Пример #1
ErrorCheckingExportModule :: doOutput(TimeStep *tStep, bool forcedOutput)
#if 0
    if ( !( testTimeStepOutput(tStep) || forcedOutput ) ) {

    // Error checking rules are hardcoded to domain 1 always.
    Domain *domain = emodel->giveDomain(1);

    OOFEM_LOG_INFO("Checking rules...\n");
    for ( auto &rule: this->errorCheckingRules ) {
        this->allPassed &= rule->check(domain, tStep);

    if ( !tStep->isNotTheLastStep() ) {
        if ( !this->allPassed ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("Rule not passed, exiting with error");

    if ( this->writeChecks ) {
        this->writeCheck(domain, tStep);
Пример #2
OutputManager :: doElementOutput(FILE *file, TimeStep *tStep)
    int nelem = domain->giveNumberOfElements();
    if ( !testTimeStepOutput(tStep) ) {

    fprintf(file, "\n\nElement output:\n---------------\n");

    if ( element_all_out_flag   && element_except.empty() ) {
        for ( int i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
            // test for remote element in parallel mode
            if ( domain->giveElement(i)->giveParallelMode() == Element_remote ) {


            domain->giveElement(i)->printOutputAt(file, tStep);
    } else {
        for ( int i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
            if ( _testElementOutput(i) ) {
                domain->giveElement(i)->printOutputAt(file, tStep);

    fprintf(file, "\n\n");
Пример #3
OutputManager :: doDofManOutput(FILE *file, TimeStep *tStep)
    int ndofman = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers();

    if ( !testTimeStepOutput(tStep) ) {

    fprintf(file, "\n\nDofManager output:\n------------------\n");

    if ( dofman_all_out_flag   && dofman_except.empty() ) {
        for ( int i = 1; i <= ndofman; i++ ) {
            // test for null dof in parallel mode
            if ( domain->giveDofManager(i)->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_null ) {

            domain->giveDofManager(i)->printOutputAt(file, tStep);
    } else {
        for ( int i = 1; i <= ndofman; i++ ) {
            if ( _testDofManOutput(i) ) {
                domain->giveDofManager(i)->printOutputAt(file, tStep);

    fprintf(file, "\n\n");
Пример #4
OutputManager :: testElementOutput(int num, TimeStep *tStep)
    if ( testTimeStepOutput(tStep) ) {
        if ( _testElementOutput(num) ) {
            return 1;

    return 0;
Пример #5
POIExportModule :: doOutput(TimeStep *tStep, bool forcedOutput)
    if ( !( testTimeStepOutput(tStep) || forcedOutput ) ) {

    FILE *stream = this->giveOutputStream(tStep);

    fprintf(stream, "# POI DataFile\n");
    fprintf( stream, "Output for time %f\n", tStep->giveTargetTime() );

    this->exportPrimaryVars(stream, tStep);
    this->exportIntVars(stream, tStep);

Пример #6
OutputExportModule :: doOutput(TimeStep *tStep, bool forcedOutput)
    if ( !( testTimeStepOutput(tStep) || forcedOutput ) ) {

    FILE *file = this->giveOutputStream();

    fprintf(file, "\n==============================================================");
    fprintf(file, "\nOutput for time %.8e ", tStep->giveTargetTime() * emodel->giveVariableScale(VST_Time) );
    fprintf(file, "\n==============================================================\n");

    emodel->printOutputAt(file, tStep, nodeSets, elementSets);

    fprintf(file, "\nUser time consumed by solution step %d: %.3f [s]\n\n", tStep->giveNumber(), emodel->giveSolutionStepTime());
Пример #7
MatlabExportModule :: doOutput(TimeStep *tStep, bool forcedOutput)
    if ( !( testTimeStepOutput(tStep) || forcedOutput ) ) {

    int nelem = this->elList.giveSize();
    if ( nelem == 0 ) { // no list given, export all elements

    FILE *FID;
    FID = giveOutputStream(tStep);
    Domain *domain  = emodel->giveDomain(1);

