Пример #1
/* Display a string with the map beside it */
void str_and_map(char *str, struct char_data *ch, room_vnum target_room ) {
  int size, centre, x, y, min, max, char_size;
  int ew_size=0, ns_size=0;
  bool worldmap;

  /* Check MUDs map config options - if disabled, just show room decsription */
  if (!can_see_map(ch)) {
    send_to_char(ch, "%s", strfrmt(str, GET_SCREEN_WIDTH(ch), 1, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE));

  worldmap = show_worldmap(ch);

    send_to_char(ch, "%s", strfrmt(str, GET_SCREEN_WIDTH(ch), 1, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE));

  centre = MAX_MAP/2;
  min = centre - 2*size;
  max = centre + 2*size;

  for (x = 0; x < MAX_MAP; ++x)
    for (y = 0; y < MAX_MAP; ++y)
      map[x][y]= (!(y%2) && !worldmap) ? DOOR_NONE : SECT_EMPTY;

  /* starts the mapping with the center room */
MapArea(target_room, ch, centre, centre, min, max, ns_size/2, ew_size/2, worldmap ); 
  map[centre][centre] = SECT_HERE;

  /* char_size = rooms + doors + padding */
    char_size = size * 4 + 5;
    char_size = 3*(size+1) + (size) + 4;

    send_to_char(ch, "%s", strpaste(strfrmt(str, GET_SCREEN_WIDTH(ch) - char_size, size*2 + 1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), WorldMap(centre, size, MAP_CIRCLE, MAP_COMPACT), " \tn"));
    send_to_char(ch, "%s", strpaste(strfrmt(str, GET_SCREEN_WIDTH(ch) - char_size, size*2 + 1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), CompactStringMap(centre, size), " \tn"));

Пример #2
/* Display a nicely formatted map with a legend */
void perform_map( struct char_data *ch, char *argument, bool worldmap )
  int size = DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE;
  int centre, x, y, min, max;
  int count = 0;
  int ew_size=0, ns_size=0;
  int mapshape = MAP_CIRCLE;

  two_arguments( argument, arg1 , arg2 );
    size = atoi(arg1);
  if (*arg2)
    if (is_abbrev(arg2, "normal")) worldmap=FALSE;
    else if (is_abbrev(arg2, "world")) worldmap=TRUE;
    else {
      send_to_char(ch, "Usage: \tymap <distance> [ normal | world ]\tn");

  if(size<0) {
    size = -size;
    mapshape = MAP_RECTANGLE;
  size = URANGE(1,size,MAX_MAP_SIZE);

  centre = MAX_MAP/2;

  if(worldmap) {
    min = centre - 2*size;
    max = centre + 2*size;
  } else {
    min = centre - size;
    max = centre + size;

  /* Blank the map */
  for (x = 0; x < MAX_MAP; ++x)
      for (y = 0; y < MAX_MAP; ++y)
           map[x][y]= (!(y%2) && !worldmap) ? DOOR_NONE : SECT_EMPTY;

  /* starts the mapping with the centre room */
  MapArea(IN_ROOM(ch), ch, centre, centre, min, max, ns_size/2, ew_size/2, worldmap);

  /* marks the center, where ch is */
  map[centre][centre] = SECT_HERE;

  /* Feel free to put your own MUD name or header in here */
  send_to_char(ch, " \tb--\tB= \tCLuminari Map System \tB=\tb--\tn\r\n"
                   "\tD  .-.__--.,--.__.-.\tn\r\n" );

  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn\tn\tn%s Up\\\\", door_info[NUM_DOOR_TYPES + DOOR_UP].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn\tn\tn%s Down\\\\", door_info[NUM_DOOR_TYPES + DOOR_DOWN].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s You\\\\", map_info[SECT_HERE].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Inside\\\\", map_info[SECT_INSIDE].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s City\\\\", map_info[SECT_CITY].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Field\\\\", map_info[SECT_FIELD].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Forest\\\\", map_info[SECT_FOREST].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Hills\\\\", map_info[SECT_HILLS].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Mountain\\\\", map_info[SECT_MOUNTAIN].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Water\\\\", map_info[SECT_WATER_SWIM].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Deep Water\\\\", map_info[SECT_WATER_NOSWIM].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Air\\\\", map_info[SECT_FLYING].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Underwater\\\\", map_info[SECT_UNDERWATER].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Zone Entry\\\\", map_info[SECT_ZONE_START].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Road N-S\\\\", map_info[SECT_ROAD_NS].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Road E-W\\\\", map_info[SECT_ROAD_EW].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Intersect\\\\", map_info[SECT_ROAD_INT].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Desert\\\\", map_info[SECT_DESERT].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Ocean\\\\", map_info[SECT_OCEAN].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Marsh\\\\", map_info[SECT_MARSHLAND].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s High Mount\\\\", map_info[SECT_HIGH_MOUNTAIN].disp);
  count += sprintf(buf + count, "\tn%s Planes\\\\", map_info[SECT_PLANES].disp);

  strcpy(buf, strfrmt(buf, LEGEND_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT + 2, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE));

  /* Start with an empty column */
  strcpy(buf1, strfrmt("",0, CANVAS_HEIGHT + 2, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE));

  /* Paste the legend */
  strcpy(buf2, strpaste(buf1, buf, "\tD | \tn"));

  /* Set up the map */
  memset(buf, ' ', CANVAS_WIDTH);
  count = (CANVAS_WIDTH);
    count += sprintf(buf + count , "\r\n%s", WorldMap(centre, size, mapshape, MAP_NORMAL));
    count += sprintf(buf + count , "\r\n%s", StringMap(centre, size));
  memset(buf + count, ' ', CANVAS_WIDTH);
  strcpy(buf + count + CANVAS_WIDTH, "\r\n");
  /* Paste it on */
  strcpy(buf2, strpaste(buf2, buf, "\tD | \tn"));
  /* Paste on the right border */
  strcpy(buf2, strpaste(buf2, buf1, "  "));
  /* Print it all out */
  send_to_char(ch, "%s", buf2);

  send_to_char(ch, "\tD `.-.__--.,-.__.-.-'\tn\r\n");