Пример #1
void Molecule::read(std::string file) {
	InputFile fp(file);
	std::vector<std::string> lines;
	std::vector<std::string> pieces;
	std::string line, dat, units;
	unsigned int pos, nrat;
	double un;
	/* grab basisset from first line 1 */
	line = strtrim(lines[0]);
	pos = strpos(line,"=");
	dat = substr(line,pos+1);
	basisset = strtrim(dat);
	//std::cout << basisset << std::endl;
	/* grab charge from line 2 */
	line = strtrim(lines[1]);
	pos = strpos(line,"=");
	dat = substr(line,pos+1);
	charge = atoi(strtrim(dat).c_str() );
	//std::cout << charge << std::endl;
	/* grab number of atoms from line 3 */
	line = strtrim(lines[2]);
	pos = strpos(line,"=");
	dat = substr(line,pos+1);
	nrat = atoi(strtrim(dat).c_str() );
	//std::cout << nrat << std::endl;
	/* grab length unit from first line 4 */
	line = strtrim(lines[3]);
	pos = strpos(line,"=");
	dat = substr(line,pos+1);
	units = strtrim(dat);
	if(units.compare("bohr")==0) {
		un = 1;
	if(units.compare("angstrom")==0) {
		un = 1.0 / 0.52917721092;
	//std::cout << units << std::endl;
	double x, y, z;
	std::string element;
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<nrat; i++) {
		line = strtrim(lines[4+i]);
		pieces = explode(" ",line);
		element = strtrim(pieces[0]);
		x = atof(pieces[1].c_str() ) * un;
		y = atof(pieces[2].c_str() ) * un;
		z = atof(pieces[3].c_str() ) * un;
		addAtom(element, x, y, z);
Пример #2
BOOL CSWindow::itemPassedFilter(ListItem< StatusItem >* li)
	wchar_t filter[MAX_PATH];
	GetDlgItemText(m_handle, IDC_FILTER_FIELD, filter, _countof(filter));

	if (mir_wstrlen(filter))
		mir_wstrcpy(title, li->m_item->m_tszTitle); mir_wstrcpy(message, li->m_item->m_tszMessage);
		if (strpos(wcslwr(title), wcslwr(filter)) == -1)
			if (strpos(wcslwr(message), wcslwr(filter)) == -1)
				return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Пример #3
int8_t normal_to_fat12(const char* _n, char* _b){
    static char bn[8];
    static char be[3];
    int16_t posdot, cntdot, i, i2;
    memset(bn, 0, 8); memset(be, 0, 8); memset(_b, ' ', 11);
    posdot = strpos(_n, '.');
    cntdot = strcnt(_n, '.');
    if(cntdot != 1)
        return DISK_MORE_DOTS;
    if(posdot == -1)
        return DISK_NOT_DOT;
    if(posdot == 0)
        return DISK_DOT_FIRST;
    if(posdot > 7)
        return DISK_DOT_PLUS_EIGHT;
    memcpy( bn, _n, posdot);
    memcpy( be, _n + posdot +1, 3);
    if(strcnt(bn, ' '))
        return DISK_SPACE_IN_FILENAME;
    if(strcnt(be, ' '))
        return DISK_SPACE_IN_EXT;
    if(strlen(be) != 3)
        return DISK_EXT_NOT_THREE;
    i2 = 0;
    for(i=0;i<8;++i) _b[i] = bn[i];
    for(i=0;i<8;++i) if(_b[i] == 0) _b[i] = ' ';
    for(i=8;i<11;++i)_b[i] = be[i2++];
    _b[11] = 0;
    return DISK_OP_OK;
Пример #4
inline string xml_element::parse() const {
  string data;
  unsigned offset = 0;

  const char *source = content;
  while(*source) {
    if(*source == '&') {
      if(strbegin(source, "&lt;"))   { data[offset++] = '<';  source += 4; continue; }
      if(strbegin(source, "&gt;"))   { data[offset++] = '>';  source += 4; continue; }
      if(strbegin(source, "&amp;"))  { data[offset++] = '&';  source += 5; continue; }
      if(strbegin(source, "&apos;")) { data[offset++] = '\''; source += 6; continue; }
      if(strbegin(source, "&quot;")) { data[offset++] = '"';  source += 6; continue; }

    if(strbegin(source, "<!--")) {
      if(optional<unsigned> pos = strpos(source, "-->")) {
        source += pos() + 3;
      } else {
        return "";

    if(strbegin(source, "<![CDATA[")) {
      if(optional<unsigned> pos = strpos(source, "]]>")) {
        string cdata = substr(source, 9, pos() - 9);
        data << cdata;
        offset += strlen(cdata);

        source += offset + 3;
      } else {
        return "";

    //reject illegal characters
    if(*source == '&') return "";
    if(*source == '<') return "";
    if(*source == '>') return "";

    data[offset++] = *source++;

  data[offset] = 0;
  return data;
Пример #5
void  read_font_to_list( char* file )
	char linebuf[512];
	int n;

	n = 0;
	fp = NULL;
	fp = fopen(file,"r");
	if(fp == NULL)
		printf("read file error\n");
		if(strpos(linebuf,"ENCODING") == 0)
			pch = strtok_r(linebuf," ", &bk);
			pch = strtok_r(NULL," ", &bk);
		//	printf("= %s\n", pch);
			n = atoi(pch);
				if(strpos(linebuf,"ENDCHAR") == 0)
					strcat(wqy_font_list[n], linebuf);
			//fclose(fp); break;
Пример #6
	DLLEXPORT int stripCRLFarr(char tempf[]) {
		/* old method
		char *tmp = (char*)malloc(strlen(tempf+1));
		tmp = stripCRLF(tmp);
		//return tempf;

		/*new method*/
		int n = strpos("\n", tempf);
		int r = strpos("\r", tempf);

