Пример #1
// Prepares a sample Bible.
// The output of this is supposed to be manually put into the source tree, folder "samples".
// This will be used to quickly create a sample Bible, that is fast, even on mobile devices.
void demo_prepare_sample_bible ()
  Database_Bibles database_bibles;
  // Remove the Bible to remove all stuff that might have been in it.
  database_bibles.deleteBible (demo_sample_bible_name ());
  search_logic_delete_bible (demo_sample_bible_name ());
  // Create a new one.
  database_bibles.createBible (demo_sample_bible_name ());
  // Location of the USFM files for the sample Bible.
  string directory = filter_url_create_root_path ("demo");
  vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (directory);
  for (auto file : files) {
    // Only process the USFM files.
    if (filter_url_get_extension (file) == "usfm") {
      cout << file << endl;
      // Read the USFM.
      file = filter_url_create_path (directory, file);
      string usfm = filter_url_file_get_contents (file);
      usfm = filter_string_str_replace ("  ", " ", usfm);
      // Import the USFM into the Bible.
      vector <BookChapterData> book_chapter_data = usfm_import (usfm, styles_logic_standard_sheet ());
      for (auto data : book_chapter_data) {
        Bible_Logic::storeChapter (demo_sample_bible_name (), data.book, data.chapter, data.data);
  // Clean the destination location for the Bible.
  string destination = sample_bible_bible_path ();
  filter_url_rmdir (destination);
  // Copy the Bible data to the destination.
  string source = database_bibles.bibleFolder (demo_sample_bible_name ());
  filter_url_dir_cp (source, destination);
  // Clean the destination location for the Bible search index.
  destination = sample_bible_index_path ();
  filter_url_rmdir (destination);
  // Create destination location.
  filter_url_mkdir (destination);
  // Copy the index files over to the destination.
  source = search_logic_index_folder ();
  files = filter_url_scandir (source);
  for (auto file : files) {
    if (file.find (demo_sample_bible_name ()) != string::npos) {
      string source_file = filter_url_create_path (source, file);
      string destination_file = filter_url_create_path (destination, file);
      filter_url_file_cp (source_file, destination_file);
Пример #2
// Import the USFM in $data into $bible.
void bible_import_usfm (string data, string bible, int book, int chapter)
  if (book && chapter) {}
  string stylesheet = styles_logic_standard_sheet ();
  vector <BookChapterData> book_chapter_text = usfm_import (data, stylesheet);
  for (auto & data : book_chapter_text) {
    int book_number = data.book;
    int chapter_number = data.chapter;
    string chapter_data = data.data;
    if (book_number > 0) {
      bible_logic_store_chapter (bible, book_number, chapter_number, chapter_data);
      string book_name = Database_Books::getUsfmFromId (book_number);
      Database_Logs::log ("Imported " + book_name + " " + convert_to_string (chapter_number));
    } else {
      Database_Logs::log ("Could not import this data: " + chapter_data.substr (0, 1000));
Пример #3
// This runs on the server.
// It gets the html or text contents for a $resource for serving it to a client.
string resource_logic_get_contents_for_client (string resource, int book, int chapter, int verse)
  // Lists of the various types of resources.
  Database_UsfmResources database_usfmresources;
  vector <string> externals = resource_external_names ();
  vector <string> usfms = database_usfmresources.getResources ();
  // Possible SWORD details in case the client requests a SWORD resource.
  string sword_module = sword_logic_get_remote_module (resource);
  string sword_source = sword_logic_get_source (resource);
  // Determine the type of the current resource.
  bool isExternal = in_array (resource, externals);
  bool isUsfm = in_array (resource, usfms);
  bool isSword = (!sword_source.empty () && !sword_module.empty ());
  if (isExternal) {
    // The server fetches it from the web.
    return resource_external_cloud_fetch_cache_extract (resource, book, chapter, verse);
  if (isUsfm) {
    // Fetch from database and convert to html.
    string chapter_usfm = database_usfmresources.getUsfm (resource, book, chapter);
    string verse_usfm = usfm_get_verse_text (chapter_usfm, verse);
    string stylesheet = styles_logic_standard_sheet ();
    Filter_Text filter_text = Filter_Text (resource);
    filter_text.html_text_standard = new Html_Text ("");
    filter_text.addUsfmCode (verse_usfm);
    filter_text.run (stylesheet);
    return filter_text.html_text_standard->getInnerHtml ();
  if (isSword) {
    // Fetch it from a SWORD module.
    return sword_logic_get_text (sword_source, sword_module, book, chapter, verse);

