/* Lookup metamethod for object. */ cTValue *lj_meta_lookup(lua_State *L, cTValue *o, MMS mm) { GCtab *mt; if (tvistab(o)) mt = tabref(tabV(o)->metatable); else if (tvisudata(o)) mt = tabref(udataV(o)->metatable); else mt = tabref(basemt_obj(G(L), o)); if (mt) { cTValue *mo = lj_tab_getstr(mt, mmname_str(G(L), mm)); if (mo) return mo; } return niltv(L); }
int lj_lib_postreg(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction cf, int id, const char *name) { GCfunc *fn = lj_lib_pushcf(L, cf, id); GCtab *t = tabref(curr_func(L)->c.env); /* Reference to parent table. */ setfuncV(L, lj_tab_setstr(L, t, lj_str_newz(L, name)), fn); lj_gc_anybarriert(L, t); setfuncV(L, L->top++, fn); return 1; }
/* Helper for LEN. __len metamethod. */ TValue * LJ_FASTCALL lj_meta_len(lua_State *L, cTValue *o) { cTValue *mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, o, MM_len); if (tvisnil(mo)) { if (LJ_52 && tvistab(o)) tabref(tabV(o)->metatable)->nomm |= (uint8_t)(1u<<MM_len); else lj_err_optype(L, o, LJ_ERR_OPLEN); return NULL; } return mmcall(L, lj_cont_ra, mo, o, LJ_52 ? o : niltv(L)); }
/* Helper for equality comparisons. __eq metamethod. */ TValue *lj_meta_equal(lua_State *L, GCobj *o1, GCobj *o2, int ne) { /* Field metatable must be at same offset for GCtab and GCudata! */ cTValue *mo = lj_meta_fast(L, tabref(o1->gch.metatable), MM_eq); if (mo) { TValue *top; uint32_t it; if (tabref(o1->gch.metatable) != tabref(o2->gch.metatable)) { cTValue *mo2 = lj_meta_fast(L, tabref(o2->gch.metatable), MM_eq); if (mo2 == NULL || !lj_obj_equal(mo, mo2)) return (TValue *)(intptr_t)ne; } top = curr_top(L); setcont(top, ne ? lj_cont_condf : lj_cont_condt); copyTV(L, top+1, mo); it = ~(uint32_t)o1->gch.gct; setgcV(L, top+2, o1, it); setgcV(L, top+3, o2, it); return top+2; /* Trigger metamethod call. */ } return (TValue *)(intptr_t)ne; }
/* Helper for LEN. __len metamethod. */ TValue * LJ_FASTCALL lj_meta_len(lua_State *L, cTValue *o) { cTValue *mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, o, MM_len); if (tvisnil(mo)) { #ifdef LUAJIT_ENABLE_LUA52COMPAT if (tvistab(o)) tabref(tabV(o)->metatable)->nomm |= (uint8_t)(1u<<MM_len); else #endif lj_err_optype(L, o, LJ_ERR_OPLEN); return NULL; } #ifdef LUAJIT_ENABLE_LUA52COMPAT return mmcall(L, lj_cont_ra, mo, o, o); #else return mmcall(L, lj_cont_ra, mo, o, niltv(L)); #endif }
static TValue *cpparser(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction dummy, void *ud) { LexState *ls = (LexState *)ud; GCproto *pt; GCfunc *fn; int bc; UNUSED(dummy); cframe_errfunc(L->cframe) = -1; /* Inherit error function. */ bc = lj_lex_setup(L, ls); if (ls->mode && !strchr(ls->mode, bc ? 'b' : 't')) { setstrV(L, L->top++, lj_err_str(L, LJ_ERR_XMODE)); lj_err_throw(L, LUA_ERRSYNTAX); } pt = bc ? lj_bcread(ls) : lj_parse(ls); fn = lj_func_newL_empty(L, pt, tabref(L->env)); /* Don't combine above/below into one statement. */ setfuncV(L, L->top++, fn); return NULL; }
/* Do a GC check and create a new Lua function with inherited upvalues. */ GCfunc *lj_func_newL_gc(lua_State *L, GCproto *pt, GCfuncL *parent) { GCfunc *fn; GCRef *puv; MSize i, nuv; TValue *base; lj_gc_check_fixtop(L); fn = func_newL(L, pt, tabref(parent->env)); /* NOBARRIER: The GCfunc is new (marked white). */ puv = parent->uvptr; nuv = pt->sizeuv; base = L->base; for (i = 0; i < nuv; i++) { uint32_t v = proto_uv(pt)[i]; GCupval *uv; if ((v & 0x8000)) { uv = func_finduv(L, base + (v & 0xff)); uv->dhash = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)mref(parent->pc, char) ^ (v << 24); } else {
static const uint8_t *lib_read_lfunc(lua_State *L, const uint8_t *p, GCtab *tab) { int len = *p++; GCstr *name = lj_str_new(L, (const char *)p, len); LexState ls; GCproto *pt; GCfunc *fn; memset(&ls, 0, sizeof(ls)); ls.L = L; ls.p = (const char *)(p+len); ls.pe = (const char *)~(uintptr_t)0; ls.c = -1; ls.level = (BCDUMP_F_STRIP|(LJ_BE*BCDUMP_F_BE)); ls.chunkname = name; pt = lj_bcread_proto(&ls); pt->firstline = ~(BCLine)0; fn = lj_func_newL_empty(L, pt, tabref(L->env)); /* NOBARRIER: See below for common barrier. */ setfuncV(L, lj_tab_setstr(L, tab, name), fn); return (const uint8_t *)ls.p; }
/* Helper for TSET*. __newindex chain and metamethod. */ TValue *lj_meta_tset(lua_State *L, cTValue *o, cTValue *k) { TValue tmp; int loop; for (loop = 0; loop < LJ_MAX_IDXCHAIN; loop++) { cTValue *mo; if (LJ_LIKELY(tvistab(o))) { GCtab *t = tabV(o); cTValue *tv = lj_tab_get(L, t, k); if (LJ_LIKELY(!tvisnil(tv))) { t->nomm = 0; /* Invalidate negative metamethod cache. */ lj_gc_anybarriert(L, t); return (TValue *)tv; } else if (!(mo = lj_meta_fast(L, tabref(t->metatable), MM_newindex))) { t->nomm = 0; /* Invalidate negative metamethod cache. */ lj_gc_anybarriert(L, t); if (tv != niltv(L)) return (TValue *)tv; if (tvisnil(k)) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_NILIDX); else if (tvisint(k)) { setnumV(&tmp, (lua_Number)intV(k)); k = &tmp; } else if (tvisnum(k) && tvisnan(k)) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_NANIDX); return lj_tab_newkey(L, t, k); } } else if (tvisnil(mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, o, MM_newindex))) { lj_err_optype(L, o, LJ_ERR_OPINDEX); return NULL; /* unreachable */ } if (tvisfunc(mo)) { L->top = mmcall(L, lj_cont_nop, mo, o, k); /* L->top+2 = v filled in by caller. */ return NULL; /* Trigger metamethod call. */ } copyTV(L, &tmp, mo); o = &tmp; } lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_SETLOOP); return NULL; /* unreachable */ }
/* Helper for TGET*. __index chain and metamethod. */ cTValue *lj_meta_tget(lua_State *L, cTValue *o, cTValue *k) { int loop; for (loop = 0; loop < LJ_MAX_IDXCHAIN; loop++) { cTValue *mo; if (LJ_LIKELY(tvistab(o))) { GCtab *t = tabV(o); cTValue *tv = lj_tab_get(L, t, k); if (!tvisnil(tv) || !(mo = lj_meta_fast(L, tabref(t->metatable), MM_index))) return tv; } else if (tvisnil(mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, o, MM_index))) { lj_err_optype(L, o, LJ_ERR_OPINDEX); return NULL; /* unreachable */ } if (tvisfunc(mo)) { L->top = mmcall(L, lj_cont_ra, mo, o, k); return NULL; /* Trigger metamethod call. */ } o = mo; } lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_GETLOOP); return NULL; /* unreachable */ }
void lj_lib_register(lua_State *L, const char *libname, const uint8_t *p, const lua_CFunction *cf) { GCtab *env = tabref(L->env); GCfunc *ofn = NULL; int ffid = *p++; BCIns *bcff = &L2GG(L)->bcff[*p++]; GCtab *tab = lib_create_table(L, libname, *p++); ptrdiff_t tpos = L->top - L->base; /* Avoid barriers further down. */ lj_gc_anybarriert(L, tab); tab->nomm = 0; for (;;) { uint32_t tag = *p++; MSize len = tag & LIBINIT_LENMASK; tag &= LIBINIT_TAGMASK; if (tag != LIBINIT_STRING) { const char *name; MSize nuv = (MSize)(L->top - L->base - tpos); GCfunc *fn = lj_func_newC(L, nuv, env); if (nuv) { L->top = L->base + tpos; memcpy(fn->c.upvalue, L->top, sizeof(TValue)*nuv); } fn->c.ffid = (uint8_t)(ffid++); name = (const char *)p; p += len; if (tag == LIBINIT_CF) setmref(fn->c.pc, &G(L)->bc_cfunc_int); else setmref(fn->c.pc, bcff++); if (tag == LIBINIT_ASM_) fn->c.f = ofn->c.f; /* Copy handler from previous function. */ else fn->c.f = *cf++; /* Get cf or handler from C function table. */ if (len) { /* NOBARRIER: See above for common barrier. */ setfuncV(L, lj_tab_setstr(L, tab, lj_str_new(L, name, len)), fn); } ofn = fn; } else { switch (tag | len) { case LIBINIT_SET: L->top -= 2; if (tvisstr(L->top+1) && strV(L->top+1)->len == 0) env = tabV(L->top); else /* NOBARRIER: See above for common barrier. */ copyTV(L, lj_tab_set(L, tab, L->top+1), L->top); break; case LIBINIT_NUMBER: memcpy(&L->top->n, p, sizeof(double)); L->top++; p += sizeof(double); break; case LIBINIT_COPY: copyTV(L, L->top, L->top - *p++); L->top++; break; case LIBINIT_LASTCL: setfuncV(L, L->top++, ofn); break; case LIBINIT_FFID: ffid++; break; case LIBINIT_END: return; default: setstrV(L, L->top++, lj_str_new(L, (const char *)p, len)); p += len; break; } } } }