        error("object.d ClassInfo class is incorrect");

    // use the rtti builder
    RTTIBuilder b(ClassDeclaration::classinfo);

    LLConstant* c;

    LLType* voidPtr = getVoidPtrType();
    LLType* voidPtrPtr = getPtrToType(voidPtr);

    // byte[] init
    if (cd->isInterfaceDeclaration())
        LLType* cd_type = stripModifiers(cdty)->irtype->getType();
        size_t initsz = getTypePaddedSize(cd_type);
        b.push_void_array(initsz, ir->getInitSymbol());

    // class name
    // code from dmd
    const char *name = cd->ident->toChars();
    size_t namelen = strlen(name);
    if (!(namelen > 9 && memcmp(name, "TypeInfo_", 9) == 0))
        name = cd->toPrettyChars();
        namelen = strlen(name);

    // vtbl array
    if (cd->isInterfaceDeclaration())
        b.push_array(0, getNullValue(voidPtrPtr));
        c = DtoBitCast(ir->getVtblSymbol(), voidPtrPtr);
        b.push_array(cd->vtbl.dim, c);

    // interfaces array

    // base classinfo
    // interfaces never get a base , just the interfaces[]
    if (cd->baseClass && !cd->isInterfaceDeclaration())

    // destructor
    if (cd->isInterfaceDeclaration())

    // invariant
    VarDeclaration* invVar = static_cast<VarDeclaration*>(cinfo->fields.data[6]);
    b.push_funcptr(cd->inv, invVar->type);

    // uint flags
    if (cd->isInterfaceDeclaration())
        b.push_uint(4 | cd->isCOMinterface() | 32);

    // deallocator
    b.push_funcptr(cd->aggDelete, Type::tvoid->pointerTo());

    // offset typeinfo
    VarDeclaration* offTiVar = static_cast<VarDeclaration*>(cinfo->fields.data[9]);


    if (cd->isInterfaceDeclaration())
        b.push(build_offti_array(cd, DtoType(offTiVar->type)));




    // default constructor
    VarDeclaration* defConstructorVar = static_cast<VarDeclaration*>(cinfo->fields.data[10]);
    b.push_funcptr(cd->defaultCtor, defConstructorVar->type);

#if DMDV2

    // xgetMembers
    VarDeclaration* xgetVar = static_cast<VarDeclaration*>(cinfo->fields.data[11]);
    b.push_funcptr(cd->findGetMembers(), xgetVar->type);


    // typeinfo - since 1.045


    /*size_t n = inits.size();
    for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i)
        Logger::cout() << "inits[" << i << "]: " << *inits[i] << '\n';

    // build the initializer
    LLType *initType = ir->classInfo->getType()->getContainedType(0);
    LLConstant* finalinit = b.get_constant(isaStruct(initType));

    //Logger::cout() << "built the classinfo initializer:\n" << *finalinit <<'\n';
    ir->constClassInfo = finalinit;

    // sanity check
    assert(finalinit->getType() == initType &&
        "__ClassZ initializer does not match the ClassInfo type");

    // return initializer
    return finalinit;