Пример #1
Move AIPlayer::alpha_beta(GameBoard* game, int lookahead, int alpha, int beta, int player)
    vector<Move> all_moves = get_all_moves(game, player);
    //cout << "Moves are: " << endl;
        //cout << m.x +1  << ", " << m.y + 1 << " Score: " << m.score << endl;
    if (all_moves.empty())
        return Move(-1, -1, maximizing_player(player) * 35);
    if (lookahead == 0) {
        //return heuristic value of previous player
        if (!is_maximizing(player)) {
            Move temp = *(std::max_element(all_moves.begin(), all_moves.end(), [](Move m1, Move m2){return m1.score < m2.score;}));
            //cout << "return: "<< temp.x +1  << ", " << temp.y + 1 << " Score: " << temp.score << endl;
            return temp;
        else {
            Move temp =  *(min_element(all_moves.begin(), all_moves.end(), [](Move m1, Move m2){return m1.score < m2.score;}));
            //cout << "return: "<< temp.x +1  << ", " << temp.y + 1 << " Score: " << temp.score << endl;
            return temp;
    Move return_move;
    if (is_maximizing(player)) {
        for (auto m : all_moves) {
            GameBoard temp_board(game);
            temp_board.make_move(m.x, m.y, player);
            Move temp_move = alpha_beta(&temp_board, lookahead - 1, alpha, beta, other_player(player));
            if (temp_move.score > alpha) {
                return_move = m;
                alpha = temp_move.score;
            if (alpha >= beta) {
        return return_move;
    } else {
        for (auto m : all_moves) {
            GameBoard temp_board(game);
            temp_board.make_move(m.x, m.y, player);
            Move temp_move = alpha_beta(&temp_board, lookahead - 1, alpha, beta, other_player(player));
            if (temp_move.score < beta) {
                beta = temp_move.score;
                return_move = m;
            if (alpha >= beta) {
        return return_move;

Пример #2
Move AIPlayer_fork::alpha_beta(GameBoard* game, int lookahead, int alpha, int beta, int player)
    concurrent_vector<Move> all_moves = concurrent_get_all_moves(game, player);
    //cout << "Moves are: " << endl;
    //cout << m.x +1  << ", " << m.y + 1 << " Score: " << m.score << endl;
    if (all_moves.empty())
        return Move(-1, -1, maximizing_player(player) * 35);
    if (lookahead == 0) {
        //return heuristic value of previous player
        if (!is_maximizing(player)) {
            Move temp = *(std::max_element(all_moves.begin(), all_moves.end(), [](Move m1, Move m2) {
                return m1.score < m2.score;
            //cout << "return: "<< temp.x +1  << ", " << temp.y + 1 << " Score: " << temp.score << endl;
            return temp;

        else {
            Move temp =  *(std::min_element(all_moves.begin(), all_moves.end(), [](Move m1, Move m2) {
                return m1.score < m2.score;
            //cout << "return: "<< temp.x +1  << ", " << temp.y + 1 << " Score: " << temp.score << endl;
            return temp;
    Move return_move;
    if (is_maximizing(player)) {

        task_group g;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < all_moves.size(); i++) {
            g.run([=, &all_moves, &return_move, &alpha, & beta] {
                GameBoard temp_board(game);
                temp_board.make_move(all_moves[i].x, all_moves[i].y, player);
                Move temp_move;
                temp_move = alpha_beta(&temp_board, lookahead - 1, alpha, beta, other_player(player));
                if (temp_move.score > alpha) {
                    return_move = all_moves[i];
                    alpha = temp_move.score;
                if (alpha >= beta) {
        return return_move;
    } else {
        task_group g;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < all_moves.size(); i++) {
            g.run([=, &all_moves, &return_move, &alpha, &beta] {
                GameBoard temp_board(game);
                temp_board.make_move(all_moves[i].x, all_moves[i].y, player);
                Move temp_move;
                temp_move = alpha_beta(&temp_board, lookahead - 1, alpha, beta, other_player(player));

                if (temp_move.score < beta) {
                    beta = temp_move.score;
                    return_move = all_moves[i];
                if (alpha >= beta) {
        return return_move;
Пример #3
void MazeBoard::initialize(int _board_size)
    board_size = _board_size; // adding board_size to class variable

