Пример #1
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	const char *zargPtr = NULL;
	BOOLEAN doSelftest = FALSE, doLowlevel = FALSE, doRandom = FALSE;
	BOOLEAN doConfig = FALSE, doMidlevel = FALSE, doCert = FALSE;
	BOOLEAN doKeyset = FALSE, doCertprocess = FALSE, doHighlevel = FALSE;
	BOOLEAN doEnvelope = FALSE, doSession = FALSE, doSessionLoopback = FALSE;
	BOOLEAN doAll = FALSE, moreArgs = TRUE;
	BOOLEAN sessionTestError = FALSE, loopbackTestError = FALSE;
	int status;
	void testSystemSpecific1( void );
	void testSystemSpecific2( void );

	/* Print a general banner to let the user know what's going on */
	printf( "testlib - cryptlib %d-bit self-test framework.\n", 
			sizeof( long ) * 8 );
	puts( "Copyright Peter Gutmann 1995 - 2010." );
	puts( "" );

	/* Skip the program name */
	argv++; argc--;

	/* No args means test everything */
	if( argc <= 0 )
		doAll = TRUE;

	/* Check for arguments */
	while( argc > 0 && *argv[ 0 ] == '-' && moreArgs )
		const char *argPtr = argv[ 0 ] + 1;

		while( *argPtr )
			switch( toupper( *argPtr ) )
				case '-':
					moreArgs = FALSE;	/* GNU-style end-of-args flag */

				case 'B':
					doSelftest = TRUE;

				case 'C':
					doCert = TRUE;

				case 'E':
					doEnvelope = TRUE;

				case 'F':
					doSessionLoopback = TRUE;

				case 'H':

				case 'I':
					doHighlevel = TRUE;

				case 'K':
					doKeyset = TRUE;

				case 'L':
					doLowlevel = TRUE;

				case 'M':
					doMidlevel = TRUE;

				case 'O':
					doConfig = TRUE;

				case 'P':
					doCertprocess = TRUE;

				case 'R':
					doRandom = TRUE;

				case 'S':
					doSession = TRUE;

				case 'Z':
					zargPtr = argPtr + 1;
					if( *zargPtr == '\0' )
						puts( "Error: Missing argument for -z option." );
						exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
					while( argPtr[ 1 ] )
						argPtr++;	/* Skip rest of arg */

					printf( "Error: Unknown argument '%c'.\n", *argPtr );
					return( EXIT_FAILURE );

#endif /* USE_TCHECK */

	/* Make sure that various system-specific features are set right */

	/* VisualAge C++ doesn't set the TZ correctly.  The check for this isn't
	   as simple as it would seem since most IBM compilers define the same
	   preprocessor values even though it's not documented anywhere, so we
	   have to enable the tzset() call for (effectively) all IBM compilers
	   and then disable it for ones other than VisualAge C++ */
#if ( defined( __IBMC__ ) || defined( __IBMCPP__ ) ) && !defined( __VMCMS__ )
#endif /* VisualAge C++ */

	/* Initialise cryptlib */
	printf( "Initialising cryptlib..." );
	status = cryptInit();
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		printf( "\ncryptInit() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", 
				status, __LINE__ );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	puts( "done." );

	/* In order to avoid having to do a randomness poll for every test run,
	   we bypass the randomness-handling by adding some junk.  This is only
	   enabled when cryptlib is built in debug mode so it won't work with 
	   any production systems */
  #if defined( __MVS__ ) || defined( __VMCMS__ )
	#pragma convlit( resume )
	cryptAddRandom( "xyzzy", 5 );
	#pragma convlit( suspend )
	cryptAddRandom( "xyzzy", 5 );
  #endif /* Special-case EBCDIC handling */
#endif /* TEST_RANDOM */

	/* Perform a general sanity check to make sure that the self-test is
	   being run the right way */
	if( !checkFileAccess() )
		goto errorExit;

	/* Make sure that further system-specific features that require cryptlib 
	   to be initialised to check are set right */
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
#endif /* WinCE */

