static void process_stat_struct (int which, const void *ptr, const char *dev, const char *mac, const char *type_name, const char *misc_name) { uint32_t misc = 0; int i; assert (which >= 1); assert (which < STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (bounds)); for (i = bounds[which - 1]; i < bounds[which]; i++) { uint32_t val = *(uint32_t *)(((char *) ptr) + specs[i].offset) ; if (item_watched (i) && (val != 0)) submit_derive (dev, type_name, specs[i].name, mac, val); if (item_summed (i)) misc += val; } if (misc != 0) submit_derive (dev, type_name, misc_name, mac, misc); }
static int process_station (int sk, const char *dev, struct ieee80211req_sta_info *si) { struct iwreq iwr; static char mac[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN]; struct ieee80211req_sta_stats stats; const struct ieee80211_nodestats *ns = &stats.is_stats; int status; macaddr_to_str (mac, sizeof (mac), si->isi_macaddr); if (item_watched (STAT_NODE_TX_RATE)) submit_gauge (dev, "node_tx_rate", mac, NULL, (si->isi_rates[si->isi_txrate] & IEEE80211_RATE_VAL) / 2); if (item_watched (STAT_NODE_RSSI)) submit_gauge (dev, "node_rssi", mac, NULL, si->isi_rssi); memset (&iwr, 0, sizeof (iwr)); sstrncpy(iwr.ifr_name, dev, sizeof (iwr.ifr_name)); = (void *) &stats; = sizeof (stats); memcpy(stats.is_u.macaddr, si->isi_macaddr, IEEE80211_ADDR_LEN); status = ioctl(sk, IEEE80211_IOCTL_STA_STATS, &iwr); if (status < 0) { /* Silent, because not all interfaces support all ioctls. */ DEBUG ("madwifi plugin: Sending IO-control " "IEEE80211_IOCTL_STA_STATS to device %s " "failed with status %i.", dev, status); return (status); } /* These two stats are handled as a special case as they are a pair of 64bit values */ if (item_watched (STAT_NODE_OCTETS)) submit_derive2 (dev, "node_octets", mac, NULL, ns->ns_rx_bytes, ns->ns_tx_bytes); /* This stat is handled as a special case, because it is stored as uin64_t, but we will ignore upper half */ if (item_watched (STAT_NS_RX_BEACONS)) submit_derive (dev, "node_stat", "ns_rx_beacons", mac, (ns->ns_rx_beacons & 0xFFFFFFFF)); /* All other node statistics */ process_stat_struct (NOD_STAT, ns, dev, mac, "node_stat", "ns_misc"); return (0); }
static void submit_antx (const char *dev, const char *name, u_int32_t *vals, int vals_num) { char ti2[16]; int i; for (i = 0; i < vals_num; i++) { if (vals[i] == 0) continue; ssnprintf (ti2, sizeof (ti2), "%i", i); submit_derive (dev, "ath_stat", name, ti2, (derive_t) vals[i]); } }
static int apache_read_host (user_data_t *user_data) /* {{{ */ { int i; char *ptr; char *saveptr; char *lines[16]; int lines_num = 0; char *fields[4]; int fields_num; apache_t *st; st = user_data->data; assert (st->url != NULL); /* (Assured by `config_add') */ if (st->curl == NULL) { int status; status = init_host (st); if (status != 0) return (-1); } assert (st->curl != NULL); st->apache_buffer_fill = 0; if (curl_easy_perform (st->curl) != CURLE_OK) { ERROR ("apache: curl_easy_perform failed: %s", st->apache_curl_error); return (-1); } /* fallback - server_type to apache if not set at this time */ if (st->server_type == -1) { WARNING ("apache plugin: Unable to determine server software " "automatically. Will assume Apache."); st->server_type = APACHE; } ptr = st->apache_buffer; saveptr = NULL; while ((lines[lines_num] = strtok_r (ptr, "\n\r", &saveptr)) != NULL) { ptr = NULL; lines_num++; if (lines_num >= 16) break; } for (i = 0; i < lines_num; i++) { fields_num = strsplit (lines[i], fields, 4); if (fields_num == 3) { if ((strcmp (fields[0], "Total") == 0) && (strcmp (fields[1], "Accesses:") == 0)) submit_derive ("apache_requests", "", atoll (fields[2]), st); else if ((strcmp (fields[0], "Total") == 0) && (strcmp (fields[1], "kBytes:") == 0)) submit_derive ("apache_bytes", "", 1024LL * atoll (fields[2]), st); } else if (fields_num == 2) { if (strcmp (fields[0], "Scoreboard:") == 0) submit_scoreboard (fields[1], st); else if ((strcmp (fields[0], "BusyServers:") == 0) /* Apache 1.* */ || (strcmp (fields[0], "BusyWorkers:") == 0) /* Apache 2.* */) submit_gauge ("apache_connections", NULL, atol (fields[1]), st); else if ((strcmp (fields[0], "IdleServers:") == 0) /* Apache 1.x */ || (strcmp (fields[0], "IdleWorkers:") == 0) /* Apache 2.x */) submit_gauge ("apache_idle_workers", NULL, atol (fields[1]), st); } } st->apache_buffer_fill = 0; return (0); } /* }}} int apache_read_host */
