Пример #1
void *sheep_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	t_sheep *x = NULL;
    t_object *jp = NULL;

	if (x = (t_sheep *)object_alloc(sheep_class)) {
		jp = (t_object *)gensym("#P")->s_thing;
		if (jp) {
			t_hashtab *ht;
			// look in the jpatcher's obex for an object called "sheephash"
			object_obex_lookup(jp, gensym("sheephash"), (t_object **)&ht);
			if (!ht) {
				// it's not there? create it.
				ht = hashtab_new(0);
				// objects stored in the obex will be freed when the obex's owner is freed
				// in this case, when the patcher object is freed. so we don't need to
				// manage the memory associated with the "sheephash".
				object_obex_store(jp, gensym("sheephash"), (t_object *)ht);
			// cache the registered name so we can remove self from hashtab
			x = object_register(CLASS_BOX, x->myobjname = symbol_unique(), x);
			// store self in the hashtab. IMPORTANT: set the OBJ_FLAG_REF flag so that the
			// hashtab knows not to free us when it is freed.
			hashtab_storeflags(ht, x->myobjname, (t_object *)x, OBJ_FLAG_REF);
	return (x);
Пример #2
void *dummy_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	t_dummy *x = NULL;
	if (x = (t_dummy *)object_alloc(dummy_class)) {
		x->name = gensym("");
		if (argc && argv) {
			x->name = atom_getsym(argv);
		if (!x->name || x->name == gensym(""))
			x->name = symbol_unique();
		atom_setlong(&x->val, 0);
		x->out = outlet_new(x, NULL);
	return (x);
Пример #3
void *breakgen_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	t_breakgen *x = NULL;
	if ((x = (t_breakgen *)object_alloc(breakgen_class))) {
		x->name = gensym("");
		if (argc && argv) {
			x->name = atom_getsym(argv);
		if (!x->name || x->name == gensym(""))
			x->name = symbol_unique();
		atom_setlong(&x->val, 0);
		x->out = outlet_new(x, NULL);
        x->constsig = 0;
        x->constval = 1.0;
        x->rando_gen = NULL;
        x->rando_gen = new_rando();
        if(x->rando_gen == NULL){
            post("no memory for random generator\n");
        x->rando_func = no_rando;
        x->tick = sinetick;
        x->sr = 10000.00;
        x->freq = 100.00;
        x->osc = NULL;
        x->osc = new_oscil(x->sr);
        if(x->osc == NULL){
            post("no memory for oscillator\n");
        x->buffy = buffer_ref_new((t_object *)x, gensym("buffy"));
        if (buffer_ref_exists(x->buffy) != 0) {
            post("buf ref exists");
        } else {
            post("buf ref doesn't exist");
	return (x);
Пример #4
void *dummy_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
    t_dummy *x = NULL;
    if (x = (t_dummy *)object_alloc(dummy_class)) {
        x->name = gensym("");
        if (argc && argv) {
            x->name = atom_getsym(argv);
        if (!x->name || x->name == gensym(""))
            x->name = symbol_unique();
        atom_setlong(&x->val, 0);
        x->out = outlet_new(x, NULL);
        double val = 35.78;
        object_post((t_object *) x, "d3-3 %e %f %g", val, val, val);//!!!!
    return (x);
Пример #5
void testrunner_one_integration(t_testrunner *r, t_symbol *testname)
	t_testdb	*db = (t_testdb*)((t_testmaster*)(ps_testmaster->s_thing))->m_db;
	t_symbol	*pound_t = gensym("#T");
	if (!r->r_running) { // start it
		t_testunit	*testunit = (t_testunit*)testunit_new(NULL, 0, NULL);
		r->r_testid = testdb_createcase(db, testname->s_name);
		testunit->o_db = db;
		testunit->o_id = r->r_testid;
		testdb_log(db, r->r_testid, "preparing to run %s", testname->s_name);

		pound_t->s_thing = (t_object*)testunit;
		object_method(_sym_max->s_thing, _sym_openfile, symbol_unique(), testname, 0);
		object_attach_byptr_register(r, testunit, _sym_nobox);
		r->r_testunit = (t_test*)testunit;
		r->r_running = true;
	else { // try to finish it
		if (r->r_terminated) {
			t_max_err	err = MAX_ERR_NONE;
			// moved to here from the block above because when loading a maxzip the patcher instantiation maybe deferred/asynchronous
			pound_t->s_thing = NULL;

			testdb_log(db, r->r_testid, "concluding test");
			err = object_free(r->r_testunit);
			testdb_log(db, r->r_testid, "test patcher freed with status %i", err);
			testdb_closecase(db, r->r_testid);	

			r->r_running = false;
Пример #6
void *return_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	long		attrstart = attr_args_offset(argc, argv);
	t_return*	x = (t_return *)object_alloc(return_class);
	t_symbol*	name = _sym_nothing;
	ObjectPtr	patcher = NULL;

	if (attrstart && argv)
		atom_arg_getsym(&name, 0, attrstart, argv);
		name = symbol_unique();