    // Output header
    fprintf( FID, "%%%% OOFEM generated export file \n");
    fprintf( FID, "%% Output for time %f\n", tStep->giveTargetTime() );

    fprintf( FID, "function [mesh area data specials ReactionForces IntegrationPointFields]=%s\n\n", functionname.c_str() );

    if ( exportMesh ) {
        doOutputMesh(tStep, FID);
    } else {
        fprintf(FID, "\tmesh=[];\n");

    if ( exportData ) {
        doOutputData(tStep, FID);
    } else {
        fprintf(FID, "\tdata=[];\n");

    if ( exportArea ) {
        fprintf(FID, "\tarea.xmax=%f;\n", smax.at(0));
        fprintf(FID, "\tarea.xmin=%f;\n", smin.at(0));
        fprintf(FID, "\tarea.ymax=%f;\n", smax.at(1));
        fprintf(FID, "\tarea.ymin=%f;\n", smin.at(1));
        if ( ndim == 2 ) {
            fprintf(FID, "\tarea.area=%f;\n", Area);
            fprintf(FID, "\tvolume=[];\n");
        } else {
            fprintf(FID, "\tarea.zmax=%f;\n", smax.at(2));
            fprintf(FID, "\tarea.zmin=%f;\n", smin.at(2));
            fprintf(FID, "\tarea.area=[];\n");
            fprintf(FID, "\tarea.volume=%f;\n", Volume);
            for (size_t i=0; i<this->partName.size(); i++) {
                fprintf(FID, "\tarea.volume_%s=%f;\n", partName.at(i).c_str(), partVolume.at(i));
    } else {
        fprintf(FID, "\tarea.area=[];\n");
        fprintf(FID, "\tarea.volume=[];\n");

    if ( exportSpecials ) {
        if ( !exportArea ) {

        doOutputSpecials(tStep, FID);
    } else {
        fprintf(FID, "\tspecials=[];\n");

    // Reaction forces
    if ( exportReactionForces ) {
        doOutputReactionForces(tStep, FID);
    } else {
        fprintf(FID, "\tReactionForces=[];\n");

    // Internal variables in integration points
    if ( exportIntegrationPointFields ) {
        doOutputIntegrationPointFields(tStep, FID);
    } else {
        fprintf(FID, "\tIntegrationPointFields=[];\n");

    // Homogenized quantities
    if ( exportHomogenizeIST ) {
        doOutputHomogenizeDofIDs(tStep, FID);

    fprintf(FID, "\nend\n");
Пример #8
// Help functions
void GnuplotExportModule::outputReactionForces(TimeStep *tStep)
    // Add sum of reaction forces to arrays
    // Compute sum of reaction forces for each BC number
    Domain *domain = emodel->giveDomain(1);
    StructuralEngngModel *seMod = dynamic_cast<StructuralEngngModel* >(emodel);
    if(seMod == NULL) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("failed to cast to StructuralEngngModel.");

    IntArray ielemDofMask;
    FloatArray reactions;
    IntArray dofManMap, dofidMap, eqnMap;

    // test if solution step output is active
    if ( !testTimeStepOutput(tStep) ) {

    // map contains corresponding dofmanager and dofs numbers corresponding to prescribed equations
    // sorted according to dofmanger number and as a minor crit. according to dof number
    // this is necessary for extractor, since the sorted output is expected
    seMod->buildReactionTable(dofManMap, dofidMap, eqnMap, tStep, 1);

    // compute reaction forces
    seMod->computeReaction(reactions, tStep, 1);

