Пример #1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "Teleop");

  TeleOpAction teleop(ros::this_node::getName());

  return 0;
Пример #2
task main()

task usercontrol()
	// User control code here, inside the loop

	while (true)
	  // This is the main execution loop for the user control program. Each time through the loop
	  // your program should update motor + servo values based on feedback from the joysticks.

	  // .....................................................................................
	  // Insert user code here. This is where you use the joystick values to update your motors, etc.
	  // .....................................................................................
	  //UserControlCodePlaceholderForTesting(); // Remove this function call once you have "real" code.
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  // Initialize some global data

  // If you want ArLog to print "Verbose" level messages uncomment this:
  //ArLog::init(ArLog::StdOut, ArLog::Verbose);

  // This object parses program options from the command line
  ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv);

  // Load some default values for command line arguments from /etc/Aria.args
  // (Linux) or the ARIAARGS environment variable.

  // Central object that is an interface to the robot and its integrated
  // devices, and which manages control of the robot by the rest of the program.
  ArRobot robot;

  // Object that connects to the robot or simulator using program options
  ArRobotConnector robotConnector(&parser, &robot);

  // If the robot has an Analog Gyro, this object will activate it, and 
  // if the robot does not automatically use the gyro to correct heading,
  // this object reads data from it and corrects the pose in ArRobot
  ArAnalogGyro gyro(&robot);

  // Connect to the robot, get some initial data from it such as type and name,
  // and then load parameter files for this robot.
  if (!robotConnector.connectRobot())
    // Error connecting:
    // if the user gave the -help argumentp, then just print out what happened,
    // and continue so options can be displayed later.
    if (!parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed())
      ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "Could not connect to robot, will not have parameter file so options displayed later may not include everything");
    // otherwise abort
      ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "Error, could not connect to robot.");

  // Connector for laser rangefinders
  ArLaserConnector laserConnector(&parser, &robot, &robotConnector);

  // Connector for compasses
  ArCompassConnector compassConnector(&parser);

  // Parse the command line options. Fail and print the help message if the parsing fails
  // or if the help was requested with the -help option
  if (!Aria::parseArgs() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed())

  // Used to access and process sonar range data
  ArSonarDevice sonarDev;
  // Used to perform actions when keyboard keys are pressed
  ArKeyHandler keyHandler;

  // ArRobot contains an exit action for the Escape key. It also 
  // stores a pointer to the keyhandler so that other parts of the program can
  // use the same keyhandler.
  printf("You may press escape to exit\n");

  // Attach sonarDev to the robot so it gets data from it.

  // Start the robot task loop running in a new background thread. The 'true' argument means if it loses
  // connection the task loop stops and the thread exits.

  // Connect to the laser(s) if lasers were configured in this robot's parameter
  // file or on the command line, and run laser processing thread if applicable
  // for that laser class.  (For the purposes of this demo, add all
  // possible lasers to ArRobot's list rather than just the ones that were
  // specified with the connectLaser option (so when you enter laser mode, you
  // can then interactively choose which laser to use from the list which will
  // show both connected and unconnected lasers.)
  if (!laserConnector.connectLasers(false, false, true))
    printf("Could not connect to lasers... exiting\n");

  // Create and connect to the compass if the robot has one.
  ArTCM2 *compass = compassConnector.create(&robot);
  if(compass && !compass->blockingConnect()) {
    compass = NULL;
  // Sleep for a second so some messages from the initial responses
  // from robots and cameras and such can catch up

  // We need to lock the robot since we'll be setting up these modes
  // while the robot task loop thread is already running, and they 
  // need to access some shared data in ArRobot.

  // now add all the modes for this demo
  // these classes are defined in ArModes.cpp in ARIA's source code.
  ArModeLaser laser(&robot, "laser", 'l', 'L');
  ArModeTeleop teleop(&robot, "teleop", 't', 'T');
  ArModeUnguardedTeleop unguardedTeleop(&robot, "unguarded teleop", 'u', 'U');
  ArModeWander wander(&robot, "wander", 'w', 'W');
  ArModeGripper gripper(&robot, "gripper", 'g', 'G');
  ArModeCamera camera(&robot, "camera", 'c', 'C');
  ArModeSonar sonar(&robot, "sonar", 's', 'S');
  ArModeBumps bumps(&robot, "bumps", 'b', 'B');
  ArModePosition position(&robot, "position", 'p', 'P', &gyro);
  ArModeIO io(&robot, "io", 'i', 'I');
  ArModeActs actsMode(&robot, "acts", 'a', 'A');
  ArModeCommand command(&robot, "command", 'd', 'D');
  ArModeTCM2 tcm2(&robot, "tcm2", 'm', 'M', compass);

  // activate the default mode

  // turn on the motors
  robot.comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE, 1);

