void DrawMap(int x, int y, std::vector<int>& map)
	for (int j=0; j<map_height; j++)
		for (int i=0; i<map_width; i++)
			int v = map[j*map_width+i];
			if (i == player_x && j == player_y)
				terminal_put(x+i, y+j, '@');
			else if (i == foe_x && j == foe_y && foe_hp > 0)
				terminal_put(x+i, y+j, 'g');
			else if (v == 0 || v == 1)
				terminal_color(v? "red": "gray");
				terminal_put(x+i, y+j, 0x2219);
				terminal_put(x+i, y+j, v);
Пример #2
void draw_rectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h, color_t border, color_t back)
	// Background parts
	const wchar_t
		kLowerRightQuad = 0x2597,	kLowerHalf = 0x2584,	kLowerLeftQuad = 0x2596,
		kRightHalf = 0x2590,		kFullBlock = 0x2588,	kLeftHalf = 0x258C,
		kUpperRightQuad = 0x259D,	kUpperHalf = 0x2580,	kUpperLeftQuad = 0x2598;

	// Border parts
	const wchar_t
		kUpperLeftCorner = 0x250C,	kHorisontal = 0x2500,	kUpperRightCorner = 0x2510,
		kVertical = 0x2502,			/* none */				/* kVertical */
		kLowerLeftCorner = 0x2514,	/* kHorisontal */		kLowerRightCorner = 0x2518;


	// First, background
	if (color_alpha(back) > 0)
		for ( int i = x+1; i < (x+w)-1; i++ )
			for ( int j = y+1; j < (y+h)-1; j++ )
				terminal_put(i, j, kFullBlock);

			terminal_put(i, y, kLowerHalf);
			terminal_put(i, y+h-1, kUpperHalf);
		for ( int j = y+1; j < (y+h)-1; j++ )
			terminal_put(x, j, kRightHalf);
			terminal_put(x+w-1, j, kLeftHalf);
		terminal_put(x, y, kLowerRightQuad);
		terminal_put(x+w-1, y, kLowerLeftQuad);
		terminal_put(x, y+h-1, kUpperRightQuad);
		terminal_put(x+w-1, y+h-1, kUpperLeftQuad);

	// Then, border
	for ( int i = x+1; i < (x+w)-1; i++ )
		terminal_put(i, y, kHorisontal);
		terminal_put(i, y+h-1, kHorisontal);
	for ( int j = y+1; j < (y+h)-1; j++ )
		terminal_put(x, j, kVertical);
		terminal_put(x+w-1, j, kVertical);
	terminal_put(x, y, kUpperLeftCorner);
	terminal_put(x+w-1, y, kUpperRightCorner);
	terminal_put(x, y+h-1, kLowerLeftCorner);
	terminal_put(x+w-1, y+h-1, kLowerRightCorner);
Пример #3
void DrawOverlayRectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h, color_t border, color_t background)
	const wchar_t
		kLowerRightQuad = 0x2597,	kLowerHalf = 0x2584,	kLowerLeftQuad = 0x2596,
		kRightHalf = 0x2590,		kFullBlock = 0x2588,	kLeftHalf = 0x258C,
		kUpperRightQuad = 0x259D,	kUpperHalf = 0x2580,	kUpperLeftQuad = 0x2598;

	const wchar_t
		kUpperLeftCorner = 0x250C,	kHorisontal = 0x2500,	kUpperRightCorner = 0x2510,
		kVertical = 0x2502,			/* none */				/* kVertical */
		kLowerLeftCorner = 0x2514,	/* kHorisontal */		kLowerRightCorner = 0x2518;

	// First, background
	for ( int i = x+1; i < (x+w)-1; i++ )
		for ( int j = y+1; j < (y+h)-1; j++ )
			terminal_put(i, j, kFullBlock);

		terminal_put(i, y, kLowerHalf);
		terminal_put(i, y+h-1, kUpperHalf);
	for ( int j = y+1; j < (y+h)-1; j++ )
		terminal_put(x, j, kRightHalf);
		terminal_put(x+w-1, j, kLeftHalf);
	terminal_put(x, y, kLowerRightQuad);
	terminal_put(x+w-1, y, kLowerLeftQuad);
	terminal_put(x, y+h-1, kUpperRightQuad);
	terminal_put(x+w-1, y+h-1, kUpperLeftQuad);

