Пример #1
	static void run( Competitor& client )	{

		const std::string root = "./resources/";
		const std::string problemClassFile = root + "classFolder.txt";

		const std::vector< std::string > lines = read_text_file( problemClassFile );
		if( lines.empty() )
			throw std::runtime_error( "bad format for classFolder.txt" );

		const std::string problemClassName = lines.front();
		const std::string problemFolder( root + problemClassName );
		ProblemClass problemClass( problemFolder, client.getTrainingCategory() );
		long long actualTestingTime = -1, actualTrainingTime = -1;

		switch( client.getTrainingCategory() ) {
			case TrainingCategory::NONE : {
				actualTestingTime = testClient( client, problemClass.getTestingInstances() );
				std::clog << "actualTestingTime:" << actualTestingTime << std::endl;
			} break;
			case TrainingCategory::SHORT :
			case TrainingCategory::LONG : {
				actualTrainingTime = trainClient( client, problemClass.getTrainingInstances() );
				std::clog <<"actualTrainingTime:" << actualTrainingTime << std::endl;
				actualTestingTime = testClient( client, problemClass.getTestingInstances() );
				std::clog <<"actualTestingTime:" << actualTestingTime << std::endl;	
			} break;
			default : 
				throw std::logic_error( "Bad training category in CBBOC2015.run()" );


		const std::time_t now = std::time(NULL);
		char buffer[ 1024 ];
		std::strftime( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", // "%T",

		const std::string timestamp( buffer );

		const std::string className = classname( client );
		OutputResults results( className, timestamp, problemClassName, problemClass, actualTrainingTime, actualTestingTime );

		std::string outputPath = problemFolder + "/results/";
		outputPath += "CBBOC2015results-" + className + "-" + problemClassName + "-" + timestamp + ".json";
		std::ofstream out( outputPath );
		out << results.toJSonString() << std::endl;


		std::cout << results.toJSonString() << std::endl;
Пример #2
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    talk_base::AutoThread auto_thread;
    talk_base::Thread* thread = talk_base::Thread::Current();

#if !defined(MAC_IPHONE)
    GoCast::ThreadSafeMessageQueue mq;

    if (!parsecmd(argc, (char**)argv))
        std::cout << "Error parsing command line arguments." << endl;

#if(defined(GOCAST_ENABLE_VIDEO) && defined(GOCAST_LINUX))
    gtk_init(&argc, (char***)&argv);

    GoCast::SocketServer socket_server;

    //Declare client only after set_socketserver()
#if(defined(GOCAST_ENABLE_VIDEO) && !defined(GOCAST_WINDOWS))
    GoCast::PeerConnectionClient testClient(&mq, NULL, peername, mainserver, mainserver_port, false);
    GoCast::PeerConnectionClient testClient(&mq, NULL, peername, mainserver, mainserver_port);


#if !defined(MAC_IPHONE)
    //Run client shell
    TestClientShell shell(&mq);

    //Run client

    //Set thread's socket server to NULL before exiting

#if !defined(MAC_IPHONE)
    //Stop shell thread

    return 0;
Пример #3
        // #if USE_SSL
        //         // Init SSL Context
        //         SSLContext::Ptr ptrContext = new
        //         SSLContext(SSLContext::CLIENT_USE, "", "", "",
        //             SSLContext::VERIFY_NONE, 9, true,
        //             "ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH");
        //         SSLManager::instance().initializeClient(ptrContext);
        //         sockio::SSLClient client(app.loop);
        // #else
        //         sockio::TCPClient client(app.loop);
        // #endif
        //         client.StateChange += sdelegate(this,
        //         &Tests::onClientStateChange);
        //         client.connect(SERVER_HOST, SERVER_PORT);
        //         app.run();
        //         // TODO: Benchmarks
        //         // TODO: Transaction tests
        // #if USE_SSL
        //     SSLManager::instance().shutdown();
        // #endif
        //         app.finalize();

Пример #4
        // TODO:
        //  - Obtain authentication token
        //  - Transaction test
        //  - Presence test
        //  - Ack test
        //  - Benchmarks
#if 0
Пример #5
int PluginMainThread::workerBee(void)
    talk_base::AutoThread autoThread;

    GoCast::SocketServer socketServer;
    GoCast::PeerConnectionClient testClient(m_pMsgQ, m_pEvtQ, "", "", -1);

    return 0;
Пример #6
THREADRET WINAPI clientCallback(void* param)
	return 0;
Пример #7
subc_ActivateList (
    pool_sQlink		*lh,
    pwr_tObjid		oid
    pwr_tStatus		sts;
    tree_sTable		*add;
#if 0
    tree_sTable		*remove;
    sRemove		*rep;
    net_sSubSpec		*specp;
    qcom_sQid		tgt;
    pool_sQlink		*my_lh;
    pwr_tUInt32		my_subc_lc;
    gdb_sNode		*np;
    gdb_sNode		*old_np;
    sub_sClient		*cp;
    pool_sQlink		*cl;
    sAdd			*aep;

    /* Test each client. If existing object, fill in nid field
       and move the client to the appropriate nodes's subc_lh list. Turn
       on timeouts. Put request in subadd message buffer.

