Пример #1
static inline void load_config(void) {
	/* FIXME */
	if ((cfg = config_load("/etc/xcb/pd.conf"))) {
		char *cat = category_browse(cfg, NULL);

		while (cat) {
			if (!strcasecmp(cat, "pair")) {
				struct variable *var = variable_browse(cfg, cat);
				struct cpl *cpl = NULL;

				while (var) {
					if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "contract1")) {
						if (!strcasecmp(var->value, ""))
						if (cpl == NULL) {
							if (NEW(cpl) == NULL)
							cpl->contract2 = NULL;
							cpl->price1 = cpl->price2 = cpl->prevpd = -1.0;
							pthread_spin_init(&cpl->lock, 0);
						cpl->contract1 = var->value;

					} else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "contract2")) {
						if (!strcasecmp(var->value, ""))
						if (cpl == NULL) {
							if (NEW(cpl) == NULL)
							cpl->contract1 = NULL;
							cpl->price1 = cpl->price2 = cpl->prevpd = -1.0;
							pthread_spin_init(&cpl->lock, 0);
						cpl->contract2 = var->value;
					} else
						xcb_log(XCB_LOG_WARNING, "Unknown variable '%s' in "
							"category '%s' of pd.conf", var->name, cat);
					var = var->next;
				if (cpl && cpl->contract1 && cpl->contract2) {
					dlist_t dlist;

					if ((dlist = table_get_value(contracts, cpl->contract1)) == NULL) {
						dlist = dlist_new(NULL, NULL);
						table_insert(contracts, cpl->contract1, dlist);
					dlist_insert_tail(dlist, cpl);
					if ((dlist = table_get_value(contracts, cpl->contract2)) == NULL) {
						dlist = dlist_new(NULL, NULL);
						table_insert(contracts, cpl->contract2, dlist);
					dlist_insert_tail(dlist, cpl);
					dlist_insert_tail(pairs, cpl);
				} else if (cpl)
			cat = category_browse(cfg, cat);
Пример #2
* RscAddCallback:  Called for each new resource that's loaded from a file.
*   Add given resource to table.
bool RscAddCallback(char *fname, int res, char *string)
	resource_type entry, r;
	entry = (resource_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(resource_struct));
	entry->idnum = res;
	entry->data = (char *) SafeMalloc(strlen(string) + 1);
	strcpy(entry->data, string);
	if (table_insert(t, entry, ResourceHash, ResourceCompare) != 0)
		if (!ignore_duplicates)
			ClientError(hInst, hMain, IDS_DUPRESOURCE, res, fname);
			// Free existing resource
			r = (resource_type) table_lookup(t, &res, IdHash, IdResourceCompare);
			if (r != NULL)
				table_delete_item(t, r, ResourceHash, ResourceCompare);
				table_insert(t, entry, ResourceHash, ResourceCompare);
	return true;
Пример #3
 * perform some basic tests
static	void	basic(table_t *tab_p)
  long	key;
  int	ret;
  void	*data_p;
  (void)printf("Performing basic tests:\n");
  key = TEST_VALUE;
  ret = table_insert(tab_p, &key, sizeof(key), NULL, 0, &data_p, 0);
  if (ret != TABLE_ERROR_NONE) {
		  "could not store null pointer of size 0 in table: %s\n",
  /* try the replace */
  ret = table_insert(tab_p, &key, sizeof(key), NULL, 0, &data_p, 1);
  if (ret != TABLE_ERROR_NONE) {
		  "could not store null pointer of size 0 in table: %s\n",
  /* try to insert without replace */
  ret = table_insert(tab_p, &key, sizeof(key), NULL, 0, &data_p, 0);
    (void)printf("replaced a key in the table with no-overwrite flag: %s\n",
  /* delete the key */
  ret = table_delete(tab_p, &key, sizeof(key), NULL, NULL);
  if (ret != TABLE_ERROR_NONE) {
    (void)fprintf(stderr, "could not delete test key %ld: %s\n",
		  key, table_strerror(ret));
  /* test to make sure we can insert a NULL with size > 0 */
  ret = table_insert(tab_p, &key, sizeof(key), NULL, 100, &data_p, 0);
  if (ret != TABLE_ERROR_NONE) {
    (void)printf("could not add NULL with size > 0: %s\n",
  ret = table_delete(tab_p, &key, sizeof(key), NULL, NULL);
  if (ret != TABLE_ERROR_NONE) {
    (void)fprintf(stderr, "could not delete test key %ld: %s\n",
		  key, table_strerror(ret));
Пример #4
void initialize_parser(void)
   int i;