  // Nothing found.
  return "Bibledit Cloud could not localize this resource";
Пример #4
string styles_indexm (void * webserver_request)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;
  string page;
  Assets_Header header = Assets_Header (translate("Styles"), webserver_request);
  header.addBreadCrumb (menu_logic_settings_menu (), menu_logic_settings_text ());
  header.addBreadCrumb (menu_logic_settings_styles_menu (), menu_logic_styles_text ());
  page = header.run ();
  Assets_View view;
  Database_Styles database_styles;
  string username = request->session_logic ()->currentUser ();
  int userlevel = request->session_logic ()->currentLevel ();
  if (request->post.count ("new")) {
    string name = request->post["entry"];
    // Remove spaces at the ends of the name for the new stylesheet.
    // Because predictive keyboards can add a space to the name,
    // and the stylesheet system is not built for whitespace at the start / end of the name of the stylesheet.
    name = filter_string_trim (name);
    vector <string> existing = database_styles.getSheets ();
    if (find (existing.begin(), existing.end (), name) != existing.end ()) {
      page += Assets_Page::error (translate("This stylesheet already exists"));
    } else {
      database_styles.createSheet (name);
      database_styles.grantWriteAccess (username, name);
      styles_sheets_create_all ();
      page += Assets_Page::success (translate("The stylesheet has been created"));
  if (request->query.count ("new")) {
    Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("indexm", translate("Please enter the name for the new stylesheet"), "", "new", "");
    page += dialog_entry.run();
    return page;
  if (request->query.count ("delete")) {
    string del = request->query ["delete"];
    if (del != "") {
      string confirm = request->query ["confirm"];
      if (confirm == "yes") {
        bool write = database_styles.hasWriteAccess (username, del);
        if (userlevel >= Filter_Roles::admin ()) write = true;
        if (write) {
          database_styles.deleteSheet (del);
          database_styles.revokeWriteAccess ("", del);
          page += Assets_Page::success (translate("The stylesheet has been deleted"));
      } if (confirm == "") {
        Dialog_Yes dialog_yes = Dialog_Yes ("indexm", translate("Would you like to delete this stylesheet?"));
        dialog_yes.add_query ("delete", del);
        page += dialog_yes.run ();
        return page;
  // Delete empty sheet that may have been there.
  database_styles.deleteSheet ("");

  vector <string> sheets = database_styles.getSheets();
  vector <string> sheetblock;
  for (auto & sheet : sheets) {
    sheetblock.push_back ("<p>");
    sheetblock.push_back (sheet);
    bool editable = database_styles.hasWriteAccess (username, sheet);
    if (userlevel >= Filter_Roles::admin ()) editable = true;
    // Cannot edit the Standard stylesheet.
    if (sheet == styles_logic_standard_sheet ()) editable = false;
    if (editable) {
      sheetblock.push_back ("<a href=\"sheetm?name=" + sheet + "\">[" + translate("edit") + "]</a>");
    sheetblock.push_back ("</p>");
  view.set_variable ("sheetblock", filter_string_implode (sheetblock, "\n"));

  page += view.render ("styles", "indexm");
  page += Assets_Page::footer ();
  return page;
Пример #5
// Cleans and resets the data in the Bibledit installation.
void demo_clean_data ()
  Database_Logs::log ("Cleaning up the demo data");

  Webserver_Request request;
  // Set user to the demo credentials (admin) as this is the user who is always logged-in in a demo installation.
  request.session_logic ()->setUsername (session_admin_credentials ());
  // Delete empty stylesheet that may have been there.
  request.database_styles()->revokeWriteAccess ("", styles_logic_standard_sheet ());
  request.database_styles()->deleteSheet ("");
  styles_sheets_create_all ();
  // Set the export stylesheet to "Standard" for all Bibles and the admin.
  vector <string> bibles = request.database_bibles()->getBibles ();
  for (auto & bible : bibles) {
    Database_Config_Bible::setExportStylesheet (bible, styles_logic_standard_sheet ());
  request.database_config_user()->setStylesheet (styles_logic_standard_sheet ());
  // Set the site language to "Default"
  Database_Config_General::setSiteLanguage ("");
  // Ensure the default users are there.
  map <string, int> users = {
    make_pair ("guest", Filter_Roles::guest ()),
    make_pair ("member", Filter_Roles::member ()),
    make_pair ("consultant", Filter_Roles::consultant ()),
    make_pair ("translator", Filter_Roles::translator ()),
    make_pair ("manager", Filter_Roles::manager ()),
    make_pair (session_admin_credentials (), Filter_Roles::admin ())
  for (auto & element : users) {
    if (!request.database_users ()->usernameExists (element.first)) {
      request.database_users ()->addNewUser(element.first, element.first, element.second, "");
    request.database_users ()->updateUserLevel (element.first, element.second);

  // Create / update sample Bible.
  demo_create_sample_bible ();

