Пример #1
static void set_fileselc(void *data, int nr)
    EDITINFO *einf = (EDITINFO *) data;
    Char *c=NULL, *h, *s;

    nr = perm[nr];
    if ((nr==OUTPUTBUTTON || nr>=NR_BUTTON) && einf->outputname) {
	h = einf->outputname;
	s = strip_name(einf->outputname);
	if (s!=h) {
	} else h=NULL;
    } else {
	h = einf->pathname;
	s = strip_name(einf->pathname);
	if (s!=h) {
	} else h=NULL;
    fileselc_open(handle_fileselc_func[nr], data, translate(textremark[nr].lines),
		  h, translate(textremark[nr].extension), s, einf->win_id);
    if (c) *c='/';
Пример #2
static void edit_auto_save(void *data, int dump)
    EDITINFO *einf = (EDITINFO *) data;
    FILE *f;
    /* Using dump%s to keep a possible #%s# as extra backup */

    if (!einf->auto_saved && !einf->empty) {
      if (dump) {
	Ustrcat(buffer, translate("dump"));
	Ustrcat(buffer, strip_name(einf->filename));
	Ustrcat(buffer, translate(EXTENSION));
      } else {
	Ustrcat(buffer, translate("#"));
	Ustrcat(buffer, strip_name(einf->filename));
	Ustrcat(buffer, translate("#" EXTENSION));
	f = open_dirfile(userdir, buffer, "wb");
	if (f) {
	    einf->auto_saved = MP_True;
	} else failure=MP_True;
    ** In case of a failure, the document should be saved
    ** in another file, to make sure nothing gets lost.
Пример #3
void cramped_name(const char *s, char *t, int w)
	const char *q=s;
	char *p=t, tus[256];
	int l, d, h;

	l = strlen(q);
	d = l - w;

	if (d > 0)
		strip_name(tus, s);
		q = tus;
		l = strlen(tus);
		d = l - w;

	if (d <= 0)
		if (w < 12)		/* 8.3 */
			strcpy(t, q+d); /* only the last ch's */
			h = (w-3)/2;
Пример #4
static void remove_auto_save(EDITINFO *einf)
    buffer[0] = '\0';
    Ustrcat(buffer, userdir);
    Ustrcat(buffer, translate("/#"));
    Ustrcat(buffer, strip_name(einf->filename));
    Ustrcat(buffer, translate("#" EXTENSION));
Пример #5
static void disp_short
	char *string,	/* resultant string */ 
	int kbshort,	/* keyboard shortcut to be displayed */ 
	int left		/* left-justify and 0-terminate string if true */
	int i,j;		/* counters */

	i = 3;			/* position of the leftmost character */

	switch ( kbshort & 0xFF )
		case 0x08: 				/* Backspace */
			string[i--] = 'S';
			string[i--] = 'B';
		case 0x09: 				/* Tab */
			string[i--] = 'B';
			string[i--] = 'A';
			string[i--] = 'T';
		case 0x20: 				/* Space */
			string[i--] = 'P';
			string[i--] = 'S';
		case 0x7F: 				/* Delete */
			string[i--] = 'L';
			string[i--] = 'E';
			string[i--] = 'D';
		default:				/* Other */
			if ( kbshort ) 
				string[i--] =  (char)(kbshort & 0xFF);
	if ( kbshort & XD_CTRL )	/* Preceded by ^ ? */
		string[i--] = '^';		
	for ( j = i; j >= 0; j-- ) /* fill blanks to the left */
		string[j] = ' ';	 
	if ( i >= 0 && left )		/* if needed- left justify, 0 terminate */
		string[4] = 0;
		strip_name( string, string );

Пример #6
/* 初始化mudlib中的master */
void init_master() {
    char buf[512];
#ifdef LPC_TO_C
    lpc_object_t *compiled_version;
    object_t *new_ob;

    if (!strip_name(MASTER_FILE, buf, sizeof buf))
        error("Illegal master file name '%s'\n", MASTER_FILE);