    /* initialize random seed: */

    std::vector<int> ratio (3, 0); // ratio between counts of Stone types
    board.resize(board_size * board_size);

    // adding corners to the board (4x L)
    board[INDEX(1,          1         )] = Stone(L, 1);
    board[INDEX(1,          board_size)] = Stone(L, 2);
    board[INDEX(board_size, 1         )] = Stone(L, 0);
    board[INDEX(board_size, board_size)] = Stone(L, 3);
    ratio[L] += 4;

    // adding T stones (odd x and odd y coordinates - but not corners)
    // count is ((N/2+1)*(N/2+1)-4)
    for (int x = 1; x <= board_size; x+=2)
        for (int y = 1; y <= board_size; y+=2)
            if (is_corner(x, y, board_size)) continue;
            board[INDEX(x,y)] = Stone(T, rand()%4);
            if      (x == 1)          (board[INDEX(x,y)]).rotation = 0; // first row
            else if (x == board_size) (board[INDEX(x,y)]).rotation = 2; // last row
            else if (y == 1)          (board[INDEX(x,y)]).rotation = 3; // first column
            else if (y == board_size) (board[INDEX(x,y)]).rotation = 1; // last column
            //std::cout << "ratio.. I: " << ratio[I] << " L: " << ratio[L] << " T: " << ratio[T] << std::endl;

    // placing remaining stones (with random shape and rotation)
    // it is trying to keep ratio 1:1:1
    int remaining_stones_cnt = (board_size/2)*board_size + (board_size/2+1)*(board_size/2);
    std::vector<Stone> temp_board (remaining_stones_cnt);
    StoneType min_ratio; // stone type with the smallest count of stones
    for (int x = 0; x < remaining_stones_cnt; x++)
        min_ratio = minimum(ratio);
        temp_board[x].type = min_ratio;
        temp_board[x].rotation = rand() % 4;
        //std::cout << "ratio.. I: " << ratio[I] << " L: " << ratio[L] << " T: " << ratio[T] << std::endl;

    // shuffle remaining stones
    unsigned seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
    auto engine = std::default_random_engine{seed};
    std::shuffle(std::begin(temp_board), std::end(temp_board), engine);

    // adding remaining stones to the even rows (N/2)*N
    for (int x = 2; x <= board_size; x+=2)
        for (int y = 1; y <= board_size; y++)
            board[INDEX(x,y)] = temp_board.back();

    // adding remaining stones to the odd rows, where column is even ((N/2+1)*(N/2))
    for (int x = 1; x <= board_size; x+=2)
        for (int y = 2; y <= board_size; y+=2)
            board[INDEX(x,y)] = temp_board.back();

    free_stone.type = minimum(ratio);
Пример #4
void Projector::ctProjection(std::string ctFilePath, int startPoint, int xDim, int yDim, int zDim, bool PNG)
	SimpleViewer viewer;
	CTObject ctObject(ctFilePath, xDim, yDim, zDim, startPoint);
	libfreenect2::FrameMap frames;
	libfreenect2::Registration* registration = new libfreenect2::Registration(_dev->getIrCameraParams(), _dev->getColorCameraParams());
	libfreenect2::Frame undistorted(512, 424, 4), registered(512, 424, 4);
	bool shutdown = false;
	cv::Mat board(480, 640, CV_8UC4, cv::Scalar::all(0));
	//cv::namedWindow("CTviewer", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL);
	//cv::moveWindow("CTviewer", 00, 0);
	//cv::setWindowProperty("CTviewer", CV_WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, CV_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN);
		viewer.setSize(480, 640); // TO-DO change resolution
		libfreenect2::Frame b(640, 480, 4);
		b.data = board.data;
		viewer.addFrame("RGB", &b);
		shutdown = shutdown || viewer.render();
	libfreenect2::Frame *rgb;
	libfreenect2::Frame *depth;
	rgb = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Color];
	depth = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Depth];
	registration->undistortDepth(depth, &undistorted);

	while (!shutdown)
		std::thread *nextFrame = new std::thread[1];
		rgb = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Color];
		depth = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Depth];

		registration->undistortDepth(depth, &undistorted);*/
		//registration->apply(rgb, depth, &undistorted, &registered, true, NULL, NULL);