		//printf("[n:%d/r:%d]\n", n, r);

		if ((n > 0) && (r > 0))
			if (n < r) {
				tempf[n-1] = '\0';
				return 1;
			else if (r < n) {
				tempf[r-1] = '\0';
				return 1;
		else if ((n > 0) && (r < 0))
			tempf[n-1] = '\0';
			return 1;
		else if ((r > 0) && (n < 0))
			tempf[r-1] = '\0';
			return 1;
			return 0;
Пример #7
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void sendRequest(void)
    cPrintf(" Sending room request file.");

    wxsnd(cfg.temppath, roomreqout, 
         (char)strpos((char)tolower(node.ndprotocol[0]), extrncmd));
Пример #8
void main(void)
	char x[35];
	char c;

    strcpy(x, "Daniel Ferreira Bruno");

    printf("\nO comprimento de '%s' eh: %u\n", x, strlen(x));
    c = 'a';

    printf("O primeiro indice de '%c' em '%s' eh: %d\n", c, x, strpos(x, c));

    c = 'l';

    printf("O primeiro indice de '%c' em '%s' eh: %d\n", c, x, strpos(x, c));

    c = 'F';

    printf("O primeiro indice de '%c' em '%s' eh: %d\n", c, x, strpos(x, c));

    c = 'x';

    printf("O primeiro indice de '%c' em '%s' eh: %d\n", c, x, strpos(x, c));

    strcpy(x, "12%");

    c = '%';

    printf("O primeiro indice de '%c' em '%s' eh: %d\n", c, x, strpos(x, c));

    c = '2';

    printf("O primeiro indice de '%c' em '%s' eh: %d\n", c, x, strpos(x, c));

    c = 'F';

    printf("O primeiro indice de '%c' em '%s' eh: %d\n", c, x, strpos(x, c));

    printf("\nO comprimento de '%s' eh: %u\n", x, strlen(x));

    strcpy(x, "Daniel Silva");

    c = 'S';

    printf("O primeiro indice de '%c' em '%s' eh: %d\n", c, x, strpos(x, c));

    printf("\nO comprimento de '%s' eh: %u\n", x, strlen(x));

    printf("Pressione algo para sair");

Пример #9
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void sendFiles(void)
    cPrintf(" Sending mail and rooms.");

    wxsnd(cfg.temppath, roomdataout, 
         (char)strpos((char)tolower(node.ndprotocol[0]), extrncmd));
Пример #10
int GetOperatorToken(
  char cCharacter,
  char *pcToken)
/* OPERATOR_TOKEN           :== '='                                           */
/*                          :== '=' '='                                       */
/*                          :== '<'                                           */
/*                          :== '>'                                           */
/*                          :== '<' '='                                       */
/*                          :== '>' '='                                       */
/*                          :== '<' '>'                                       */
/*                          :== '+'                                           */
/*                          :== '-'                                           */
/*                          :== '*'                                           */
/*                          :== '/'                                           */
/*                          :== '<' '<'                                       */
/*                          :== '>' '>'                                       */
/*                          :== '&'                                           */
/*                          :== '|'                                           */
/*                          :== '[' ']'                                       */
/* The following two tokens are read as OPERATOR_TOKEN, but are translated    */
/* to LEFT_ARROW_TOKEN or RIGHT_ARROW_TOKEN before leaving the scanner.       */
/*                          :== '-' '>'                                       */
/*                          :== '<' '-'                                       */
  char     *pcCompleteToken;

  pcCompleteToken = pcToken;    /* store pointer to first token char */
  *(pcToken++) = cCharacter;    /* assign first character to token   */
  if (chrpos(cCharacter, "-=<>[/.") != NULL)    /* if second character possible      */
    cCharacter = GetChar();     /*  read second character          */
    if (chrpos(cCharacter, "-=<>]/.") != NULL)  /*  if valid second character      */
      *pcToken = cCharacter;    /*     add character               */
      pcToken[1] = 0;           /*     and make it zero terminated */

      /* now a 2 byte operator is read. Check if this is a valid two byte     */
      /* operator. If not, put back the second character in the input stream. */
      if (strpos(pcCompleteToken, "== <= >= <> << >> [] -> <- // ..") == NULL)
      UngetChar();              /*    else put second character back */
  *pcToken = 0;                 /* terminate token                   */
Пример #11
str* get_domain(pdt_tree_t *pt, str *sp, int *plen)
	int l, len;
	pdt_node_t *itn;
	str *domain;

	if(pt==NULL || sp==NULL || sp->s==NULL)
		LM_ERR("bad parameters\n");
		return NULL;
	l = len = 0;
	itn = pt->head;
	domain = NULL;

	while(itn!=NULL && l < sp->len && l < PDT_MAX_DEPTH)
		/* check validity */
		if(strpos(pdt_char_list.s,sp->s[l]) < 0)
			LM_ERR("invalid char at %d in [%.*s]\n", l, sp->len, sp->s);
			return NULL;

			domain = &itn[strpos(pdt_char_list.s,sp->s[l])%PDT_NODE_SIZE].domain;
			len = l+1;
		itn = itn[strpos(pdt_char_list.s,sp->s[l])%PDT_NODE_SIZE].child;
		*plen = len;
	return domain;
Пример #12
 static uint16_t decode(const char *name) {
   string s(name);
   if(!strbegin(name, "KB")) return 0;
   ltrim(s, "KB");
   unsigned id = strunsigned(s);
   auto pos = strpos(s, "::");
   if(!pos) return 0;
   s = substr(s, pos() + 2);
   for(unsigned i = 0; i < Limit; i++) {
     if(s == KeyboardScancodeName[i]) return Base + Size * id + i;
   return 0;
Пример #13
 static uint16_t decode(const char *name) {
   string s(name);
   if(!strbegin(name, "JP")) return 0;
   ltrim(s, "JP");
   unsigned id = strunsigned(s);
   int pos = strpos(s, "::");
   if(pos < 0) return 0;
   s = substr(s, pos + 2);
   for(unsigned i = 0; i < Limit; i++) {
     if(s == JoypadScancodeName[i]) return Base + Size * id + i;
   return 0;
Пример #14
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void reciveRequest(void)
    cPrintf(" Receiving room request file.");

    wxrcv(cfg.temppath, roomreqin, 
            (char)strpos((char)tolower(node.ndprotocol[0]), extrncmd));
    if (!filexists(roomreqin))
        netFailed = TRUE;
Пример #15
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void reciveFiles(void)
    cPrintf(" Receiving mail and rooms.");

    wxrcv(cfg.temppath, roomdatain, 
            (char)strpos((char)tolower(node.ndprotocol[0]), extrncmd));

    if (!filexists(roomdatain))
        netFailed = TRUE;
Пример #16
    string operator[](const char *input) {
      for(unsigned i = 0; i < index_input.size(); i++) {
        if(index_input[i] == input) return index_output[i];

