Пример #1
tb_bool_t vm86_parser_get_offset_value(tb_char_t const** pp, tb_char_t const* e, tb_uint32_t* value, tb_hash_map_ref_t proc_labels, vm86_data_ref_t data)
    // check
    tb_assert(pp && e && value && proc_labels);

    // done
    tb_bool_t           ok = tb_false;
    tb_char_t const*    p = *pp;
        // attempt to get segment name
        tb_char_t segment[16] = {0};
        tb_bool_t has_segment = vm86_parser_get_segment_name(&p, e, segment, sizeof(segment));

        // skip "short ..."
        if (p + 6 < e && !tb_strnicmp(p, "short ", 6)) p += 6;

        // skip the space
        while (p < e && tb_isspace(*p)) p++;

        // get instruction name
        tb_char_t name[256] = {0};
        if (!vm86_parser_get_variable_name(&p, e, name, sizeof(name))) break;

        // is .data segment?
        if (has_segment && !tb_stricmp(segment, "ds"))
            *value = vm86_data_get(data, name, tb_null);
        // is .code segment?
        else if (has_segment && !tb_stricmp(segment, "cs"))
            *value = (tb_uint32_t)tb_hash_map_get(proc_labels, name);
            // get value
            if (tb_hash_map_find(proc_labels, name) != tb_iterator_tail(proc_labels))
                *value = (tb_uint32_t)tb_hash_map_get(proc_labels, name);
            else if (vm86_data_is(data, name)) 
                *value = vm86_data_get(data, name, tb_null);
            else break;

        // check
        tb_assert(*value < TB_MAXU32);

        // trace
        tb_trace_d("offset: %s: %x", name, *value);

        // ok
        ok = tb_true;

    } while (0);

    // update the code pointer if ok
    if (ok) *pp = p;

    // ok?
    return ok;
Пример #2
tb_bool_t vm86_parser_get_local_value(tb_char_t const** pp, tb_char_t const* e, tb_uint32_t* value, tb_hash_map_ref_t proc_locals)
    // check
    tb_assert(pp && e && value && proc_locals);

    // done
    tb_bool_t           ok = tb_false;
    tb_char_t const*    p = *pp;
        // get instruction name
        tb_char_t name[256] = {0};
        if (!vm86_parser_get_variable_name(&p, e, name, sizeof(name))) break;

        // get value
        if (tb_hash_map_find(proc_locals, name) != tb_iterator_tail(proc_locals))
            *value = (tb_uint32_t)tb_hash_map_get(proc_locals, name);
        else break;

        // trace
        tb_trace_d("local: %s: %u", name, *value);

        // ok
        ok = tb_true;

    } while (0);

    // update the code pointer if ok
    if (ok) *pp = p;

    // ok?
    return ok;
Пример #3
tb_object_ref_t tb_object_dictionary_value(tb_object_ref_t object, tb_char_t const* key)
    // check
    tb_object_dictionary_t* dictionary = tb_object_dictionary_cast(object);
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(dictionary && dictionary->hash && key, tb_null);

    // value
    return (tb_object_ref_t)tb_hash_map_get(dictionary->hash, key);
Пример #4
Файл: json.c Проект: luxuan/tbox
tb_object_json_reader_func_t tb_object_json_reader_func(tb_char_t type)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(type, tb_null);

    // the reader
    tb_object_reader_t* reader = tb_object_reader_get(TB_OBJECT_FORMAT_JSON);
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(reader && reader->hooker, tb_null);
    // the func
    return (tb_object_json_reader_func_t)tb_hash_map_get(reader->hooker, (tb_pointer_t)(tb_size_t)type);
Пример #5
tb_object_xplist_reader_func_t tb_object_xplist_reader_func(tb_char_t const* type)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(type, tb_null);

    // the reader
    tb_object_reader_t* reader = tb_object_reader_get(TB_OBJECT_FORMAT_XPLIST);
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(reader && reader->hooker, tb_null);

