Пример #1
bool input_manager::map_device_to_controller(const devicemap_table_type *devicemap_table)
	if (nullptr == devicemap_table)
		return true;

	for (devicemap_table_type::const_iterator it = devicemap_table->begin(); it != devicemap_table->end(); it++)
		const char *deviceid = it->first.c_str();
		const char *controllername = it->second.c_str();

		// tokenize the controller name into device class and index (i.e. controller name should be of the form "GUNCODE_1")
		std::string token[2];
		int numtokens;
		const char *_token = controllername;
		for (numtokens = 0; numtokens < ARRAY_LENGTH(token); )
			// make a token up to the next underscore
			char *score = (char *)strchr(_token, '_');
			token[numtokens++].assign(_token, (score == nullptr) ? strlen(_token) : (score - _token));

			// if we hit the end, we're done, else advance our pointer
			if (score == nullptr)
			_token = score + 1;
		if (2 != numtokens)
			return false;

		// first token should be the devclass
		input_device_class devclass = input_device_class((*devclass_token_table)[strmakeupper(token[0]).c_str()]);
		if (devclass == ~input_device_class(0))
			return false;

		// second token should be the devindex
		int devindex = 0;
		if (1 != sscanf(token[1].c_str(), "%d", &devindex))
			return false;

		if (devindex >= DEVICE_INDEX_MAXIMUM)
			return false;

		// enumerate through devices and look for a match
		input_class *input_devclass = m_class[devclass].get();
		for (int devnum = 0; devnum <= input_devclass->maxindex(); devnum++)
			input_device *device = input_devclass->device(devnum);
			if (device != nullptr && device->match_device_id(deviceid))
				// remap devindex
				input_devclass->remap_device_index(device->devindex(), devindex);
				osd_printf_verbose("Input: Remapped %s #%d: %s (device id: %s)\n", input_devclass->name(), devindex, device->name(), device->id());


	return true;
Пример #2
   std::string value = "test";
   EXPECT_STREQ("TEST", strmakeupper(value).c_str());
Пример #3
#include "catch.hpp"

#include "corestr.h"

TEST_CASE("String make upper", "[util]")
   std::string value = "test";
   REQUIRE(strmakeupper(value) == "TEST");

TEST_CASE("String make lower", "[util]")
   std::string value = "ValUE";
   REQUIRE(strmakelower(value) == "value");

TEST_CASE("String replace", "[util]")
   std::string value = "Main string";
   REQUIRE(strreplace(value,"str","aaa") == 1);
   REQUIRE(value == "Main aaaing");
   REQUIRE(strreplace(value,"a","b") == 4);

TEST_CASE("String replace counting", "[util]")
   std::string value = "Main aaaing";
   REQUIRE(strreplace(value,"a","b") == 4);

TEST_CASE("String trimming spaces", "[util]")