  // Create sample notes.
  demo_create_sample_notes (&request);
  // Create samples for the workbenches.
  demo_create_sample_workbenches (&request);
  // Set navigator to John 3:16.
  Ipc_Focus::set (&request, 43, 3, 16);
  // Set and/or trim resources to display.
  // Too many resources crash the demo: Limit the amount.
  vector <string> resources = request.database_config_user()->getActiveResources ();
  bool reset_resources = false;
  if (resources.size () > 25) reset_resources = true;
  vector <string> defaults = demo_logic_default_resources ();
  for (auto & name : defaults) {
    if (!in_array (name, resources)) reset_resources = true;
  if (reset_resources) {
    resources = demo_logic_default_resources ();
    request.database_config_user()->setActiveResources (resources);
  // No flipped basic <> advanded mode.
  request.database_config_user ()->setFlipInterfaceMode (false);
Пример #6
// This is the most basic version that fetches the text of a $resource.
// It works on server and on client.
// It uses the cache.
string resource_logic_get_verse (void * webserver_request, string resource, int book, int chapter, int verse)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;

  string data;

  Database_UsfmResources database_usfmresources;
  Database_ImageResources database_imageresources;
  // Lists of the various types of resources.
  // As from February 2016 a client no longer automatically downloads USFM resources from the Cloud.
  // But a client takes in account existing USFM resources it has downloaded before.
  vector <string> bibles = request->database_bibles()->getBibles ();
  vector <string> local_usfms = database_usfmresources.getResources ();
  vector <string> remote_usfms;
  if (config_logic_client_prepared ()) {
    remote_usfms = client_logic_usfm_resources_get ();
  vector <string> externals = resource_external_names ();
  vector <string> images = database_imageresources.names ();
  vector <string> lexicons = lexicon_logic_resource_names ();
  // Possible SWORD details.
  string sword_module = sword_logic_get_remote_module (resource);
  string sword_source = sword_logic_get_source (resource);
  // Determine the type of the current resource.
  bool isBible = in_array (resource, bibles);
  bool isLocalUsfm = in_array (resource, local_usfms);
  bool isRemoteUsfm = in_array (resource, remote_usfms);
  bool isExternal = in_array (resource, externals);
  bool isImage = in_array (resource, images);
  bool isLexicon = in_array (resource, lexicons);
  bool isSword = (!sword_source.empty () && !sword_module.empty ());
  if (isBible || isLocalUsfm) {
    string chapter_usfm;
    if (isBible) chapter_usfm = request->database_bibles()->getChapter (resource, book, chapter);
    if (isLocalUsfm) chapter_usfm = database_usfmresources.getUsfm (resource, book, chapter);
    string verse_usfm = usfm_get_verse_text (chapter_usfm, verse);
    string stylesheet = styles_logic_standard_sheet ();
    Filter_Text filter_text = Filter_Text (resource);
    filter_text.html_text_standard = new Html_Text ("");
    filter_text.addUsfmCode (verse_usfm);
    filter_text.run (stylesheet);
    data = filter_text.html_text_standard->getInnerHtml ();
  } else if (isRemoteUsfm) {
    data = resource_logic_client_fetch_cache_from_cloud (resource, book, chapter, verse);
  } else if (isExternal) {
    if (config_logic_client_prepared ()) {
      // A client fetches it from the cache or from the Cloud,
      // or, for older versions, from the offline resources database.
      // As of 12 December 2015, the offline resources database is not needed anymore.
      // It can be removed after a year or so.
      Database_OfflineResources database_offlineresources;
      if (database_offlineresources.exists (resource, book, chapter, verse)) {
        data = database_offlineresources.get (resource, book, chapter, verse);
      } else {
        data = resource_logic_client_fetch_cache_from_cloud (resource, book, chapter, verse);
    } else {
      // The server fetches it from the web, via the http cache.
      data.append (resource_external_cloud_fetch_cache_extract (resource, book, chapter, verse));
  } else if (isImage) {
    vector <string> images = database_imageresources.get (resource, book, chapter, verse);
    for (auto & image : images) {
      data.append ("<div><img src=\"/resource/imagefetch?name=" + resource + "&image=" + image + "\" alt=\"Image resource\" style=\"width:100%\"></div>");
  } else if (isLexicon) {
    data = lexicon_logic_get_html (request, resource, book, chapter, verse);
  } else if (isSword) {
    data = sword_logic_get_text (sword_source, sword_module, book, chapter, verse);
  } else {
    // Nothing found.
  // Any font size given in a paragraph style may interfere with the font size setting for the resources
  // as given in Bibledit. For that reason remove the class name from a paragraph style.
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    string fragment = "p class=\"";
    size_t pos = data.find (fragment);
    if (pos != string::npos) {
      size_t pos2 = data.find ("\"", pos + fragment.length () + 1);
      if (pos2 != string::npos) {
        data.erase (pos + 1, pos2 - pos + 1);
  // NET Bible updates.
  data = filter_string_str_replace ("<span class=\"s ", "<span class=\"", data);

  return data;
Пример #7
string Database_Config_Bible::getExportStylesheet (string bible)
  return getValue (bible, "export-stylesheet", styles_logic_standard_sheet ().c_str());