/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE selfwsolve -- Solve ynew from L*y = yold, where
     L is lower-triangular and y is SPARSE.
     L     - sparse lower triangular matrix
     xsuper - length nsuper+1, start of each (dense) supernode.
     nsuper - number of super nodes
     snode - length m array, mapping each node to the supernode containing it.
     yir   - length ynnz array, listing all possible nonzeros entries in y.
     ynnz  - number of nonzeros in y (from symbfwslv).
     y - full vector, on input y = rhs, on output y = L\rhs.
        only the yir(0:ynnz-1) entries are used and defined.
   ************************************************************ */
void selfwsolve(double *y, const int *Ljc, const int *Lir, const double *Lpr,
                const int *xsuper, const int nsuper,
                const int *snode, const int *yir, const int ynnz)
  int jsup,j,inz,jnz;
  double yj;

  if(ynnz <= 0)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Forward solve on each nonzero supernode snode[yir[jnz]] (=jsup-1).
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  jnz = 0;
  while(jnz < ynnz){
    j = yir[jnz];
    jsup = snode[j] + 1;
    jnz += xsuper[jsup] - j;          /* point to next nonzero supernode */
    while(j < xsuper[jsup]){
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Do dense computations on supernode.
   The first equation, 1*y=b(j), yields y(j) = b(j).
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      inz = Ljc[j];
      yj = y[j++];
      ++inz;             /* jump over diagonal entry */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Forward solution: y(j+1:m) -= yj * L(j+1:m,j)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      subscalarmul(y+j, yj, Lpr+inz, xsuper[jsup] - j);
      for(inz += xsuper[jsup] - j; inz < Ljc[j]; inz++)
	y[Lir[inz]] -= yj * Lpr[inz];
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE fwsolve -- Solve ynew from L*y = yold, where
     L is lower-triangular.
     L - sparse lower triangular matrix
     xsuper - starting column in L for each (dense) supernode.
     nsuper - number of super nodes
     y - full vector, on input y = rhs, on output y = L\rhs.
     fwork - length max(collen[i] - superlen[i]) <= m-1, where
       collen[i] := L.jc[xsuper[i]+1]-L.jc[xsuper[i]] and
       superlen[i] := xsuper[i+1]-xsuper[i].
   ************************************************************ */
void fwsolve(double *y, const int *Ljc, const int *Lir, const double *Lpr,
             const int *xsuper, const int nsuper, double *fwork)
  int jsup,i,j,inz,jnnz;
  double yi,yj;

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
     For each supernode jsup:
     ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  j = xsuper[0];           /* 1st col of current snode (j=0)*/
  inz = Ljc[0];           /* 1st nonzero in L (inz = 0) */
  for(jsup = 1; jsup <= nsuper; jsup++){
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   The first equation, 1*y=b(j), yields y(j) = b(j).
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
    mxAssert(inz == Ljc[j],"");
    yj = y[j++];
    ++inz;             /* jump over diagonal entry */
    if(j >= xsuper[jsup])
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   If supernode is singleton, then simply set y(j+1:m)-=yj*L(j+1:m,j)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      for(; inz < Ljc[j]; inz++)
	y[Lir[inz]] -= yj * Lpr[inz];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Supernode contains multiple subnodes:
   Remember (i,yi) = 1st subnode, then
   perform dense forward solve within current supernode.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      i = j;
      yi = yj;
        subscalarmul(y+j, yj, Lpr+inz, xsuper[jsup] - j);
        inz = Ljc[j];
        yj = y[j++];
        ++inz;             /* jump over diagonal entry */
      } while(j < xsuper[jsup]);
      jnnz = Ljc[j] - inz;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   jnnz = number of later entries that are influenced by this supernode.
   Compute the update in the array fwork(jnnz)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      if(jnnz > 0){
        scalarmul(fwork, yj, Lpr+inz,jnnz);
        while(i < j){
          yi = y[i++];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Update y with fwork at the specified sparse locations
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        for(i = 0; i < jnnz; i++)
          y[Lir[inz++]] -= fwork[i];
Пример #3
/* ************************************************************
  suboutprod  --  Computes update from a single previous column "xk" on
		a supernode "xj", using dense computations.
     mj, nj  -  supernode "xj" is mj x nj.  More precisely, the column
                lengths are {mj, mj-1, ..., mj-(nj-1)}.
     xkk     -  scalar, the 1st nj entries in xk are divided by this number.
     mk      -  length of xk.  WE ASSUME mk <= mj.  Only 1st mk rows in xj
                are updated.
     xj  -  On return, xj -= xk*xk(0:nj-1)'/xkk
     xk  -  On return, xk(0:nj-1) /= xkk
   ************************************************************ */
void suboutprod(double *xj, mwIndex mj, const mwIndex nj, double *xk,
                const double xkk, mwIndex mk)
  mwIndex j;
  double xjk;