	// Then, border
	for ( int i = x+1; i < (x+w)-1; i++ )
		terminal_put(i, y, kHorisontal);
		terminal_put(i, y+h-1, kHorisontal);
	for ( int j = y+1; j < (y+h)-1; j++ )
		terminal_put(x, j, kVertical);
		terminal_put(x+w-1, j, kVertical);
	terminal_put(x, y, kUpperLeftCorner);
	terminal_put(x+w-1, y, kUpperRightCorner);
	terminal_put(x, y+h-1, kLowerLeftCorner);
	terminal_put(x+w-1, y+h-1, kLowerRightCorner);
void AnimateDamage(int x, int y, int damage)
	std::ostringstream ss;
	ss << damage;
	std::string s = ss.str();

	int n_steps = duration * fps;
	float angle_delta = 2.0f * pi / n_steps;

	for (int i=0; i<n_steps; i++)
		if (terminal_has_input()) break;
		terminal_clear_area(0, 0, terminal_state(TK_WIDTH), terminal_state(TK_HEIGHT));
		float dx = std::sin(i*angle_delta) * radius * terminal_state(TK_CELL_WIDTH) + i*2;
		float dy = -2.0f * radius * terminal_state(TK_CELL_WIDTH) / n_steps * i - terminal_state(TK_CELL_HEIGHT)/2;
		terminal_color(color_from_argb(255/n_steps*(n_steps-i), 255, 64, 0));
		terminal_printf(x, y, "[offset=%dx%d]%s", (int)dx, (int)dy, s.c_str());
Пример #5
void drawBoard(Board *theBoard, Game *theGame )
    int mx1 = BOARD_POSITION - (BLOCK_SIZE * (BOARD_WIDTH / 2));
    int mx2 = BOARD_POSITION + (BLOCK_SIZE * (BOARD_WIDTH / 2));
    drawRectangle(mx1 - BOARD_LINE_WIDTH, my, mx1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1, "blue");
    drawRectangle(mx2, my, mx2 + BOARD_LINE_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1, "blue");
    for(int i = BOARD_POSITION - (BOARD_WIDTH / 2) - 1; i < BOARD_POSITION + (BOARD_WIDTH / 2)+1; i++){
        terminal_put(i, 24, 0x2588);
    //mx1 += 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_WIDTH; i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < BOARD_HEIGHT; j++){
            if (!isFreeBlock(theBoard, i, j)){
                terminal_put(mx1 + i, my+ j-1, 0x2588);
Пример #6
void drawPiece(int x, int y, int thePiece, int pRot)
    color_t pColor;
    int newX, newY;
    getPiecePosition( x, y,  &newX, &newY );

    for (int i = 0; i < PIECE_BLOCKS; i++){
        for (int j = 0; j < PIECE_BLOCKS; j++){
            int cTest = getBlockType(thePiece, pRot, j, i);
            if (cTest == 1) pColor = color_from_name("orange");
            else if (cTest == 2) pColor = color_from_name("blue");

            if (cTest != 0){
                terminal_put(newX + i, newY + j, 0x2588);
Пример #7
void TestTilesets()
	terminal_set("window.title='Omni: tilesets'");

	// Load tilesets
	terminal_set("U+E100: ../Media/Runic.png, size=8x16");
	terminal_set("U+E200: ../Media/Tiles.png, size=32x32, align=top-left");
	terminal_set("U+E300: ../Media/fontawesome-webfont.ttf, size=24x24, spacing=3x2, codepage=../Media/fontawesome-codepage.txt");
	terminal_set("zodiac font: ../Media/Zodiac-S.ttf, size=24x36, spacing=3x3, codepage=437");


	terminal_print(2, 1, "[color=orange]1.[/color] Of course, there is default font tileset.");

	terminal_print(2, 3, "[color=orange]2.[/color] You can load some arbitrary tiles and use them as glyphs:");
		2+3, 4,
		"Fire rune ([color=red][U+E102][/color]), "
		"water rune ([color=lighter blue][U+E103][/color]), "
		"earth rune ([color=darker green][U+E104][/color])"

	terminal_print(2, 6, "[color=orange]3.[/color] Tiles are not required to be of the same size as font symbols:");
	terminal_put(2+3+0, 7, 0xE200+7);
	terminal_put(2+3+5, 7, 0xE200+8);
	terminal_put(2+3+10, 7, 0xE200+9);