#ifdef LPC_TO_C
    compiled_version = (lpc_object_t *)lookup_object_hash(buf);	/* cv是个lpc的obj */

    new_ob = load_object(buf, compiled_version);				/* 将master load进来 */
    if (new_ob == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "The master file %s was not loaded.\n",
    set_master(new_ob);		/* 设置master对象 */
Пример #7
 * Specify tval and sval (type and subtype of object) originally
 * by RAK, heavily modified by -Bernd-
 * This function returns the k_idx of an object type, or zero if failed
 * List up to 50 choices in three columns
static int wiz_create_itemtype(void)
	int i, num, max_num;
	int col, row;
	int tval;

	cptr tval_desc;
	char ch;

	int choice[60];

	char buf[160];

	/* Clear screen */

	/* Print all tval's and their descriptions */
	for (num = 0; (num < 60) && tvals[num].tval; num++)
		row = 2 + (num % 20);
		col = 30 * (num / 20);
		ch = listsym[num];
		prt(format("[%c] %s", ch, tvals[num].desc), row, col);

	/* We need to know the maximal possible tval_index */
	max_num = num;

	/* Choose! */
	if (!get_com("Get what type of object? ", &ch)) return (0);

	/* Analyze choice */
	for (num = 0; num < max_num; num++)
		if (listsym[num] == ch) break;

	/* Bail out if choice is illegal */
	if (num >= max_num) return (0);

	/* Base object type chosen, fill in tval */
	tval = tvals[num].tval;
	tval_desc = tvals[num].desc;

	/*** And now we go for k_idx ***/

	/* Clear screen */

	/* We have to search the whole itemlist. */
	for (num = 0, i = 1; (num < 60) && (i < max_k_idx); i++)
		object_kind *k_ptr = &k_info[i];

		/* Analyze matching items */
		if (k_ptr->tval == tval)
			/* Prepare it */
			row = 2 + (num % 20);
			col = 30 * (num / 20);
			ch = listsym[num];

			/* Acquire the "name" of object "i" */
			strip_name(buf, i);

			/* Print it */
			prt(format("[%c] %s", ch, buf), row, col);

			/* Remember the object index */
			choice[num++] = i;

	/* We need to know the maximal possible remembered object_index */
	max_num = num;

	/* Choose! */
	if (!get_com(format("What Kind of %s? ", tval_desc), &ch)) return (0);

	/* Analyze choice */
	for (num = 0; num < max_num; num++)
		if (listsym[num] == ch) break;

	/* Bail out if choice is "illegal" */
	if (num >= max_num) return (0);

	/* And return successful */
	return (choice[num]);
Пример #8
 * Get an object kind for creation (or zero)
 * List up to 60 choices in three columns
static int wiz_create_itemtype(void)
	int i, num, max_num;
	int col, row;
	int tval;

	cptr tval_desc;
	char ch;

	int choice[60];
	static const char choice_name[] = ("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"
	const char *cp;

	char buf[160];

	/* Clear screen */

	/* Print all tval's and their descriptions */
        for (num = 0; (num < 60) && object_group_tval[num]; num++)
		row = 2 + (num % 20);
		col = 30 * (num / 20);
		ch  = choice_name[num];
                prt(format("[%c] %s", ch, object_group_text[num]), row, col);

	/* We need to know the maximal possible tval_index */
	max_num = num;

	/* Choose! */
	if (!get_com("Get what type of object? ", &ch)) return (0);

	/* Analyze choice */
	num = -1;
	if ((cp = strchr(choice_name, ch)) != NULL)
		num = cp - choice_name;

	/* Bail out if choice is illegal */
	if ((num < 0) || (num >= max_num)) return (0);

	/* Base object type chosen, fill in tval */
        tval = object_group_tval[num];
        tval_desc = object_group_text[num];

	/*** And now we go for k_idx ***/

	/* Clear screen */

	/* We have to search the whole itemlist. */
	for (num = 0, i = 1; (num < 60) && (i < z_info->k_max); i++)
		object_kind *k_ptr = &k_info[i];