  for(j = 0; j < nj; j++){
    xjk = xk[0] / xkk;
    subscalarmul(xj, xjk, xk, mk);   /* xj -= xjk * xk */
    xk[0] = xjk;                     /* FINAL entry ljk */
    xj += mj;                    /* point to next column which is 1 shorter */
    --mj; --mk; ++xk;
Пример #4
   PROCEDURE ubsolve -- Solves xnew from U * xnew = x,

     x - length n vector
     On input, contains the right-hand-side.
     On output, xnew = U\x
void bwsolve(double *x,const double *u,const int n)
   int j;

    xnew[j] = x[j] / u[j,j]
    Then, we update the right-hand side:
    xnew(0:j-1) = x(0:j-1) - xnew[j] * u(0:j-1)
   j = n;
   u += SQR(n);
   while(j > 0){
     u -= n;
     x[j] /= u[j];
Пример #5
   PROCEDURE ubsolve -- Solves xnew from U * xnew = x,
     where U is upper-triangular.
     u,n - n x n full matrix with only upper-triangular entries
     x - length n vector
     On input, contains the right-hand-side.
     On output, xnew = U\xold
void ubsolve(double *x,const double *u,const int n)
   int j;

     At each step j= n-1,...0, we have a (j+1) x (j+1) upper triangular
     system "U*xnew = x". The last equation gives:
       xnew[j] = x[j] / u[j,j]
     Then, we update the right-hand side:
       xnew(0:j-1) = x(0:j-1) - xnew[j] * u(0:j-1)
   j = n;
   u += SQR(n);
   while(j > 0){
     u -= n;
     x[j] /= u[j];
Пример #6
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE cholonBlk - CHOLESKY on a dense diagonal block.
            Also updates nonzeros below this diagonal block -
            they need merely be divided by the scalar diagonals
            "lkk" afterwards.
     m      - number of rows (length of the first column).
     ncols  - number of columns in the supernode.(n <= m)
     lb     - Length ncols. Skip k-th pivot if drops below lb[k].
     ub     - max(diag(x)) / maxu^2. No stability check for pivots > ub.
     maxu   - Max. acceptable |lik|/lkk when lkk suffers cancelation.
     first - global column number of column 0. This is used only to insert
        the global column numbers into skipIr.
     x  - On input, contains the columns of the supernode to
          be factored. On output, contains the factored columns of
          the supernode.
     skipIr - Lists skipped pivots with their global column number
        in 0:neqns-1. Active range is first:first+ncols-1.
        Skipped if d(k) suffers cancelation and max(abs(L(:,k)) > maxu.
     *pnskip - nnz in skip; *pnskip <= order N of sparse matrix.
     d - Length ncols. Diagonal in L*diag(d)*L' with diag(L)=all-1.
   ************************************************************ */
void cholonBlk(double *x, double *d, mwIndex m, const mwIndex ncols, const mwIndex first,
               const double ub, const double maxu, double *lb,
               mwIndex *skipIr, mwIndex *pnskip)
  mwIndex inz,i,k,n,coltail, nskip;
  double xkk, xik, ubk;
  double *xi;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  n = ncols;
  nskip = *pnskip;
  inz = 0;
  coltail = m - ncols;
  for(k = 0; k < ncols; k++, --m, --n){
/* -------------------------------------------------------
   Let xkk = L(k,k), ubk = max(|xik|) / maxu.
   ------------------------------------------------------- */
    xkk = x[inz];
    if(xkk > lb[k]){ /* now xkk > 0 */
      if(xkk < ub){
        ubk = maxabs(x+inz+1,m-1) / maxu;
        if(xkk < ubk){
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   If we need to add on diagonal, store this in (skipIr, lb(k)).
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
          skipIr[nskip++] = first + k;
	  lb[k] = ubk - xkk;           /* amount added on diagonal */
	  xkk = ubk;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
   Set dk = xkk, lkk = 1 (for LDL').
   -------------------------------------------------------------- */
      d[k] = xkk;                   /* now d[k] > 0 MEANS NO-SKIPPING */
      x[inz] = 1.0;
      xi = x + inz + m;                 /* point to next column */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
   REGULAR JOB: correct remaining n-k cols with col k.
   x(k+1:m,k+1:n) -= x(k+1:m,k) * x(k+1:n,k)' / xkk
   x(k+1:n,k) /= xkk,
   -------------------------------------------------------------- */
      for(i = 1; i < n; i++){
        xik = x[inz] / xkk;
        subscalarmul(xi, xik, x+inz, m-i);
        x[inz++] = xik;
        xi += m-i;
      inz += coltail;                 /* Let inz point to next column */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   If skipping is enabled and this pivot is too small:
   1) don't touch L(k:end,k): allows pivot delaying if desired.
   2) List first+k in skipIr. Set dk = 0 (MEANS SKIPPING).
   -------------------------------------------------------------- */
      skipIr[nskip++] = first + k;
      d[k] = 0.0;                 /* tag "0": means column skipped in LDL'.*/
      inz += m;                   /* Don't touch nor use L(k:end,k) */
  } /* k=0:ncols-1 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Return updated number of added or skipped pivots.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  *pnskip = nskip;