char * Ptt_prints(char *str, size_t size, int mode) { char *strbuf = alloca(size); int r, w; for( r = w = 0 ; str[r] != 0 && w < ((int)size - 1) ; ++r ) { if( str[r] != ESC_CHR ) { strbuf[w++] = str[r]; continue; } if( str[++r] != '*' ){ if (w+2 >= (int)size-1) break; strbuf[w++] = ESC_CHR; strbuf[w++] = str[r]; continue; } /* Note, w will increased by copied length after */ expand_esc_star(strbuf+w, &(str[r-1]), size-w); r ++; w += strlen(strbuf+w); } strbuf[w] = 0; strip_ansi(str, strbuf, mode); return str; }
/* * level defines whether it gets displayed to the screen with printf. * (it always logs). * 0 = everything, even all the registers * 1 = prints syscall count * 2 = Just the reseed values * */ void output(unsigned char level, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; int n; FILE *handle; pid_t pid; char outputbuf[BUFSIZE]; char *prefix = NULL; char main_prefix[]="[main]"; char child_prefix[32]; if (logging == LOGGING_DISABLED && level >= quiet_level) return; /* prefix preparation */ pid = getpid(); if (pid == mainpid) prefix = main_prefix; else if (prefix == NULL) { unsigned int childno; childno = find_childno(pid); snprintf(child_prefix, sizeof(child_prefix), "[child%u:%u]", childno, pid); prefix = child_prefix; shm->children[childno]->logdirty = TRUE; } /* formatting output */ va_start(args, fmt); n = vsnprintf(outputbuf, sizeof(outputbuf), fmt, args); va_end(args); if (n < 0) { outputerr("## Something went wrong in output() [%d]\n", n); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* stdout output if needed */ if (quiet_level >= level) { printf("%s %s", prefix, outputbuf); (void)fflush(stdout); } /* go on with file logs only if enabled */ if (logging == LOGGING_FILES) return; handle = find_logfile_handle(); if (!handle) return; strip_ansi(outputbuf); fprintf(handle, "%s %s", prefix, outputbuf); (void)fflush(handle); }
// readback int instr(char *str) { register screenline_t *slp = GetCurrentLine(); *str = 0; if (!slp) return 0; slp->data[slp->len] = 0; strip_ansi(str, (char*)slp->data, STRIP_ALL); return strlen(str); }
int innstr(char *str, int n) { register screenline_t *slp = GetCurrentLine(); char buf[ANSILINELEN]; *str = 0; if (!slp) return 0; slp->data[slp->len] = 0; strip_ansi(buf, (char*)slp->data, STRIP_ALL); buf[ANSILINELEN-1] = 0; strlcpy(str, buf, n); return strlen(str); }
void decompile_powers(dbref player, dbref thing, char *thingname) { POWER f1, f2; POWERENT *fp; char *buf; /* * Report generic powers */ f1 = Powers(thing); f2 = Powers2(thing); for (fp = gen_powers; fp->powername; fp++) { /* * Skip if we shouldn't decompile this power */ if (fp->listperm & CA_NO_DECOMP) { continue; } /* * Skip if this power is not set */ if (fp->powerpower & POWER_EXT) { if (!(f2 & fp->powervalue)) { continue; } } else { if (!(f1 & fp->powervalue)) { continue; } } /* * Skip if we can't see this power */ if (!check_access(player, fp->listperm)) { continue; } /* * We made it this far, report this power */ buf = strip_ansi(thingname); notify_check(player, player, MSG_PUP_ALWAYS | MSG_ME_ALL | MSG_F_DOWN, "@power %s=%s", buf, fp->powername); free_lbuf(buf); } }
void interp_err(dbref player, dbref program, struct inst *pc, struct inst *arg, int atop, dbref origprog, const char *msg1, const char *msg2) { char buf[BUFFER_LEN]; char buf2[BUFFER_LEN]; char tbuf[40]; int errcount; time_t lt; err++; if (OWNER(origprog) == OWNER(player)) { strcpyn(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[1;31;40mProgram Error. Your program just got the following error.\033[0m"); } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[1;31;40mProgrammer Error. Please tell %s what you typed, and the following message.