Пример #1
    void MasterNodeConnection::shutdown()
		auto self = shared_from_this();
        std::lock_guard<ioMutexType> lock(mutex);
		if (disposed)
		BOOST_LOG_SEV(log, LogLevel::Info) << "Shutting down.";
		auto h = handler.lock();
        if (h != nullptr)

		try { tcpSocket().shutdown(socketType::shutdown_both); } catch(...) { }
		try { tcpSocket().cancel(); } catch (...) { }

        if (h != nullptr)

        if (accepted) {
            accepted = false;

        disposed = true;
Пример #2
int Socket::init()
	struct sockaddr_in servaddr;
	int optval = 1;
	sockfd = tcpSocket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
	servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	servaddr.sin_port = htons(port);

	// Eliminates "Address already in use" error from bind
    if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
                    (const void *)&optval, sizeof(int)) < 0)

	if (socktype == SRV_SOCKET){
	    servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
	    tcpBind(sockfd, (SA *) &servaddr, sizeof(servaddr));
	    tcpListen(sockfd, LISTENQ);
	} else if (socktype == CLI_SOCKET){ 
	    if (inet_pton(AF_INET, host, &servaddr.sin_addr) < 0)
	        Error::quit("inet_pton error for %s", host);
	    tcpConnect(sockfd, (SA *)&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr));
	} else {
		Error::quit("Unkown SockType");
	/* For client, this sockfd is connfd,
	 * for server, this sockfd is listenfd.	*/
	return sockfd; 
Пример #3
-- FUNCTION: createTransferSocket
-- DATE: September 29, 2011
-- REVISIONS: (Date and Description)
-- DESIGNER: Luke Queenan
-- PROGRAMMER: Luke Queenan
-- INTERFACE: void createTransferSocket(int *socket);
-- RETURNS: void
-- This function creates a transfer socket for the server to communicate with
-- the client. The socket is bound to port 7000.
void createTransferSocket(int *socket)
    int *defaultPort = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
    *defaultPort = TRANSFER_PORT;
    // Create a TCP socket
    if ((*socket = tcpSocket()) == -1)
        systemFatal("Cannot Create Socket!");
    // Allow the socket to be reused immediately after exit
    if (setReuse(socket) == -1)
        systemFatal("Cannot Set Socket To Reuse");
    // Bind an address to the socket
    if (bindAddress(defaultPort, socket) == -1)
        systemFatal("Cannot Bind Address To Socket");
Пример #4
-- FUNCTION: initializeServer
-- DATE: September 23, 2011
-- DESIGNER: Karl Castillo
-- PROGRAMMER: Karl Castillo
-- INTERFACE: void initalizeServer(int* port, int* socket)
--				port - the port the client will listen on
--				socket - the socket that will hold the new socket
-- RETURNS: void
-- This function will create the socket, set reuse and listen for any incoming
-- connections from the server.
void initalizeServer(int* port, int* socket)
    int sock = 0;

    // Create a TCP socket
    if ((sock = tcpSocket()) == -1) {
        systemFatal("Cannot Create Socket!");
    // Allow the socket to be reused immediately after exit
    if (setReuse(&sock) == -1) {
        systemFatal("Cannot Set Socket To Reuse");
    // Bind an address to the socket
    if (bindAddress(port, &sock) == -1) {
        systemFatal("Cannot Bind Address To Socket");
    // Set the socket to listen for connections
    if (setListen(&sock) == -1) {
        systemFatal("Cannot Listen On Socket");
    if((*socket = acceptConnection(&sock)) == -1) {
    	systemFatal("Cannot Accept on Socket");
Пример #5
	void get_available_address_v4(io_service& ios,std::set<address>& addrs)