      //no match, use input; remove input identifier, if one exists
      if(strbegin(input, "{{")) {
        if(optional<unsigned> pos = strpos(input, "}}")) {
          string temp = substr(input, pos() + 2);
          return temp;

      return input;
Пример #17
void DiskBrowser::updateFilter() {
  QString currentText = filter->currentText();
  if(currentText.length() == 0) {
    model->setNameFilters(QStringList() << "*");  
  } else {
    string filters = currentText.toUtf8().constData();
    filters = substr(filters, strpos(filters, "("));
    ltrim(filters, "(");
    rtrim(filters, ")");
    lstring filterPart;
    filterPart.split(" ", filters);
    QStringList filterList;
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < filterPart.size(); i++) filterList << (const char*)filterPart[i];
Пример #18
int ambigUnlink(const char *filename, const char *directory)
    int count = 0;

    if (directory && !changedir(directory))
        return (0);

    // keep going till it errors, which is end of directory
    FindFileC FF;
    if (FF.FindFirst(starstar))
            if (FF.IsNormalFile())
                // + 1 for strcat() call below
#ifdef WINCIT
                char Name[MAX_PATH + 1];
                char Name[_MAX_PATH + 1];

                CopyStringToBuffer(Name, FF.GetFullName());

                if (!strpos('.', Name))
                    strcat(Name, getmsg(433));

                // filename match wildcard?
                if (u_match(Name, filename))
                    if (!unlink(Name))
            } while (FF.FindNext());

    return (count);
REQUEST_get_cgi_name( const char* http_local_path )
@http_local_path - URI przekazane w ��daniu
- zwraca ci�g znak�w b�d�cy nazw� skryptu. */
char* REQUEST_get_cgi_name( HTTP_SESSION *http_session ) {
	static char result[ MAX_PATH_LENGTH ];
	int len = strlen( http_session->http_info.http_local_path );

	/* Metody GET i HEAD */
	if( http_session->http_info.method_name != POST ) {
		memset( result, '\0', MAX_PATH_LENGTH );
		strncpy( result, http_session->http_info.http_local_path, len );

		/* Usuni�cie reszty znak�w po znaku "?" */
		if( strstr( result, "?" ) ) {
			result[ strpos( result, "?" ) ] = '\0';
		return ( ( char* )&result );
	} else {
		/* Metoda POST */
		return http_session->http_info.http_local_path;
Пример #20
colog_explode_t explode(char delimiter, char* str)
  colog_explode_t exploded;
  int pos, end;

  exploded.list = NULL;
  exploded.length = 0;
  do {
    pos = strpos(delimiter, str);
    end = (pos == -1 ? strlen(str) - 2 : pos - 1);
    exploded.list = xrealloc(exploded.list, (exploded.length + 1) * sizeof(char *));
    exploded.list[exploded.length] = xalloc((end + 2) * sizeof(char));
    strncpy(exploded.list[exploded.length], str, end + 1);
    exploded.list[exploded.length][end + 1] = '\0';
    str += end + 2;
  } while (pos != -1);

  return exploded;
Пример #21
int strsplit(const char *str, char *left, int lmaxlen, char *right, int rmaxlen)
    int sp = strpos(str, ' ');
    int len = strlen(str);

    int lmax = low((sp > 0) ? sp : len, lmaxlen);
    strncpy(left, str, lmax);
    left[lmax] = '\0';

    if(sp > 0 && len > sp)
        int rmax = low((len - sp - 1), rmaxlen);
        strncpy(right, str + sp + 1, rmax);
        right[rmax] = '\0';

        return 1;

    return 0;
Пример #22
/* replaces all occurences of what in dest with format */
static void stringreplace(char *dest, const char *what, const char *format, ... )
    char tmp[MAX_LABELSIZE];
    int offset=0;
    va_list va;
    va_start(va, format);
    vsnprintf(tmp, MAX_LABELSIZE, format, va);
    /* no search string == replace the entire string */
        memcpy(dest, tmp, strlen(tmp));
        dest[strlen(tmp)] = 0;
    while((offset = strpos(dest, what)) != -1)
        memmove(dest + offset + strlen(tmp), dest + offset + strlen(what), strlen(dest + offset + strlen(what)) + 1);
        memcpy(dest + offset, tmp, strlen(tmp));
Пример #23
static bool parse_reply_string(struct request *req)
	int   pos;
	ulong len;
	len  = strtoul(req->buf+1, NULL, 10);
	if(len < 1)
		lua_pushboolean(req->vm, false);
		return true;
	pos  = strpos(req->buf, "\r\n");
	pos += 2;
	if(sdslen(req->buf) < (len+pos))
		return false;
	req->buf = sdsrange(req->buf, pos, pos+len);
	lua_pushlstring(req->vm, req->buf, len);
	return true;