\033[0m", NAME(OWNER(origprog))); } notify_nolisten(player, buf, 1); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[1m%s(#%d), line %d; %s: %s\033[0m", NAME(program), program, pc ? pc->line : -1, msg1, msg2); notify_nolisten(player, buf, 1); lt = time(NULL); #ifndef WIN32 format_time(tbuf, 32, "%c", localtime(<)); #else format_time(tbuf, 32, "%c", uw32localtime(<)); #endif strip_ansi(buf2, buf); errcount = get_property_value(origprog, ".debug/errcount"); errcount++; add_property(origprog, ".debug/errcount", NULL, errcount); add_property(origprog, ".debug/lasterr", buf2, 0); add_property(origprog, ".debug/lastcrash", NULL, (int)lt); add_property(origprog, ".debug/lastcrashtime", tbuf, 0); if (origprog != program) { errcount = get_property_value(program, ".debug/errcount"); errcount++; add_property(program, ".debug/errcount", NULL, errcount); add_property(program, ".debug/lasterr", buf2, 0); add_property(program, ".debug/lastcrash", NULL, (int)lt); add_property(program, ".debug/lastcrashtime", tbuf, 0); } }
static void output_rendered_buffer(char *buffer) { /* Output to stdout only if -q param is not specified */ if (quiet_level == MAX_LOGLEVEL) flushbuffer(buffer, stdout); /* Exit if should not continue at all. */ if (logging == TRUE) { FILE *log_handle; log_handle = find_logfile_handle(); if (log_handle != NULL) { strip_ansi(buffer); flushbuffer(buffer, log_handle); } } }
/** * 從第 y 列開始 show 出 filename 檔案中的前 lines 行。 * mode 為 output 的模式,參數同 strip_ansi。 * @param filename: the file to show * @param y: starting line on screen * @param lines: max lines to be displayed * @param mode: SHOWFILE_*, see modes.h * @return 失敗傳回 0,否則為 1。 * 2 表示有 PttPrints 碼 */ int show_file(const char *filename, int y, int lines, int mode) { FILE *fp; char buf[ANSILINELEN]; int ret = 1; int strpmode = STRIP_ALL; if (mode & SHOWFILE_ALLOW_COLOR) strpmode = ONLY_COLOR; if (mode & SHOWFILE_ALLOW_MOVE) strpmode = NO_RELOAD; if (y >= 0) move(y, 0); clrtoln(lines + y); if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r"))) { while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) && lines--) { move(y++, 0); if (mode == SHOWFILE_RAW) { outs(buf); } else if ((mode & SHOWFILE_ALLOW_STAR) && (strstr(buf, ESC_STR "*") != NULL)) { // because Ptt_prints escapes are not so often, // let's try harder to detect it. outs(Ptt_prints(buf, sizeof(buf), strpmode)); ret = 2; } else { // ESC is very common... strip_ansi(buf, buf, strpmode); outs(buf); } } fclose(fp); outs(ANSI_RESET); // prevent some broken Welcome file } else return 0; return ret; }
// TODO: combine the below with output() void output_rendered_buffer(char *buffer) { FILE *log_handle; /* Output to stdout only if -q param is not specified */ if (quiet_level == MAX_LOGLEVEL) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", buffer); fflush(stdout); } /* Exit if should not continue at all. */ if (logging == LOGGING_DISABLED) return; log_handle = find_logfile_handle(); if (log_handle != NULL) { strip_ansi(buffer); fprintf(log_handle, "%s", buffer); fflush(log_handle); } }
BLAPI_PROTO bl_strip_ansi(lua_State *L) { int n = lua_gettop(L); const char *s = NULL; char *s2 = NULL; size_t os2 = 0; if (n < 1 || (s = lua_tostring(L, 1)) == NULL || *s == 0) { lua_pushstring(L, ""); return 1; } os2 = strlen(s)+1; s2 = (char*) lua_newuserdata(L, os2); strip_ansi(s2, s, STRIP_ALL); lua_pushstring(L, s2); lua_remove(L, -2); return 1; }
