Пример #1
 * Creatures can cast spells, shoot missiles, and breathe.
 * Returns "true" if a spell (or whatever) was (successfully) cast.
 * XXX XXX XXX This function could use some work, but remember to
 * keep it as optimized as possible, while retaining generic code.
 * Verify the various "blind-ness" checks in the code.
 * XXX XXX XXX Note that several effects should really not be "seen"
 * if the player is blind.
 * Perhaps monsters should breathe at locations *near* the player,
 * since this would allow them to inflict "partial" damage.
 * Perhaps smart monsters should decline to use "bolt" spells if
 * there is a monster in the way, unless they wish to kill it.
 * It will not be possible to "correctly" handle the case in which a
 * monster attempts to attack a location which is thought to contain
 * the player, but which in fact is nowhere near the player, since this
 * might induce all sorts of messages about the attack itself, and about
 * the effects of the attack, which the player might or might not be in
 * a position to observe.  Thus, for simplicity, it is probably best to
 * only allow "faulty" attacks by a monster if one of the important grids
 * (probably the initial or final grid) is in fact in view of the player.
 * It may be necessary to actually prevent spell attacks except when the
 * monster actually has line of sight to the player.  Note that a monster
 * could be left in a bizarre situation after the player ducked behind a
 * pillar and then teleported away, for example.
 * Note that this function attempts to optimize the use of spells for the
 * cases in which the monster has no spells, or has spells but cannot use
 * them, or has spells but they will have no "useful" effect.  Note that
 * this function has been an efficiency bottleneck in the past.
 * Note the special "MFLAG_NICE" flag, which prevents a monster from using
 * any spell attacks until the player has had a single chance to move.
bool make_attack_spell(struct monster *mon)
	int chance, thrown_spell, rlev, failrate;

	bitflag f[RSF_SIZE];

	struct monster_lore *lore = get_lore(mon->race);

	char m_name[80], m_poss[80], ddesc[80];

	/* Player position */
	int px = player->px;
	int py = player->py;

	/* Extract the blind-ness */
	bool blind = (player->timed[TMD_BLIND] ? true : false);

	/* Extract the "see-able-ness" */
	bool seen = (!blind && mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE));

	/* Assume "normal" target */
	bool normal = true;

	/* Cannot cast spells when confused */
	if (mon->m_timed[MON_TMD_CONF]) return (false);

	/* Cannot cast spells when nice */
	if (mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_NICE)) return false;

	/* Hack -- Extract the spell probability */
	chance = (mon->race->freq_innate + mon->race->freq_spell) / 2;

	/* Not allowed to cast spells */
	if (!chance) return false;

	/* Only do spells occasionally */
	if (randint0(100) >= chance) return false;

	/* Hack -- require projectable player */
	if (normal) {
		/* Check range */
		if (mon->cdis > z_info->max_range)
			return false;

		/* Check path */
		if (!projectable(cave, mon->fy, mon->fx, py, px, PROJECT_NONE))
			return false;

	/* Extract the monster level */
	rlev = ((mon->race->level >= 1) ? mon->race->level : 1);

	/* Extract the racial spell flags */
	rsf_copy(f, mon->race->spell_flags);

	/* Allow "desperate" spells */
	if (rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_SMART) &&
	    mon->hp < mon->maxhp / 10 &&
	    randint0(100) < 50)

		/* Require intelligent spells */

	/* Remove the "ineffective" spells */
	remove_bad_spells(mon, f);

	/* Check whether summons and bolts are worth it. */
	if (!rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_STUPID)) {
		/* Check for a clean bolt shot */
		if (test_spells(f, RST_BOLT) &&
			!projectable(cave, mon->fy, mon->fx, py, px, PROJECT_STOP))

			/* Remove spells that will only hurt friends */
			ignore_spells(f, RST_BOLT);

		/* Check for a possible summon */
		if (!(summon_possible(mon->fy, mon->fx)))