       We must do it all in one pass, since a user can come in during
       a cache query for a later subcli and cancel the subscription
       for an earlier subcli.  */

    add = tree_CreateTable(&sts, sizeof(pwr_tNodeId), offsetof(sAdd, nid),
                           sizeof(sAdd), 10, tree_Comp_nid);
#if 0
    remove = tree_CreateTable(&sts, sizeof(pwr_tNodeId), offsetof(sRemove, nid),
                              sizeof(sRemove), 10, tree_eComp_nid);

    /* Move all objects to a new, temporary root */

    my_lh = pool_Qalloc(NULL, gdbroot->pool);
    my_subc_lc = 0;

    for (cl = pool_Qsucc(NULL, gdbroot->pool, lh); cl != lh;) {
        cp = pool_Qitem(cl, sub_sClient, subc_ll);
        cl = pool_Qsucc(NULL, gdbroot->pool, cl);

        if (cdh_ObjidIsNull(oid) || cdh_ObjidIsEqual(oid, cp->aref.Objid)) {
            pool_Qremove(NULL, gdbroot->pool, &cp->subc_ll);
            pool_QinsertPred(NULL, gdbroot->pool, &cp->subc_ll, my_lh);

    /* Now start testing clients from 'my_lh', and move them to other lists
       Make sure the clients are still there after the test.  */

    for (cl = pool_Qsucc(NULL, gdbroot->pool, my_lh); cl != my_lh; ) {
        cp = pool_Qitem(cl, sub_sClient, subc_ll);
        cl = pool_Qsucc(NULL, gdbroot->pool, cl);

        np = testClient(&sts, cp);

        /* If an error is returned the client doesn't exist anymore. Some
           other user removed it while TestSubcli had the database unlocked.
           Just go on with the next client...  */

        if (np == NULL) continue;

        /* Move the client to the list for the node where the object resides.
           nid = pwr_cNNodeId is used for all objects we don't know.  */

        old_np = hash_Search(&sts, gdbroot->nid_ht, &cp->nid);
        if (old_np == NULL) errh_Bugcheck(GDH__WEIRD, "");

        pool_Qremove(NULL, gdbroot->pool, &cp->subc_ll);
        pool_QinsertPred(NULL, gdbroot->pool, &cp->subc_ll, &np->subc_lh);
        cp->nid = np->nid;

        /* If the object's nid changed, then take the appropriate actions.  */

        if (np != old_np) {
            if (np->nid != pwr_cNNodeId) {  /* Object is known.  */


                aep = tree_Insert(&sts, add, &np->nid);
                if (aep == NULL) errh_Bugcheck(GDH__WEIRD, "");

                if (aep->msg == NULL) {
                    aep->cnt = MIN(my_subc_lc, net_cSubMaxAdd);
                    aep->msg = malloc(sizeof(net_sSubAdd) + sizeof(net_sSubSpec) * aep->cnt);
                    aep->msg->count = 0;
                } /* If there was no message allocated */

                specp		    = &aep->msg->spec[aep->msg->count];
                specp->sid	    = cp->sid;
                specp->dt	    = cp->dt;
                specp->sub_by_name  = cp->sub_by_name;
                specp->aref	    = cp->cclass != pool_cNRef ? cp->raref : cp->aref;

                if (++aep->msg->count >= aep->cnt) {

                    /* The message buffer is full and must be sent.  */

                    tgt = np->handler;
                    pwr_Assert(tgt.nid != pwr_cNNodeId);


                    net_Put(NULL, &tgt, aep->msg, net_eMsg_subAdd, 0, pwr_Offset(aep->msg, spec[aep->msg->count]), 0);


                    aep->msg->count = 0;


            } else {	/* The object became unknown... */

                subc_SetOld(cp);	/* Data gets old immediately */

#if 0
                /** @todo Maybe we should unlock the cached class? */
                if (cp->cclass != pwr_cNRefId) {
                    ccp = pool_Address(NULL, gdbroot->pool, cp->cclass);
                    if (ccp == NULL) errh_Bugcheck(GDH__WEIRD, "Cached class address");
                    cmvolc_UnlockClass(NULL, ccp);
                    cp->cclass = pwr_cNRefId;

#if 0
                if (old_np->nid != pwr_cNNodeId) {
                    rep = tree_Insert(&sts, remove, &old_np->nid);
                    if (rep == NULL) errh_Bugcheck(GDH__WEIRD, "");

                    if (rep->msg == NULL) {
                        rep->nid = old_np->nid;
                        rep->cnt = MIN(my_subc_lc, net_cSubMaxRemove);
                        rep->msg = malloc(sizeof(net_sSubRemove) + sizeof(rep->msg->sid[0]) * rep->cnt);
                        rep->msg->count = 0;

                    rep->msg->sid[rep->msg->count++] = cp->sid;

                    if (rep->msg->count >= net_cSubMaxRemove) {
                        np = hash_Search(&sts, gdbroot->nid_ht, &old_np->nid);
                        if (np == NULL) errh_Bugcheck(sts, "");
                        tgt.nid = rep->nid;
                        pwr_Assert(tgt.nid != pwr_cNNodeId);