    // the func
    return (tb_object_xplist_reader_func_t)tb_hash_map_get(reader->hooker, type);
Пример #6
tb_thread_store_data_ref_t tb_thread_store_getp()
    // init data
    tb_pointer_t data = tb_null;

    // enter lock

    // get data
    if (g_store) data = tb_hash_map_get(g_store, (tb_pointer_t)tb_thread_self());

    // leave lock

    // ok?
    return (tb_thread_store_data_ref_t)data;
Пример #7
/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * worker implementation
static tb_bool_t tb_thread_pool_worker_walk_pull(tb_iterator_ref_t iterator, tb_cpointer_t item, tb_cpointer_t value, tb_bool_t* is_break)
    // the worker pull
    tb_thread_pool_worker_t* worker = (tb_thread_pool_worker_t*)value;
    tb_assert_abort(worker && worker->jobs && worker->stats && is_break);

    // full?
    if (worker->pull >= TB_THREAD_POOL_JOBS_PULL_TIME_MAXN)
        // break it
        *is_break = tb_true;
        return tb_false;

    // the job
    tb_thread_pool_job_t* job = (tb_thread_pool_job_t*)item;

    // the pool
    tb_thread_pool_impl_t* impl = (tb_thread_pool_impl_t*)worker->pool;

    // append the job to the pending jobs
    tb_list_entry_insert_tail(&impl->jobs_pending, &job->entry);  

    // append the job to the working jobs
    tb_vector_insert_tail(worker->jobs, job);   

    // computate the job average time 
    tb_size_t average_time = 200;
    if (tb_hash_map_size(worker->stats))
        tb_thread_pool_job_stats_t* stats = (tb_thread_pool_job_stats_t*)tb_hash_map_get(worker->stats, job->task.done);
        if (stats && stats->done_count) average_time = (tb_size_t)(stats->total_time / stats->done_count);

    // update the pull time
    worker->pull += average_time;

    // trace
    tb_trace_d("worker[%lu]: pull: task[%p:%s] from %s", worker->id, job->task.done, job->task.name, iterator == tb_list_entry_itor(&impl->jobs_waiting)? "waiting" : "urgent");

    // remove the job from the waiting or urgent jobs
    return tb_true;
Пример #8
tb_bool_t tb_hash_set_get(tb_hash_set_ref_t self, tb_cpointer_t data)
    return tb_p2b(tb_hash_map_get((tb_hash_map_ref_t)self, data));
Пример #9
static tb_pointer_t tb_thread_pool_worker_loop(tb_cpointer_t priv)
    // the worker
    tb_thread_pool_worker_t* worker = (tb_thread_pool_worker_t*)priv;

    // trace
    tb_trace_d("worker[%lu]: init", worker? worker->id : -1);

    // done
        // check
        tb_assert_and_check_break(worker && !worker->jobs && !worker->stats);

        // the pool
        tb_thread_pool_impl_t* impl = (tb_thread_pool_impl_t*)worker->pool;
        tb_assert_and_check_break(impl && impl->semaphore);

        // wait some time for leaving the lock
        tb_msleep((worker->id + 1)* 20);

        // init jobs
        worker->jobs = tb_vector_init(TB_THREAD_POOL_JOBS_WORKING_GROW, tb_element_ptr(tb_null, tb_null));

        // init stats
        worker->stats = tb_hash_map_init(TB_HASH_MAP_BUCKET_SIZE_MICRO, tb_element_ptr(tb_null, tb_null), tb_element_mem(sizeof(tb_thread_pool_job_stats_t), tb_null, tb_null));
        // loop
        while (1)
            // pull jobs if be idle
            if (!tb_vector_size(worker->jobs))
                // enter 

                // init the pull time
                worker->pull = 0;