			/* Remove summoning spells */
			ignore_spells(f, RST_SUMMON);

	/* No spells left */
	if (rsf_is_empty(f)) return false;

	/* Get the monster name (or "it") */
	monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), mon, MDESC_STANDARD);

	/* Get the monster possessive ("his"/"her"/"its") */
	monster_desc(m_poss, sizeof(m_poss), mon, MDESC_PRO_VIS | MDESC_POSS);

	/* Get the "died from" name */
	monster_desc(ddesc, sizeof(ddesc), mon, MDESC_DIED_FROM);

	/* Choose a spell to cast */
	thrown_spell = choose_attack_spell(f);

	/* Abort if no spell was chosen */
	if (!thrown_spell) return false;

	/* If we see an unaware monster try to cast a spell, become aware of it */
	if (mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_UNAWARE))

	/* Calculate spell failure rate */
	failrate = 25 - (rlev + 3) / 4;
	if (mon->m_timed[MON_TMD_FEAR])
		failrate += 20;

	/* Stupid monsters will never fail (for jellies and such) */
	if (rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_STUPID))
		failrate = 0;

	/* Check for spell failure (innate attacks never fail) */
	if (!mon_spell_is_innate(thrown_spell) && (randint0(100) < failrate)) {
		/* Message */
		msg("%s tries to cast a spell, but fails.", m_name);

		return true;

	/* Cast the spell. */
	disturb(player, 1);
	do_mon_spell(thrown_spell, mon, seen);

	/* Remember what the monster did to us */
	if (seen) {
		rsf_on(lore->spell_flags, thrown_spell);

		/* Innate spell */
		if (mon_spell_is_innate(thrown_spell)) {
			if (lore->cast_innate < UCHAR_MAX)
		} else {
			/* Bolt or Ball, or Special spell */
			if (lore->cast_spell < UCHAR_MAX)

	/* Always take note of monsters that kill you */
	if (player->is_dead && (lore->deaths < SHRT_MAX)) {

	/* Record any new info */
	lore_update(mon->race, lore);

	/* A spell was cast */
	return true;
Пример #2
 * @brief モンスターが敵モンスターに特殊能力を使う処理のメインルーチン /
 * Monster tries to 'cast a spell' (or breath, etc) at another monster.
 * @param m_idx 術者のモンスターID
 * @return 実際に特殊能力を使った場合TRUEを返す
 * @details
 * The player is only disturbed if able to be affected by the spell.
bool monst_spell_monst(int m_idx)
	int y = 0, x = 0;
	int i, k, t_idx = 0;
	int thrown_spell;
	int dam = 0;
	int start;
	int plus = 1;

	byte spell[96], num = 0;

	char m_name[160];
	char t_name[160];

#ifndef JP
	char m_poss[160];

	monster_type *m_ptr = &m_list[m_idx];
	monster_type *t_ptr = NULL;

	monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];
	monster_race *tr_ptr = NULL;

	u32b f4, f5, f6;

	bool see_m = is_seen(m_ptr);
	bool maneable = player_has_los_bold(m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx);
	bool see_t;
	bool see_either;
	bool pet = is_pet(m_ptr);

	bool in_no_magic_dungeon = (d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_NO_MAGIC) && dun_level
		&& (!p_ptr->inside_quest || is_fixed_quest_idx(p_ptr->inside_quest));

	bool can_use_lite_area = FALSE;
	bool can_remember;

	/* Cannot cast spells when confused */
	if (MON_CONFUSED(m_ptr)) return (FALSE);

	/* Extract the racial spell flags */
	f4 = r_ptr->flags4;
	f5 = r_ptr->a_ability_flags1;
	f6 = r_ptr->a_ability_flags2;

	/* Target is given for pet? */
	if (pet_t_m_idx && pet)
		t_idx = pet_t_m_idx;
		t_ptr = &m_list[t_idx];

