static char * get_ip6_next_hop (gchar * next_hop) { gchar *tmp; if (!next_hop) return NULL; tmp = find_gateway_str (next_hop); if (!tmp) { nm_log_warn (LOGD_SETTINGS, "Couldn't obtain next_hop in \"%s\"", next_hop); return NULL; } tmp = g_strdup (tmp); strip_string (tmp, ' '); strip_string (tmp, '"'); g_strstrip (tmp); if (!nm_utils_ipaddr_valid (AF_INET6, tmp)) goto error; return tmp; error: if (!is_ip4_address (tmp)) nm_log_warn (LOGD_SETTINGS, "Can't handle IPv6 next_hop: %s", tmp); g_free (tmp); return NULL; }
/* format IP and route for writing */ static void format_ips (gchar * value, gchar ** out_line, gchar * key, gchar * name) { gchar **ipset; guint length, i; GString *formated_string = g_string_new (NULL); strip_string (value, '('); strip_string (value, ')'); strip_string (value, '"'); ipset = g_strsplit (value, "\"", 0); length = g_strv_length (ipset); //only one line if (length < 2) { *out_line = g_strdup_printf ("%s_%s=\"%s\"\n", key, name, value); goto done; } // Multiple lines g_string_append_printf (formated_string, "%s_%s=\"\n", key, name); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { strip_string (ipset[i], ' '); if (ipset[i][0] != '\0') g_string_append_printf (formated_string, "%s\n", ipset[i]); } g_string_append (formated_string, "\"\n"); *out_line = g_strdup (formated_string->str); done: g_string_free (formated_string, TRUE); g_strfreev (ipset); }
static guint32 get_ip4_gateway (gchar * gateway) { gchar *tmp, *split; struct in_addr tmp_ip4_addr; if (!gateway) return 0; tmp = find_gateway_str (gateway); if (!tmp) { PLUGIN_WARN (IFNET_PLUGIN_NAME, "Couldn't obtain gateway in \"%s\"", gateway); return 0; } tmp = g_strdup (tmp); strip_string (tmp, ' '); strip_string (tmp, '"'); if ((split = strstr (tmp, "\"")) != NULL) *split = '\0'; if (!inet_pton (AF_INET, tmp, &tmp_ip4_addr)) goto error; g_free (tmp); return tmp_ip4_addr.s_addr; error: if (!is_ip6_address (tmp)) PLUGIN_WARN (IFNET_PLUGIN_NAME, "Can't handle IPv4 gateway: %s", tmp); g_free (tmp); return 0; }
static void add_key_value (GHashTable * network, gchar * line) { gchar **key_value; if (g_str_has_prefix (line, "network={")) line += 9; strip_string (line, '{'); strip_string (line, '}'); if (line[0] == '\0') return; key_value = g_strsplit (line, "=", 2); if (g_strv_length (key_value) != 2) { g_strfreev (key_value); return; } g_strstrip (key_value[0]); g_strstrip (key_value[1]); /* Reserve quotes for psk, wep_key, ssid * Quotes will determine whether they are hex format */ if (strcmp (key_value[0], "psk") != 0 && !g_str_has_prefix (key_value[0], "wep_key") && strcmp (key_value[0], "ssid") != 0) strip_string (key_value[1], '"'); g_hash_table_insert (network, g_strdup (key_value[0]), g_strdup (key_value[1])); g_strfreev (key_value); }
static char * get_ip4_gateway (gchar * gateway) { gchar *tmp, *split; if (!gateway) return NULL; tmp = find_gateway_str (gateway); if (!tmp) { nm_log_warn (LOGD_SETTINGS, "Couldn't obtain gateway in \"%s\"", gateway); return NULL; } tmp = g_strdup (tmp); strip_string (tmp, ' '); strip_string (tmp, '"'); // Only one gateway is selected if ((split = strstr (tmp, "\"")) != NULL) *split = '\0'; if (!nm_utils_ipaddr_valid (AF_INET, tmp)) goto error; return tmp; error: if (!is_ip6_address (tmp)) nm_log_warn (LOGD_SETTINGS, "Can't handle IPv4 gateway: %s", tmp); g_free (tmp); return NULL; }
static struct in6_addr * get_ip6_next_hop (gchar * next_hop) { gchar *tmp; struct in6_addr *tmp_ip6_addr = g_slice_new0 (struct in6_addr); if (!next_hop) return 0; tmp = find_gateway_str (next_hop); if (!tmp) { PLUGIN_WARN (IFNET_PLUGIN_NAME, "Couldn't obtain next_hop in \"%s\"", next_hop); return 0; } tmp = g_strdup (tmp); strip_string (tmp, ' '); strip_string (tmp, '"'); g_strstrip (tmp); if (!inet_pton (AF_INET6, tmp, tmp_ip6_addr)) goto error; g_free (tmp); return tmp_ip6_addr; error: if (!is_ip4_address (tmp)) PLUGIN_WARN (IFNET_PLUGIN_NAME, "Can't handle IPv6 next_hop: %s", tmp); g_free (tmp); g_slice_free (struct in6_addr, tmp_ip6_addr); return NULL; }