                // pull from the urgent jobs
                if (tb_list_entry_size(&impl->jobs_urgent))
                    // trace
                    tb_trace_d("worker[%lu]: try pulling from urgent: %lu", worker->id, tb_list_entry_size(&impl->jobs_urgent));

                    // pull it
                    tb_remove_if_until(tb_list_entry_itor(&impl->jobs_urgent), tb_thread_pool_worker_walk_pull, worker);

                // pull from the waiting jobs
                if (tb_list_entry_size(&impl->jobs_waiting))
                    // trace
                    tb_trace_d("worker[%lu]: try pulling from waiting: %lu", worker->id, tb_list_entry_size(&impl->jobs_waiting));

                    // pull it
                    tb_remove_if_until(tb_list_entry_itor(&impl->jobs_waiting), tb_thread_pool_worker_walk_pull, worker);

                // pull from the pending jobs and clean some finished and killed jobs
                if (tb_list_entry_size(&impl->jobs_pending))
                    // trace
                    tb_trace_d("worker[%lu]: try pulling from pending: %lu", worker->id, tb_list_entry_size(&impl->jobs_pending));

                    // no jobs? try to pull from the pending jobs
                    if (!tb_vector_size(worker->jobs))
                        tb_remove_if(tb_list_entry_itor(&impl->jobs_pending), tb_thread_pool_worker_walk_pull_and_clean, worker);
                    // clean some finished and killed jobs
                    else tb_remove_if(tb_list_entry_itor(&impl->jobs_pending), tb_thread_pool_worker_walk_clean, worker);

                // leave 

                // idle? wait it
                if (!tb_vector_size(worker->jobs))
                    // killed?

                    // trace
                    tb_trace_d("worker[%lu]: wait: ..", worker->id);

                    // wait some time
                    tb_long_t wait = tb_semaphore_wait(impl->semaphore, -1);
                    tb_assert_and_check_break(wait > 0);

                    // trace
                    tb_trace_d("worker[%lu]: wait: ok", worker->id);

                    // continue it
                    // update the jobs urgent size
                    tb_size_t jobs_urgent_size = tb_list_entry_size(&impl->jobs_urgent);

                    // update the jobs waiting size
                    tb_size_t jobs_waiting_size = tb_list_entry_size(&impl->jobs_waiting);

                    // update the jobs pending size
                    tb_size_t jobs_pending_size = tb_list_entry_size(&impl->jobs_pending);

                    // trace
                    tb_trace_d("worker[%lu]: pull: jobs: %lu, time: %lu ms, waiting: %lu, pending: %lu, urgent: %lu", worker->id, tb_vector_size(worker->jobs), worker->pull, jobs_waiting_size, jobs_pending_size, jobs_urgent_size);

            // done jobs
            tb_for_all (tb_thread_pool_job_t*, job, worker->jobs)
                // check
                tb_assert_and_check_continue(job && job->task.done);

                // the job state
                tb_size_t state = tb_atomic_fetch_and_pset(&job->state, TB_STATE_WAITING, TB_STATE_WORKING);
                // the job is waiting? work it
                if (state == TB_STATE_WAITING)
                    // trace
                    tb_trace_d("worker[%lu]: done: task[%p:%s]: ..", worker->id, job->task.done, job->task.name);

                    // init the time
                    tb_hong_t time = tb_cache_time_spak();

                    // done the job
                    job->task.done((tb_thread_pool_worker_ref_t)worker, job->task.priv);

                    // computate the time
                    time = tb_cache_time_spak() - time;

                    // exists? update time and count
                    tb_size_t               itor;
                    tb_hash_map_item_ref_t  item = tb_null;
                    if (    ((itor = tb_hash_map_find(worker->stats, job->task.done)) != tb_iterator_tail(worker->stats))
                        &&  (item = (tb_hash_map_item_ref_t)tb_iterator_item(worker->stats, itor)))
                        // the stats
                        tb_thread_pool_job_stats_t* stats = (tb_thread_pool_job_stats_t*)item->data;