		/* Cancel if not projectable (for now) */
		if ((m_idx == t_idx) || !projectable(m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx, t_ptr->fy, t_ptr->fx))
			t_idx = 0;

	/* Is there counter attack target? */
	if (!t_idx && m_ptr->target_y)
		t_idx = cave[m_ptr->target_y][m_ptr->target_x].m_idx;

		if (t_idx)
			t_ptr = &m_list[t_idx];

			/* Cancel if neither enemy nor a given target */
			if ((m_idx == t_idx) ||
			    ((t_idx != pet_t_m_idx) && !are_enemies(m_ptr, t_ptr)))
				t_idx = 0;

			/* Allow only summoning etc.. if not projectable */
			else if (!projectable(m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx, t_ptr->fy, t_ptr->fx))
				f4 &= (RF4_INDIRECT_MASK);
				f5 &= (RF5_INDIRECT_MASK);
				f6 &= (RF6_INDIRECT_MASK);

	/* Look for enemies normally */
	if (!t_idx)
		bool success = FALSE;

		if (p_ptr->inside_battle)
			start = randint1(m_max-1) + m_max;
			if (randint0(2)) plus = -1;
		else start = m_max + 1;

		/* Scan thru all monsters */
		for (i = start; ((i < start + m_max) && (i > start - m_max)); i += plus)
			int dummy = (i % m_max);
			if (!dummy) continue;

			t_idx = dummy;
			t_ptr = &m_list[t_idx];

			/* Skip dead monsters */
			if (!t_ptr->r_idx) continue;

			/* Monster must be 'an enemy' */
			if ((m_idx == t_idx) || !are_enemies(m_ptr, t_ptr)) continue;

			/* Monster must be projectable */
			if (!projectable(m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx, t_ptr->fy, t_ptr->fx)) continue;

			/* Get it */
			success = TRUE;

		/* No enemy found */
		if (!success) return FALSE;

	/* OK -- we've got a target */
	y = t_ptr->fy;
	x = t_ptr->fx;
	tr_ptr = &r_info[t_ptr->r_idx];

	/* Forget old counter attack target */

	/* Remove unimplemented spells */
	f6 &= ~(RF6_WORLD | RF6_TRAPS | RF6_FORGET);

	if (f4 & RF4_BR_LITE)
		if (!los(m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx, t_ptr->fy, t_ptr->fx))
			f4 &= ~(RF4_BR_LITE);

	/* Remove unimplemented special moves */
	if (f6 & RF6_SPECIAL)
		if ((m_ptr->r_idx != MON_ROLENTO) && (r_ptr->d_char != 'B'))
			f6 &= ~(RF6_SPECIAL);

	if (f6 & RF6_DARKNESS)
		bool vs_ninja = (p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_NINJA) && !is_hostile(t_ptr);

		if (vs_ninja &&
		    !(r_ptr->flags3 & (RF3_UNDEAD | RF3_HURT_LITE)) &&
		    !(r_ptr->flags7 & RF7_DARK_MASK))
			can_use_lite_area = TRUE;

		if (!(r_ptr->flags2 & RF2_STUPID))
			if (d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_DARKNESS) f6 &= ~(RF6_DARKNESS);
			else if (vs_ninja && !can_use_lite_area) f6 &= ~(RF6_DARKNESS);

	if (in_no_magic_dungeon && !(r_ptr->flags2 & RF2_STUPID))
		f4 &= (RF4_NOMAGIC_MASK);
		f5 &= (RF5_NOMAGIC_MASK);
		f6 &= (RF6_NOMAGIC_MASK);

	if (p_ptr->inside_arena || p_ptr->inside_battle)
		f4 &= ~(RF4_SUMMON_MASK);
		f5 &= ~(RF5_SUMMON_MASK);

		if (m_ptr->r_idx == MON_ROLENTO) f6 &= ~(RF6_SPECIAL);

	if (p_ptr->inside_battle && !one_in_(3))
		f6 &= ~(RF6_HEAL);