                        net_Put(NULL, &tgt, rep->msg, net_eMsg_subRemove, 0, pwr_Offset(rep->msg, sid[rep->msg->count]), 0);


                        rep->msg->count = 0;


    pool_Free(NULL, gdbroot->pool, my_lh);

    /* Now walk through the addmsg & remmsg and send all unsent messages.  */


#if 0
    for (rep = tree_Minimum(remove); rep != NULL; rep = tree_Successor(remove, rep)) {
        if (rep->msg != NULL) {
            if (rep->msg->count > 0) {
                tgt.nid = rep->nid;
                pwr_Assert(tgt.nid != pwr_cNNodeId);
                net_Put(NULL, &tgt, rep->msg, net_eMsg_subRemove, 0, pwr_Offset(rep->msg, sid[rep->msg->count]), 0);
    for (aep = tree_Minimum(&sts, add); aep != NULL; aep = tree_Successor(&sts, add, aep)) {
        if (aep->msg != NULL) {
            if (aep->msg->count > 0) {

                np = hash_Search(&sts, gdbroot->nid_ht, &aep->nid);
                if (np == NULL) errh_Bugcheck(GDH__WEIRD, "");

                tgt = np->handler;
                pwr_Assert(tgt.nid != pwr_cNNodeId);
                net_Put(NULL, &tgt, aep->msg, net_eMsg_subAdd, 0, pwr_Offset(aep->msg, spec[aep->msg->count]), 0);


    tree_DeleteTable(&sts, add);
#if 0
Пример #8
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    char      *ptr;
    Uint32     port = 0;
    String     host = "localhost:5988";
    String     userName;
    String     password;
    Boolean    enumInst = true;
    Boolean    enumInstNames = true;
    Boolean    getInst = true;
    Boolean    verboseTest = false;

    // check if have a "verbose" on the command line
    if (argv[1] != 0)
       const char *arg = argv[1];
       if ((strcmp(arg, "-verbose") == 0) ||
           (strcmp(arg, "verbose") == 0))
           verboseTest = true;

    ptr = getenv("CIM_HOST");
    if (ptr != NULL)

    ptr = getenv("CIM_PORT");
    if (ptr != NULL)
        port = atol(ptr);

    ptr = getenv("CIM_USER");
    if (ptr != NULL)

    ptr = getenv("CIM_PASSWORD");
    if (ptr != NULL)

    // need to first connect to the CIMOM
    // use null string for user and password, port 5988

    if (verboseTest)
        cout << "Starting NIS Client test" << endl;

        if (verboseTest)
           cout << "Create client" << endl;
        // specify the timeout value for the connection (if inactive)
        // in milliseconds, thus setting to one minute
        CIMClient client;
        client.setTimeout(60 * 1000);

        if (verboseTest)
          cout << "Client created" << endl;

        cout << "NISTestClient connecting to " << host << endl;
        if (port == 0)
            // Connect to local host
            // Conect to remote host
            client.connect(host, port, userName, password);

        cout << "NISTestClient Connected" << endl;

        NISTestClient testClient(client);
        if (enumInstNames)
            testClient.testEnumerateInstanceNames(client, verboseTest);
        if (enumInst)
            testClient.testEnumerateInstances(client, verboseTest);
        if (getInst)
            testClient.testGetInstance(client, verboseTest);
        cout << "NISTestClient disconnecting from CIMOM " << endl;
    catch (Exception& e)
        cout << "---- NIS Provider Test Failed " << e.getMessage() << endl;
    return 0;
Пример #9
int main(int argc, char** argv)

    Boolean    enumInst = true;
    Boolean    enumInstNames = true;
    Boolean    getInst = true;  

    Boolean    verboseTest = false;

    // check if have a "verbose" on the command line
    if (argv[1] != 0)
       const char *arg = argv[1];
       if ((strcmp(arg, "-verbose") == 0) || 
           (strcmp(arg, "verbose") == 0))
           verboseTest = true;

    // need to first connect to the CIMOM
    // use null string for user and password, port 5988

    if (verboseTest)
	cout << "Starting OS Client test" << endl;

        if (verboseTest)
           cout << "Create client" << endl;
        // specify the timeout value for the connection (if inactive)
        // in milliseconds, thus setting to one minute
        CIMClient client;
        client.setTimeout(60 * 1000);
        if (verboseTest)
           cout << "Client created" << endl;

        cout << "OSTestClient connecting via connectLocal() " << endl;
        client.connectLocal ();
        cout << "OSTestClient Connected" << endl;

        OSTestClient testClient(client);
        if (enumInstNames) 
	   testClient.testEnumerateInstanceNames(client, verboseTest);
        if (enumInst)
           testClient.testEnumerateInstances(client, verboseTest);
        if (getInst)
           testClient.testGetInstance(client, verboseTest);
        cout << "OSTestClient disconnecting from CIMOM " << endl;
  catch(Exception& e)
     cout << "---- OS Provider Test Failed " << e.getMessage() << endl;
    return 0;