  // Block execution of the main thread here and wait for the robot's task loop
  // thread to exit (e.g. by robot disconnecting, escape key pressed, or OS
  // signal)


Пример #5
 * @function: main(int argc, char **argv)
 * @brief: Main function that loops reading the sensors and commanding
 * Hubo's arm joints based on the poses of the foots
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    // check if no arguments given, if not report usage
    if (argc < 2)
        return 1;

    // command line argument variables
    bool left = false; // whether to set left arm angles
    bool right = false; // whether to set right arm angles
    bool print = false; // whether to print output or not
    bool send = true; // whether to send commands or not
    int leftSensorNumberDefault = 3; // default left foot sensor number
    int rightSensorNumberDefault = 4; // default right foot sensor number
    int leftSensorNumber = leftSensorNumberDefault; // left foot sensor number
    int rightSensorNumber = rightSensorNumberDefault; // right foot sensor number
    const char *teleopDeviceName = "liberty"; // name of teleop device

    // local variables
    LegVector lActualAngles, lLegAnglesNext, lLegAnglesCurrent;
    LegVector rActualAngles, rLegAnglesNext, rLegAnglesCurrent;
    Vector3d lFootOrigin, lSensorChange, lSensorOrigin, lSensorPos;
    Vector3d rFootOrigin, rSensorChange, rSensorOrigin, rSensorPos; 
    Eigen::Matrix3d lRotInitial, rRotInitial, lSensorRot, rSensorRot;
    Eigen::Isometry3d lFootInitialPose, lFootPoseCurrent, lFootPoseDesired;
    Eigen::Isometry3d rFootInitialPose, rFootPoseCurrent, rFootPoseDesired;
    LegVector speeds; speeds << 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75;
    LegVector accels; accels << 0.40, 0.40, 0.40, 0.40, 0.40, 0.40;
    double initialFootHeight = 0.1;
    double dt, ptime;
    int counter=0, counterMax=50;
    bool updateRight;

    // command line long options
    const struct option long_options[] = 
        { "left",       optional_argument,  0, 'l' },
        { "right",      optional_argument,  0, 'r' },
        { "nosend",     no_argument,        0, 'n' },
        { "device",     optional_argument,  0, 'd' },
        { "verbose",    no_argument,        0, 'V' },
        { "help",       no_argument,        0, 'H' },
        { 0,            0,                  0,  0  },

    // command line short options
    const char* short_options = "l::r::nd::VH";

    // command line option and option index number
    int opt, option_index;

    // loop through command line options and set values accordingly
    while ( (opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &option_index)) != -1 )
        switch (opt)
            case 'l': left = true; if(NULL != optarg) leftSensorNumber = getSensorNumber(optarg); break;
            case 'r': right = true; if(NULL != optarg) rightSensorNumber = getSensorNumber(optarg); break;
            case 'n': send = false; break;
            case 'd': if(NULL != optarg) teleopDeviceName = getDeviceName(optarg); break;
            case 'V': print = true; break;
            case 'H': usage(std::cout); exit(0); break;
            default:  usage(std::cerr); exit(1); break;

    // check to see if there are any invalid arguments on command line
    if (optind < argc)
        std::cerr << "Error: extra arguments on command line.\n\n";

    // make sure the sensor numbers are not the same for both feet
    if(leftSensorNumber == rightSensorNumber)
        if(left == true && right == true)
            std::cerr << "Error!\nSensor #'s are the same.\n"
                      << "Default sensor #'s are \n\tLEFT:  " << leftSensorNumberDefault
                      << "\n\tRIGHT: " << rightSensorNumberDefault
                      << ".\nPlease choose different sensor numbers.\n\n";

    Hubo_Control hubo; // Create Hubo_Control object
//    Hubo_Control hubo("teleop-arms"); // Create Hubo_Control object and daemonize program

    Collision_Checker collisionChecker; // Create Collision_Checker object

    // Create Teleop object
    Teleop teleop(teleopDeviceName); // Create Teleop object

    if (left == true) // if using the left arm
        teleop.getPose( lSensorOrigin, lRotInitial, leftSensorNumber, true ); // get initial sensor pose
        hubo.setLeftLegNomSpeeds( speeds ); // Set left arm nominal joint speeds
        hubo.setLeftLegNomAcc( accels ); // Set left arm nominal joint accelerations

    if (right == true) // if using the right arm
        if(left == true) updateRight = false; else updateRight = true;
        teleop.getPose( rSensorOrigin, rRotInitial, rightSensorNumber, updateRight ); // get initial sensor pose
        hubo.setRightLegNomSpeeds( speeds ); // Set right arm nominal joint speeds
        hubo.setRightLegNomAcc( accels ); // Set right arm nomimal joint accelerations

    if(send == true) // if user wants to send commands
        hubo.sendControls(); // send commands to the control daemon

    if(left == true)
        hubo.huboLegFK(lFootInitialPose, lLegAnglesNext, LEFT); // Get left foot pose
        lFootOrigin = lFootInitialPose.translation(); // Set relative zero for foot location

    if(right == true)
        hubo.huboLegFK(rFootInitialPose, rLegAnglesNext, RIGHT); // Get right foot pose
        rFootOrigin = rFootInitialPose.translation(); // Set relative zero for foot location