Пример #24
int read_file(char *file, char buf[][MAX_CHAR]){
  FILE *fp;
  char tmp[MAX_CHAR];
  char str[100];
  int n,pos;
  fp = fopen(str, "r" );
  if( fp == NULL ){
        printf( "%sFile open failed.\n", file );
      return -1;
  while( fgets( tmp, MAX_CHAR, fp ) != NULL ){
        if ( (pos = strpos( tmp, "#" )) !=0 ) {
//      printf("%s\n",tmp);
  return n;
Пример #25
int analyze_server_response(int socket)
return 0 or 1 when the cond regex is matched
return -1 if no response from server
int analyze_server_response(int s) {
  int runs = 0;

  while ((buf = hydra_receive_line(s)) != NULL) {
    //check for http redirection
    if (strstr(buf, "HTTP/1.1 3") != NULL || strstr(buf, "HTTP/1.0 3") != NULL || strstr(buf, "Status: 3") != NULL) {
      redirected_flag = 1;
    } else if (strstr(buf, "HTTP/1.1 401") != NULL || strstr(buf, "HTTP/1.0 401") != NULL) {
      auth_flag = 1;
    } else if ((strstr(buf, "HTTP/1.1 403") != NULL) || (strstr(buf, "HTTP/1.1 404") != NULL) || (strstr(buf, "HTTP/1.0 403") != NULL) || (strstr(buf, "HTTP/1.0 404") != NULL)) {
      return 0;

    if (hydra_strcasestr(buf, "Location: ") != NULL) {
      char *startloc, *endloc;
      char str[2048];

      startloc = hydra_strcasestr(buf, "Location: ") + strlen("Location: ");
      strncpy(str, startloc, sizeof(str) - 1);
      str[sizeof(str) - 1] = 0;
      endloc = strchr(str, '\n');
      if (endloc != NULL)
        *endloc = 0;
      endloc = strchr(str, '\r');
      if (endloc != NULL)
        *endloc = 0;
      strcpy(redirected_url_buff, str);
    //there can be multiple cookies
    if (hydra_strcasestr(buf, "Set-Cookie: ") != NULL) {
      char *cookiebuf = buf;

      do {
        char *startcookie, *endcookie1, *endcookie2;
        char str[1024], tmpcookie[4096] = "", tmpname[128] = "", *ptr, *ptr2;

        memset(str, 0, sizeof(str));
        startcookie = hydra_strcasestr(cookiebuf, "Set-Cookie: ") + strlen("Set-Cookie: ");
        strncpy(str, startcookie, sizeof(str) - 1);
        str[sizeof(str) - 1] = 0;
        endcookie1 = strchr(str, '\n');
        endcookie2 = strchr(str, ';');
        //terminate string after cookie data
        if (endcookie1 != NULL && endcookie1 < endcookie2)
          *endcookie1 = 0;
          if (endcookie2 != NULL)
            *endcookie2 = 0;
        // is the cookie already there? if yes, remove it!
        if (index(startcookie, '=') != NULL && (ptr = index(startcookie, '=')) - startcookie + 1 <= sizeof(tmpname)) {
          strncpy(tmpname, startcookie, sizeof(tmpname) - 2);
          tmpname[sizeof(tmpname) - 2] = 0;
          ptr = index(tmpname, '=');
          *(++ptr) = 0;
          // is the cookie already in the cookiejar? (so, does it have to be replaced?)
          if ((ptr = hydra_strcasestr(cookie, tmpname)) != NULL) {
            // yes it is.
            // if the cookie is not in the beginning of the cookiejar, copy the ones before
            if (ptr != cookie && *(ptr - 1) == ' ') {
              strncpy(tmpcookie, cookie, ptr - cookie - 2);
              tmpcookie[ptr - cookie - 2] = 0;
            ptr += strlen(tmpname);
            // if there are any cookies after this one in the cookiejar, copy them over
            if ((ptr2 = strstr(ptr, "; ")) != NULL) {
              ptr2 += 2;
              strncat(tmpcookie, ptr2, sizeof(tmpcookie) - strlen(tmpcookie) - 1);
            if (debug) printf("[DEBUG] removing cookie %s in jar\n before: %s\n after:  %s\n", tmpname, cookie, tmpcookie);
            strcpy(cookie, tmpcookie);
        ptr = index(str, '=');
        // only copy the cookie if it has a value (otherwise the server wants to delete the cookie
        if (ptr != NULL && *(ptr + 1) != ';' && *(ptr + 1) != 0 && *(ptr + 1) != '\n' && *(ptr + 1) != '\r') {
          if (strlen(cookie) > 0)
            strncat(cookie, "; ", sizeof(cookie) - strlen(cookie) - 1);
          strncat(cookie, str, sizeof(cookie) - strlen(cookie) - 1);
        cookiebuf = startcookie;
      } while (hydra_strcasestr(cookiebuf, "Set-Cookie: ") != NULL);
#ifdef HAVE_PCRE
    if (hydra_string_match(buf, cond) == 1) {
    if (strstr(buf, cond) != NULL) {
//      printf("DEBUG: STRING %s FOUND!!:\n%s\n", cond, buf);
      return 1;
//    else printf("DEBUG: STRING %s NOT FOUND:\n%s\n", cond, buf);
  if (runs == 0) {
    if (debug) hydra_report(stderr, "DEBUG: no response from server\n");
    return -1;
  return 0;

void hydra_reconnect(int s, char *ip, int port, unsigned char options) {
  if (s >= 0)
    s = hydra_disconnect(s);
  if ((options & OPTION_SSL) == 0) {
    s = hydra_connect_tcp(ip, port);
  } else {
    s = hydra_connect_ssl(ip, port);

int start_http_form(int s, char *ip, int port, unsigned char options, char *miscptr, FILE * fp, char *type) {
  char *empty = "";
  char *login, *pass, buffer[9000];
  char header[8096], *upd3variables;
  int found = !success_cond, i, j;

  memset(header, 0, sizeof(header));
  cookie[0] = 0;                // reset cookies from potential previous attempt

  if (strlen(login = hydra_get_next_login()) == 0)
    login = empty;
  if (strlen(pass = hydra_get_next_password()) == 0)
    pass = empty;
  upd3variables = strrep(variables, "^PASS^", pass);
  upd3variables = strrep(upd3variables, "^USER^", login);

  /* again: no snprintf to be portable. dont worry, buffer cant overflow */
  if (use_proxy == 1 && proxy_authentication != NULL) {
    // proxy with authentication
    if (getcookie) {
      //doing a GET to save cookies
      sprintf(buffer, "GET http://%s:%d%.600s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic %s\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla 5.0 (Hydra Proxy Auth)\r\n%s%s\r\n",
              webtarget, webport, cookieurl, webtarget, proxy_authentication, header, userheader);
      if (hydra_send(s, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) < 0) {
        return 1;
      i = analyze_server_response(s); // return value ignored
      if (strlen(cookie) > 0) {
        sprintf(header, "Cookie: %s\r\n", cookie);
      hydra_reconnect(s, ip, port, options);

    if (strcmp(type, "POST") == 0) {
              "POST http://%s:%d%.600s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic %s\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Hydra Proxy Auth)\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n%s%s\r\n%s",
              webtarget, webport, url, webtarget, proxy_authentication, (int) strlen(upd3variables), header, userheader, upd3variables);
      if (hydra_send(s, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) < 0) {
        return 1;
    } else {
              "GET http://%s:%d%.600s?%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic %s\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Hydra Proxy Auth)\r\n%s%s\r\n",
              webtarget, webport, url, upd3variables, webtarget, proxy_authentication, header, userheader);
      if (hydra_send(s, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) < 0) {
        return 1;
  } else {
    if (use_proxy == 1) {
      // proxy without authentication
      if (getcookie) {
        //doing a GET to get cookies
        sprintf(buffer, "GET http://%s:%d%.600s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Hydra Proxy)\r\n%s%s\r\n", webtarget, webport, cookieurl, webtarget, header, userheader);
        if (hydra_send(s, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) < 0) {
          return 1;
        i = analyze_server_response(s); // ignore result
        if (strlen(cookie) > 0) {
          sprintf(header, "Cookie: %s\r\n", cookie);
        hydra_reconnect(s, ip, port, options);

      if (strcmp(type, "POST") == 0) {
                "POST http://%s:%d%.600s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Hydra)\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n%s%s\r\n%s",
                webtarget, webport, url, webtarget, (int) strlen(upd3variables), header, userheader, upd3variables);
        if (hydra_send(s, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) < 0) {
          return 1;
      } else {
        sprintf(buffer, "GET http://%s:%d%.600s?%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Hydra)\r\n%s%s\r\n", webtarget, webport, url, upd3variables, webtarget, header, userheader);
        if (hydra_send(s, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) < 0) {
          return 1;
    } else {
      // direct web server, no proxy
      if (getcookie) {
        //doing a GET to save cookies
        sprintf(buffer, "GET %.600s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Hydra)\r\n%s\r\n", cookieurl, webtarget, userheader);
        if (hydra_send(s, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) < 0) {
          return 1;
        i = analyze_server_response(s); // ignore result
        if (strlen(cookie) > 0) {
          sprintf(header, "Cookie: %s\r\n", cookie);
        hydra_reconnect(s, ip, port, options);

      if (strcmp(type, "POST") == 0) {
                "POST %.600s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Hydra)\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n%s%s\r\n%s",
                url, webtarget, (int) strlen(upd3variables), header, userheader, upd3variables);
        if (hydra_send(s, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) < 0) {
          return 1;
      } else {
        sprintf(buffer, "GET %.600s?%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Hydra)\r\n%s%s\r\n", url, upd3variables, webtarget, header, userheader);
        if (hydra_send(s, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) < 0) {
          return 1;

  found = analyze_server_response(s);
  if (auth_flag) {              // we received a 401 error - user using wrong module
    hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] the target is using HTTP auth, not a web form, received HTTP error code 401. Use module \"http%s-get\" instead.\n",
                 (options & OPTION_SSL) > 0 ? "s" : "");
    return 4;
  if (strlen(cookie) > 0) {
    sprintf(header, "Cookie: %.1000s\r\n", cookie);
  //if page was redirected, follow the location header
  redirected_cpt = MAX_REDIRECT;
  if (debug) printf("[DEBUG] attempt result: found %d, redirect %d, location: %s\n", found, redirected_flag, redirected_url_buff);
  while (found == 0 && redirected_flag && (redirected_url_buff[0] != 0) && (redirected_cpt > 0)) {
    //we have to split the location
    char *startloc, *endloc;
    char str[2048];
    char str2[2048];
    char str3[2048];

    redirected_flag = 0;
    //check if the redirect page contains the fail/success condition
#ifdef HAVE_PCRE
    if (hydra_string_match(redirected_url_buff, cond) == 1) {
    if (strstr(redirected_url_buff, cond) != NULL) {
      found = success_cond;
    } else {
      //location could be either absolute http(s):// or / something
      //or relative
      startloc = strstr(redirected_url_buff, "://");
      if (startloc != NULL) {
        startloc += strlen("://");

        if ((endloc=strchr(startloc, '\r')) != NULL) {
          startloc[endloc - startloc] = 0;
        if ((endloc=strchr(startloc, '\n')) != NULL) {
          startloc[endloc - startloc] = 0;
        strcpy(str, startloc);

        endloc = strchr(str, '/');
        if (endloc != NULL) {
          strncpy(str2, str, endloc - str);
          str2[endloc - str] = 0;
            strncpy(str2, str, sizeof(str));

        if (strlen(str) - strlen(str2) == 0) {
          strcpy(str3, "/");
        } else {
          strncpy(str3, str + strlen(str2), strlen(str) - strlen(str2) - 1);
          str3[strlen(str) - strlen(str2) - 1] = 0;
      } else {
        strncpy(str2, webtarget, sizeof(str2));
        if (redirected_url_buff[0] != '/') {
          //it's a relative path, so we have to concatenate it
          //with the path from the first url given
          char *urlpath;
          char urlpath_extracted[2048];
          memset(urlpath_extracted, 0, sizeof(urlpath_extracted));

          urlpath=strrchr(url, '/');
          if (urlpath != NULL) {
            strncpy(urlpath_extracted, url, urlpath-url);
            sprintf(str3, "%.1000s/%.1000s", urlpath_extracted, redirected_url_buff);
          } else {
            sprintf(str3, "%.1000s/%.1000s", url, redirected_url_buff);
        } else
          strncpy(str3, redirected_url_buff, sizeof(str3));
       if (debug) hydra_report(stderr, "[DEBUG] host=%s redirect=%s origin=%s\n", str2, str3,url);
      if (str3[0] != '/') {
        j = strlen(str3);
        str3[j + 1] = 0;
        for (i = j; i > 0; i--)
          str3[i] = str3[i - 1];
        str3[0] = '/';

      if (verbose)
        hydra_report(stderr, "[VERBOSE] Page redirected to http://%s%s\n", str2, str3);