#endif /* USE_TCHECK */

	/* For general testing purposes we can insert test code at this point to
	   test special cases that aren't covered in the general tests below */
	testKludge( zargPtr );

	/* Perform a general smoke test of the kernel */
#endif /* SMOKE_TEST */

	/* Test each block of cryptlib functionality */
	if( ( doSelftest || doAll ) && !testSelfTest() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( doLowlevel || doAll ) && !testLowLevel() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( doRandom || doAll ) && !testRandom() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( doConfig || doAll ) && !testConfig() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( doSelftest || doAll ) && !testDevice() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( doMidlevel || doAll ) && !testMidLevel() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( doCert || doAll ) && !testCert() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( doKeyset || doAll ) && !testKeyset() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( doCertprocess || doAll ) && !testCertMgmt() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( doHighlevel || doAll ) && !testHighLevel() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( doEnvelope || doAll ) && !testEnveloping() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( doSession || doAll ) && !testSessions() )
		sessionTestError = TRUE;
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( doSessionLoopback || doAll ) && !testSessionsLoopback() )
		loopbackTestError = TRUE;
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( doAll ) && !testUsers() )
		goto errorExit;

	/* Shut down cryptlib */
	status = cryptEnd();
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_INCOMPLETE )
			puts( "cryptEnd() failed with error code CRYPT_ERROR_INCOMPLETE, "
				  "a code path in the\nself-test code resulted in an error "
				  "return without a full cleanup of objects.\nIf you were "
				  "running the multithreaded loopback tests this may be "
				  "because one\nor more threads lost sync with other threads "
				  "and exited without cleaning up\nits objects.  This "
				  "happens occasionally due to network timing issues or\n"
				  "thread scheduling differences." );
			printf( "cryptEnd() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", 
					status, __LINE__ );
		goto errorExit1;

	puts( "All tests concluded successfully." );
	return( EXIT_SUCCESS );

	/* All errors end up here */
	puts( "\nThe test was aborted due to an error being detected.  If you "
		  "want to report\nthis problem, please provide as much information "
		  "as possible to allow it to\nbe diagnosed, for example the call "
		  "stack, the location inside cryptlib where\nthe problem occurred, "
		  "and the values of any variables that might be\nrelevant." );
	if( sessionTestError )
		puts( "\nThe error occurred during one of the network session tests, "
			  "if the error\nmessage indicates a network-level problem such "
			  "as ECONNREFUSED, ECONNRESET,\nor a timeout or read error then "
			  "this is either due to a transient\nnetworking problem or a "
			  "firewall interfering with network connections.  This\nisn't a "
			  "cryptlib error, and doesn't need to be reported." );
	if( loopbackTestError )
		puts( "\nThe error occurred during one of the multi-threaded network "
			  "loopback\ntests, this was probably due to the different threads "
			  "losing synchronisation.\nFor the secure sessions this usually "
			  "results in read/write, timeout, or\nconnection-closed errors "
			  "when one thread is pre-empted for too long.  For the\n"
			  "certificate-management sessions it usually results in an error "
			  "related to the\nserver being pre-empted for too long by database "
			  "updates.  Since the self-\ntest exists only to exercise "
			  "cryptlib's capabilities, it doesn't bother with\ncomplex thread "
			  "synchronisation during the multi-threaded loopback tests.\nThis "
			  "type of error is non-fatal, and should disappear if the test is "
			  "re-run." );
#endif /* WINDOWS_THREADS */
#if defined( __WINDOWS__ ) && !defined( NDEBUG )
	/* The pseudo-CLI VC++ output windows are closed when the program exits
	   so we have to explicitly wait to allow the user to read them */
	puts( "\nHit a key..." );
#endif /* __WINDOWS__ && !NDEBUG */
	return( EXIT_FAILURE );
Пример #2
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	const char *zargPtr = NULL;
	BOOLEAN sessionTestError = FALSE, loopbackTestError = FALSE;
	int flags, status;
	void testSystemSpecific1( void );
	void testSystemSpecific2( void );