	// for instances buried inside of another object:
	// we pass a second argument which is a pointer to the patcher
	if (attrstart>1 && argv)
		patcher = ObjectPtr(atom_getobj(argv+1));

	if (x) {
		x->outlets[k_outlet_dumpout] = outlet_new(x, 0L);
		object_obex_store((void *)x, _sym_dumpout, (t_object *)x->outlets[k_outlet_dumpout]);
		x->outlets[k_outlet_thru] = outlet_new(x, 0L);

		jcom_core_subscriber_new_extended(&x->common, name, jps_subscribe_return);
		atom_setsym(&x->output[0], name);
		x->output_len = 1;
		x->attrEnable = true;
		x->attrDataspace = jps_none;
		x->attrUnitNative = jps_none;
		if (patcher)
			x->common.container = patcher;
		attr_args_process(x, argc, argv);
	return (x);
Пример #7
void filecontainer_gettemppath(t_filecontainer *x)
    char			temppath[512];
    char			outpath[512];
    t_symbol		*unique = symbol_unique();
    OSErr			err = 0;
    FSRef			folderref, newref;
    UniChar			uni[512];
    unsigned short	i;

    err = FSFindFolder(kUserDomain, kTemporaryFolderType, kCreateFolder, &folderref);
    err = FSRefMakePath(&folderref, (UInt8 *)temppath, 511);
    strcat(temppath, "/");
#else // WIN_VERSION
    GetTempPath(512, (LPSTR)temppath);
    strcat(temppath, unique->s_name);

    for(i=0; i<strlen(unique->s_name); i++)					// Convert from 8-bit ASCII to 16-bit Unicode
        uni[i] = unique->s_name[i];

    err = FSCreateDirectoryUnicode(&folderref, strlen(unique->s_name), uni,
                                   kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, &newref, NULL, NULL);
#else // WIN_VERSION
    CreateDirectory((LPCSTR)temppath, NULL);

    path_nameconform(temppath, outpath, PATH_STYLE_MAX, PATH_TYPE_ABSOLUTE);
    x->temp_fullpath = gensym(outpath);
    path_frompathname(outpath, &x->temp_path, temppath);	// re-using temppath since we don't need it anymore

    // Add to the searchpath
    path_addnamed(SEARCH_PATH, outpath, 1, 0);
Пример #8
t_paramui* paramui_new(t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv)
	t_paramui		*x = NULL;
	t_dictionary 	*d = NULL;
	long 			flags;
	t_atom			a[LISTSIZE+34];
	long			argLen;
	//t_max_err		err = MAX_ERR_NONE;

	if(!(d=object_dictionaryarg(argc, argv)))
		return NULL;	

	if(x = (t_paramui*)object_alloc(s_ui_class)){
		flags = 0 
		//		| JBOX_GROWY

		jbox_new(&x->box, flags, argc, argv);
		x->box.b_firstin = (t_object *)x;
		x->outlet = outlet_new(x, 0L);
		x->menu_items = NULL;
		attr_dictionary_process(x, d); 					// handle attribute args
		// a textlayout is used for the displaying the value and the unit
		x->layout_value = jtextlayout_create();
		x->layout_unit = jtextlayout_create();


		x = (t_paramui *)object_register(CLASS_BOX, symbol_unique(), x);

		x->menu_items = (t_linklist *)linklist_new();
		x->menu_qelem = qelem_new(x, (method)paramui_menu_qfn);
		// here we create our internal instance of jcom.parameter
		atom_setsym(a+0, x->attr_name);
		atom_setsym(a+1, gensym("@type"));
		atom_setsym(a+2, x->attr_type);
		atom_setsym(a+3, gensym("@ramp/drive"));
		atom_setsym(a+4, x->attr_rampDrive);
		atom_setsym(a+5, gensym("@ramp/function"));
		atom_setsym(a+6, x->attr_rampFunction);
		atom_setsym(a+7, gensym("@view/freeze"));
		atom_setlong(a+8, x->attr_uiFreeze);
		atom_setsym(a+9, gensym("@value/stepsize"));
		atom_setfloat(a+10, x->attr_stepsize);
		atom_setsym(a+11, gensym("@priority"));
		atom_setlong(a+12, x->attr_priority);
		atom_setsym(a+13, gensym("@range/bounds"));
		atom_setfloat(a+14, x->attr_range[0]);
		atom_setfloat(a+15, x->attr_range[1]);
		atom_setsym(a+16, gensym("@repetitions/allow"));
		atom_setlong(a+17, x->attr_repetitions);
		atom_setsym(a+18, gensym("@range/clipmode"));
		atom_setsym(a+19, x->attr_clipmode);
		atom_setsym(a+20, gensym("@description"));
		atom_setsym(a+21, x->attr_description);
		atom_setsym(a+22, gensym("@dataspace"));
		atom_setsym(a+23, x->attr_dataspace);
		atom_setsym(a+24, gensym("@dataspace/unit/active"));
		atom_setsym(a+25, x->attr_unitActive);
		atom_setsym(a+26, gensym("@dataspace/unit/native"));
		atom_setsym(a+27, x->attr_unitNative);
			atom_setsym(a+28, gensym("@value/default"));
			sysmem_copyptr(x->attr_default, a+29, sizeof(t_atom) * x->attr_defaultSize);
			argLen = 29 + x->attr_defaultSize;
			argLen = 28;

		jcom_core_loadextern(gensym("jcom.parameter"), argLen, a, &x->obj_parameter);
	return x;