		error_code ec;
		std::vector<ip_interface>  interfaces=enum_net_interfaces(ios,ec);
		address realBindAddr;
		for(std::size_t i=0;i<interfaces.size();++i)
			//test can we bind this port
			endpoint edp(interfaces[i].interface_address,0);
			boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket tcpSocket(ios);
			if (!ec&&!is_any(realBindAddr=tcpSocket.local_endpoint(ec).address()))
Пример #6
-- FUNCTION: initializeServer
-- DATE: March 12, 2011
-- REVISIONS: September 22, 2011 - Added some extra comments about failure and
-- a function call to set the socket into non blocking mode.
-- DESIGNER: Luke Queenan
-- PROGRAMMER: Luke Queenan
-- INTERFACE: void initializeServer(int *listenSocket, int *port);
-- RETURNS: void
-- This function sets up the required server connections, such as creating a
-- socket, setting the socket to reuse mode, binding it to an address, and
-- setting it to listen. If an error occurs, the function calls "systemFatal"
-- with an error message.
void initializeServer(int *listenSocket, int *port)
    // Create a TCP socket
    if ((*listenSocket = tcpSocket()) == -1)
        systemFatal("Cannot Create Socket!");
    // Allow the socket to be reused immediately after exit
    if (setReuse(&(*listenSocket)) == -1)
        systemFatal("Cannot Set Socket To Reuse");
    // Bind an address to the socket
    if (bindAddress(&(*port), &(*listenSocket)) == -1)
        systemFatal("Cannot Bind Address To Socket");
    // Set the socket to listen for connections
    if (setListen(&(*listenSocket)) == -1)
        systemFatal("Cannot Listen On Socket");
Пример #7
void monitor() {
	sfd = tcpSocket();
	if (!sfd) die(1,"Could not allocate socket");
	if (reuseSocket(sfd)) die(2,"Failed to reuse socket %d",sfd);
	if (bindSocket(sfd, address, htons(port))) die(3,"Failed to bind to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d",IP(address),port);
	if (listen(sfd,backlog)) die(4,"Failed to listen on port %d",port);
	if (nonblock(sfd)<0) die(5,"Failed to set nonblocking on socket %d", sfd);
	debug("Listening on %d.%d.%d.%d:%d",IP(address),port);
void LwipNetInterface::tcpConnect(int* sockfd, const char* ip, word16 port,
		int udp) {
	build_addr(&addr, ip, port, udp);
	tcpSocket(sockfd, udp);

	if (!udp) {
		if (connect(*sockfd, (const struct sockaddr* )&addr, sizeof(addr))
				!= 0) {
			LWIP_ASSERT("tcp connect failed",0);
Пример #9
void ClientController::onTimer_Timer(int id) {
		// TODO : retry max check..

		try {
		} catch(...) {
			// retry!

Пример #10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int sctcp;
  char hostname[80] = "";
  struct sockaddr_in SC_link = { 0 };
  int server_port=8000;
  int childPid=0;
  static LList userlist;
  pthread_t id;
  int ret;

  printf("Server is starting\n");
  sctcp=tcpSocket();	//client-server comunicate with tcp
  Setsockopt(sctcp);		//set SO_REUSEADDR,SO_LINGER opt
  GetHostName(hostname, sizeof(hostname));
  Bind(sctcp, (struct sockaddr *) &SC_link,sizeof(SC_link));
  printf("Server started successfully and it is ready now\n");
  printf("Now entered listening mode\n");
  for (;;)
    struct sockaddr_in client_sockaddr = { 0 };
    int cli_socket, cli_sock2,clientLength = sizeof(client_sockaddr);
    (void) memset(&client_sockaddr, 0, sizeof(client_sockaddr));
    cli_socket = Accept(sctcp,(struct sockaddr *) &client_sockaddr, &clientLength);
    if (-1 == cli_socket)
    threadargs newargs;
    //      accept_cli(&newargs);
    ret=pthread_create(&id,NULL,(void *)accept_cli,&newargs);
      perror("thread create error");

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #11
    void MasterNodeConnection::didAccept()
		auto self = shared_from_this();
        std::lock_guard<ioMutexType> lock(mutex);

        accepted = true;
		log.setChannel(str(format("Unknown [%s]") % tcpSocket().remote_endpoint()));

        auto headerBuffer = std::make_shared<std::uint32_t>();

        readAsync(asio::buffer(headerBuffer.get(), 4),
        [this, headerBuffer]
        (const boost::system::error_code& error, std::size_t readCount){
            try {
                if (error) {

                std::uint32_t header = *headerBuffer;
				std::shared_ptr<MasterNodeConnectionHandler> h;
                if (header == ControlStreamHeaderMagic) {
                    h = std::make_shared<MasterNode>(shared_from_this());
                } else if (header == VersionDownloadRequestMagic) {
				} else if (header == DataStreamMagic) {
					h = std::make_shared<MasterNodeClientStream>(shared_from_this());
                } else {
                            str(format("Invalid header magic 0x%08x received.") % header)));

                assert(h != nullptr);
				handler = h;