                        // update the done count

                        // update the total time 
                        stats->total_time += time;
                    // no item? add it
                    if (!item) 
                        // init stats
                        tb_thread_pool_job_stats_t stats = {0};
                        stats.done_count = 1;
                        stats.total_time = time;

                        // add stats
                        tb_hash_map_insert(worker->stats, job->task.done, &stats);

                    tb_size_t done_count = 0;
                    tb_hize_t total_time = 0;
                    tb_thread_pool_job_stats_t* stats = (tb_thread_pool_job_stats_t*)tb_hash_map_get(worker->stats, job->task.done);
                    if (stats)
                        done_count = stats->done_count;
                        total_time = stats->total_time;

                    // trace
                    tb_trace_d("worker[%lu]: done: task[%p:%s]: time: %lld ms, average: %lld ms, count: %lu", worker->id, job->task.done, job->task.name, time, (total_time / (tb_hize_t)done_count), done_count);

                    // update the job state
                    tb_atomic_set(&job->state, TB_STATE_FINISHED);
                // the job is killing? work it
                else if (state == TB_STATE_KILLING)
                    // update the job state
                    tb_atomic_set(&job->state, TB_STATE_KILLED);

            // clear jobs

    } while (0);

    // exit worker
    if (worker)
        // trace
        tb_trace_d("worker[%lu]: exit", worker->id);

        // stoped
        tb_atomic_set(&worker->bstoped, 1);

        // exit all private data
        tb_size_t i = 0;
        tb_size_t n = tb_arrayn(worker->priv);
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            // the private data
            tb_thread_pool_worker_priv_t* priv = &worker->priv[n - i - 1];

            // exit it
            if (priv->exit) priv->exit((tb_thread_pool_worker_ref_t)worker, priv->priv);

            // clear it
            priv->exit = tb_null;
            priv->priv = tb_null;

        // exit stats
        if (worker->stats) tb_hash_map_exit(worker->stats);
        worker->stats = tb_null;

        // exit jobs
        if (worker->jobs) tb_vector_exit(worker->jobs);
        worker->jobs = tb_null;

    // exit
    return tb_null;
Пример #10
static tb_bool_t tb_thread_pool_worker_walk_pull_and_clean(tb_iterator_ref_t iterator, tb_cpointer_t item, tb_cpointer_t value)
    // the worker pull
    tb_thread_pool_worker_t* worker = (tb_thread_pool_worker_t*)value;
    tb_assert_abort(worker && worker->jobs && worker->stats);

    // the job
    tb_thread_pool_job_t* job = (tb_thread_pool_job_t*)item;

    // the job state
    tb_size_t state = tb_atomic_get(&job->state);

    // waiting and non-full? pull it
    tb_bool_t ok = tb_false;
    if (state == TB_STATE_WAITING && worker->pull < TB_THREAD_POOL_JOBS_PULL_TIME_MAXN)
        // append the job to the working jobs
        tb_vector_insert_tail(worker->jobs, job);   

        // computate the job average time 
        tb_size_t average_time = 200;
        if (tb_hash_map_size(worker->stats))
            tb_thread_pool_job_stats_t* stats = (tb_thread_pool_job_stats_t*)tb_hash_map_get(worker->stats, job->task.done);
            if (stats && stats->done_count) average_time = (tb_size_t)(stats->total_time / stats->done_count);

        // update the pull time
        worker->pull += average_time;

        // trace
        tb_trace_d("worker[%lu]: pull: task[%p:%s] from pending", worker->id, job->task.done, job->task.name);
    // finished or killed? remove it
    else if (state == TB_STATE_FINISHED || state == TB_STATE_KILLED)
        // trace
        tb_trace_d("worker[%lu]: remove: task[%p:%s] from pending", worker->id, job->task.done, job->task.name);