   st.globalvars = table_create(TABLESIZE);
   st.classvars = table_create(TABLESIZE);
   st.localvars = table_create(TABLESIZE);
   st.missingvars = table_create(TABLESIZE);

   /* Add function names to table of global identifiers */
   for (i=0; i < numfuncs; i++)
      id_type id = (id_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(id_struct));
      id->name = Functions[i].name;
      id->type = I_FUNCTION;
      id->idnum = i;  /* For functions, idnum is just index in table, not a real id # */
      if (table_insert(st.globalvars, (void *) id, id_hash, id_compare) != 0)
         simple_error("Duplicate built-in function name %s", id->name);

   /* Add builtin identifiers to appropriate symbol tables */
   for (i=0; i < numbuiltins; i++)
      switch (BuiltinIds[i].type)
      case I_MISSING:
         if (table_insert(st.missingvars, (void *) &BuiltinIds[i], id_hash, id_compare) != 0)
            simple_error("Duplicate builtin identifier name %s", BuiltinIds[i].name);

      case I_PROPERTY:
         if (table_insert(st.globalvars, (void *) &BuiltinIds[i], id_hash, id_compare) != 0)
            simple_error("Duplicate builtin identifier name %s", BuiltinIds[i].name);

         simple_error("Bad type on builtin identifier %s", BuiltinIds[i].name);

   st.maxid = IDBASE; /* Base for user-defined ids; builtins have lower #s */
   st.maxresources = RESOURCEBASE;
   st.maxlocals = -1; /* So that first local is numbered 0 */
   st.maxclassvars = -1; /* So that first class variable is numbered 0 */
   // XXX not needed because of self
#if 0
   st.maxproperties = -1; /* So that first property is numbered 0 */

   st.recompile_list = NULL;
   st.constants = NULL;
   st.num_strings = 0;
   st.strings = NULL;
   st.override_classvars = NULL;
Пример #5
static inline void load_config(void) {
	/* FIXME */
	if ((cfg = config_load("/etc/xcb/sse50etf.conf"))) {
		char *cat = category_browse(cfg, NULL);
		struct variable *var;

		while (cat) {
			if (!strcasecmp(cat, "general")) {
				var = variable_browse(cfg, cat);
				while (var) {
					if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "CRU")) {
						if (strcmp(var->value, ""))
							cru = atoi(var->value);
					} else if (!strcasecmp(var->name, "ECC")) {
						if (strcmp(var->value, ""))
							ecc = atof(var->value);
					} else
						xcb_log(XCB_LOG_WARNING, "Unknown variable '%s' in "
							"category '%s' of sse50etf.conf", var->name, cat);
					var = var->next;
			} else if (!strcasecmp(cat, "weights")) {
				var = variable_browse(cfg, cat);
				while (var) {
					struct wp *wp;

					if (NEW(wp)) {
						wp->weight = atof(var->value);
						wp->price  = NAN;
						wp->type   = 1;
						table_insert(contracts, var->name, wp);
					var = var->next;
			} else if (!strcasecmp(cat, "prices")) {
				var = variable_browse(cfg, cat);
				while (var) {
					struct wp *wp;

					if (NEW(wp)) {
						wp->weight = 1.0;
						wp->price  = atof(var->value);
						wp->type   = 2;
						table_insert(contracts, var->name, wp);
					var = var->next;
			cat = category_browse(cfg, cat);
Пример #6
/* build a table with worst keys.  Insert keys that hash to the same table
 * location.  Protects against invalid keys by wrapping around if the total
 * number of addresses times the table size is large.
int build_worst(table_t *T, int table_size, int num_addr)
    hashkey_t key = MAXID;
    int i, batches = 0, code;
    int probes = 0;
    int *ip;
    for (i = 0; i < num_addr; i++) {
        assert(MINID <= key && key <= MAXID);
        ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
        *ip = key;
        code = table_insert(T, key, ip);
        if (code != 0) {
            printf("build of worst table failed: code (%d) index (%d) key (%u) batch (%d)\n",
                   code, i, key, batches);
        if (key < MINID + table_size) {
            printf("batch %d\n", batches);
            key = MAXID - batches;
        } else
            key -= table_size;
        probes += table_stats(T);
    return probes;
Пример #7
int load_add_resource(char *resource_name, int resource_id)
   id_type id = (id_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(id_struct));
   resource_type r = (resource_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(resource_struct));
   id->name = strdup(resource_name);
   id->idnum = resource_id;
   id->type = I_RESOURCE;
   id->ownernum = st.curclass;
   id->source = DBASE;

   r->lhs = id;
   // Have to load in resources from *rsc files
   for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(r->resource) / sizeof(r->resource[i]); i++)
      r->resource[i] = NULL;

   /* Add resource to resource list of current class */
   if (current_class == NULL)
      database_error("Resource appears outside of class in database file");
   current_class->resources = list_add_item(current_class->resources, (void *) r);

   /* OK if parameter already in table; just ignore return value */
   table_insert(st.globalvars, (void *) id, id_hash, id_compare);
   return True;
Пример #8
static inline void load_config(void) {
	/* FIXME */
	if ((cfg = config_load("/etc/xcb/csi300.conf"))) {
		char *cat = category_browse(cfg, NULL);
		struct variable *var;

		while (cat) {
			if (!strcasecmp(cat, "weights")) {
				var = variable_browse(cfg, cat);
				while (var) {
					struct wp *wp;

					if (NEW(wp)) {
						wp->weight = atof(var->value);
						wp->price  = NAN;
						table_insert(contracts, var->name, wp);
					var = var->next;
			} else if (!strcasecmp(cat, "divisor"))
				if ((var = variable_browse(cfg, cat)) && strcmp(var->value, ""))
					divisor = atof(var->value);
			cat = category_browse(cfg, cat);
Пример #9
* RscAddCallback:  Called for each new resource that's loaded from a file.
*   Add given resource to table.
bool RscAddCallback(char *fname, int res, int lang_id, char *string)
   resource_type r;

   // Check for existing resource first, since we might want to add
   // another language string to it.
   r = (resource_type) table_lookup(t, &res, IdHash, IdResourceCompare);
   if (r == NULL)
      r = (resource_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(resource_struct));
      r->idnum = res;

      for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LANGUAGE_ID; i++)
         r->resource[i] = NULL;
      table_delete_item(t, r, ResourceHash, ResourceCompare);

   // Shouldn't be able to compile blakod with multiple strings
   // of the same language type.
   if (r->resource[lang_id])
   r->resource[lang_id] = (char *) SafeMalloc(strlen(string) + 1);
   strcpy(r->resource[lang_id], string);

   available_languages[lang_id] = True;

   // Replace the existing resource if we used it.
   table_insert(t, r, ResourceHash, ResourceCompare);

   return true;
Пример #10
 * add_parent_classvars: Add classvars of a class's superclasses to the
 *   class's classvars.  
 *   cv_list is a list used just for holding classvars; we need a separate list
 *   to handle classvars that are overridden with properties in a parent class.
void add_parent_classvars(list_type cv_list, class_type base, class_type parent)
   list_type cv;

   if (parent == NULL)

   for (cv = parent->classvars; cv != NULL; cv = cv->next)
      classvar_type classvar = (classvar_type) (cv->data);
      /* Parser error recovery may have made a NULL property */
      if (classvar != NULL)
	 // Increment classvar count even for classvars that are overridden by properties.
	 // Only add non-overridden classvars to symbol table, though, so that references
	 // to the name will map to the property, not the classvar.

	 if (list_find_item(cv_list, classvar->id, id_compare) == NULL)
	    cv_list = list_add_item(cv_list, classvar->id);

	 // Insert to table will fail if property with same name is already there
	 table_insert(st.classvars, (void *) classvar->id, id_hash, id_compare);

   add_parent_classvars(cv_list, base, parent->superclass);
Пример #11
 * add_parent_properties: Add properties of a class's superclasses to the
 *   class's properties.  
void add_parent_properties(class_type base, class_type parent)
   list_type p;

   if (parent == NULL)

   for (p = parent->properties; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      property_type prop = (property_type) (p->data);
      /* Parser error recovery may have made a NULL property */
      if (prop != NULL)
	 /* Add property id to base class's property table, using table_insert
	  * so that original id #s are preserved.  Only increment # of properties
	  * if wasn't already in table.  
	  * If already in table, it's not an error, since a property might be 
	  * listed many times in this class's ancestors.
	 if (table_insert(st.classvars, (void *) prop->id, id_hash, id_compare) == 0)

   add_parent_properties(base, parent->superclass);
Пример #12
/* build a table with random keys.  The keys are generated with a uniform
 * distribution.
int build_random(table_t *T, int table_size, int num_addr)
    hashkey_t key;
    int i, range, code;
    int probes = 0;
    int *ip;
    range = MAXID - MINID + 1;
    for (i = 0; i < num_addr; i++) {
        key = (hashkey_t) (drand48() * range) + MINID;
        assert(MINID <= key && key <= MAXID);
        ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
        *ip = key;
        code = table_insert(T, key, ip);
        if (code == 1) {
            i--;   // since does not increase size of table
            // replaced.  The chances should be very small
            printf("during random build generated duplicate key (%u) on trial (%d)\n", key, i);
            printf("this should be unlikely: if see more than a few you have a problem\n");
        } else if (code != 0) {
            printf("build of random table failed code (%d) index (%d) key (%u)\n",
                   code, i, key);
        probes += table_stats(T);
    return probes;
Пример #13
int load_add_message(char *message_name, int message_id)
   id_type id = (id_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(id_struct));
   message_handler_type m = (message_handler_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(message_handler_struct));
   message_header_type h = (message_header_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(message_header_struct));

   id->name = strdup(message_name);
   id->idnum = message_id;
   id->type = I_MESSAGE;
   id->ownernum = st.curclass;
   id->source = DBASE;

   h->message_id = id;
   h->params = NULL;

   m->header = h;
   m->locals = NULL;
   m->body = NULL;

   /* Add message to message list of current class */
   if (current_class == NULL)
      simple_error("Message appears outside of class in database file");
      current_class->messages = list_add_item(current_class->messages, (void *) m);

   current_message = h;
   st.curmessage = message_id;
   /* OK if message already in table; just ignore return value */
   table_insert(st.globalvars, (void *) id, id_hash, id_compare);
   return True;
Пример #14
/* build a table with sequential keys.  The starting address is random.  The
 * keys are are in adjacent table locations.
int build_seq(table_t *T, int table_size, int num_addr)
    hashkey_t key;
    int i, range, starting, code;
    int *ip;
    int probes = 0;
    range = MAXID - MINID + 1;
    starting = (int) (drand48() * range) + MINID;
    if (starting >= MAXID - table_size)
        starting -= table_size;
    for (i = starting; i < starting + num_addr; i++) {
        assert(MINID <= i && i <= MAXID);
        key = i;
        ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
        *ip = i;
        code = table_insert(T, key, ip);
        if (code != 0) {
            printf("build of sequential table failed code (%d) index (%d) key (%u)\n",
                   code, i - starting, key);
        probes += table_stats(T);
    return probes;
Пример #15
/* Return False on error, True on success */
int load_add_class(char *class_name, int class_id, int superclass_id, char *superclass_name)
   /* Build up a class data structure for the new class. */
   id_type id = (id_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(id_struct));
   id_type temp_id = (id_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(id_struct));
   class_type c = (class_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(class_struct));

   id->name = strdup(class_name);
   id->idnum = class_id;
   id->type = I_CLASS;
   id->source = DBASE;

   c->class_id = id;
   c->properties = c->messages = c->resources = c->classvars = NULL;
   c->is_new = False;  /* Don't generate code for this class */
   /* Store superclass id # in pointer for now.  Id # will be converted to pointer
    * when build_superclasses below is called. */
   c->superclass = (class_type)(intptr_t) superclass_id;

   /* Add to list of classes that have been read in */
   st.classes = list_add_item(st.classes, (void *) c);

   current_class = c;
   st.curclass = class_id;
   current_message = NULL;

   /* Call table_insert instead of add_identifier so that our id # from
    * the database file is preserved. 
   if (table_insert(st.globalvars, (void *) id, id_hash, id_compare) == 0)
      return True;
   else return False;
Пример #16
//return new pRoot
element* table_insert(element* pRoot, element* pBlock) {
  element* pCur = pRoot;
  if (element_size(pCur) == element_size(pBlock)) {
    element_child(pBlock) = element_child(pCur);
    element_child(pCur) = pBlock;
  else if (element_size(pCur) > element_size(pBlock)) {
    element_sibling(pBlock) = pCur;
    pCur = pBlock;
  else {
    MY_ASSERT(element_size(pCur) < element_size(pBlock));
    if (element_sibling(pCur) != NULL) {
      element_sibling(pCur) = table_insert(element_sibling(pCur), pBlock);
    else {
      element_sibling(pCur) = pBlock;
  return pCur;
Пример #17
/* FIXME */
void sall_command(client c) {
	dstr res = get_indices();
	dstr *fields = NULL;
	int nfield = 0, i;

	fields = dstr_split_len(res, dstr_length(res), ",", 1, &nfield);
	for (i = 1; i < nfield; ++i) {
		dstr pkey = dstr_new(fields[i]);
		dstr skey = dstr_new(pkey);
		dlist_t dlist;
		struct kvd *kvd;

		if ((dlist = table_get_value(subscribers, pkey)) == NULL) {
			if (NEW(kvd)) {
				kvd->key = skey;
				kvd->u.dlist = dlist_new(NULL, NULL);
				dlist_insert_tail(kvd->u.dlist, c);
				dlist = dlist_new(cmpkvd, kdfree);
				dlist_insert_sort(dlist, kvd);
				table_insert(subscribers, pkey, dlist);
			} else {
				add_reply_error(c, "error allocating memory for kvd\r\n");
		} else {
			if (NEW(kvd)) {
				dlist_node_t node;

				kvd->key     = skey;
				kvd->u.dlist = dlist_new(NULL, NULL);
				if ((node = dlist_find(dlist, kvd)) == NULL) {
					dlist_insert_tail(kvd->u.dlist, c);
					dlist_insert_sort(dlist, kvd);
				} else {
					kvd = (struct kvd *)dlist_node_value(node);
					if (dlist_find(kvd->u.dlist, c) == NULL)
						dlist_insert_tail(kvd->u.dlist, c);
			} else {
				add_reply_error(c, "error allocating memory for kvd\r\n");
Пример #18
symbol_table *table_union(symbol_table *a, symbol_table *b)
    symbol_table *ret = new_symbol_table();
    closure *item;
    int i;
    closure *chain;			            
    start_table_iteration(b, item, i){
	if (!leakedp(cheap_cdr(item)) ||
	    nilp(table_lookup(cheap_car(item), ret)))
	    table_insert(cheap_car(item), second(item), ret);
    } end_table_iteration;

    start_table_iteration(a, item, i){
	if (!leakedp(cheap_cdr(item)) ||
	    nilp(table_lookup(cheap_car(item), ret)))
	table_insert(cheap_car(item), second(item), ret);
    } end_table_iteration;
    return ret;
Пример #19
param_type make_parameter(id_type id, expr_type e)
   param_type p = (param_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(param_struct));

   if (e->type != E_CONSTANT)
      action_error("Parameter can only be initialized to a constant");
      return p;


   /* Left-hand side must not have appeared before, except perhaps as a parameter */
   switch (id->type) {
   case I_MISSING:
      /* The parameter has been referenced in a function call, but not declared anywhere 
       * We should use the existent id # and remove the id from the missing list.
       * First we must make sure that the missing id is supposed to be a missing parameter.
      if (id->source != I_PARAMETER)
	 action_error("Parameter %s was referenced elsewhere with different type", id->name);
      /* Insert directly into global table to preserve id # */
      id->type = I_PARAMETER;
      id->source = COMPILE;
      table_insert(st.globalvars, (void *) id, id_hash, id_compare);

      /* Remove from missing list */
      table_delete_item(st.missingvars, id, id_hash, id_compare);

   case I_UNDEFINED:   /* New parameter # */
      id->ownernum = st.curmessage;
      add_identifier(id, I_PARAMETER);

   case I_PARAMETER:
      /* Legal only if it hasn't yet appeared in this message */
      if (id->ownernum == st.curmessage && id->source == COMPILE)
	 action_error("Parameter %s appears twice", id->name);

   default:            /* Other types indicate name already used */
      action_error("Duplicate identifier %s", id->name);

   p->lhs = id;
   p->rhs = e->value.constval;
   return p;
Пример #20
symbol_table *closing_to_table(closure *a)
    symbol_table *ret = new_symbol_table();
	if(nilp(table_lookup(cheap_car(cheap_car(a)), ret))){
	a = cheap_cdr(a);
    return ret;
Пример #21
/* Return False on error, True on success */
int load_add_class(char *class_name, int class_id, int superclass_id, char *superclass_name)
   /* Build up a class data structure for the new class. */
   id_type id = (id_type)SafeMalloc(sizeof(id_struct));
   id_type temp_id = (id_type)SafeMalloc(sizeof(id_struct));
   class_type c = (class_type)SafeMalloc(sizeof(class_struct));

   // Adding new built-in object types will render existing kodbase.txt files
   // incompatible. This isn't a problem as a pre-existing kodbase.txt is only
   // required for reloading a live server, so a new one can be made. Check
   // for built-in class name/ID mismatches here and instruct the user to
   // delete kodbase.txt if this check fails.

   extern id_struct BuiltinIds[];
   if ((strcmp(BuiltinIds[SETTINGS_CLASS].name, class_name) == 0
         && class_id != SETTINGS_CLASS)
      || (strcmp(BuiltinIds[REALTIME_CLASS].name, class_name) == 0
         && class_id != REALTIME_CLASS)
      || (strcmp(BuiltinIds[EVENTENGINE_CLASS].name, class_name) == 0
         && class_id != EVENTENGINE_CLASS))
      database_error("Incompatible kodbase.txt. Delete the file and recompile.");
      return False;

   id->name = strdup(class_name);
   id->idnum = class_id;
   id->type = I_CLASS;
   id->source = DBASE;

   c->class_id = id;
   c->properties = c->messages = c->resources = c->classvars = NULL;
   c->is_new = False;  /* Don't generate code for this class */
   /* Store superclass id # in pointer for now.  Id # will be converted to pointer
    * when build_superclasses below is called. */
   c->superclass = (class_type) superclass_id;

   /* Add to list of classes that have been read in */
   st.classes = list_add_item(st.classes, (void *) c);

   current_class = c;
   st.curclass = class_id;
   current_message = NULL;

   /* Call table_insert instead of add_identifier so that our id # from
    * the database file is preserved. 
   if (table_insert(st.globalvars, (void *) id, id_hash, id_compare) == 0)
      return True;
   else return False;
Пример #22
void test_hash(int prime, int table_size, int elems_count) {
  struct HashTableParams params = GET_HASH_PARAMS(&prime, hash_func, 0, int);
  struct HashTable *table = allocate_table(table_size, params);
  for (int i = 0; i != elems_count; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j != i; ++j) {
      int value = j * j;
      assert(table_has(table, &value));
      assert(table_insert(table, &value) == 1);

    for (int j = i; j != elems_count; ++j) {
      int value = j * j;
      assert(!table_has(table, &value));
      assert(!table_remove(table, &value));

    int value = i * i;
    assert(!table_insert(table, &value));

  for (int i = 0; i != elems_count; ++i) {
    for (int j = i; j != elems_count; ++j) {
      int value = j * j;
      assert(table_has(table, &value));

    int value = i * i;
    assert(table_remove(table, &value));
    assert(!table_remove(table, &value));

    for (int j = 0; j != i; ++j) {
      int value = j * j;
      assert(!table_has(table, &value));

Пример #23
int load_add_external(char *name, int idnum, int type)
   id_type id = (id_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(id_struct));

   /* Add unresolved externals to list of missing vars */
   id->name = strdup(name);
   id->type = I_MISSING;
   id->idnum = idnum;
   id->source = type;

   if (table_insert(st.missingvars, (void *) id, id_hash, id_compare) == 0)
      return True;
   return False;
Пример #24
pointer environment_make2(VM, pointer rib, pointer env) {
  pointer t;
  save(vm, rib);
  save(vm, env);
  t = table_alloc(vm);
  while (!AR_ISNIL(rib)) {
    table_insert(vm, t, caar(rib), cdar(rib));
    rib = cdr(rib);
  unsave(vm, 2);
  return tagged_alloc(vm, vm->s_environment, cons(t,AR_ISNIL(env)?vm->nil:rep(env)));
Пример #25
/* build a table with folded keys.  The starting address is random.  The first
 * set of keys are sequential, and the second set hashes to the same table
 * locations as the first set.
int build_fold(table_t *T, int table_size, int num_addr)
    int i, range, starting, code;
    int probes = 0;
    int *ip;
    range = MAXID - MINID + 1;
    starting = (int) (drand48() * range) + MINID;
    if (starting <= MINID + table_size)
        starting += table_size;
    if (starting >= MAXID - table_size)
        starting -= table_size;
    for (i = starting; i > starting - num_addr/2; i--) {
        assert(MINID <= i && i <= MAXID);
        ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
        *ip = i;
        code = table_insert(T, i, ip);
        if (code != 0) {
            printf("build of first phase of folded table failed code (%d) index (%d) key (%d)\n",
                   code, i - starting, i);
        probes += table_stats(T);
    for (i = starting + table_size; i > starting + table_size - (num_addr+1)/2; i--) {
        assert(MINID <= i && i <= MAXID);
        ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
        *ip = i;
        code = table_insert(T, i, ip);
        if (code != 0) {
            printf("build of second phase of folded table failed code (%d) index (%d) key (%d)\n",
                   code, i - starting, i);
        probes += table_stats(T);
    return probes;
Пример #26
void ChangeResource(ID res, char *value)
	resource_type r, entry;
	//   debug(("got new resource %d, type = %d, value = %s\n", res, type, value));
	r = (resource_type) table_lookup(t, &res, IdHash, IdResourceCompare);
	if (r != NULL)
		table_delete_item(t, r, ResourceHash, ResourceCompare);
	entry = (resource_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(resource_struct));
	entry->data = (char *) SafeMalloc(strlen(value) + 1);
	strcpy(entry->data, value);
	entry->idnum = res;
	table_insert(t, entry, ResourceHash, ResourceCompare);
Пример #27
void test_2()
  //generate_keys(30, 2);
  int i;
  enum { nNode = 50 };
  int keys[nNode] = {
    0x38, 0x85, 0x37, 0x55, 0x43,
    0x86, 0x78, 0x23, 0x62, 0x57,
    0x24, 0x02, 0x17, 0x34, 0x96,
    0x22, 0x07, 0x89, 0x91, 0x12,
    0x61, 0x05, 0x36, 0x09, 0x41,
    0x00, 0x31, 0x88, 0x94, 0x04,
    0x18, 0x97, 0x68, 0x35, 0x83,
    0x53, 0x93, 0x64, 0x65, 0x03,
    0x58, 0x60, 0x52, 0x15, 0x30,
    0x06, 0x25, 0x32, 0x39, 0x63
  queue q(nNode);
  element* pNode = NULL;
  element* pRoot = NULL;
  pRoot = element_crt(keys[0]);
  //generate data
  for (i = 1; i < nNode;) {
    //add node
    pNode = element_crt(keys[i]);
    pRoot = table_insert(pRoot, pNode);
  int count = table_printf(pRoot);
  printf("  count %d\n", count);
  for (pNode = (element*)q.pop(); pNode != NULL; pNode = (element*)q.pop()) {
    pRoot = table_remove(pRoot, pNode);
    count = table_printf(pRoot);
    printf("  count %d\n", count);
Пример #28
* strtab_insert:  Copy string into table if not already present.  Return
*	pointer to string in table.
char *
strtab_insert(STRTAB * strtab,
	      char *str,
	      ID_TYPE ** id)
    char *s;
    BUFFER *buf;
    int size;

    if (strtab->index == NULL)
	return NULL;

    s = (char *) table_find(strtab->index, str, 0, 0);
    if (s) {
	if (id)
	    *id = (ID_TYPE *) (s - IDSIZE);
	return s;

    size = IDSIZE + strlen(str) + 1;
    if (strtab->size < size) {
	buf = (BUFFER *) malloc(sizeof *buf + size);
	buf->next = strtab->buf_list;
	strtab->buf_list = buf;
	strtab->buf_ptr = (char *) (buf->buf);
	strtab->size = size + sizeof buf->buf;

    *(long *) strtab->buf_ptr = 0;
    strcpy(strtab->buf_ptr + IDSIZE, str);
    s = (char *) table_insert(strtab->index, strtab->buf_ptr + IDSIZE, 0);
    if (id)
	*id = (ID_TYPE *) (strtab->buf_ptr);
    size = (size + alignSize) & ~alignSize;
    strtab->buf_ptr += size;
    strtab->size -= size;
    upfix_exclude(strtab->upfix, str);

    return s;
Пример #29
void test_1()
  element arr[] = {
    { 0x100 },
    { 0x200 },
    { 0x300 },
    { 0x300 },
    { 0x400 },
  element* pRoot = &arr[0];
  for (int i = 1; i < (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0])); i++) {
    pRoot = table_insert(pRoot, &arr[i]);
    printf("insert %d\n", i);

  for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0])); i++) {
    pRoot = table_remove(pRoot, &arr[i]);
    printf("remove %d\n", i);
Пример #30
main ()
    table_t* tablePtr;
    long hash[] = {3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 8, 7, -1};
    long i;

    bool_t status = memory_init(1, 4, 2);


    tablePtr = table_alloc(8, NULL);

    for (i = 0; hash[i] >= 0; i++ ) {
        bool_t status = table_insert(tablePtr,

    for (i = 0; hash[i] >= 0; i++ ) {
        bool_t status = table_remove(tablePtr,



    return 0;