	/* If we're running in test mode, run the test code and exit */
	return( suiteBMain( argc, argv ) );

	/* Print a general banner to let the user know what's going on */
	printf( "testlib - cryptlib %d-bit self-test framework.\n", 
			( int ) sizeof( long ) * 8 );	/* Cast for gcc */
	puts( "Copyright Peter Gutmann 1995 - 2012." );
	puts( "" );

	/* Skip the program name and process any command-line arguments */
	argv++; argc--;
	status = processArgs( argc, argv, &flags, &zargPtr );
	if( !status )
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

#endif /* USE_TCHECK */

	/* Make sure that various system-specific features are set right */

	/* VisualAge C++ doesn't set the TZ correctly.  The check for this isn't
	   as simple as it would seem since most IBM compilers define the same
	   preprocessor values even though it's not documented anywhere, so we
	   have to enable the tzset() call for (effectively) all IBM compilers
	   and then disable it for ones other than VisualAge C++ */
#if ( defined( __IBMC__ ) || defined( __IBMCPP__ ) ) && !defined( __VMCMS__ )
#endif /* VisualAge C++ */

	/* Initialise cryptlib */
	printf( "Initialising cryptlib..." );
	status = cryptInit();
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		printf( "\ncryptInit() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", 
				status, __LINE__ );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	puts( "done." );

	/* In order to avoid having to do a randomness poll for every test run,
	   we bypass the randomness-handling by adding some junk.  This is only
	   enabled when cryptlib is built in debug mode so it won't work with 
	   any production systems */
  #if defined( __MVS__ ) || defined( __VMCMS__ )
	#pragma convlit( resume )
	cryptAddRandom( "xyzzy", 5 );
	#pragma convlit( suspend )
	cryptAddRandom( "xyzzy", 5 );
  #endif /* Special-case EBCDIC handling */
#endif /* TEST_RANDOM */

	/* Perform a general sanity check to make sure that the self-test is
	   being run the right way */
	if( !checkFileAccess() )
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

	/* Make sure that further system-specific features that require cryptlib 
	   to be initialised to check are set right */
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
#endif /* WinCE */

#endif /* USE_TCHECK */

	/* For general testing purposes we can insert test code at this point to
	   test special cases that aren't covered in the general tests below */
	testKludge( zargPtr );

	/* Perform a general smoke test of the kernel */
#endif /* SMOKE_TEST */

	/* Test each block of cryptlib functionality */
	if( ( flags & DO_SELFTEST ) && !testSelfTest() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( flags & DO_LOWLEVEL ) && !testLowLevel() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( flags & DO_RANDOM ) && !testRandom() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( flags & DO_CONFIG ) && !testConfig() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( flags & DO_DEVICE ) && !testDevice() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( flags & DO_MIDLEVEL ) && !testMidLevel() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( flags & DO_CERT ) && !testCert() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( flags & DO_KEYSETFILE ) && !testKeysetFile() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( flags & DO_KEYSETDBX ) && !testKeysetDatabase() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( flags & DO_CERTPROCESS ) && !testCertMgmt() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( flags & DO_HIGHLEVEL ) && !testHighLevel() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( flags & DO_ENVELOPE ) && !testEnveloping() )
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( flags & DO_SESSION ) && !testSessions() )
		sessionTestError = TRUE;
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( flags & DO_SESSIONLOOPBACK ) && !testSessionsLoopback() )
		loopbackTestError = TRUE;
		goto errorExit;
	if( ( flags & DO_USER  ) && !testUsers() )
		goto errorExit;

	/* Shut down cryptlib */
	status = cryptEnd();
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_INCOMPLETE )
			puts( "cryptEnd() failed with error code CRYPT_ERROR_INCOMPLETE, "
				  "a code path in the\nself-test code resulted in an error "
				  "return without a full cleanup of objects.\nIf you were "
				  "running the multithreaded loopback tests this may be "
				  "because one\nor more threads lost sync with other threads "
				  "and exited without cleaning up\nits objects.  This "
				  "happens occasionally due to network timing issues or\n"
				  "thread scheduling differences." );
			printf( "cryptEnd() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", 
					status, __LINE__ );
		goto errorExit1;

	puts( "All tests concluded successfully." );
	return( EXIT_SUCCESS );