	if (m_idx == p_ptr->riding)
		f4 &= ~(RF4_RIDING_MASK);
		f5 &= ~(RF5_RIDING_MASK);
		f6 &= ~(RF6_RIDING_MASK);

	if (pet)
		f4 &= ~(RF4_SHRIEK);
		f6 &= ~(RF6_DARKNESS | RF6_TRAPS);

		if (!(p_ptr->pet_extra_flags & PF_TELEPORT))

		if (!(p_ptr->pet_extra_flags & PF_ATTACK_SPELL))
			f4 &= ~(RF4_ATTACK_MASK);
			f5 &= ~(RF5_ATTACK_MASK);
			f6 &= ~(RF6_ATTACK_MASK);

		if (!(p_ptr->pet_extra_flags & PF_SUMMON_SPELL))
			f4 &= ~(RF4_SUMMON_MASK);
			f5 &= ~(RF5_SUMMON_MASK);
			f6 &= ~(RF6_SUMMON_MASK);

		/* Prevent collateral damage */
		if (!(p_ptr->pet_extra_flags & PF_BALL_SPELL) && (m_idx != p_ptr->riding))
			if ((f4 & (RF4_BALL_MASK & ~(RF4_ROCKET))) ||
			    (f5 & RF5_BALL_MASK) ||
			    (f6 & RF6_BALL_MASK))
				int real_y = y;
				int real_x = x;

				get_project_point(m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx, &real_y, &real_x, 0L);

				if (projectable(real_y, real_x, p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x))
					int dist = distance(real_y, real_x, p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x);

					if (dist <= 2)
						f4 &= ~(RF4_BALL_MASK & ~(RF4_ROCKET));
						f5 &= ~(RF5_BALL_MASK);
						f6 &= ~(RF6_BALL_MASK);
					else if (dist <= 4)
						f4 &= ~(RF4_BIG_BALL_MASK);
						f5 &= ~(RF5_BIG_BALL_MASK);
						f6 &= ~(RF6_BIG_BALL_MASK);
				else if (f5 & RF5_BA_LITE)
					if ((distance(real_y, real_x, p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x) <= 4) && los(real_y, real_x, p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x))
						f5 &= ~(RF5_BA_LITE);

			if (f4 & RF4_ROCKET)
				int real_y = y;
				int real_x = x;

				get_project_point(m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx, &real_y, &real_x, PROJECT_STOP);
				if (projectable(real_y, real_x, p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x) && (distance(real_y, real_x, p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x) <= 2))
					f4 &= ~(RF4_ROCKET);

			if (((f4 & RF4_BEAM_MASK) ||
			     (f5 & RF5_BEAM_MASK) ||
			     (f6 & RF6_BEAM_MASK)) &&
			    !direct_beam(m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx, t_ptr->fy, t_ptr->fx, m_ptr))
				f4 &= ~(RF4_BEAM_MASK);
				f5 &= ~(RF5_BEAM_MASK);
				f6 &= ~(RF6_BEAM_MASK);

			if ((f4 & RF4_BREATH_MASK) ||
			    (f5 & RF5_BREATH_MASK) ||
			    (f6 & RF6_BREATH_MASK))
				/* Expected breath radius */
				int rad = (r_ptr->flags2 & RF2_POWERFUL) ? 3 : 2;

				if (!breath_direct(m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx, t_ptr->fy, t_ptr->fx, rad, 0, TRUE))
					f4 &= ~(RF4_BREATH_MASK);
					f5 &= ~(RF5_BREATH_MASK);
					f6 &= ~(RF6_BREATH_MASK);
				else if ((f4 & RF4_BR_LITE) &&
					 !breath_direct(m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx, t_ptr->fy, t_ptr->fx, rad, GF_LITE, TRUE))
					f4 &= ~(RF4_BR_LITE);
				else if ((f4 & RF4_BR_DISI) &&
					 !breath_direct(m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx, t_ptr->fy, t_ptr->fx, rad, GF_DISINTEGRATE, TRUE))
					f4 &= ~(RF4_BR_DISI);