        // exit the job
        if (job->task.exit) job->task.exit((tb_thread_pool_worker_ref_t)worker, job->task.priv);

        // remove it from the waiting or urgent jobs
        ok = tb_true;

        // refn--
        if (job->refn > 1) job->refn--;
        // remove it from pool directly
            // the pool
            tb_thread_pool_impl_t* impl = (tb_thread_pool_impl_t*)worker->pool;

            // remove it from the jobs pool
            tb_fixed_pool_free(impl->jobs_pool, job);

    // remove it?
    return ok;
Пример #11
static tb_void_t tb_ifaddrs_interface_done_hwaddr(tb_list_ref_t interfaces, tb_hash_map_ref_t names, struct nlmsghdr* response)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return(interfaces && names && response);

    // the info
    struct ifaddrmsg* info = (struct ifaddrmsg *)NLMSG_DATA(response);

    // attempt to find the interface name
    tb_bool_t   owner = tb_false;
    tb_char_t*  name = (tb_char_t*)tb_hash_map_get(names, tb_u2p(info->ifa_index));
    if (!name)
        // get the interface name
        struct rtattr*  rta = tb_null;
        tb_size_t       rta_size = NLMSG_PAYLOAD(response, sizeof(struct ifaddrmsg));
        for(rta = IFLA_RTA(info); RTA_OK(rta, rta_size); rta = RTA_NEXT(rta, rta_size))
            // done
            tb_pointer_t    rta_data = RTA_DATA(rta);
            tb_size_t       rta_data_size = RTA_PAYLOAD(rta);
                case IFLA_IFNAME:
                        // make name
                        name = (tb_char_t*)tb_ralloc(name, rta_data_size + 1);

                        // copy name
                        tb_strlcpy(name, rta_data, rta_data_size + 1);

                        // save name
                        tb_hash_map_insert(names, tb_u2p(info->ifa_index), name);
                        owner = tb_true;

    // check

    // done
    struct rtattr*  rta = tb_null;
    tb_size_t       rta_size = NLMSG_PAYLOAD(response, sizeof(struct ifaddrmsg));
    for(rta = IFLA_RTA(info); RTA_OK(rta, rta_size); rta = RTA_NEXT(rta, rta_size))
        /* attempt to get the interface from the cached interfaces
         * and make a new interface if no the cached interface
        tb_ifaddrs_interface_t      interface_new = {0};
        tb_ifaddrs_interface_ref_t  interface = tb_ifaddrs_interface_find((tb_iterator_ref_t)interfaces, name);
        if (!interface) interface = &interface_new;

        // check
        tb_assert(interface == &interface_new || interface->name);

        // done
        tb_pointer_t    rta_data = RTA_DATA(rta);
        tb_size_t       rta_data_size = RTA_PAYLOAD(rta);
            case IFLA_ADDRESS:
                    // no hwaddr?
                    if (!(interface->flags & TB_IFADDRS_INTERFACE_FLAG_HAVE_HWADDR))
                        // check
                        tb_check_break(rta_data_size == sizeof(interface->hwaddr.u8));

                        // save flags
                        interface->flags |= TB_IFADDRS_INTERFACE_FLAG_HAVE_HWADDR;
                        if (info->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) interface->flags |= TB_IFADDRS_INTERFACE_FLAG_IS_LOOPBACK;

                        // save hwaddr
                        tb_memcpy(interface->hwaddr.u8, rta_data, sizeof(interface->hwaddr.u8));

                        // trace
                        tb_trace_d("name: %s, hwaddr: %{hwaddr}", name, &interface->hwaddr);

                        // new interface? save it
                        if (interface == &interface_new)
                            // save interface name
                            interface->name = tb_strdup(name);

                            // save interface
                            tb_list_insert_tail(interfaces, interface);
            case IFLA_IFNAME:
            case IFLA_BROADCAST:
            case IFLA_STATS:

