Пример #1

Verify properties of the eigen vectors.

The eigenbasis should be ortonormal: R'*R - I == 0
The basis should be decomposed such that: MR - RD == 0
returns true if tests fail.
int eigen_verify(Matrix M, Matrix lambda, Matrix R) {
    Matrix RtR = transposeMultiplyMatrixL(R, R);
    Matrix identity = makeIdentityMatrix(R->col_dim);

    Matrix MR = multiplyMatrix(M, R);
    Matrix D = makeIdentityMatrix(lambda->row_dim);
    Matrix RD;
    Matrix test;
    int i, j;
    int failed = 0;
    const double tol = 1.0e-7;

    for (i = 0; i < lambda->row_dim; i++) {
        ME(D, i, i) = ME(lambda, i, 0);
    RD = multiplyMatrix(R, D);

    DEBUG(2, "Checking orthogonality of eigenvectors");
    test = subtractMatrix(RtR, identity);

    for (i = 0; i < test->row_dim; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < test->col_dim; j++) {
            if (!EQUAL_ZERO(ME(test, i, j), tol)) {
                failed = 1;
                MESSAGE("Eigenvectors are not orthogonal to within tolerance.");
                DEBUG_DOUBLE(1, "Matrix Element", ME(test, i, j));
                DEBUG_DOUBLE(1, "Tolerance", tol);

    DEBUG(2, "Checking reconstruction property of eigensystem");
    test = subtractMatrix(MR, RD);

    for (i = 0; i < test->row_dim; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < test->col_dim; j++) {
            if (!EQUAL_ZERO(ME(test, i, j), tol)) {
                failed = 1;
                MESSAGE("Covariance matrix is not reconstructable to within tolerance.");
                DEBUG_DOUBLE(1, "Matrix Element", ME(test, i, j));
                DEBUG_DOUBLE(1, "Tolerance", tol);

    return failed;
Пример #2
Verify properties of the eigen basis used for pca.

The eigenbasis should be ortonormal: U'*U - I == 0
The basis should be decomposed such that: X == U*D*V'

returns true if tests fail.
int basis_verify(Matrix X, Matrix U) {
    Matrix UtX = transposeMultiplyMatrixL(U, X);
    Matrix UUtX = multiplyMatrix(U, UtX);
    Matrix UtU = transposeMultiplyMatrixL(U, U);
    Matrix identity = makeIdentityMatrix(U->col_dim);
    Matrix test;
    int i, j;
    int failed = 0;
    const double tol = 1.0e-7;


    DEBUG(2, "Checking orthogonality of eigenbasis");
    test = subtractMatrix(UtU, identity);

    for (i = 0; i < test->row_dim; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < test->col_dim; j++) {
            if (!EQUAL_ZERO(ME(test, i, j), tol)) {
                failed = 1;
                MESSAGE("Eigenbasis is not orthogonal to within tolerance.");
                DEBUG_DOUBLE(1, "Matrix Element", ME(test, i, j));
                DEBUG_DOUBLE(1, "Tolerance", tol);

    DEBUG(2, "Checking reconstruction property of the eigen decomposition");
    test = subtractMatrix(X, UUtX);

    for (i = 0; i < test->row_dim; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < test->col_dim; j++) {
            if (!EQUAL_ZERO(ME(test, i, j), tol)) {
                failed = 1;
                MESSAGE("Data matrix is not reconstructable to within tolerance.");
                DEBUG_DOUBLE(1, "Matrix Element", ME(test, i, j));
                DEBUG_DOUBLE(1, "Tolarence", tol);

    return failed;

void fisherVerify(Matrix fisherBasis, Matrix fisherValues, Matrix Sw, Matrix Sb) {
    Matrix SbW = multiplyMatrix(Sb, fisherBasis);
    Matrix SwW = multiplyMatrix(Sw, fisherBasis);
    Matrix D = makeIdentityMatrix(fisherBasis->row_dim);
    Matrix DSwW;
    Matrix zeroMat;
    int i, j;

    MESSAGE("Verifying Fisher Basis.");

    for (i = 0; i < D->row_dim; i++) {
        ME(D, i, i) = ME(fisherValues, i, 0);

    DSwW = multiplyMatrix(D, SwW);
    zeroMat = subtractMatrix(SbW, DSwW);

    for (i = 0; i < zeroMat->row_dim; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < zeroMat->col_dim; j++) {
            if (!EQUAL_ZERO(ME(zeroMat, i, j), 0.000001)) {
                DEBUG( -1, "Fisher validation failed.");
                printf("Element: (%d,%d) value = %f", i, j, ME(zeroMat, i, j));
Пример #4
int keepConverging(int n, Matrix *actual, Matrix *previous) {
    if(n >= 2000)
        return 0;

    Matrix *diff = copyMatrixConfig(actual);
    subtractMatrix(diff, actual, previous);

    return norm(diff) > 10e-12;
/*  findBCSMatrix
 The approach here is to use equation 116 on p. 122 of
 Duda, "Pattern Classification" to solve for the between
 class scatter matrix. The equation reads:
 St = Sw + Sb  (St is total scatter matrix)
 Solving for Sb,  Sb = St - Sw. Note Sw is computed above.
 The total scatter matrix is easy to compute, it is what we
 think of as the covariance matrix when the points have been
Matrix findBCSMatrix(Matrix imspca, Matrix Sw) {
    Matrix Sb;
    Matrix St;
    Matrix mean;

    MESSAGE("Finding between-class scatter matrix.");

    mean = get_mean_image(imspca);
    mean_subtract_images(imspca, mean);

    DEBUG(3, "Producing total scatter matrix");
    St = transposeMultiplyMatrixR(imspca, imspca);

    DEBUG(2, "Producing between-class scatter matrix");
    Sb = subtractMatrix(St, Sw);


    return Sb;