		/* Special moves restriction */
		if (f6 & RF6_SPECIAL)
			if (m_ptr->r_idx == MON_ROLENTO)
				if ((p_ptr->pet_extra_flags & (PF_ATTACK_SPELL | PF_SUMMON_SPELL)) != (PF_ATTACK_SPELL | PF_SUMMON_SPELL))
					f6 &= ~(RF6_SPECIAL);
			else if (r_ptr->d_char == 'B')
				if ((p_ptr->pet_extra_flags & (PF_ATTACK_SPELL | PF_TELEPORT)) != (PF_ATTACK_SPELL | PF_TELEPORT))
					f6 &= ~(RF6_SPECIAL);
			else f6 &= ~(RF6_SPECIAL);

	/* Remove some spells if necessary */

	if (!(r_ptr->flags2 & RF2_STUPID))
		/* Check for a clean bolt shot */
		if (((f4 & RF4_BOLT_MASK) ||
		     (f5 & RF5_BOLT_MASK) ||
		     (f6 & RF6_BOLT_MASK)) &&
		    !clean_shot(m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx, t_ptr->fy, t_ptr->fx, pet))
			f4 &= ~(RF4_BOLT_MASK);
			f5 &= ~(RF5_BOLT_MASK);
			f6 &= ~(RF6_BOLT_MASK);

		/* Check for a possible summon */
		if (((f4 & RF4_SUMMON_MASK) ||
		     (f5 & RF5_SUMMON_MASK) ||
		     (f6 & RF6_SUMMON_MASK)) &&
		    !(summon_possible(t_ptr->fy, t_ptr->fx)))
			/* Remove summoning spells */
			f4 &= ~(RF4_SUMMON_MASK);
			f5 &= ~(RF5_SUMMON_MASK);
			f6 &= ~(RF6_SUMMON_MASK);

		/* Dispel magic */
		if ((f4 & RF4_DISPEL) && !dispel_check_monster(m_idx, t_idx))
			/* Remove dispel spell */
			f4 &= ~(RF4_DISPEL);

		/* Check for a possible raise dead */
		if ((f6 & RF6_RAISE_DEAD) && !raise_possible(m_ptr))
			/* Remove raise dead spell */
			f6 &= ~(RF6_RAISE_DEAD);

		/* Special moves restriction */
		if (f6 & RF6_SPECIAL)
			if ((m_ptr->r_idx == MON_ROLENTO) && !summon_possible(t_ptr->fy, t_ptr->fx))
				f6 &= ~(RF6_SPECIAL);

	if (r_ptr->flags2 & RF2_SMART)
		/* Hack -- allow "desperate" spells */
		if ((m_ptr->hp < m_ptr->maxhp / 10) &&
		    (randint0(100) < 50))
			/* Require intelligent spells */
			f4 &= (RF4_INT_MASK);
			f5 &= (RF5_INT_MASK);
			f6 &= (RF6_INT_MASK);

		/* Hack -- decline "teleport level" in some case */
		if ((f6 & RF6_TELE_LEVEL) && TELE_LEVEL_IS_INEFF((t_idx == p_ptr->riding) ? 0 : t_idx))
			f6 &= ~(RF6_TELE_LEVEL);

	/* No spells left */
	if (!f4 && !f5 && !f6) return FALSE;

	/* Extract the "inate" spells */
	for (k = 0; k < 32; k++)
		if (f4 & (1L << k)) spell[num++] = k + RF4_SPELL_START;

	/* Extract the "normal" spells */
	for (k = 0; k < 32; k++)
        if (f5 & (1L << k)) spell[num++] = k + RF5_SPELL_START;

	/* Extract the "bizarre" spells */
	for (k = 0; k < 32; k++)
        if (f6 & (1L << k)) spell[num++] = k + RF6_SPELL_START;