		//cv::Mat frame = frameToMat("registered", &registered);
		cv::Mat depthFrame;// = frameToMat("depth", depth);
		//cv::Mat board(424, 512, CV_8UC4, cv::Scalar::all(0));
		board = cv::Mat(480, 640, CV_8UC4, cv::Scalar::all(0));

		//depthFrame *= 0.001;
		cv::Mat temp_board(480, 640, CV_16UC3, cv::Scalar::all(0));

		int parts = 128;
		int jump = 512 / parts;
		int minX = 999;
		int maxX = -1;
		int minY = 999;
		int maxY = -1;
		std::thread *tt = new std::thread[parts];

		for (int i = 0; i < parts; ++i) {
			tt[i] = std::thread(tst, registration, &undistorted, &registered, jump * i, jump + jump * i, &board, &ctObject,
				right, up, _mr, _mt, _cam, _pro, &depthFrame, &temp_board, &minX, &maxX, &minY, &maxY);
		for (int i = 0; i < parts; ++i)
		nextFrame[0] = std::thread(loadNextFrame, _listener, &frames, rgb, depth, registration, &undistorted);

		int parts2 = 8;
		int jump2 = 512 / parts2;
		for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
			for (int i = 0; i < parts2; ++i) {
				tt[i] = std::thread(tt2, &temp_board, jump2 * i, jump2 + jump2 * i, cv::Size(3, 3), minX, maxX, minY, maxY);

			for (int i = 0; i < parts2; ++i)

		//for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			//temp_board = pseudoBoxFilter(temp_board, temp_board, cv::Size(3, 3));

		//temp_board = pseudoBoxFilter(temp_board, temp_board, cv::Size(3, 3));
		//temp_board = pseudoBoxFilter(temp_board, temp_board, cv::Size(7, 7));
		//temp_board = pseudoBoxFilter(temp_board, temp_board, cv::Size(7, 7));
		//cv::medianBlur(temp_board, temp_board, 5); // TO-DO check if needed
		//cv::GaussianBlur(temp_board, temp_board, cv::Size(3, 3), 0, 1);
		//int parts3 = 16;
		//int jump3 = 480 / parts3;
		//std::thread *tt2 = new std::thread[parts];
		//for (int i = 0; i < parts3; ++i) {
		//	tt2[i] = std::thread(tt3, &board, &temp_board, &ctObject, jump3 * i, jump3 + jump3 * i);
		//	//std::cout << jump3 * i << " " << jump3 + jump3 * i << "\n";

		//for (int i = 0; i < parts; ++i)
		//	tt2[i].join();
		//std::cout << "zuoooooo\n";
		/*for (int i = 0; i < 480; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < 640; j++)
				cv::Mat ROI = board(cv::Rect(j, i, 1, 1));
				cv::Vec3s v = temp_board.at<cv::Vec3s>(i, j);
				unsigned char value = ctObject.at(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
				ROI.setTo(cv::Scalar(value, value, value, 100));

		//cv::imshow("CTviewer", board);
			libfreenect2::Frame b(640, 480, 4);
			b.data = board.data;
			viewer.addFrame("RGB", &b);
			shutdown = shutdown || viewer.render();

		delete[] tt;
		delete[] nextFrame;
		//delete[] tt2;
			int op = cv::waitKey(1);
			if (op == 100 || (char)(op) == 'd') right -= 1;
			if (op == 115 || (char)(op) == 's') up += 1;
			if (op == 97 || (char)(op) == 'a') right += 1;
			if (op == 119 || (char)(op) == 'w') up -= 1;

			if (op == 1113997 || op == 1048586 || op == 1048608 || op == 10 || op == 32)
				std::cout << "right = " << right << ";\nup = " << up << ";\nrotX = " << rotX << ";\n";
				shutdown = true;