            } catch (...) {

Пример #12
-- FUNCTION: initConnection
-- DATE: September 23, 2011
-- DESIGNER: Karl Castillo
-- PROGRAMMER: Karl Castillo
-- INTERFACE: int initConnection(int port, const char* ip) 
--				port - the port the client will connect to to the server
--				ip - ip address of the server
-- RETURNS: int - the new socket created
-- This function will create the socket, set reuse and connect to the server.
int initConnection(int port, const char* ip) 
	int socket;

	// Creating Socket
	if((socket = tcpSocket()) == -1) {
		systemFatal("Error Creating Socket");

	// Setting Socket to Reuse
	if(setReuse(&socket) == -1) {
		systemFatal("Error Set Socket Reuse");
	// Connect to transfer server
	if(connectToServer(&port, &socket, ip) == -1) {
		systemFatal("Cannot Connect to server");
	return socket;
int TCPClient::connect ( const char * ip, const char * port ) {
    int rv;
    char s[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
    addrinfo hints, *servinfo, *p;
    try {

        memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
        hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
        hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;

        if ((rv = getaddrinfo( ip, port, &hints, &servinfo)) != 0) {
            throw "getaddrinfo: " + std::string ( gai_strerror(rv) );

        // loop through all the results and connect to the first we can
        for(p = servinfo; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next) {
            if (tcpSocket(p->ai_family, p->ai_protocol) == -1) {
            if (::connect(socketDesc, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen) == -1) {


        if (p == NULL) {
            throw "failed to connect";

        inet_ntop(p->ai_family, get_in_addr((struct sockaddr *)p->ai_addr), s, sizeof s);

        freeaddrinfo(servinfo); // all done with this structure

    } catch ( LogString e ) {

    return 0;
    WSADATA wsaData;        // Stores Winsock library information
    struct timeval timeout;    // The timeout value for the select system call
    char sTicker[10];        // A local variable to hold the user-inputted ticker.
    fd_set fdset;            // Set of "watched" file descriptors

    // The select system call is set to timeout after 10 seconds with no data existing
    // on the socket.
    timeout.tv_sec = 10;
    timeout.tv_usec = 0;

    // The Winsock library in initialized.
    if (WSAStartup(0x101, &wsaData) != 0)
        cout << "Error initializing WinSock library: " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
        return 0;

        // A TCP socket is created using the port number defined in PORT_NUM2 as
        // the position communication port.
        XPCTcpSocket tcpSocket((long int)PORT_NUM2);

        // The client connects to the specified UNIX server using the socket port 
        // specified in the constructor.

        // Loop forever until the user requests to exit.
            XPCPosition newPosition;    // A new instance of the 
                                        // XPCPosition is created.

            // Request the ticker from the user.
            cout << "Enter Ticker Symbol: " << flush;
            cin >> sTicker;

            // If the user enters the "QUIT" command, the loop breaks, and the
            // client exits.
            if (strcmp(sTicker, "QUIT") == 0)

            // The ticker is stored in the XPCPosition instance.

            // The instance of XPCPosition is sent to the server 
            tcpSocket.iSendMessage((void *)&newPosition, sizeof(newPosition));

            // The socket file descriptor set is cleared and the socket file 
            // descriptor contained within tcpSocket is added to the file
            // descriptor set.
            FD_SET(tcpSocket.iGetSocketFd(), &fdset);

            // A select is setup to return when data is available on the socket
            // for reading.  If data is not available after 10 seconds, select
            // returns with a value of 0.  If data is available on the socket,
            // the select returns and data can be retrieved off the socket.
            int iSelectRet = select(tcpSocket.iGetSocketFd() + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
            // If select returns a -1, then it failed and the client exits.
            if (iSelectRet == -1)
                cout << "Select failed: " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
                return 0;

            // If the select returns a 0, then the select timeout.
            else if (iSelectRet == 0)
                cout << "Select timed out: Server Not Responding" << endl;

            // If data is available on the TCP socket, the data is retrieved
            // and placed in the instance of XPCPosition.  The new position
            // is displayed for the user. 
            if (FD_ISSET(tcpSocket.iGetSocketFd(), &fdset) != 0)
                tcpSocket.iRecieveMessage((void *)&newPosition, sizeof(newPosition));
                cout << "Ticker: " << newPosition.sGetTicker() << " Position: " << newPosition.iGetPosition() << endl;
    // Socket related exceptions are caught and displayed.
    catch(XPCException &exceptObject)
        cout << exceptObject.sGetException() << endl;