	/* No spells left */
	if (!num) return (FALSE);

	/* Stop if player is dead or gone */
	if (!p_ptr->playing || p_ptr->is_dead) return (FALSE);

	/* Handle "leaving" */
	if (p_ptr->leaving) return (FALSE);

	/* Get the monster name (or "it") */
	monster_desc(m_name, m_ptr, 0x00);

#ifndef JP
	/* Get the monster possessive ("his"/"her"/"its") */
	monster_desc(m_poss, m_ptr, MD_PRON_VISIBLE | MD_POSSESSIVE);

	/* Get the target's name (or "it") */
	monster_desc(t_name, t_ptr, 0x00);

	/* Choose a spell to cast */
	thrown_spell = spell[randint0(num)];

	see_t = is_seen(t_ptr);
	see_either = (see_m || see_t);

	if (p_ptr->riding && (m_idx == p_ptr->riding)) disturb(1, 1);

	/* Check for spell failure (inate attacks never fail) */
	if (!spell_is_inate(thrown_spell) && (in_no_magic_dungeon || (MON_STUNNED(m_ptr) && one_in_(2))))
		disturb(1, 1);
		/* Message */
		if (see_m) msg_format(_("%^sは呪文を唱えようとしたが失敗した。", 
			                    "%^s tries to cast a spell, but fails."), m_name);

		return (TRUE);

	/* Hex: Anti Magic Barrier */
	if (!spell_is_inate(thrown_spell) && magic_barrier(m_idx))
		if (see_m) msg_format(_("反魔法バリアが%^sの呪文をかき消した。", 
			                    "Anti magic barrier cancels the spell which %^s casts."), m_name);
		return (TRUE);

	can_remember = is_original_ap_and_seen(m_ptr);

    dam = monspell_to_monster(thrown_spell, y, x, m_idx, t_idx);
    if (dam < 0)return FALSE;

	if (m_ptr->ml && maneable && !world_monster && !p_ptr->blind && (p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_IMITATOR))
		if (thrown_spell != 167) /* Not RF6_SPECIAL */
			if (p_ptr->mane_num == MAX_MANE)
				for (i = 0; i < p_ptr->mane_num - 1; i++)
					p_ptr->mane_spell[i] = p_ptr->mane_spell[i+1];
					p_ptr->mane_dam[i] = p_ptr->mane_dam[i+1];
			p_ptr->mane_spell[p_ptr->mane_num] = thrown_spell - RF4_SPELL_START;
			p_ptr->mane_dam[p_ptr->mane_num] = dam;
			new_mane = TRUE;

			p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_IMITATION);

	/* Remember what the monster did, if we saw it */
	if (can_remember)
		/* Inate spell */
        if (thrown_spell < RF4_SPELL_START + RF4_SPELL_SIZE)
            r_ptr->r_flags4 |= (1L << (thrown_spell - RF4_SPELL_START));
			if (r_ptr->r_cast_spell < MAX_UCHAR) r_ptr->r_cast_spell++;

		/* Bolt or Ball */
        else if (thrown_spell < RF5_SPELL_START + RF5_SPELL_SIZE)
            r_ptr->r_flags5 |= (1L << (thrown_spell - RF5_SPELL_START));
			if (r_ptr->r_cast_spell < MAX_UCHAR) r_ptr->r_cast_spell++;

		/* Special spell */
        else if (thrown_spell < RF6_SPELL_START + RF6_SPELL_SIZE)
            r_ptr->r_flags6 |= (1L << (thrown_spell - RF6_SPELL_START));
			if (r_ptr->r_cast_spell < MAX_UCHAR) r_ptr->r_cast_spell++;

	/* Always take note of monsters that kill you */
	if (p_ptr->is_dead && (r_ptr->r_deaths < MAX_SHORT) && !p_ptr->inside_arena)
		r_ptr->r_deaths++; /* Ignore appearance difference */

	/* A spell was cast */
	return TRUE;