	/* All errors end up here */
	puts( "\nThe test was aborted due to an error being detected.  If you "
		  "want to report\nthis problem, please provide as much information "
		  "as possible to allow it to\nbe diagnosed, for example the call "
		  "stack, the location inside cryptlib where\nthe problem occurred, "
		  "and the values of any variables that might be\nrelevant." );
	if( sessionTestError )
		puts( "\nThe error occurred during one of the network session tests, "
			  "if the error\nmessage indicates a network-level problem such "
			  "as ECONNREFUSED, ECONNRESET,\nor a timeout or read error then "
			  "this is either due to a transient\nnetworking problem or a "
			  "firewall interfering with network connections.  This\nisn't a "
			  "cryptlib error, and doesn't need to be reported." );
	if( loopbackTestError )
		puts( "\nThe error occurred during one of the multi-threaded network "
			  "loopback\ntests, this was probably due to the different threads "
			  "losing synchronisation.\nFor the secure sessions this usually "
			  "results in read/write, timeout, or\nconnection-closed errors "
			  "when one thread is pre-empted for too long.  For the\n"
			  "certificate-management sessions it usually results in an error "
			  "related to the\nserver being pre-empted for too long by database "
			  "updates.  Since the self-\ntest exists only to exercise "
			  "cryptlib's capabilities, it doesn't bother with\ncomplex thread "
			  "synchronisation during the multi-threaded loopback tests.\nThis "
			  "type of error is non-fatal, and should disappear if the test is "
			  "re-run." );

	cleanExit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	return( EXIT_FAILURE );			/* Get rid of compiler warnings */
Пример #3
int suiteBMain( int argc, char **argv )
	const char *stringArg;
	BOOLEAN isServer, sendHTTPheader;
	int testNo, intArg, status;
	void testSystemSpecific1( void );
	void testSystemSpecific2( void );

	printf( "testlib - cryptlib %d-bit Suite B test framework.\n", 
			( int ) sizeof( long ) * 8 );	/* Cast for gcc */
	puts( "Copyright Peter Gutmann 1995 - 2011." );
	puts( "" );

	/* Skip the program name and process any command-line arguments */
	argv++; argc--;
	status = processArgs( argc, argv, &testNo, &stringArg, &intArg, 
						  &isServer, &sendHTTPheader );
	if( !status )
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

	/* Make sure that various system-specific features are set right */

	/* Initialise cryptlib */
	status = cryptInit();
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		printf( "\ncryptInit() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", 
				status, __LINE__ );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

	/* In order to avoid having to do a randomness poll for every test run,
	   we bypass the randomness-handling by adding some junk.  This is only
	   enabled when cryptlib is built in debug mode so it won't work with 
	   any production systems */
	cryptAddRandom( "xyzzy", 5 );

	/* Perform a general sanity check to make sure that the self-test is
	   being run the right way */
	if( !checkFileAccess() )
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

	/* Make sure that further system-specific features that require cryptlib 
	   to be initialised to check are set right */

	/* If the test number is negative, it's a special-case non-test 
	   operation */
	if( testNo < 0 )
		switch( testNo )
			case -1:
				status = generateKey( intArg, stringArg );
				if( status == TRUE )
					printf( "Wrote %d-bit certificate request to "
							"file '%s'.\n\n", intArg, stringArg );

			case -2:
				status = updateKey( intArg, stringArg );
				if( status == TRUE )
					printf( "Updated %d-bit key with certificate from "
							"file '%s'.\n\n", intArg, stringArg );
		/* Run the selected test */
		status = suitebTest( isServer, testNo, stringArg, intArg, 
							 sendHTTPheader );

	/* Clean up and exit */
	return( ( status == TRUE ) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE );