static int read_tap() { unsigned char buf[MAX_PACKET_LEN]; int hlen = get_header_len(); int r; int len; r = tap_read(tap_fd, buf + hlen, MAX_PACKET_LEN - hlen); if (r < 0) { wmlog_msg(1, "Error while reading from TAP interface"); return r; } if (r == 0) { return 0; } stat_speed_out_mbit += r; len = fill_data_packet_header(buf, r); wmlog_dumphexasc(4, buf, len, "Outgoing packet:"); r = set_data(buf, len); return r; }
int tape_read(tape_image_t *tape_image, BYTE *buf, size_t size) { switch (tape_image->type) { case TAPE_TYPE_T64: return t64_read((t64_t *)tape_image->data, buf, size); case TAPE_TYPE_TAP: return tap_read((tap_t *)tape_image->data, buf, size); } return -1; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int opt; bool vns_console = false; char* command_file = NULL; char* pid_file = NULL; int i, ifcount = 0; struct vnlif iflist[vnlif_maxcount]; int command_fd, command_eth = -1; FILE* pid_fd; struct pollfd pollfds[2+2*vnlif_maxcount]; int pollres; char buffer[MSGSIZE]; int len; char* pktbuffer = buffer + MSGHDRSIZE; c_base* vnsbasehdr = (c_base*)buffer; c_hwinfo* vnshwinfo = (c_hwinfo*)buffer; c_packet_header* vnspkthdr = (c_packet_header*)buffer; // ---------------- parse command options ---------------- while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "si:c:p:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 's': vns_console = true; break; case 'i': if (ifcount < vnlif_maxcount) { if (!vnlif_parse(iflist + ifcount, optarg)) die("vnlif_parse"); } else { die("cmdline vnlif_maxcount"); } ++ifcount; break; case 'c': command_file = optarg; break; case 'p': pid_file = optarg; break; } } if (ifcount == 0 || command_file == NULL || pid_file == NULL) { printf("vnlsvc: Virtual Network Lab Service\nTAP-UDP: vnlsvc -i eth0/tap0/1a:8e:22:b1:da:f1/ -c /tmp/command.pipe -p /tmp/\nVNSconsole-UDP: vnlsvc -s -i eth0//1a:8e:22:b1:da:f1/ -c /tmp/command.pipe -p /tmp/\n"); exit(1); } // ---------------- open files and sockets ---------------- command_fd = open(command_file, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); if (command_fd < 0) die("command open"); pollfds[0].fd = 0; pollfds[0].events = vns_console ? POLLIN : 0; pollfds[1].fd = command_fd; pollfds[1].events = POLLIN; for (i = 0; i < ifcount; ++i) { pollfds[2+i].fd = iflist[i].udp_fd = udp_open(&(iflist[i].tip), &(iflist[i].rtip)); pollfds[2+i].events = POLLIN; if (!vns_console) { pollfds[2+ifcount+i].fd = iflist[i].tap_fd = tap_open(iflist[i].tapname); pollfds[2+ifcount+i].events = POLLIN; } } //pollfds: 0=stdin, 1=command pipe, 2..2+ifcount-1=UDP, 2+ifcount..2+2*ifcount-1=TAP // ---------------- initialize ---------------- pid_fd = fopen(pid_file, "w"); if (pid_fd == NULL) die("pid output"); fprintf(pid_fd, "%d", getpid()); fclose(pid_fd); srand(time(NULL)); if (vns_console) { con_init(); vns_wAuthReq(buffer); con_write(buffer); } // ---------------- main poll loop ---------------- while (1) { pollres = poll(pollfds, 2+(vns_console?1:2)*ifcount, -1); if (pollres == -1) die("poll"); else if (pollres == 0) { perror("poll timeout"); continue; } /* for (i = 0; i < 2+(vns_console?1:2)*ifcount; ++i) { if (pollfds[i].revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL)) { FILE* dbglog = fopen("/tmp/vnlsvc.debug.log","a"); fprintf(dbglog,"%d %d %d %x\n",time(NULL),getpid(),i,pollfds[i].revents); fclose(dbglog); } } */ // ---------------- VNS protocol, console to UDP ---------------- if (vns_console && (pollfds[0].revents & POLLIN)) { if (con_read(buffer)) { switch (vns_getType(buffer)) { case VNS_AUTH_REPLY: vns_wAuthStatus(buffer); con_write(buffer); break; case VNSOPEN: iflist_hwinfo(vnshwinfo, iflist, ifcount); con_write(buffer); break; case VNSPACKET: i = iflist_find(iflist, ifcount, vnspkthdr->mInterfaceName); if (i < 0) break; len = ntohl(vnspkthdr->mLen) - sizeof(c_packet_header); if (lossy_filter(iflist[i].lossy)) { udp_write(iflist[i].udp_fd, pktbuffer, len, &(iflist[i].rtip)); } break; } } } // ---------------- console error ---------------- if (vns_console && (pollfds[0].revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP))) { die("console error"); } // ---------------- setlossy command ---------------- if (pollfds[1].revents & POLLIN) { if (command_eth < 0 && 1 == read(command_fd, buffer, 1)) { command_eth = buffer[0]; } if (1 == read(command_fd, buffer, 1) && command_eth < ifcount) { iflist[command_eth].lossy = buffer[0]; } } if (pollfds[1].revents & POLLHUP) { command_eth = -1; close(command_fd); pollfds[1].fd = command_fd = open(command_file, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); if (command_fd < 0) die("command reopen"); } for (i = 0; i < ifcount; ++i) { // ---------------- UDP to console/TAP ---------------- if (pollfds[2+i].revents & POLLIN) { len = udp_read(iflist[i].udp_fd, pktbuffer, &(iflist[i].rtip)); if (len > 0) { if (vns_console) { vns_wPacketHdr(buffer, len, iflist[i].ifname); con_write(buffer); } else { tap_write(iflist[i].tap_fd, pktbuffer, len); } } } // ---------------- UDP error ---------------- if (pollfds[2+i].revents & POLLERR) { int sockerror; socklen_t socklen = sizeof(int); getsockopt(iflist[i].udp_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &sockerror, &socklen); } // ---------------- TAP to UDP ---------------- if (!vns_console && (pollfds[2+ifcount+i].revents & POLLIN)) { len = tap_read(iflist[i].tap_fd, pktbuffer); if (len > 0 && lossy_filter(iflist[i].lossy)) { udp_write(iflist[i].udp_fd, pktbuffer, len, &(iflist[i].rtip)); } } } } }