/* Connection type is determined here */ static void init_block_by_line (gchar * buf) { gchar **key_value; gchar *pos; gchar *data; gchar *tmp; GHashTable *conn; key_value = g_strsplit (buf, "=", 2); if (g_strv_length (key_value) != 2) { nm_log_warn (LOGD_SETTINGS, "Can't handle this line: %s\n", buf); g_strfreev (key_value); return; } pos = g_strrstr (key_value[0], "_"); if (pos == NULL || is_global_setting (key_value[0])) { /* global data */ data = g_strdup (key_value[1]); tmp = strip_string (data, '"'); strip_string (tmp, '\''); nm_log_info (LOGD_SETTINGS, "global:%s-%s\n", key_value[0], tmp); g_hash_table_insert (global_settings_table, g_strdup (key_value[0]), g_strdup (tmp)); g_strfreev (key_value); g_free (data); return; } *pos++ = '\0'; if ((conn = get_connection_config (pos)) == NULL) { if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (pos, "eth", 3) == 0 && strlen (pos) == 4) /* wired connection */ conn = add_new_connection_config ("wired", pos); else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (pos, "ppp", 3) == 0 && strlen (pos) == 4) /* pppoe connection */ conn = add_new_connection_config ("ppp", pos); else if (ignore_connection_name (pos)) { /* ignored connection */ conn = add_new_connection_config ("ignore", pos); } else { int ifindex = nm_platform_link_get_ifindex (NM_PLATFORM_GET, pos); if (ifindex && nm_platform_link_get_type (NM_PLATFORM_GET, ifindex) != NM_LINK_TYPE_WIFI) /* wired connection */ conn = add_new_connection_config ("wired", pos); else /* wireless connection */ conn = add_new_connection_config ("wireless", pos); } } data = g_strdup (key_value[1]); tmp = strip_string (data, '"'); strip_string (tmp, '\''); if (conn) g_hash_table_insert (conn, strip_string (g_strdup (key_value[0]), ' '), g_strdup (tmp)); g_free (data); g_strfreev (key_value); }
static void test_strip_string () { gchar *str = "( \"default via\" )"; gchar *result = g_strdup (str); gchar *result_b = result; result = strip_string (result, '('); result = strip_string (result, ')'); result = strip_string (result, '"'); ASSERT (strcmp (result, "default via") == 0, "strip_string", "string isn't stripped, result is: %s", result); g_free (result_b); }
void set_ip6_dns_servers (NMSettingIPConfig *s_ip6, const char *conn_name) { const char *dns_servers; gchar **server_list, *stripped; guint length, i; struct in6_addr tmp_ip6_addr; dns_servers = ifnet_get_data (conn_name, "dns_servers"); if (!dns_servers) return; stripped = g_strdup (dns_servers); strip_string (stripped, '"'); server_list = g_strsplit (stripped, " ", 0); g_free (stripped); length = g_strv_length (server_list); if (length) g_object_set (s_ip6, NM_SETTING_IP_CONFIG_IGNORE_AUTO_DNS, TRUE, NULL); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { g_strstrip (server_list[i]); if (server_list[i][0] == '\0') continue; if (!inet_pton (AF_INET6, server_list[i], &tmp_ip6_addr)) { if (is_ip6_address (server_list[i])) nm_log_warn (LOGD_SETTINGS, "ignored dns: %s\n", server_list[i]); continue; } if (!nm_setting_ip_config_add_dns (s_ip6, server_list[i])) nm_log_warn (LOGD_SETTINGS, "warning: duplicate DNS server %s", server_list[i]); } g_strfreev (server_list); }