      //re-use the code above to check for proxy use
      if (use_proxy == 1 && proxy_authentication != NULL) {
        // proxy with authentication
        sprintf(buffer, "GET http://%s:%d%.600s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic %s\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (Hydra)\r\n%s\r\n",
                webtarget, webport, str3, str2, proxy_authentication, header);
      } else {
        if (use_proxy == 1) {
          // proxy without authentication
          sprintf(buffer, "GET http://%s:%d%.600s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (Hydra)\r\n%s\r\n", webtarget, webport, str3, str2, header);
        } else {
          //direct web server, no proxy
          sprintf(buffer, "GET %.600s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (Hydra)\r\n%s\r\n", str3, str2, header);

      hydra_reconnect(s, ip, port, options);

      if (hydra_send(s, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) < 0) {
        return 1;
      found = analyze_server_response(s);
      if (strlen(cookie) > 0) {
        sprintf(header, "Cookie: %s\r\n", cookie);

  //if the last status is still 3xx, set it as a false
  if (found != -1 && found == success_cond && redirected_flag == 0 && redirected_cpt >= 0) {
    hydra_report_found_host(port, ip, "www-form", fp);
  } else {
  return 1;

void service_http_form(char *ip, int sp, unsigned char options, char *miscptr, FILE * fp, int port, char *type) {
  int run = 1, next_run = 1, sock = -1;
  int myport = PORT_HTTP, mysslport = PORT_HTTP_SSL;
  char *ptr, *ptr2;


  if (webtarget != NULL && (webtarget = strstr(miscptr, "://")) != NULL) {
    webtarget += strlen("://");
    if ((ptr2 = index(webtarget, ':')) != NULL) {       /* step over port if present */
      *ptr2 = 0;
      ptr = ptr2;
      if (*ptr == '/' || (ptr = index(ptr2, '/')) != NULL)
        miscptr = ptr;
        miscptr = slash;        /* to make things easier to user */
    } else if ((ptr2 = index(webtarget, '/')) != NULL) {
      if (freemischttpform == 0) {
        freemischttpform = 1;
        miscptr = malloc(strlen(ptr2) + 1);
        strcpy(miscptr, ptr2);
        *ptr2 = 0;
    } else
      webtarget = NULL;
  if (cmdlinetarget != NULL && webtarget == NULL)
    webtarget = cmdlinetarget;
  else if (webtarget == NULL && cmdlinetarget == NULL)
    webtarget = hydra_address2string(ip);
  if (port != 0)
    webport = port;
  else if ((options & OPTION_SSL) == 0)
    webport = myport;
    webport = mysslport;

  sprintf(bufferurl, "%.1000s", miscptr);
  url = strtok(bufferurl, ":");
  variables = strtok(NULL, ":");
  cond = strtok(NULL, ":");
  sprintf(cookieurl, "%.1000s", url);

  //condition now have to contain F or S to set the fail or success condition
  if (cond && (strpos(cond, "F=") == 0)) {
    success_cond = 0;
    cond += 2;
  } else if (cond && (strpos(cond, "S=") == 0)) {
    success_cond = 1;
    cond += 2;
  } else {
    //by default condition is a fail
    success_cond = 0;
  while ((optional1 = strtok(NULL, ":")) != NULL) {
    switch(optional1[0]) {
      case 'c': // fall through
      case 'C':
          sprintf(cookieurl, "%.1000s", optional1 + 2);
      case 'h': // fall through
      case 'H':
          if (sizeof(userheader) - strlen(userheader) > 4) {
            strncat(userheader, optional1 + 2, sizeof(userheader) - strlen(userheader) - 4);
            strcat(userheader, ":");
            optional1 = strtok(NULL, ":");
            strncat(userheader, optional1, sizeof(userheader) - strlen(userheader) - 3);
            strcat(userheader, "\r\n");
      // no default

  while (1) {
    if (run == 2) {
      if (memcmp(hydra_get_next_pair(), &HYDRA_EXIT, sizeof(HYDRA_EXIT)) == 0) {
        if (freemischttpform)
        freemischttpform = 0;
    switch (run) {
    case 1:                    /* connect and service init function */
        if (sock >= 0)
          sock = hydra_disconnect(sock);
        if ((options & OPTION_SSL) == 0) {
          if (port != 0)
            myport = port;
          sock = hydra_connect_tcp(ip, myport);
          port = myport;
        } else {
          if (port != 0)
            mysslport = port;
          sock = hydra_connect_ssl(ip, mysslport);
          port = mysslport;
        if (sock < 0) {
          hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] Child with pid %d terminating, can not connect\n", (int) getpid());
          if (freemischttpform)
          freemischttpform = 0;
        next_run = 2;
    case 2:                    /* run the cracking function */
      next_run = start_http_form(sock, ip, port, options, miscptr, fp, type);
    case 3:                    /* clean exit */
      if (sock >= 0)
        sock = hydra_disconnect(sock);
      if (freemischttpform)
      freemischttpform = 0;
    case 4:                    /* silent error exit */
      if (sock >= 0)
        sock = hydra_disconnect(sock);
      if (freemischttpform)
      freemischttpform = 0;
      if (freemischttpform)
      freemischttpform = 0;
      hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] Caught unknown return code, exiting!\n");
    run = next_run;
  if (freemischttpform)
Пример #26
 * \fn int VFS_MkNod(char *Path, Uint Flags)
 * \brief Create a new node in a directory
 * \param Path	Path of new node
 * \param Flags	Flags to apply to the node
int VFS_MkNod(const char *Path, Uint Flags)
	tVFS_Mount	*mountpt;
	char	*absPath, *name;
	 int	pos = 0, oldpos = 0;
	 int	next = 0;
	tVFS_Node	*parent;
	tVFS_Node	*ret;
	ENTER("sPath xFlags", Path, Flags);
	absPath = VFS_GetAbsPath(Path);
	LOG("absPath = '%s'", absPath);
	while( (next = strpos(&absPath[pos+1], '/')) != -1 ) {
		LOG("next = %i", next);
		pos += next+1;
		LOG("pos = %i", pos);
		oldpos = pos;
	absPath[oldpos] = '\0';	// Mutilate path
	name = &absPath[oldpos+1];
	LOG("absPath = '%s', name = '%s'", absPath, name);
	// Check for root
	if(absPath[0] == '\0')
		parent = VFS_ParsePath("/", NULL, &mountpt);
		parent = VFS_ParsePath(absPath, NULL, &mountpt);
	LOG("parent = %p", parent);
	if(!parent) {
		errno = ENOENT;
		goto _error;

