int svlCameraGeometry::LoadCalibration(const std::string & filepath) { // Currently, only stereo calibration files created // by the Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab are supported // Empty(); int success = SVL_OK; double fc[2], cc[2], a, kc[5], om[3], T[3]; int pos; char chstr[2048]; std::string str; std::ifstream fin; // reading whole file into string buffer fin.exceptions(std::ios_base::eofbit | std::ios_base::failbit | std::ios_base::badbit); try {; memset(chstr, 0, 2048); pos = static_cast<int>(, 2047).gcount()); } catch (std::ifstream::failure e) { } fin.close(); str.assign(chstr); std::istringstream strstrm(str); // re-reading file and parsing values strstrm.exceptions(std::ios_base::eofbit | std::ios_base::failbit | std::ios_base::badbit); try { /////////////////////////// // LEFT CAMERA INTRINSIC // left focal length pos = static_cast<int>(str.find("fc_left = [ ")); if (pos >= 0) { strstrm.seekg(pos + 12); strstrm >> fc[0] >> fc[1]; } else success = SVL_FAIL; // left principal point pos = static_cast<int>(str.find("cc_left = [ ")); if (pos >= 0) { strstrm.seekg(pos + 12); strstrm >> cc[0] >> cc[1]; }
void CCDKSWindow::AddText(char *txt, bool wrap, int pos, int maxch) { if (maxch == -1) maxch = m_pSWindow->boxWidth-2; if (wrap) { std::istringstream fullstrm(txt); std::string line; while (fullstrm) { if (!std::getline(fullstrm, line)) break; if (line.length() > maxch) { while (line.length() > maxch) { std::string::size_type strpos = line.find_last_of(" \t\r\n", maxch-1); if (strpos == std::string::npos) strpos = maxch-1; addCDKSwindow(m_pSWindow, const_cast<char *>(line.substr(0, strpos).c_str()), pos); line.erase(0, strpos+1); } addCDKSwindow(m_pSWindow, const_cast<char *>(line.c_str()), pos); } else addCDKSwindow(m_pSWindow, const_cast<char *>(line.c_str()), pos); } } else { std::istringstream strstrm(txt); std::string line; while (strstrm) { if (std::getline(strstrm, line)) addCDKSwindow(m_pSWindow, const_cast<char *>(line.c_str()), pos); } } }
void csv_64T_Process::Process() {; if (!src.is_open()) { throw runtime_error(ERR_FO + string(T64)); } string line; // Skipping the first lines for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { getline(src, line); } bool readTopo = true; vector<int> apos; // apostrophe vector<string> type; vector<int> breaks; vector<int> dashes; while (line.size() > 0 && readTopo) { int aposInd = line.find(APOSTROPHE) + ONE; int breaksInd[2]; breaksInd[FIRST] = line.find(BREAKS) + ONE; // first occurrence breaksInd[SECOND] = line.rfind(BREAKS) + ONE; // second occurrence (from the end) int dash = boost::count(line, DASH) - 1; // -1 for the end of the line (doesn't count) if (NOT_FOUND != breaksInd[FIRST]) // if found any | { if (NOT_FOUND == aposInd) { apos.push_back(ZERO); type.push_back(boost::trim_copy(line.substr(breaksInd[SECOND] + 1))); // Pushing to the end of the vector the type. breaks.push_back(breaksInd[SECOND]); dashes.push_back(dash); } else { apos.push_back(aposInd); type.push_back(boost::trim_copy(line.substr(breaksInd[FIRST] + 1))); breaks.push_back(breaksInd[FIRST]); dashes.push_back(dash); } } else { readTopo = false; } getline(src, line); } vector<int> origApos = apos; // (geresh) vector<int> origDashes = dashes; dashes.clear(); vector<int> q = { 0 }; // check if int vector<int> parent = { 0 }; vector<int> child_seg = { 0 }; int ind = 0; vector<int> type_inds; //type_inds.resize(type.size()); int type_ind; vector<string> types; types.resize(type.size()); int node_break; if (apos.size() != ZERO) { while (q.size() != ZERO) { type_ind = q[ZERO]; vector<int> temp = { type_ind }; if (HocHelpFunc::Find(HocHelpFunc::VectorComparison(temp, type_inds)).size() == ZERO) { type_inds.resize(ind + ONE); type_inds[ind] = type_ind; types[ind] = type[type_ind]; dashes.resize(ind + ONE); dashes[ind] = origDashes[type_ind]; node_break = breaks[type_ind]; if (type_ind + ONE == apos.size() || apos[type_ind] >= apos[type_ind + ONE]) { ind++; q = HocHelpFunc::SubVector(q, ONE, q.size() - ONE); continue; } vector<int> end_of_tree = HocHelpFunc::Find(HocHelpFunc::VectorSmallerComparison( HocHelpFunc::SubVector(origApos, type_ind, origApos.size() - ONE), HocHelpFunc::SubVector(origApos, type_ind, type_ind)), 1, true); if (end_of_tree.size() != ZERO) { for (size_t i = 0; i < end_of_tree.size(); i++) { end_of_tree[i] -= ONE; } } if (end_of_tree.size() == ZERO || origApos[type_ind] == ZERO) { end_of_tree.push_back(apos.size()); } else { // Not sure what is here.. TODO } vector<int> childs_inds = HocHelpFunc::Find(HocHelpFunc::VectorSmallerEqualsComparison( HocHelpFunc::SubVector(apos, type_ind + ONE, end_of_tree[0] - ONE), // TODO not sure end_of_tree[0] is the right translate from matlab node_break + ONE)); for (size_t i = 0; i < childs_inds.size(); i++) { if (ZERO == type_ind) { childs_inds[i] += (type_ind + ONE); } else { childs_inds[i] += type_ind; } } vector<int> zero_child = HocHelpFunc::Find( HocHelpFunc::VectorComparison( HocHelpFunc::SubVector(apos, childs_inds), ZERO)); if (zero_child.size() != ZERO) { //hilds_inds[] TODO need to make some function that matches. } vector<int> adopted; for (size_t i = 0; i < childs_inds.size(); i++) { int cur_ind = childs_inds[i]; vector<int> true_parent = HocHelpFunc::Find(HocHelpFunc::VectorSmallerComparison( HocHelpFunc::SubVector(apos, type_ind, cur_ind - ONE), // cur_ind - maby -2. TODO apos[cur_ind])); temp.clear(); for (size_t j = 0; j < true_parent.size(); j++) { if (type_ind == ZERO) { temp.push_back(true_parent[j] + ONE); } else { temp.push_back(true_parent[j] + type_ind); } } true_parent = HocHelpFunc::Find(HocHelpFunc::VectorSmallerComparison( apos[cur_ind], HocHelpFunc::SubVector(breaks, temp))); if (HocHelpFunc::Find(HocHelpFunc::VectorSmallerComparison(ONE, true_parent)).size() != ZERO) { adopted.push_back(i); } // stopped at line 85 in matlab } if (adopted.size() != ZERO) { childs_inds.erase(childs_inds.begin() + adopted[ZERO]); } if (childs_inds.size() == ZERO && ind == ZERO) { childs_inds = HocHelpFunc::Find(HocHelpFunc::VectorComparison(apos, node_break)); } vector<int> cur_seg; for (size_t i = 0; i < childs_inds.size(); i++) { int cur_child = childs_inds[i]; int child_start = apos[cur_child]; int parent_start; if (type_ind == ZERO) { parent_start = 1; } else { parent_start = apos[type_ind]; } cur_seg.push_back(child_start - parent_start); } child_seg = HocHelpFunc::ConnectVectors(child_seg, HocHelpFunc::FlipLr(cur_seg)); if (childs_inds.size() != ZERO) { q = HocHelpFunc::ConnectVectors(q, HocHelpFunc::FlipLr(childs_inds)); parent = HocHelpFunc::ConnectVectors(parent, (HocHelpFunc::HomoVecNum(childs_inds.size(), ONE * ind + ONE))); // I don't see any reason for this line in the matlab code.. } ind++; } q = HocHelpFunc::SubVector(q, 1, q.size() - ONE); } } else { types = type; } type = types; getline(src, line); getline(src, line); comp_params.resize(type.size()); while (line.size() != ZERO) { string cur_type = boost::trim_copy(line); int comp_ind = GetCompIndex(type, cur_type); getline(src, line); // Getting the floating numbers in the line. // ATTENTION!! because of the VS there is a small rounding with the numbers - so they are not exactly as they are in the 64T file. vector<float> dbl_vec; stringstream strstrm(line); float i; while (strstrm >> i) { dbl_vec.push_back(i); if (strstrm.peek() == C_COMMA) strstrm.ignore(); } comp_params[comp_ind] = (dbl_vec); getline(src, line); } src.close(); }