ip_block * convert_ip4_routes_block (const char *conn_name) { gchar **ipset; guint length; guint i; gchar *ip; ip_block *start = NULL, *current = NULL, *iblock = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (conn_name != NULL, NULL); ipset = split_routes (ifnet_get_data (conn_name, "routes")); length = ipset ? g_strv_length (ipset) : 0; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { ip = ipset[i]; if (find_default_gateway_str (ip) || strstr (ip, "::") || !find_gateway_str (ip)) continue; ip = strip_string (ip, '"'); iblock = create_ip4_block (ip); if (iblock == NULL) continue; iblock->next_hop = get_ip4_gateway (ip); if (start == NULL) start = current = iblock; else { current->next = iblock; current = iblock; } } g_strfreev (ipset); return start; }
/* If value is NULL, this method will delete old key value pair */ void wpa_set_data (const char *ssid, const char *key, const char *value) { gpointer old_key = NULL, old_value = NULL; GHashTable *security = g_hash_table_lookup (wsec_table, ssid); gchar * stripped = NULL; g_return_if_fail (security != NULL); if (value){ stripped = g_strdup(value); if (strcmp (key, "ssid") != 0 && strcmp (key, "psk") != 0 && !g_str_has_prefix (key, "wep_key")) strip_string (stripped, '"'); } /* Remove old key value pairs */ if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (security, key, &old_key, &old_value)) { if (stripped && !strcmp(old_value, stripped)){ g_free (stripped); return; } g_hash_table_remove (security, old_key); g_free (old_key); g_free (old_value); } else if (!value) return; /* Add new key value */ if (stripped) g_hash_table_insert (security, g_strdup (key), stripped); wpa_parser_data_changed = TRUE; }
static int read_file( FILE *file, int *stacksiz) { int lineno = 1; char string[LINE_LENGTH+1]; while( fgets( string, LINE_LENGTH, file) != NULL ) { char *key, *value; var_t *var; if( string[strlen(string)-1] != '\n' ) { printf( "Line %d: Line too long.\n", lineno); return -1; } key = strtok_r( string, ":", &value); if( !(var = get_var( key, varlist)) ) { printf( "Line %d: Key '%s' not found.\n", lineno, key); return -1; } var->stuff.prog = program_init(); strip_string( value); if( parse_expression( value, var->stuff.prog, stacksiz, var->type, symbol_parser) == -1 ) { printf( "Line %d: %s\n", lineno, parse_error); return -1; } lineno++; } return 0; };
/* format ip values for comparison */ static gchar* format_ip_for_comparison (const gchar * value) { gchar **ipset; guint length, i; GString *formated_string = g_string_new (NULL); gchar *formatted = NULL; ipset = g_strsplit (value, "\"", 0); length = g_strv_length (ipset); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { strip_string (ipset[i], ' '); if (ipset[i][0] != '\0') g_string_append_printf (formated_string, "%s ", ipset[i]); } formatted = g_strdup (formated_string->str); formatted[formated_string->len - 1] = '\0'; g_string_free (formated_string, TRUE); g_strfreev (ipset); return formatted; }
gchar * read_hostname (gchar * path) { gchar *contents = NULL, *result = NULL, *tmp; gchar **all_lines = NULL; guint line_num, i; if (!g_file_get_contents (path, &contents, NULL, NULL)) return NULL; all_lines = g_strsplit (contents, "\n", 0); line_num = g_strv_length (all_lines); for (i = 0; i < line_num; i++) { g_strstrip (all_lines[i]); if (all_lines[i][0] == '#' || all_lines[i][0] == '\0') continue; if (g_str_has_prefix (all_lines[i], "hostname")) { tmp = strstr (all_lines[i], "="); tmp++; tmp = strip_string (tmp, '"'); result = g_strdup (tmp); break; } } g_strfreev (all_lines); g_free (contents); return result; }
ip6_block * convert_ip6_config_block (gchar * conn_name) { gchar **ipset; guint length; guint i; gchar *ip; ip6_block *start = NULL, *current = NULL, *iblock = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (conn_name != NULL, NULL); ipset = g_strsplit (ifnet_get_data (conn_name, "config"), "\" \"", 0); length = g_strv_length (ipset); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { ip = ipset[i]; ip = strip_string (ip, '"'); iblock = create_ip6_block (ip); if (iblock == NULL) continue; if (start == NULL) start = current = iblock; else { current->next = iblock; current = iblock; } } g_strfreev (ipset); return start; }
void wedit_save_to_disk() { int counter; FILE *fp; struct wild_data *wild; sprintf(buf, "%s/", WILD_PREFIX, WILD_TABLE_FILE); if (!(fp = fopen(buf, "w+"))) { mudlog("SYSERR: OLC: Cannot open wild table file!", BRF, LVL_BUILDER, TRUE); return; } for (counter = 0; counter <= top_of_wild_table; counter++) { wild = (wild_table + counter); /* * Remove the '\r\n' sequences from description. */ strcpy(buf1, wild->description ? wild->description : "Empty"); strip_string(buf1); /* * Forget making a buffer, lets just write the thing now. */ fprintf(fp, "#%d\n%s~\n%s~\n%c %d %d\n%d %d %d\n%d %d\n", wild_table[counter].index, wild_table[counter].name, buf1, wild_table[counter].symbol, wild_table[counter].color, wild_table[counter].owner, wild_table[counter].move_cost, wild_table[counter].altitudine, wild_table[counter].can_enter, wild_table[counter].sector_type, wild_table[counter].room_flags); } /* * Write final line and close. */ fprintf(fp, "$~\n"); fclose(fp); sprintf(buf2, "%s/%s", WILD_PREFIX, WILD_TABLE_FILE); /* * We're fubar'd if we crash between the two lines below. */ remove(buf2); rename(buf, buf2); for (counter=0; counter <= top_of_zone_table; counter++) wild_ascii_map_save_to_disk(counter); olc_remove_from_save_list(WILD_ZONE, OLC_SAVE_WILD); }
static void strip_lower_string(GString *string) { gchar *lower; strip_string(string); lower = g_ascii_strdown(string->str, -1); g_free(string->str); string->str = lower; }
ip6_block * convert_ip6_routes_block (gchar * conn_name) { gchar **ipset; guint length; guint i; gchar *ip, *tmp_addr; gchar *routes; ip6_block *start = NULL, *current = NULL, *iblock = NULL; struct in6_addr *tmp_ip6_addr; g_return_val_if_fail (conn_name != NULL, NULL); routes = ifnet_get_data (conn_name, "routes"); if (!routes) return NULL; ipset = g_strsplit (routes, "\" \"", 0); length = g_strv_length (ipset); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { ip = ipset[i]; ip = strip_string (ip, '"'); if (ip[0] == '\0') continue; if ((tmp_addr = find_default_gateway_str (ip)) != NULL) { if (!is_ip6_address (tmp_addr)) continue; else { tmp_ip6_addr = g_slice_new0 (struct in6_addr); if (inet_pton (AF_INET6, "::", tmp_ip6_addr)) { iblock = g_slice_new0 (ip6_block); iblock->ip = tmp_ip6_addr; iblock->prefix = 128; } else { g_slice_free (struct in6_addr, tmp_ip6_addr); continue; } } } else iblock = create_ip6_block (ip); if (iblock == NULL) continue; iblock->next_hop = get_ip6_next_hop (ip); if (iblock->next_hop == NULL) { destroy_ip6_block (iblock); continue; } if (start == NULL) start = current = iblock; else { current->next = iblock; current = iblock; } }
int iniparser_get_octalint_at_position(Tiniparser *ip, const char *section, const char *key, long position) { char data[25]; int buffer=0; memset(data, 0, 25); if (iniparser_get_string_at_position(ip, section, key, position, data, 25)==-1){ return -1; } strip_string(data); sscanf(data, "%o", &buffer); return buffer; }
void ifnet_set_data (const char *conn_name, const char *key, const char *value) { gpointer old_key = NULL, old_value = NULL; GHashTable *conn = g_hash_table_lookup (conn_table, conn_name); gchar * stripped = NULL; if (!conn) { nm_log_warn (LOGD_SETTINGS, "%s does not exist!", conn_name); return; } if (value){ stripped = g_strdup (value); strip_string (stripped, '"'); } /* Remove existing key value pair */ if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (conn, key, &old_key, &old_value)) { /* This ugly hack is due to baselayout compatibility. We have to * deal with different