    // Find highest index of prescribed dofs
    int maxIndPresDof = 0;
    for ( int i = 1; i <= dofManMap.giveSize(); i++ ) {
        maxIndPresDof = std::max(maxIndPresDof, dofidMap.at(i));

    int numBC = domain->giveNumberOfBoundaryConditions();

    while ( mReactionForceHistory.size() < size_t(numBC) ) {
        std::vector<FloatArray> emptyArray;
        mReactionForceHistory.push_back( emptyArray );

    maxIndPresDof = domain->giveNumberOfSpatialDimensions();

    while ( mDispHist.size() < size_t(numBC) ) {
        std::vector<double> emptyArray;
        mDispHist.push_back( emptyArray );

    for(int bcInd = 0; bcInd < numBC; bcInd++) {
        FloatArray fR(maxIndPresDof), disp(numBC);

        for ( int i = 1; i <= dofManMap.giveSize(); i++ ) {
            DofManager *dMan = domain->giveDofManager( dofManMap.at(i) );
            Dof *dof = dMan->giveDofWithID( dofidMap.at(i) );

            if ( dof->giveBcId() == bcInd+1 ) {
                fR.at( dofidMap.at(i) ) += reactions.at( eqnMap.at(i) );

                // Slightly dirty
                BoundaryCondition *bc = dynamic_cast<BoundaryCondition*> (domain->giveBc(bcInd+1));
                if ( bc != NULL ) {
                    disp.at(bcInd+1) = bc->give(dof, VM_Total, tStep->giveTargetTime());
                ///@todo This function should be using the primaryfield instead of asking BCs directly. / Mikael


        // X
        FILE * pFileX;
        char fileNameX[100];
        sprintf(fileNameX, "ReactionForceGnuplotBC%dX.dat", bcInd+1);
        pFileX = fopen ( fileNameX , "wb" );

        fprintf(pFileX, "#u Fx\n");
        for ( size_t j = 0; j < mDispHist[bcInd].size(); j++ ) {
            fprintf(pFileX, "%e %e\n", mDispHist[bcInd][j], mReactionForceHistory[bcInd][j].at(1) );


        // Y
        FILE * pFileY;
        char fileNameY[100];
        sprintf(fileNameY, "ReactionForceGnuplotBC%dY.dat", bcInd+1);
        pFileY = fopen ( fileNameY , "wb" );

        fprintf(pFileY, "#u Fx\n");
        for ( size_t j = 0; j < mDispHist[bcInd].size(); j++ ) {
            if( mReactionForceHistory[bcInd][j].giveSize() >= 2 ) {
                fprintf(pFileY, "%e %e\n", mDispHist[bcInd][j], mReactionForceHistory[bcInd][j].at(2) );


Пример #9
void GnuplotExportModule::doOutput(TimeStep *tStep, bool forcedOutput)
    if (!(testTimeStepOutput(tStep) || forcedOutput)) {

    // Export the sum of reaction forces for each Dirichlet BC
    if(mExportReactionForces) {

    Domain *domain = emodel->giveDomain(1);

    // Export output from boundary conditions
    if(mExportBoundaryConditions) {
        int numBC = domain->giveNumberOfBoundaryConditions();

        for(int i = 1; i <= numBC; i++) {

            PrescribedGradient *presGradBC = dynamic_cast<PrescribedGradient*>( domain->giveBc(i) );
            if(presGradBC != NULL) {
                outputBoundaryCondition(*presGradBC, tStep);

            PrescribedGradientBCNeumann *presGradBCNeumann = dynamic_cast<PrescribedGradientBCNeumann*>( domain->giveBc(i) );
            if(presGradBCNeumann != NULL) {
                outputBoundaryCondition(*presGradBCNeumann, tStep);

            PrescribedGradientBCWeak *presGradBCWeak = dynamic_cast<PrescribedGradientBCWeak*>( domain->giveBc(i) );
            if(presGradBCWeak != NULL) {
                outputBoundaryCondition(*presGradBCWeak, tStep);


    mTimeHist.push_back( tStep->giveTargetTime() );

    if(mExportXFEM) {
        if(domain->hasXfemManager()) {
            XfemManager *xMan = domain->giveXfemManager();

            int numEI = xMan->giveNumberOfEnrichmentItems();

            std::vector< std::vector<FloatArray> > points;

            for(int i = 1; i <= numEI; i++) {
                EnrichmentItem *ei = xMan->giveEnrichmentItem(i);
                ei->callGnuplotExportModule(*this, tStep);