    // while the daemon is running
        hubo.update(); // Get latest state info from Hubo

        dt = hubo.getTime() - ptime; // compute change in time
        ptime = hubo.getTime(); // get current time

        if(dt>0 || (send == false && print == true)); // if new data was received over ach
            if(left == true) // if using left arm
                hubo.getLeftLegAngles(lLegAnglesCurrent); // get left arm joint angles
                hubo.huboLegFK(lFootPoseCurrent, lLegAnglesCurrent, LEFT); // get left foot pose
                teleop.getPose(lSensorPos, lSensorRot, leftSensorNumber, true); // get teleop data
                lSensorChange = lSensorPos - lSensorOrigin; // compute teleop relative translation
                lFootPoseDesired = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); // create 4d identity matrix
                lFootPoseDesired.translate(lSensorChange + lFootOrigin); // pretranslate relative translation
                // make sure feet don't cross sagittal plane
                if(lFootPoseDesired(1,3) - FOOT_WIDTH/2 < 0)
                    lFootPoseDesired(1,3) = FOOT_WIDTH/2;

                lFootPoseDesired.rotate(lSensorRot); // add rotation to top-left of TF matrix
                hubo.huboLegIK( lLegAnglesNext, lFootPoseDesired, lLegAnglesCurrent, LEFT ); // get joint angles for desired TF
                hubo.setLeftLegAngles( lLegAnglesNext, false ); // set joint angles
                hubo.getLeftLegAngles( lActualAngles ); // get current joint angles

            if( right==true ) // if using right arm
                if(left == true) updateRight = false; else updateRight = true;
                hubo.getRightLegAngles(rLegAnglesCurrent); // get right arm joint angles
                hubo.huboLegFK(rFootPoseCurrent, rLegAnglesCurrent, RIGHT); // get right foot pose
                teleop.getPose(rSensorPos, rSensorRot, rightSensorNumber, updateRight); // get teleop data
                rSensorChange = rSensorPos - rSensorOrigin; // compute teleop relative translation
                rFootPoseDesired = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(); // create 4d identity matrix
                rFootPoseDesired.translate(rSensorChange + rFootOrigin); // pretranslation by relative translation
                // make sure feet don't cross sagittal plane
                if(rFootPoseDesired(1,3) + FOOT_WIDTH/2 > 0)
                    rFootPoseDesired(1,3) = -FOOT_WIDTH/2;
                rFootPoseDesired.rotate(rSensorRot); // add rotation to top-left corner of TF matrix
                hubo.huboLegIK( rLegAnglesNext, rFootPoseDesired, rLegAnglesCurrent, RIGHT ); // get joint angles for desired TF
                hubo.setRightLegAngles( rLegAnglesNext, false ); // set joint angles
                hubo.getRightLegAngles( rActualAngles ); // get current joint angles

            if( send == true ) // if user wants to send commands the control boards
                hubo.sendControls(); // send reference commands set above

            if( counter>=counterMax && print==true ) // if user wants output, print output every imax cycles
                          << "Teleop Position Lt(m): " << lSensorChange.transpose()
                          << "\nTeleop Rotation Lt: \n" << lSensorRot
                          << "\nTeleop Position Rt(m): " << rSensorChange.transpose()
                          << "\nTeleop Rotation Rt: \n" << rSensorRot
                          << "\nLeft  Leg Actual Angles (rad): " << lActualAngles.transpose()
                          << "\nLeft  Leg Desired Angles(rad): " << lLegAnglesNext.transpose()
                          << "\nRight Leg Actual Angles (rad): " << rActualAngles.transpose()
                          << "\nRight Leg Desired Angles(rad): " << rLegAnglesNext.transpose()
                          << "\nRight Foot Desired Pose: \n" << rFootPoseDesired.matrix()
                          << "\nLeft Foot Desired Pose: \n" << lFootPoseDesired.matrix()
                          << "\nRight foot torques(N-m)(Mx,My): " << hubo.getRightFootMx() << ", " << hubo.getRightFootMy()
                          << "\nLeft  foot torques(N-m)(Mx,My): " << hubo.getLeftFootMx() << ", " << hubo.getLeftFootMy()
                          << std::endl;
            if(counter>=counterMax) counter=0; counter++; // reset counter if it reaches counterMax