ip format. So sometimes we have the same ips * but different strings. */ if (stripped && (!strcmp (key, "config") || !strcmp (key, "routes") || !strcmp (key, "pppd") || !strcmp (key, "chat"))) { gchar *old_ips = format_ip_for_comparison (old_value); gchar *new_ips = format_ip_for_comparison (value); if(!strcmp (old_ips, new_ips)) { g_free (stripped); g_free (old_ips); g_free (new_ips); return; } g_free (old_ips); g_free (new_ips); } if (stripped && !strcmp (old_value, stripped)) { g_free (stripped); return; } g_hash_table_remove (conn, old_key); g_free (old_key); g_free (old_value); } else if (!value) return; if (stripped) g_hash_table_insert (conn, g_strdup (key), stripped); net_parser_data_changed = TRUE; }
/* ** Prompt the user to enter a single line of text. */ void prompt_user(const char *zPrompt, Blob *pIn){ char *z; char zLine[1000]; blob_zero(pIn); printf("%s", zPrompt); fflush(stdout); z = fgets(zLine, sizeof(zLine), stdin); if( z ){ strip_string(pIn, z); } }
float iniparser_get_float_at_position(Tiniparser *ip, const char *section, const char *key, long position) { float ret = 1.0; char data[25]; memset(data, 0, 25); if (iniparser_get_string_at_position(ip, section, key, position, data, 25)==-1){ DEBUG_MSG("iniparser_get_float_at_position, no string found\n"); return 0.0; } strip_string(data); sscanf(data, "%f", &ret); return ret; }
int get_execution_line(void ** instruction_line) { t_list * instruction_addresses_list = armarDireccionesLogicasList( actual_pcb->instrucciones_serializado + actual_pcb->program_counter); if(get_instruction_line(instruction_addresses_list, instruction_line) != SUCCESS) { return ERROR; } strip_string(*instruction_line); printf(ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW); log_info(cpu_log, "Next execution line: %s", *instruction_line); printf(ANSI_COLOR_RESET); return SUCCESS; }
static GHashTable * add_security (GHashTable *security) { GHashTable *oldsecurity; const char *ssid, *value; char *ssid_key; gboolean is_hex_ssid; /* Every security information should have a ssid */ ssid = g_hash_table_lookup (security, "ssid"); if (!ssid) { destroy_security (security); return NULL; } /* Hex format begins with " */ is_hex_ssid = (ssid[0] != '"'); if ((value = g_hash_table_lookup (security, "disabled")) != NULL) { if (strcmp (value, "1") == 0) { destroy_security (security); return NULL; } } /* Default priority is 1 */ if (g_hash_table_lookup (security, "priority") == NULL) g_hash_table_insert (security, g_strdup ("priority"), g_strdup ("1")); oldsecurity = g_hash_table_lookup (wsec_table, ssid); /* Security with lower priority will be ignored */ if (oldsecurity != NULL) { if (wpa_get_long (oldsecurity, "priority") >= wpa_get_long (security, "priority")) { destroy_security (security); return NULL; } else { g_hash_table_remove (wsec_table, ssid); destroy_security (oldsecurity); } } /* format ssid */ ssid_key = is_hex_ssid ? g_strdup_printf ("0x%s", ssid) : strip_string (g_strdup (ssid), '"'); g_hash_table_insert (wsec_table, ssid_key, security); return security; }
void tedit_string_cleanup(struct descriptor_data *d, int terminator) { FILE *fl; char *storage = OLC_STORAGE(d); if (!storage) terminator = STRINGADD_ABORT; switch (terminator) { case STRINGADD_SAVE: if (OLC(d)->kill_on_empty && (!(*d->str) || **d->str == '\0')) { if (kill_file(storage)) { sprintf(buf, "SYSERR: Can't delete file '%s'.", storage); mudlog(buf, CMP, LVL_IMPL, TRUE); } else { sprintf(buf, "OLC: %s deletes '%s'.", GET_NAME(d->character), storage); mudlog(buf, CMP, LVL_GOD, TRUE); write_to_output(d, "Deleted.\r\n"); } } else if (!