		/* Analyze matching items */
		if (k_ptr->tval == tval)
			/* Hack -- Skip instant artifacts */
			if (k_ptr->flags3 & (TR3_INSTA_ART)) continue;

			/* Prepare it */
			row = 2 + (num % 20);
			col = 30 * (num / 20);
			ch  = choice_name[num];

			/* Get the "name" of object "i" */
			strip_name(buf, i);

			/* Print it */
			prt(format("[%c] %s", ch, buf), row, col);

			/* Remember the object index */
			choice[num++] = i;

	/* Me need to know the maximal possible remembered object_index */
	max_num = num;

	/* Choose! */
	if (!get_com(format("What Kind of %s? ", tval_desc), &ch)) return (0);

	/* Analyze choice */
	num = -1;
	if ((cp = strchr(choice_name, ch)) != NULL)
		num = cp - choice_name;

	/* Bail out if choice is "illegal" */
	if ((num < 0) || (num >= max_num)) return (0);

	/* And return successful */
	return (choice[num]);
Пример #9
static void setpreferences(void)
	int button;
	int oldbutton; /* DjV 039 090203 aux for arrow_form_do */

	/* DjV 019 060103 070103 ---vvv--- */

	static XDINFO prefinfo; 
	static int menui=MFIRST;/* .rsc index of currently displayed menu item */
	int mi;					/* menui - MFIRST */
	int redraw;				/* true if to redraw menu item and key def */
	int lm;					/* length of text field in current menu item */
	int lf;					/* length of form for menu item text */
	int i;				 	/* counters */
	int tmp[NITEM+2];		/* temporary kbd shortcuts (until OK) */
	char aux[5];			/* temp. buffer for string manipulation */

	/* DjV 019 060103 070103 ---^^^--- */

	xd_set_rbutton(setprefs, OPTPAR2, (options.cprefs & DIALPOS_MODE) ? DMOUSE : DCENTER);
	xd_set_rbutton(setprefs, OPTPAR1, DNORMAL + options.dial_mode);

	itoa(options.tabsize, tabsize, 10);
	/* itoa(options.bufsize, copybuffer, 10); DjV 016 050103 moved to another dialog*/

	/* DjV 019 060103 ---vvv--- */

	/* button = xd_dialog(setprefs, TABSIZE); */

	/* Get length of space for displaying menu items */

	lf = setprefs[OPTMTEXT].ob_spec.tedinfo->te_txtlen - 1;

	/* Copy shortcuts to a temporary buffer (until OK'd)  */

	for ( i = 0; i <= NITEM; i++ )
		tmp[i] = options.V2_2.kbshort[i];

	/* Open dialog; then loop until OK or Cancel */
	xd_open(setprefs, &prefinfo);

	redraw = TRUE;
	button = OPTMNEXT; /* anything*/
	oldbutton = -1; 	/* DjV 039 090203 */

	while ( button != OPTOK && button != OPTCANC )

		/* Display text of current menu item */

		mi = menui - MFIRST;

		if ( redraw )
			lm = strlen(menu[menui].ob_spec.free_string); /* How long? Assumed always to be lm > 5 */

			/* Copy menu text to dialog, remove shortcut text */

				min(lm, lf) 

			for ( i= min(lf, lm - 5); i < lf; i++ )
				setprefs[OPTMTEXT].ob_spec.tedinfo->te_ptext[i] = ' ';

			/* Display defined shortcut */

			disp_short( setprefs[OPTKKEY].ob_spec.tedinfo->te_ptext, tmp[mi], TRUE );
			xd_draw ( &prefinfo, OPTMTEXT, 1 );
			xd_draw ( &prefinfo, OPTKKEY, 1 );
			redraw = FALSE;

		/* HR Do not use goto's!!! */
		do 		/* again: */
			/* xd_change( &prefinfo, button, NORMAL, TRUE ); DjV 039 090203 */
			/* button = xd_form_do ( &prefinfo, ROOT ); DjV 039 090203 */
			button = arrow_form_do ( &prefinfo, &oldbutton ); /* DjV 039 090203 */