    // The client releases Winsock resources when exiting.
    if (WSACleanup() != 0)
        cout << "Error cleaning up WinSock library: " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
Пример #15
    // Local variables used to hold user-inputted components of a XPCTransaction
    // instance.
    char sUser[50];        // User name
    char sTicker[10];    // Ticker symbol
    char cBS;            // Buy/Sell indicator
    long int iAmount;    // Number of shares bought or sold

    // Before using sockets on the Windows-NT operating system, the Winsock library
    // must be initialized.
    WSADATA wsaData;

    if (WSAStartup(0x101, &wsaData) != 0)
        cout << "Error initializing WinSock library: " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
        return 0;

    // The name of the user is retrieved from the console and is stored in the local 
    // sUser variable.
    cout << "Enter your User Name: " << flush;
    cin >> sUser;

        // An instance of the XPCTcpSocket is created.  At this point a TCP 
        // socket has been created and a port has been defined.
        XPCTcpSocket tcpSocket((long int)WINDOWS_NT_PORT_NUM);

        // Connect to the server.

        // Loop forever prompting the user for transaction record data.
            cout << "Enter Ticker Symbol: " << flush;
            cin >> sTicker;

            // If the user enters "QUIT", exit the loop.
            if (strcmp(sTicker, "QUIT") == 0)

            cout << "Enter Buy(B) or Sell(S): " << flush;
            cin >> cBS;
            cout << "Enter Quantity: " << flush;
            cin >> iAmount;

            // Create a transaction record class instance
            XPCTransaction newTransaction(sUser, sTicker, cBS, iAmount);

            // Send the transaction record to the UNIX server using the client
            // version of iSendMessage. 
            tcpSocket.iSendMessage((void *)&newTransaction, sizeof(newTransaction));

            // Suspend process execution until the UNIX server replies with the
            // updated position. The client version of the iReceiveMessage 
            // method is used.
            tcpSocket.iRecieveMessage((void *)&newTransaction, sizeof(newTransaction), MSG_WAITALL);

            // Display the newly updated position
            cout << "Ticker: " << newTransaction.sGetTicker() << " New Position: " << newTransaction.iGetAmount() << endl;
    catch(XPCException &exceptObject)
        cout << exceptObject.sGetException() << endl;

    // Disconnect from the Windows NT socket library.  The socket is already closed
    // since the instance of XPCUdpSocket got destructed after it left the 
    // try-catch block.
Пример #16
int main()
    XPCUserPosition userPositions[50];    // Initialize an array of 50 user positions.
    XPCStockPosition *individualPosition;    // A pointer to an individual ticker
                                             // position.
    int iNumUsers = 0;                // The number of user positions.
    XPCTransaction newTransaction;    // An instance of a stock transaction
                                      // record.
    int iFound;                       // A flag indicating whether or not a
                                      // user position is found.
    XPCTcpSocket    *clientConnection;    // Connection dedicated for client communication
    char sHost[80];                       // Connected host

        // An instance of XPCTcpSocket is created.  A TCP socket is created.
        XPCTcpSocket tcpSocket((long int)UNIX_PORT_NUM);


        // Accepts a client connection.  Processing is suspended until the
        // client connects
        clientConnection = tcpSocket.Accept(sHost);
        cout << "A client from " << sHost << " connected" << endl;

        // Loop forever receiving transaction messages from Windows NT clients.
            // The client's message is recieved
            int iNumBytes = clientConnection->iRecieveMessage((void *)&newTransaction, sizeof(newTransaction), MSG_WAITALL);
            if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAECONNRESET)
            if ((iNumBytes == 0) || (errno == ECONNRESET))
                // The client has disconnected.  Delete the connection and
                // suspend processing until a new client connects
                delete clientConnection;
                clientConnection = tcpSocket.Accept(sHost);

                cout << "A client from " << sHost << " connected" << endl;

                // Wait for a message
                clientConnection->iRecieveMessage((void *)&newTransaction, sizeof(newTransaction), MSG_WAITALL);
            // Display the components of the transaction received.
            cout << "Got New Transaction:" << endl;
            cout << "User: "******"Ticker: " << newTransaction.sGetTicker() << endl;
            cout << "BS: " << newTransaction.cGetBS() << endl;
            cout << "Amount: " << newTransaction.iGetAmount() << endl;

            // Set the user-position found flag to false.
            iFound = 0;