	// Permissions Check
		errno = EACCES;
		goto _error;
	LOG("parent = %p", parent);
	if(!parent->Type || !parent->Type->MkNod) {
		Log_Warning("VFS", "VFS_MkNod - Directory has no MkNod method");
		errno = ENOTDIR;
		goto _error;
	// Create node
	ret = parent->Type->MkNod(parent, name, Flags);
	// Free allocated string
	// Free Parent
	mountpt->OpenHandleCount --;

	// Return whatever the driver said	
	LEAVE('i', ret==NULL);
	return ret==NULL;

	if( parent ) {
		mountpt->OpenHandleCount --;
	LEAVE('i', -1);
	return -1;
Пример #27
int cdecl TERMWINDOWMEMBER GetOneKey(const char *prompt, const char *keys,
        const char dfault, BlurbFiles HelpBlurb, ...)
    assert(strchr(keys, dfault));

    const char *FullNames[36];  // A-Z0-9 better be enough...

    va_list ap;

    int KeyCount = strlen(keys);
    if (KeyCount > 36)
        KeyCount = 36;

    va_start(ap, HelpBlurb);

    for (int n = 0; n < KeyCount; ++n)
        FullNames[n] = va_arg(ap, const char *);


    Bool ShowFull = !CurrentUser->IsExpert();

    int RetVal;
    dowhattype oldDowhat = DoWhat;

    Bool DoAgain;



        sprintf(gprompt, getmsg(52), prompt);

        if (ShowFull)
            for (int i = 0; i < KeyCount; i++)
                strcat(gprompt, FullNames[i]);
                strcat(gprompt, getmsg(138));

            gprompt[strlen(gprompt) - 1] = 0;

            strcat(gprompt, getmsg(148));
            strcat(gprompt, FullNames[strpos(dfault, keys) - 1]);
            // This whole bit is quite gross. cope.

            label Temp;
            Temp[1] = '/';
            Temp[2] = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < KeyCount; i++)
                Temp[0] = keys[i];
                strcat(gprompt, Temp);

            gprompt[strlen(gprompt) - 1] = 0;

            Temp[0] = ')';
            Temp[1] = '[';
            Temp[2] = dfault;
            Temp[3] = 0;

            strcat(gprompt, Temp);

        strcat(gprompt, getmsg(189));

        mPrintf(pcts, gprompt);

        int errors = 0;

            DoAgain = FALSE;
            int c = toupper(iCharNE());

            if ((c == '\n') || (c == '\r'))
                c = dfault;
            else if (c == ESC || (!c && !HaveConnectionToUser()))
                RetVal = CERROR;

            if (!c && HaveConnectionToUser())

            if (strchr(keys, c))
                RetVal = strpos((char) c, keys) - 1;
                mPrintfCR(pcts, FullNames[RetVal]);
                if (c == '?')
                    DoAgain = TRUE;

                    if (ShowFull)
                        if (HelpBlurb == MAXBLBS)
                        ShowFull = TRUE;


                    if (errors > cfg.maxerror && !onConsole)
                        CITWINDOW *w = ScreenSaver.IsOn() ? NULL : CitWindowsMsg(NULL, getmsg(685), getmsg(79));


                        if (w)
                            destroyCitWindow(w, FALSE);
            } while (HaveConnectionToUser());
        } while (HaveConnectionToUser() && DoAgain);
                // This HaveConnectionToUser() is probably redundant, but safe



    if (!HaveConnectionToUser())
        return (strpos(dfault, keys) - 1);

    return (RetVal);
Пример #28
optional<unsigned> string::position(const char *key) const { return strpos(data, key); }
Пример #29
ptr_header_node initialize(char *ip, unsigned char options, char *miscptr) {
  ptr_header_node ptr_head = NULL;
  char *ptr, *ptr2, *proxy_string;

  if (webtarget != NULL && (webtarget = strstr(miscptr, "://")) != NULL) {
    webtarget += strlen("://");
    if ((ptr2 = index(webtarget, ':')) != NULL) {       /* step over port if present */
      *ptr2 = 0;
      ptr = ptr2;
      if (*ptr == '/' || (ptr = index(ptr2, '/')) != NULL)
        miscptr = ptr;
        miscptr = slash;        /* to make things easier to user */
    } else if ((ptr2 = index(webtarget, '/')) != NULL) {
      if (freemischttpform == 0) {
        if ((miscptr = malloc(strlen(ptr2) + 1)) != NULL) {
          freemischttpform = 1;
          strcpy(miscptr, ptr2);
          *ptr2 = 0;
    } else
      webtarget = NULL;
  if (cmdlinetarget != NULL && webtarget == NULL)
    webtarget = cmdlinetarget;
  else if (webtarget == NULL && cmdlinetarget == NULL)
    webtarget = hydra_address2string(ip);
  if (port != 0)
    webport = port;
  else if ((options & OPTION_SSL) == 0)
    webport = PORT_HTTP;
    webport = PORT_HTTP_SSL;