			/* Interpret shortcut from the dialog */

			strip_name( aux, setprefs[OPTKKEY].ob_spec.tedinfo->te_ptext );
			/* strupr ( aux ); DjV 019 280103 not needed anymore */
			strcpy ( setprefs[OPTKKEY].ob_spec.tedinfo->te_ptext, aux );
			i = strlen( aux );
			tmp[mi] = 0;

			switch ( i )
				case 0:						/* nothing defined */
				case 1:						/* single-character shortcut */
					tmp[mi] = (int)aux[0];
				case 2:						/* two-character ^something shortcut */
					if (    aux[0] == '^' 
					     && aux[1] >= 'A'	/* DjV 019 280103 changed > 0x20 to >= 'A' */
						 && aux[1] <= 'Z' )	/* DjV 019 280103 changed > 0x7f fo <= 'Z' */
						tmp[mi] =  (int)aux[1] | XD_CTRL;
					else					/* DjV 019 280103 */
						tmp[mi] = XD_CTRL;  /* DjV 019 280103 illegal */
				default:					/* longer shortcuts */
					if ( aux[0] == '^' )
						tmp[mi] = XD_CTRL;
						aux[0] = ' ';
						strip_name( aux, aux );
					if ( strcmp( aux, "BS" ) == 0 )
						tmp[mi] |= BACKSPC;	/* DjV 019 280103 used macros instad of hex values*/
					else if ( strcmp( aux, "TAB" ) == 0 )
						tmp[mi] |= TAB;		/* DjV 019 280103 */
					else if ( strcmp( aux, "SP" ) == 0 )
						tmp[mi] |= SPACE;	/* DjV 019 280103 */
					else if ( strcmp( aux, "DEL" ) == 0 )
						tmp[mi] |= DELETE;	/* DjV 019 280103 */
						tmp[mi] = XD_SCANCODE; /* use this to mark invalid */
		while (check_key(button, tmp));

		 * Only menu items which lie between MFIRST and MLAST are considered;
		 * if menu structure is changed, this interval should be redefined too;
		 * only those menu items with a space in the second char position
		 * are considered; other items are assumed not to be valid menu texts
		 * note: below will crash in the (ridiculous) situation when the
		 * first or the last menu item is not a good text

		switch ( button )
			case OPTMPREV:
				while ( menui > MFIRST && menu[--menui].ob_type != G_STRING);
				if ( menu[menui].ob_spec.free_string[1] != ' ' ) menui--;
				redraw = TRUE;
			case OPTMNEXT:
				while ( menui < MLAST && menu[++menui].ob_type != G_STRING);
				if ( menu[menui].ob_spec.free_string[1] != ' ' ) menui++;
				redraw = TRUE;
			case OPTKCLR:
				for ( i = 0; i <= NITEM; i++ )
					tmp[i] = 0;
				redraw = TRUE;
	} /* while... */


	/* DjV 019 060103 ---^^^--- */
	if (button == OPTOK)
		int posmode = XD_CENTERED;

		/* DjV 019 070103 ---vvv--- */

		/* Reset pressed OK button */
		xd_change( &prefinfo, OPTOK, NORMAL, FALSE );

		/* Move shortcuts into perm. storage and menu and display them */

		for ( i = 0; i <= NITEM; i++ )
			options.V2_2.kbshort[i] = tmp[i];


		/* DjV 019 070103 ---^^^--- */

		if (xd_get_rbutton(setprefs, OPTPAR2) == DMOUSE)
			/* prefs |= DIALPOS_MODE; DjV 016 090103 */
			options.cprefs |= DIALPOS_MODE;
			posmode = XD_MOUSE;

			options.cprefs &= ~DIALPOS_MODE;

		options.dial_mode = xd_get_rbutton(setprefs, OPTPAR1) - DNORMAL;