static void submit (int cpu_num, derive_t *derives) { int i = 0; if (!report_percent && report_by_cpu) { derive_t cpu_active = 0; for (i = 0; i < CPU_SUBMIT_ACTIVE; i++) { if (derives[i] == -1) continue; if (i != CPU_SUBMIT_IDLE) cpu_active += derives[i]; submit_derive(cpu_num, i, derives[i]); } if (report_active) submit_derive(cpu_num, CPU_SUBMIT_ACTIVE, cpu_active); } else /* we are reporting percents */ { cdtime_t cdt; gauge_t percent; gauge_t cpu_total = 0; gauge_t cpu_active = 0; gauge_t local_rates[CPU_SUBMIT_MAX]; cpu_count++; if (cpu_states_grow()) return; memset(local_rates, 0, sizeof(local_rates)); cdt = cdtime(); for (i = 0; i < CPU_SUBMIT_ACTIVE; i++) { value_t rate; int index; if (derives[i] == -1) continue; index = (cpu_num * CPU_SUBMIT_MAX) + i; if (value_to_rate(&rate, derives[i], &percents[index], DS_TYPE_DERIVE, cdt) != 0) { local_rates[i] = -1; continue; } local_rates[i] = rate.gauge; cpu_total += rate.gauge; if (i != CPU_SUBMIT_IDLE) cpu_active += rate.gauge; } if (cpu_total == 0.0) return; if (report_active) local_rates[CPU_SUBMIT_ACTIVE] = cpu_active; for (i = 0; i < CPU_SUBMIT_MAX; i++) { if (local_rates[i] == -1) continue; percent = (local_rates[i] / cpu_total) * 100; if (report_by_cpu) submit_percent (cpu_num, i, percent); else { if (agg_percents[i] == -1) agg_percents[i] = percent; else agg_percents[i] += percent; } } } }
static int memcached_read (user_data_t *user_data) { char buf[4096]; char *fields[3]; char *ptr; char *line; char *saveptr; int fields_num; gauge_t bytes_used = NAN; gauge_t bytes_total = NAN; gauge_t hits = NAN; gauge_t gets = NAN; gauge_t incr_hits = NAN; derive_t incr = 0; gauge_t decr_hits = NAN; derive_t decr = 0; derive_t rusage_user = 0; derive_t rusage_syst = 0; derive_t octets_rx = 0; derive_t octets_tx = 0; memcached_t *st; st = user_data->data; /* get data from daemon */ if (memcached_query_daemon (buf, sizeof (buf), st) < 0) { return -1; } #define FIELD_IS(cnst) \ (((sizeof(cnst) - 1) == name_len) && (strcmp (cnst, fields[1]) == 0)) ptr = buf; saveptr = NULL; while ((line = strtok_r (ptr, "\n\r", &saveptr)) != NULL) { int name_len; ptr = NULL; fields_num = strsplit(line, fields, 3); if (fields_num != 3) continue; name_len = strlen(fields[1]); if (name_len == 0) continue; /* * For an explanation on these fields please refer to * <> */ /* * CPU time consumed by the memcached process */ if (FIELD_IS ("rusage_user")) { rusage_user = atoll (fields[2]); } else if (FIELD_IS ("rusage_system")) { rusage_syst = atoll(fields[2]); } /* * Number of threads of this instance */ else if (FIELD_IS ("threads")) { submit_gauge2 ("ps_count", NULL, NAN, atof (fields[2]), st); } /* * Number of items stored */ else if (FIELD_IS ("curr_items")) { submit_gauge ("memcached_items", "current", atof (fields[2]), st); } /* * Number of bytes used and available (total - used) */ else if (FIELD_IS ("bytes")) { bytes_used = atof (fields[2]); } else if (FIELD_IS ("limit_maxbytes")) { bytes_total = atof(fields[2]); } /* * Connections */ else if (FIELD_IS ("curr_connections")) { submit_gauge ("memcached_connections", "current", atof (fields[2]), st); } else if (FIELD_IS ("listen_disabled_num")) { submit_derive ("memcached_connections", "listen_disabled", atof (fields[2]), st); } /* * Commands */ else if ((name_len > 4) && (strncmp (fields[1], "cmd_", 4) == 0)) { const char *name = fields[1] + 4; submit_derive ("memcached_command", name, atoll (fields[2]), st); if (strcmp (name, "get") == 0) gets = atof (fields[2]); } /* * Increment/Decrement */ else if (FIELD_IS("incr_misses")) { derive_t incr_count = atoll (fields[2]); submit_derive ("memcached_ops", "incr_misses", incr_count, st); incr += incr_count; } else if (FIELD_IS ("incr_hits")) { derive_t incr_count = atoll (fields[2]); submit_derive ("memcached_ops", "incr_hits", incr_count, st); incr_hits = atof (fields[2]); incr += incr_count; } else if (FIELD_IS ("decr_misses")) { derive_t decr_count = atoll (fields[2]); submit_derive ("memcached_ops", "decr_misses", decr_count, st); decr += decr_count; } else if (FIELD_IS ("decr_hits")) { derive_t decr_count = atoll (fields[2]); submit_derive ("memcached_ops", "decr_hits", decr_count, st); decr_hits = atof (fields[2]); decr += decr_count; } /* * Operations on the cache, i. e. cache hits, cache misses and evictions of items */ else if (FIELD_IS ("get_hits")) { submit_derive ("memcached_ops", "hits", atoll (fields[2]), st); hits = atof (fields[2]); } else if (FIELD_IS ("get_misses")) { submit_derive ("memcached_ops", "misses", atoll (fields[2]), st); } else if (FIELD_IS ("evictions")) { submit_derive ("memcached_ops", "evictions", atoll (fields[2]), st); } /* * Network traffic */ else if (FIELD_IS ("bytes_read")) { octets_rx = atoll (fields[2]); } else if (FIELD_IS ("bytes_written")) { octets_tx = atoll (fields[2]); } } /* while ((line = strtok_r (ptr, "\n\r", &saveptr)) != NULL) */ if (!isnan (bytes_used) && !isnan (bytes_total) && (bytes_used <= bytes_total)) submit_gauge2 ("df", "cache", bytes_used, bytes_total - bytes_used, st); if ((rusage_user != 0) || (rusage_syst != 0)) submit_derive2 ("ps_cputime", NULL, rusage_user, rusage_syst, st); if ((octets_rx != 0) || (octets_tx != 0)) submit_derive2 ("memcached_octets", NULL, octets_rx, octets_tx, st); if (!isnan (gets) && !isnan (hits)) { gauge_t rate = NAN; if (gets != 0.0) rate = 100.0 * hits / gets; submit_gauge ("percent", "hitratio", rate, st); } if (!isnan (incr_hits) && incr != 0) { gauge_t incr_rate = 100.0 * incr_hits / incr; submit_gauge ("percent", "incr_hitratio", incr_rate, st); submit_derive ("memcached_ops", "incr", incr, st); } if (!isnan (decr_hits) && decr != 0) { gauge_t decr_rate = 100.0 * decr_hits / decr; submit_gauge ("percent", "decr_hitratio", decr_rate, st); submit_derive ("memcached_ops", "decr", decr, st); } return 0; } /* int memcached_read */
static int apache_read_host (user_data_t *user_data) /* {{{ */ { char *ptr; char *saveptr; char *line; char *fields[4]; int fields_num; apache_t *st; st = user_data->data; int status; char *content_type; static const char *text_plain = "text/plain"; assert (st->url != NULL); /* (Assured by `config_add') */ if (st->curl == NULL) { status = init_host (st); if (status != 0) return (-1); } assert (st->curl != NULL); st->apache_buffer_fill = 0; if (curl_easy_perform (st->curl) != CURLE_OK) { ERROR ("apache: curl_easy_perform failed: %s", st->apache_curl_error); return (-1); } /* fallback - server_type to apache if not set at this time */ if (st->server_type == -1) { WARNING ("apache plugin: Unable to determine server software " "automatically. Will assume Apache."); st->server_type = APACHE; } status = curl_easy_getinfo (st->curl, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE, &content_type); if ((status == CURLE_OK) && (content_type != NULL) && (strncasecmp (content_type, text_plain, strlen (text_plain)) != 0)) { WARNING ("apache plugin: `Content-Type' response header is not `%s' " "(received: `%s'). Expecting unparseable data. Please check `URL' " "parameter (missing `?auto' suffix ?)", text_plain, content_type); } ptr = st->apache_buffer; saveptr = NULL; while ((line = strtok_r (ptr, "\n\r", &saveptr)) != NULL) { ptr = NULL; fields_num = strsplit (line, fields, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (fields)); if (fields_num == 3) { if ((strcmp (fields[0], "Total") == 0) && (strcmp (fields[1], "Accesses:") == 0)) submit_derive ("apache_requests", "", atoll (fields[2]), st); else if ((strcmp (fields[0], "Total") == 0) && (strcmp (fields[1], "kBytes:") == 0)) submit_derive ("apache_bytes", "", 1024LL * atoll (fields[2]), st); } else if (fields_num == 2) { if (strcmp (fields[0], "Scoreboard:") == 0) submit_scoreboard (fields[1], st); else if ((strcmp (fields[0], "BusyServers:") == 0) /* Apache 1.* */ || (strcmp (fields[0], "BusyWorkers:") == 0) /* Apache 2.* */) submit_gauge ("apache_connections", NULL, atol (fields[1]), st); else if ((strcmp (fields[0], "IdleServers:") == 0) /* Apache 1.x */ || (strcmp (fields[0], "IdleWorkers:") == 0) /* Apache 2.x */) submit_gauge ("apache_idle_workers", NULL, atol (fields[1]), st); } } st->apache_buffer_fill = 0; return (0); } /* }}} int apache_read_host */