  sprintf(bufferurl, "%.1000s", miscptr);
  url = bufferurl;
  ptr = url;
  while (*ptr != 0 && (*ptr != ':' || *(ptr - 1) == '\\'))
  if (*ptr != 0)
    *ptr++ = 0;
  variables = ptr;
  while (*ptr != 0 && (*ptr != ':' || *(ptr - 1) == '\\'))
  if (*ptr != 0)
    *ptr++ = 0;
  cond = ptr;
  while (*ptr != 0 && (*ptr != ':' || *(ptr - 1) == '\\'))
  if (*ptr != 0)
    *ptr++ = 0;
  optional1 = ptr;
  if (strstr(url, "\\:") != NULL) {
    if ((ptr = malloc(strlen(url))) != NULL) {
      strcpy(ptr, hydra_strrep(url, "\\:", ":"));
      url = ptr;
  if (strstr(variables, "\\:") != NULL) {
    if ((ptr = malloc(strlen(variables))) != NULL) {
      strcpy(ptr, hydra_strrep(variables, "\\:", ":"));
      variables = ptr;
  if (strstr(cond, "\\:") != NULL) {
    if ((ptr = malloc(strlen(cond))) != NULL) {
      strcpy(ptr, hydra_strrep(cond, "\\:", ":"));
      cond = ptr;
  if (url == NULL || variables == NULL || cond == NULL /*|| optional1 == NULL */ )

  if (*cond == 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] invalid number of parameters in module option\n");
    return NULL;

  sprintf(cookieurl, "%.1000s", url);

  //conditions now have to contain F or S to set the fail or success condition
  if (*cond != 0 && (strpos(cond, "F=") == 0)) {
    success_cond = 0;
    cond += 2;
  } else if (*cond != 0 && (strpos(cond, "S=") == 0)) {
    success_cond = 1;
    cond += 2;
  } else {
    //by default condition is a fail
    success_cond = 0;

   * Parse the user-supplied options.
   * Beware of the backslashes (\)!
  while (*optional1 != 0) {
    switch (optional1[0]) {
    case 'c':                  // fall through
    case 'C':
      ptr = optional1 + 2;
      while (*ptr != 0 && (*ptr != ':' || *(ptr - 1) == '\\'))
      if (*ptr != 0)
        *ptr++ = 0;
      sprintf(cookieurl, "%.1000s", hydra_strrep(optional1 + 2, "\\:", ":"));
      optional1 = ptr;
    case 'h':
      // add a new header at the end
			ptr = optional1 + 2;
      while (*ptr != 0 && *ptr != ':')
			if (*(ptr - 1) == '\\')
				*(ptr - 1) = 0;
			if (*ptr != 0){
				*ptr = 0;
				ptr += 2;
      ptr2 = ptr;
      while (*ptr2 != 0 && (*ptr2 != ':' || *(ptr2 - 1) == '\\'))
      if (*ptr2 != 0)
        *ptr2++ = 0;
       * At this point:
       *  - (optional1 + 2) contains the header's name
       *  - ptr contains the header's value
      if (add_header(&ptr_head, optional1 + 2, hydra_strrep(ptr, "\\:", ":"), HEADER_TYPE_USERHEADER)) {
        // Success: break the switch and go ahead
        optional1 = ptr2;
      // Error: abort execution
      hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] Out of memory for HTTP headers.");
      return NULL;
    case 'H':
      // add a new header, or replace an existing one's value
			ptr = optional1 + 2;
      while (*ptr != 0 && *ptr != ':')
			if (*(ptr - 1) == '\\')
				*(ptr - 1) = 0;
			if (*ptr != 0){
				*ptr = 0;
				ptr += 2;
      ptr2 = ptr;
      while (*ptr2 != 0 && (*ptr2 != ':' || *(ptr2 - 1) == '\\'))
      if (*ptr2 != 0)
        *ptr2++ = 0;
       * At this point:
       *  - (optional1 + 2) contains the header's name
       *  - ptr contains the header's value
      if (add_header(&ptr_head, optional1 + 2, hydra_strrep(ptr, "\\:", ":"), HEADER_TYPE_USERHEADER_REPL)) {
        // Success: break the switch and go ahead
        optional1 = ptr2;
      // Error: abort execution
      hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] Out of memory for HTTP headers.");
      return NULL;
      // no default

  /* again: no snprintf to be portable. dont worry, buffer cant overflow */
  if (use_proxy == 1 && proxy_authentication != NULL) {
    // proxy with authentication
    add_header(&ptr_head, "Host", webtarget, HEADER_TYPE_DEFAULT);
    add_header(&ptr_head, "User-Agent", "Mozilla 5.0 (Hydra Proxy Auth)", HEADER_TYPE_DEFAULT);
    proxy_string = (char *) malloc(strlen(proxy_authentication) + 6);
    if (proxy_string) {
      strcpy(proxy_string, "Basic ");
      strncat(proxy_string, proxy_authentication, strlen(proxy_authentication) - 6);
      add_header(&ptr_head, "Proxy-Authorization", proxy_string, HEADER_TYPE_DEFAULT);
    } else {
      hydra_report(stderr, "Out of memory for \"Proxy-Authorization\" header.");
      return NULL;
    if (getcookie) {
      //doing a GET to save cookies
      cookie_request = stringify_headers(&ptr_head);
    normal_request = stringify_headers(&ptr_head);
  } else {
    if (use_proxy == 1) {
      // proxy without authentication
      add_header(&ptr_head, "Host", webtarget, HEADER_TYPE_DEFAULT);
      add_header(&ptr_head, "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Hydra Proxy)", HEADER_TYPE_DEFAULT);
      if (getcookie) {
        //doing a GET to get cookies
        cookie_request = stringify_headers(&ptr_head);
      normal_request = stringify_headers(&ptr_head);
    } else {
      // direct web server, no proxy
      add_header(&ptr_head, "Host", webtarget, HEADER_TYPE_DEFAULT);
      add_header(&ptr_head, "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Hydra)", HEADER_TYPE_DEFAULT);

      if (getcookie) {
        //doing a GET to save cookies
        cookie_request = stringify_headers(&ptr_head);

      normal_request = stringify_headers(&ptr_head);
  return ptr_head;
Пример #30
void irc_getuser(char *buf, char u[]) {
	int n=strpos("!",u);
	if (n>0)