            // Loop through all user positions and locate a position matching
            // the user contained within the transaction record received.
            for (int iUserCount = 0; iUserCount < iNumUsers; iUserCount++)
                // If a position exists for the user, locate the position
                // for the ticker contained within the transaction record. 
                if (strcmp(userPositions[iUserCount].sGetUser(), newTransaction.sGetUser()) == 0)
                    // If a ticker position exists add the transaction 
                    // amount to the current position.
                    if ((individualPosition = userPositions[iUserCount].FindPosition(newTransaction.sGetTicker())) != NULL)
                        individualPosition->vAddPosition(newTransaction.iGetAmount(), newTransaction.cGetBS());            
                    // If a position does not exists for the given
                    // ticker, add a new ticker position to the user's 
                    // portfolio.
                        individualPosition = userPositions[iUserCount].AddNewPosition(newTransaction.sGetTicker(), newTransaction.iGetAmount(), newTransaction.cGetBS());
                    // Set the user position found flag to true.
                    iFound = 1;

            // If the user position found flag is false add a new user 
            // position.
            if (iFound == 0)
                // If the number of user positions is currently 50, no more 
                // user positions can be added.  Set the individual user 
                // position to NULL.
                if (iNumUsers == 50)
                individualPosition = NULL;
                    // Add a new user position.
                    individualPosition = userPositions[iNumUsers].AddNewPosition(newTransaction.sGetTicker(), newTransaction.iGetAmount(), newTransaction.cGetBS());
                    // Increment the number of user positions by 1.
            // Display the new position, set the transaction record to reflect 
            // the new position, and send the transaction record to the
            // appropriate client.
            cout << "New Position: " << individualPosition->iGetPosition() << endl;    

            // Uses iSendMessage to send the updated position to the connected
            // client
            clientConnection->iSendMessage((void *)&newTransaction, sizeof(newTransaction));    
    // Catch any exceptions that are caused by the TCP socket related classes.
    catch(XPCException &exceptObject)
        cout << exceptObject.sGetException() << endl;
        return 0;
Пример #17
int main(int argc,char** argv)
	boost::asio::io_service io;

		boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket tcpSocket(io);

			std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
			CAsioClient client(tcpSocket);
			boost::system::error_code ec;

			boost::progress_timer t;
			bool ret = client.Connect("",8899,boost::posix_time::seconds(20),ec);
				std::cout << "---- Á¬½Óʧ°Ü" << ec.message() <<std::endl;

				std::cout << "---- Á¬½Óʧ°Ü" << ec.message() <<std::endl;


		CAsioClient client(tcpSocket);
		boost::system::error_code ec;

		char buf[1];
		buf[0] = 'A';

			boost::progress_timer t;
			ec = client.Send(boost::asio::buffer(buf,1),boost::posix_time::seconds(20));
				std::cout << "---- ·¢ËÍʧ°Ü" << ec.message() <<std::endl;


		std::vector<char> vec;
			boost::progress_timer t;
			ec = client.Receive(boost::asio::buffer(vec),boost::posix_time::seconds(10));
				//std::cout << vec.size() << std::endl;
				std::cout << "---- ½ÓÊÕʧ°Ü" << ec.message() <<std::endl;

		ec = client.Receive(boost::asio::buffer(vec),boost::posix_time::seconds(10));
			//std::cout << vec.size() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "---- ½ÓÊÕʧ°Ü" << ec.message() <<std::endl;

		std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
		CAsioClient client;
		boost::system::error_code ec;

		bool ret = client.Connect("",8899,boost::posix_time::seconds(20),ec);
			std::cout << "---- Á¬½Óʧ°Ü" << ec.message() <<std::endl;

			std::cout << "---- Á¬½Óʧ°Ü" << ec.message() <<std::endl;

		char buf[1];
		buf[0] = 'A';
		ec = client.Send(boost::asio::buffer(buf,1),boost::posix_time::seconds(20));
			std::cout << "---- ·¢ËÍʧ°Ü" << ec.message() <<std::endl;

		std::vector<char> vec;

			boost::progress_timer t;
			ec = client.Receive(boost::asio::buffer(vec),boost::posix_time::seconds(10));
				//std::cout << vec.size() << std::endl;
				std::cout << "---- ½ÓÊÕʧ°Ü" << ec.message() <<std::endl;

		ec = client.Receive(boost::asio::buffer(vec),boost::posix_time::seconds(10));
			//std::cout << vec.size() << std::endl;
			std::cout << "---- ½ÓÊÕʧ°Ü" << ec.message() <<std::endl;


	return 0;