	terminal_print(2, 10, "[color=orange]4.[/color] Like font characters, tiles may be freely colored and combined:");
	terminal_put(2+3+0, 11, 0xE200+8);
	terminal_color("lighter orange");
	terminal_put(2+3+5, 11, 0xE200+8);
	terminal_put(2+3+10, 11, 0xE200+8);
	terminal_color("dark orange");
	terminal_put(2+3+15, 11, 0xE200+8);

	std::vector<int> order = {11, 10, 14, 12, 13};
	for (int i=0; i<order.size(); i++)
		terminal_put(2+3+25+i*4, 11, 0xE200+order[i]);
		terminal_put(2+3+25+(order.size()+1)*4, 11, 0xE200+order[i]);
	terminal_put(2+3+25+order.size()*4, 11, 0xE200+15);

	terminal_print(2, 14, "[color=orange]5.[/color] And tiles can even come from TrueType fonts like this:");
	for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
		terminal_put(2+3+i*5, 15, 0xE300+i);

	terminal_print(2+3, 18, "...or like this:\n[font=zodiac]D F G S C");


	for (int key=0; key!=TK_CLOSE && key!=TK_ESCAPE; key=terminal_read());

	// Clean up
	terminal_set("U+E100: none; U+E200: none; U+E300: none; zodiac font: none");
Пример #8
void BasicOutput()
	terminal_options("title=BearLibTerminal demo: output facilities");
	terminal_options("font.name=default; font.supplement=Media/Omni/supplement-runic.png");



	// Simple output with postformatting
	terminal_printf(1, 1, "[color=gray]1. Most basic:[/color] ABC abc");

	// Wide color range
	int n = terminal_printf(1, 3, "[color=gray]2. Colors: ");
	const char long_word[] = "Antidisestablishmentarianism";
	const size_t long_word_length = sizeof(long_word)-1;
	for ( size_t i = 0; i < long_word_length; i++ )
		float factor = float(i)/long_word_length;
		int red = (1.0f - factor) * 255;
		int green = factor * 255;
		terminal_color(color_from_argb(255, red, green, 0));
		terminal_put(n+1+i, 3, long_word[i]);

	// Tile backgrounds
	terminal_printf(1, 5, "[color=gray]3. Backgrounds: [color=black][bkcolor=gray] grey [/bkcolor] [bkcolor=red] red ");

	// Simple unicode output
	terminal_printf(1, 7, "[color=gray]4. Unicode:[/color] Latin Русский Ελληνικά");

	// Composite (overlay) tiles
	n = terminal_printf(1, 9, "[color=gray]5. Tile overlay: ");
	terminal_printf(n+1, 9, "a+  = a, a+  = a, a vs. [color=red]ä");
	terminal_printf(n+1, 9, "[color=red]  /   /    ▔   ▔        [/color]a");

	// Unicode Box Drawing characters
	terminal_printf(1, 11, "[color=gray]6. Box drawing:");
	const char* box_lines[] =
		"       ┌──┬───┐      ╔═════╗ ",
		" ┌───┬─┘  │   ├──┐   ╟──┐  ║ ",
		" └─┐ └─┐  ├───┘  │   ║  └──╢ ",
		"   └───┴──┴──────┘   ╚═════╝ "
	for ( size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(box_lines)/sizeof(box_lines[i]); i++ )
		terminal_printf(1, 12+i, "%s", box_lines[i]);

	// Box drawing + overlay application
	terminal_printf(1, 17, "[color=gray]7. Box drawing + overlay:");
	for ( int y = 0; y < 6; y++ )
		for ( int x = 0; x < 19; x++ )
			terminal_put(1+x, 18+y, 'A'+(x+y)%26);
	DrawOverlayRectangle(3, 19, 15, 4, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xA0909090);
	terminal_printf(4, 20, "[color=white]Itym:\nHeavy draggon");

	terminal_printf(40, 17, "[color=gray]8. Font supplement:");
	terminal_printf(40, 19, "fire ([color=red][uE001][/color]) - water ([color=lighter blue][uE004][/color]) - earth ([color=dark green][uE00F][/color])");
	terminal_printf(40, 20, "\uE001\uE002\uE003, \uE004\uE005\uE006\uE007\uE008! \uE009\uE00A\uE00B \uE00C \uE00D\uE00E\uE00F\uE010.");


	int key = 0;
		key = terminal_get();
	while ( key != VK_CLOSE && key != VK_ESCAPE );