char * Ptt_prints(char *str, int mode) { char *po, *px, *ptr, strbuf[40] = ""; while ((po = strstr(str, "\033[12")) != '\0') po[0] = 0; while ((po = strstr(str, "\033[10")) != '\0') po[0] = 0; while ((po = strstr(str, "\033n")) != '\0') po[0] = 0; while ((po = strstr(str, "\033]")) != '\0') po[0] = 0; while ((po = strstr(str, "\033[=")) != '\0') po[0] = 0; while ((po = strstr(str, "\033*")) != '\0') { switch (*(po + 2)) { case 'S': *po = 0; px = po + 3; sprintf(strbuf, "%s", BOARDNAME); break; case 's': *po = 0; px = po + 3; sprintf(strbuf, "%s", cuser.userid); break; case 't': { time_t now = time(0); *po = 0; px = po + 3; sprintf(strbuf, "%s", Etime(&now)); break; } case 'u': { int attempts; extern struct UTMPFILE *utmpshm; attempts = utmpshm->number; *po = 0; px = po + 3; sprintf(strbuf, "%d", attempts); break; } case 'z': /* ·|¦©°£©Ò¦³Áô¨ªº¤H */ *po = 0; px = po + 3; sprintf(strbuf, "%d", guest_count_ulist()); break; case 'b': *po = 0; px = po + 3; sprintf(strbuf, "%d/%d", cuser.month,, px); break; case 'l': *po = 0; px = po + 3; sprintf(strbuf, "%d", cuser.numlogins); break; case 'p': *po = 0; px = po + 3; sprintf(strbuf, "%d", cuser.numposts); break; case 'n': *po = 0; px = po + 3; sprintf(strbuf, "%s", cuser.username); break; case 'm': *po = 0; px = po + 3; sprintf(strbuf, "%d", cuser.silvermoney); break; default: *po = 0; px = NULL; break; } if (px) { /* ©È·¸¦ì */ ptr = strbuf + strlen(strbuf); *(ptr + 1) = '\0'; while (*po++ = strbuf[0]) { *ptr = *px++; strcpy(strbuf, strbuf + 1); } } } strip_ansi(str, str, mode); return str; }
// level: // -1 - bold out // 0 - dark text // 1 - text // 2 - no highlight (not implemented) void grayout(int y, int end, int level) { register screenline_t *slp = NULL; char buf[ANSILINELEN]; int i = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; if (end > b_lines) end = b_lines; // TODO change to y <= end someday // loop lines for (; y <= end; y ++) { // modify by scroll i = y + roll; if (i < 0) i += t_lines; else if (i >= t_lines) i %= t_lines; slp = &big_picture[i]; if (slp->len < 1) continue; if (slp->len >= ANSILINELEN) slp->len = ANSILINELEN -1; // tweak slp slp->data[slp->len] = 0; slp->mode &= ~STANDOUT; slp->mode |= MODIFIED; slp->oldlen = 0; slp->sso = slp->eso = 0; slp->smod = 0; // make slp->data a pure string for (i=0; i<slp->len; i++) { if (!slp->data[i]) slp->data[i] = ' '; } slp->len = strip_ansi(buf, (char*)slp->data, STRIP_ALL); buf[slp->len] = 0; switch(level) { case GRAYOUT_DARK: // dark text case GRAYOUT_BOLD:// bold text // basically, in current system slp->data will // not exceed t_columns. buffer overflow is impossible. // but to make it more robust, let's quick check here. // of course, t_columns should always be far smaller. if (strlen((char*)slp->data) > (size_t)t_columns) slp->data[t_columns] = 0; strcpy((char*)slp->data, level < 0 ? ANSI_COLOR(1) : ANSI_COLOR(1;30;40)); strcat((char*)slp->data, buf); strcat((char*)slp->data, ANSI_RESET ANSI_CLRTOEND); slp->len = strlen((char*)slp->data); break; case GRAYOUT_NORM: // Plain text memcpy(slp->data, buf, slp->len + 1); break; } slp->emod = slp->len -1; } }
void decompile_flags( dbref player, dbref thing, char *thingname ) { FLAG f1, f2, f3; FLAGENT *fp; /* * Report generic flags */ f1 = Flags( thing ); f2 = Flags2( thing ); f3 = Flags3( thing ); for( fp = gen_flags; fp->flagname; fp++ ) { /* * Skip if we shouldn't decompile this flag */ if( fp->listperm & CA_NO_DECOMP ) { continue; } /* * Skip if this flag is not set */ if( fp->flagflag & FLAG_WORD3 ) { if( !( f3 & fp->flagvalue ) ) { continue; } } else if( fp->flagflag & FLAG_WORD2 ) { if( !( f2 & fp->flagvalue ) ) { continue; } } else { if( !( f1 & fp->flagvalue ) ) { continue; } } /* * Skip if we can't see this flag */ if( !check_access( player, fp->listperm ) ) { continue; } /* * We made it this far, report this flag */ notify_check( player, player, MSG_PUP_ALWAYS|MSG_ME_ALL|MSG_F_DOWN, "@set %s=%s", strip_ansi( thingname ), fp->flagname ); } }