Пример #1
int XJudgerMain::getDir(string dir, int &count){
	struct direct *file = NULL;
	DIR *pdir = opendir(dir.c_str());
	dir = tDir(dir);
	if (pdir){
		while ((file = readdir(pdir)) != NULL){
			if (strcmp(file -> d_name, ".") == 0) continue;
			if (strcmp(file -> d_name, "..") == 0) continue;
			if (checkDir(dir + file -> d_name)){
				QTreeWidgetItem *item;
				if (MainViewScore -> topLevelItemCount() <= count) item = new QTreeWidgetItem(MainViewScore);
				else item = MainViewScore -> topLevelItem(count);
				item -> setData(0, 0, file -> d_name);
				item -> setData(3, 0, (dir + file -> d_name).c_str());
				PersonInfo info(dir + file -> d_name);
				char strout[30];
				snprintf(strout, 30, "%5.0lf", info.Score);
				item -> setData(1, 0, strout);
				snprintf(strout, 30, "%.3lf s", info.ACTime);
				item -> setData(2, 0, strout);
				item -> setIcon(0, QIcon(":/Icons/User.png"));
				count ++;
			getDir(dir + file -> d_name, count);
	return 0;
Пример #2
extendBy ( const vec3& pt )
	// TODO: This only handles cases where the point is along the "positive" direction
	// of travel.  If it were along the "negative", we should move pos and extend length.
//	vec3 ptDir = pt - pos;
	vec3 ptDir ( pt );
	ptDir -= pos;
	ptDir.normalize ();
	vec3 tDir ( dir );
	tDir.normalize ();

	if ( ! tDir.equal ( ptDir ) )
		return false;

	length = pt.dist ( pos );
	return true;
Пример #3
contains ( const seg& segIn ) const
	// TODO: Remove direction vector normalization??  User's responsibility???
	vec3 tDir ( segIn.dir );
	tDir.normalize ();
//	vec3 endPt = segIn.pos + tDir * segIn.length;
	vec3 endPt ( tDir );
	endPt *= segIn.length;
	endPt += segIn.pos;

	int c1 = contains ( segIn.pos );
	int c2 = contains ( endPt );

	if ( c1 )
		if ( c2 )
			return containsResult::AllIn;

		return containsResult::SomeIn;

	if ( c2 )
		return containsResult::SomeIn;

	// OPTIMIZE: Expensive...
	if ( segIn.contains ( pos ) )
		return containsResult::SomeIn;

	vec3 endPos = pos + dir * length;

	if ( segIn.contains ( endPos ) )
		return containsResult::SomeIn;

	return containsResult::NoneIn;
void ProjectSelectionPage::validateData()
    KUrl url = ui->locationUrl->url();
    if( !url.isLocalFile() || url.isEmpty() )
        ui->locationValidLabel->setText( i18n("Invalid location") );
        setForeground(ui->locationValidLabel, KColorScheme::NegativeText);
        emit invalid();

    if( appName().isEmpty() )
        ui->locationValidLabel->setText( i18n("Empty project name") );
        setForeground(ui->locationValidLabel, KColorScheme::NegativeText);
        emit invalid();

    if( appName() == "." || appName() == "..")
        ui->locationValidLabel->setText( i18n("Invalid project name") );
        setForeground(ui->locationValidLabel, KColorScheme::NegativeText);
        emit invalid();

    QDir tDir(url.toLocalFile( KUrl::RemoveTrailingSlash ));
    while (!tDir.exists() && !tDir.isRoot())
        tDir.setPath( pathUp( tDir.absolutePath() ));

    if (tDir.exists())
        QFileInfo tFileInfo(tDir.absolutePath());
        if (!tFileInfo.isWritable() || !tFileInfo.isExecutable())
            ui->locationValidLabel->setText( i18n("Unable to create subdirectories, "
                                                  "missing permissions on: %1", tDir.absolutePath()) );
            setForeground(ui->locationValidLabel, KColorScheme::NegativeText);
            emit invalid();

    QStandardItem* item = m_templatesModel->itemFromIndex( ui->templateView->currentIndex() );
    if( item && !item->hasChildren() )
        ui->locationValidLabel->setText( QString(" ") );
        setForeground(ui->locationValidLabel, KColorScheme::NormalText);
        emit valid();
    } else
        ui->locationValidLabel->setText( i18n("Invalid project template, please choose a leaf item") );
        setForeground(ui->locationValidLabel, KColorScheme::NegativeText);
        emit invalid();

    // Check for non-empty target directory. Not an error, but need to display a warning.
    url.addPath( encodedAppName() );
    QFileInfo fi( url.toLocalFile( KUrl::RemoveTrailingSlash ) );
    if( fi.exists() && fi.isDir() )
        if( !QDir( fi.absoluteFilePath()).entryList( QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::AllEntries ).isEmpty() )
            ui->locationValidLabel->setText( i18n("Path already exists and contains files") );
            setForeground(ui->locationValidLabel, KColorScheme::NegativeText);