		/* DjV 016 050103 ---vvv--- */
		/* moved to copyoptions
		if ((options.bufsize = atoi(copybuffer)) < 1)
			options.bufsize = 1;
		/* DjV 016 050103 ---^^^--- */
		if ((options.tabsize = atoi(tabsize)) < 1)
			options.tabsize = 1;

	/* DjV 019 070103 ---vvv--- */
		xd_change( &prefinfo, OPTCANC, NORMAL, FALSE );

	/* DjV 019 070103 ---^^^--- */
Пример #10
static int set_name(void *data, Char *pathname)
    EDITINFO *einf = (EDITINFO *) data;
    XTextProperty prop_name;
    Char *name;
    int namesize;
    Char *stripname, *nname;

    if (pathname == NULL) {
	EDITINFO *tinf;
	FlexArray istck;
	int i=0,j;
	while (aig(tinf=(EDITINFO*)next_data_with_type(MAINEDITWINDOW, &i))) {
	  if (!Ustrncmp(translate(EMPTYFILE),tinf->filename, Ustrlen(translate(EMPTYFILE)))) {
	    j = Ustrtol(tinf->filename+Ustrlen(translate(EMPTYFILE)), NULL, 10);
	    int_add(istck, j);
	while (int_contains(istck,i)) i++;
	nname = (Char *) malloc(sizeof(Char)*(Ustrlen(userdir) +
					      Ustrlen(translate("/" EMPTYFILE))
					      + 5 +Ustrlen(translate(EXTENSION))));
	concat_in(nname, userdir, translate("/" EMPTYFILE));
	stripname = nname + Ustrlen(nname);
	{ Char sb[40];
	  Char *s;
	Ustrcat(stripname, translate(EXTENSION));
    } else
        nname = pathname;
    stripname = concat(strip_name(nname),NULL);
    if (!Ustrcmp(stripname+Ustrlen(stripname)-Ustrlen(translate(EXTENSION)),
	stripname[Ustrlen(stripname)-Ustrlen(translate(EXTENSION))] = 0;
    namesize = Ustrlen(translate(EDITNAME)) + Ustrlen(stripname) + 1 +
	(einf->saved ? 0 : Ustrlen(translate(CHANGED))) +
	(einf->view_mode && !einf->shell ? Ustrlen(translate(VIEWCOM)) : 0) +
	(einf->shell && !einf->fini ? Ustrlen(translate(RUNCOM)) : 0) +
	(einf->shell && einf->fini ? Ustrlen(translate(DONECOM)) : 0);
    name = (Char *) malloc((size_t) namesize*sizeof(Char) );
    if (name) {
	name[0]= '\0';
	Ustrcat(name, translate(EDITNAME));
	Ustrcat(name, stripname);
	if (!einf->saved && !einf->shell) Ustrcat(name, translate(CHANGED));
	if (einf->view_mode && !einf->shell) Ustrcat(name, translate(VIEWCOM));
	if (einf->shell && !einf->fini) Ustrcat(name, translate(RUNCOM));
	if (einf->shell && einf->fini) Ustrcat(name, translate(DONECOM));
      char *n;
      n= (char*)UstrtoLocale(name);
      if (!name || !XStringListToTextProperty(&n, 1, &prop_name)) {
	message(MP_ERROR, translate("No location for editname."));
	return 0;
    XSetWMName(display, einf->win_id, &prop_name);
    if (einf->pathname!=nname) free(einf->pathname);
    einf->headername = name;
    einf->filename = stripname;
    einf->pathname = nname;
      char *icn;
      icn = (char*)UstrtoLocale(stripname);
      if (!XStringListToTextProperty(&icn, 1, &prop_name)) {
	message(MP_ERROR, translate("No location for editicon."));
	return 0;
    XSetWMIconName(display, einf->win_id, &prop_name);
    return 1;
Пример #11
static int do_cmd_squelch_aux(void)
	int i, j, temp, num, max_num;
	int col, row;
	int typeval;
	cptr tval_desc;
	char ch, sq;

	int choice[60];

	char buf[160];
	byte color;