(fl = fopen(storage, "w"))) { sprintf(buf, "SYSERR: Can't write file '%s'.", storage); mudlog(buf, CMP, LVL_IMPL, TRUE); } else { if (*d->str) { strip_string(*d->str); fputs(*d->str, fl); } fclose(fl); sprintf(buf, "OLC: %s saves '%s'.", GET_NAME(d->character), storage); mudlog(buf, CMP, LVL_GOD, TRUE); write_to_output(d, "Saved.\r\n"); } break; case STRINGADD_ABORT: write_to_output(d, "Edit aborted.\r\n"); act("$n stops editing some scrolls.", TRUE, d->character, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); break; default: log("SYSERR: tedit_string_cleanup: Unknown terminator status."); break; } /* Common cleanup code. */ cleanup_olc(d, CLEANUP_ALL); STATE(d) = CON_PLAYING; }
ip_block * convert_ip6_routes_block (const char *conn_name) { gchar **ipset; guint length; guint i; gchar *ip, *tmp_addr; ip_block *start = NULL, *current = NULL, *iblock = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (conn_name != NULL, NULL); ipset = split_routes (ifnet_get_data (conn_name, "routes")); length = ipset ? g_strv_length (ipset) : 0; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { ip = ipset[i]; ip = strip_string (ip, '"'); if (ip[0] == '\0') continue; if ((tmp_addr = find_default_gateway_str (ip)) != NULL) { if (!is_ip6_address (tmp_addr)) continue; else { iblock = g_slice_new0 (ip_block); iblock->ip = g_strdup ("::"); iblock->prefix = 128; } } else iblock = create_ip_block (ip); if (iblock == NULL) continue; iblock->next_hop = get_ip6_next_hop (ip); if (iblock->next_hop == NULL) { destroy_ip_block (iblock); continue; } if (start == NULL) start = current = iblock; else { current->next = iblock; current = iblock; } } g_strfreev (ipset); return start; }
UiApi::Status UserInterface::exec_and_log(const string& c) { if (strip_string(c).empty()) return UiApi::kStatusOk; // we want to log the input before the output if (!ctx_->get_settings()->logfile.empty()) { FILE* f = fopen(ctx_->get_settings()->logfile.c_str(), "a"); if (f) { fprintf(f, "%s\n", c.c_str()); fclose(f); } } UiApi::Status r = this->exec_command(c); cmds_.push_back(Cmd(c, r)); ++cmd_count_; return r; }
static void set_file(chash * hash, char * email, char * filename) { char * n; char buf[MAX_EMAIL_SIZE]; chashdatum key; chashdatum data; strncpy(buf, email, sizeof(buf)); buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0'; for(n = buf ; * n != '\0' ; n ++) * n = toupper((unsigned char) * n); strip_string(buf); = buf; key.len = strlen(buf); = filename; data.len = strlen(filename) + 1; chash_set(hash, &key, &data, NULL); }
ip_block * convert_ip4_config_block (const char *conn_name) { gchar **ipset; guint length; guint i; gchar *ip; char *def_gateway = NULL; const char *routes; ip_block *start = NULL, *current = NULL, *iblock = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (conn_name != NULL, NULL); ipset = split_addresses (ifnet_get_data (conn_name, "config")); length = ipset ? g_strv_length (ipset) : 0; routes = ifnet_get_data (conn_name, "routes"); if (routes) def_gateway = get_ip4_gateway (strstr (routes, "default")); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { ip = ipset[i]; ip = strip_string (ip, '"'); iblock = create_ip4_block (ip); if (iblock == NULL) continue; if (!iblock->next_hop && def_gateway != NULL) iblock->next_hop = g_strdup (def_gateway); if (start == NULL) start = current = iblock; else { current->next = iblock; current = iblock; } } g_strfreev (ipset); g_free (def_gateway); return start; }
static char * get_file(chash * hash, char * email) { chashdatum key; chashdatum data; char buf[MAX_EMAIL_SIZE]; char * n; int r; strncpy(buf, email, sizeof(buf)); buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0'; for(n = buf ; * n != '\0' ; n ++) * n = toupper((unsigned char) * n); strip_string(buf); = buf; key.len = strlen(buf); r = chash_get(hash, &key, &data); if (r < 0) return NULL; return; }