    // exit name
    if (name && owner) tb_free(name);
    name = tb_null;
Пример #12
static tb_void_t tb_ifaddrs_interface_done_ipaddr(tb_list_ref_t interfaces, tb_hash_map_ref_t names, struct nlmsghdr* response)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return(interfaces && names && response);

    // the info
    struct ifaddrmsg* info = (struct ifaddrmsg *)NLMSG_DATA(response);

    // must be not link 
    tb_assert_and_check_return(info->ifa_family != AF_PACKET);

    // attempt to find the interface name
    tb_bool_t   owner = tb_false;
    tb_char_t*  name = (tb_char_t*)tb_hash_map_get(names, tb_u2p(info->ifa_index));
    if (!name)
        // get the interface name
        struct rtattr*  rta = tb_null;
        tb_size_t       rta_size = NLMSG_PAYLOAD(response, sizeof(struct ifaddrmsg));
        for(rta = IFA_RTA(info); RTA_OK(rta, rta_size); rta = RTA_NEXT(rta, rta_size))
            // done
            tb_pointer_t    rta_data = RTA_DATA(rta);
            tb_size_t       rta_data_size = RTA_PAYLOAD(rta);
                case IFA_LABEL:
                        // make name
                        name = (tb_char_t*)tb_ralloc(name, rta_data_size + 1);

                        // copy name
                        tb_strlcpy(name, rta_data, rta_data_size + 1);

                        // save name
                        tb_hash_map_insert(names, tb_u2p(info->ifa_index), name);
                        owner = tb_true;

    // check

    // done
    struct rtattr*  rta = tb_null;
    tb_size_t       rta_size = NLMSG_PAYLOAD(response, sizeof(struct ifaddrmsg));
    for(rta = IFA_RTA(info); RTA_OK(rta, rta_size); rta = RTA_NEXT(rta, rta_size))
        /* attempt to get the interface from the cached interfaces
         * and make a new interface if no the cached interface
        tb_ifaddrs_interface_t      interface_new = {0};
        tb_ifaddrs_interface_ref_t  interface = tb_ifaddrs_interface_find((tb_iterator_ref_t)interfaces, name);
        if (!interface) interface = &interface_new;

        // check
        tb_assert(interface == &interface_new || interface->name);

        // done
        tb_pointer_t rta_data = RTA_DATA(rta);
            case IFA_LOCAL:
            case IFA_ADDRESS:
                    // make ipaddr
                    tb_ipaddr_t ipaddr;
                    if (!tb_ifaddrs_netlink_ipaddr_save(&ipaddr, info->ifa_family, info->ifa_index, rta_data)) break;

                    // save flags
                    if ((info->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) || tb_ipaddr_ip_is_loopback(&ipaddr)) 
                        interface->flags |= TB_IFADDRS_INTERFACE_FLAG_IS_LOOPBACK;

                    // save ipaddr
                    switch (tb_ipaddr_family(&ipaddr))
                    case TB_IPADDR_FAMILY_IPV4:
                            interface->flags |= TB_IFADDRS_INTERFACE_FLAG_HAVE_IPADDR4;
                            interface->ipaddr4 = ipaddr.u.ipv4;
                    case TB_IPADDR_FAMILY_IPV6:
                            interface->flags |= TB_IFADDRS_INTERFACE_FLAG_HAVE_IPADDR6;
                            interface->ipaddr6 = ipaddr.u.ipv6;

                    // trace
                    tb_trace_d("name: %s, ipaddr: %{ipaddr}", name, &ipaddr);

                    // new interface? save it
                    if (tb_ipaddr_family(&ipaddr) && interface == &interface_new)
                        // save interface name
                        interface->name = tb_strdup(name);

                        // save interface
                        tb_list_insert_tail(interfaces, interface);
            case IFA_LABEL:
            case IFA_BROADCAST:

    // exit name
    if (name && owner) tb_free(name);
    name = tb_null;