	/* Clear screen */

	 * Print all typeval's and their descriptions
	 * This uses the above arrays.  I combined a few of the
	 * tvals into single typevals.

	for (num = 0; (num<60) && typevals[num].tval; num++)
		row = 3 + (num % 20);
		col = 30 * (num / 20);
		ch = head[num/26] +num%26;
		prt(format("[%c] %s", ch, typevals[num].desc), row, col);

	/* We need to know the maximal possible tval_index */
	max_num = num;

	/* Choose! */
	if (!get_com("Squelch what type of object? (Q: Secondary Menu for Weapons and Armour) ", &ch)) return (0);

	if (ch=='Q')
		/* Switch to secondary squelching menu */

		/* Analyze choice */
		num = ch-'a';

		/* Bail out if choice is illegal */
		if ((num < 0) || (num >= max_num)) return (0);

		/* Base object type chosen, fill in tval */
		typeval = typevals[num].tval;
		tval_desc = typevals[num].desc;

		/*** And now we go for k_idx ***/

		/* Clear screen */

		while (1)

			/* First sort based on value */
			/* Step 1: Read into choice array */

			for (num = 0, i = 1; (num < 60) && (i < MAX_K_IDX); i++)
				object_kind *k_ptr = &k_info[i];

				if (tv_to_type[k_ptr->tval] == typeval)
					if (k_ptr->flags3 & (TR3_INSTA_ART)) continue;
					if (!(k_ptr->aware)) continue;
					choice[num++] = i;

			max_num = num;

			/* Step 2: Simple bubble sort */
			for (i=0; i<max_num; i++)
				for (j=i; j<max_num; j++)
					if ((k_info[choice[i]].tval>k_info[choice[j]].tval) ||
					    ((k_info[choice[i]].tval==k_info[choice[j]].tval) &&
						temp = choice[i];
						choice[i] = choice[j];
						choice[j] = temp;

			if (!max_num) c_put_str(TERM_RED, "No known objects of this type.", 3, 0);

				for (num = 0; num<max_num; num++)
					object_kind *k_ptr = &k_info[choice[num]];

					/* Prepare it */
					row = 3 + (num % 20);
					col = 30 * (num / 20);
					ch = head[num/26] + (num%26);

					/* Acquire the "name" of object "i" */
					strip_name(buf, choice[num]);

					/* Get the squelch character */
					sq = (k_ptr->squelch ? '*' : ' ');

					/* Get the color */
					color = (k_ptr->squelch ? TERM_RED : TERM_L_GREEN);

					/* Print it */
					prt(format("[%c%c] ", ch, sq), row, col);
					c_put_str(color, buf, row, col+5);

				/* Print the legend */
				prt("'*': Squelch           ' ': Do not squelch", 1, 0);


			/* Choose! */
			if (!get_com(format("%s : Command? (^A: Squelch all   ^U: Unsquelch all)", tval_desc), &ch)) return (1);

			if (ch==KTRL('A'))
				/* ^A --> Squelch all items */
				for (i=0; i<max_num; i++)
					k_info[choice[i]].squelch = TRUE;
			else if (ch==KTRL('U'))
				/* ^U --> Unsquelch all items */
				for (i=0; i<max_num; i++)
					k_info[choice[i]].squelch = FALSE;
				/* Analyze choice */
				num = -1;
				if ((ch >= head[0]) && (ch < head[0] + 26)) num = ch - head[0];
				if ((ch >= head[1]) && (ch < head[1] + 26)) num = ch - head[1] + 26;
				if ((ch >= head[2]) && (ch < head[2] + 17)) num = ch - head[2] + 52;

				/* Bail out if choice is "illegal" */
				if ((num < 0) || (num >= max_num)) return (1);

				/* Toggle */
				k_info[choice[num]].squelch =
				  (k_info[choice[num]].squelch ? FALSE : TRUE);
	/* And return successful */
	return (1);