                GeometryBasedEI *geoEI = dynamic_cast<GeometryBasedEI*>(ei);
                if(geoEI != NULL) {
                    std::vector<FloatArray> eiPoints;
                    geoEI->giveSubPolygon(eiPoints, 0.0, 1.0);


    if(mExportMesh) {

    if(mMonitorNodeIndex != -1) {
        DofManager *dMan = domain->giveDofManager(mMonitorNodeIndex);
        outputNodeDisp(*dMan, tStep);
Пример #10
VTKXMLExportModule :: doOutput(TimeStep *tStep)
    if ( !testTimeStepOutput(tStep) ) {
#ifdef __VTK_MODULE
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid> stream = vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid>::New();
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> nodes = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>::New();
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList> elemNodeArray = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList>::New();
    FILE *stream = this->giveOutputStream(tStep);
    struct tm *current;
    time_t now;
    current = localtime(&now);
    fprintf(stream, "<!-- TimeStep %e Computed %d-%02d-%02d at %02d:%02d:%02d -->\n", tStep->giveIntrinsicTime(), current->tm_year+1900, current->tm_mon+1, current->tm_mday, current->tm_hour,  current->tm_min,  current->tm_sec);
    fprintf(stream, "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"0.1\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">\n");
    fprintf(stream, "<UnstructuredGrid>\n");

    Domain *d  = emodel->giveDomain(1);
    Element *elem;
    FloatArray *coords;
    int nelem = d->giveNumberOfElements();

    this->giveSmoother(); // make sure smoother is created

    // output nodes Region By Region
    int nregions = this->smoother->giveNumberOfVirtualRegions();
    int regionDofMans, totalcells;
    IntArray mapG2L, mapL2G;

    /* loop over regions */
    for ( int ireg = 1; ireg <= nregions; ireg++ ) {
        if ( ( ireg > 0 ) && ( this->regionsToSkip.contains(ireg) ) ) {

        // assemble local->global and global->local region map
        // and get number of single cells to process
        // the composite cells exported individually
        this->initRegionNodeNumbering(mapG2L, mapL2G, regionDofMans, totalcells, d, ireg);

        /* start default piece containing all single cell elements
         * the elements with composite geometry are assumed to be exported in individual pieces
         * after the default one
        if ( regionDofMans && totalcells ) {
        if ( 1 ) {

#ifdef __VTK_MODULE
            for ( int inode = 1; inode <= regionDofMans; inode++ ) {
                coords = d->giveNode(mapL2G.at(inode))->giveCoordinates();
                int dims = coords->giveSize();
                nodes->InsertNextPoint(coords->at(1), dims >= 2 ? coords->at(2) : 0.0, dims >= 3 ? coords->at(3) : 0.0);
            fprintf(stream, "<Piece NumberOfPoints=\"%d\" NumberOfCells=\"%d\">\n", regionDofMans, totalcells);
            // export nodes in region as vtk vertices
            fprintf(stream, "<Points>\n <DataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"ascii\"> ");
            for ( int inode = 1; inode <= regionDofMans; inode++ ) {
                coords = d->giveNode( mapL2G.at(inode) )->giveCoordinates();
                for ( int i = 1; i <= coords->giveSize(); i++ ) {
                    fprintf( stream, "%e ", coords->at(i) );

                for ( int i = coords->giveSize() + 1; i <= 3; i++ ) {
                    fprintf(stream, "%e ", 0.0);
            fprintf(stream, "</DataArray>\n</Points>\n");

            // output all cells of the piece
            int nelemNodes;
            IntArray cellNodes;
#ifdef __VTK_MODULE
            fprintf(stream, "<Cells>\n");
            // output the connectivity data
            fprintf(stream, " <DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"connectivity\" format=\"ascii\"> ");
            for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {
                elem = d->giveElement(ielem);
                if ( ( ireg > 0 ) && ( this->smoother->giveElementVirtualRegionNumber(ielem) != ireg ) ) {

                if ( this->isElementComposite(elem) ) {
                    continue;                                  // composite cells exported individually

                if ( !elem-> isActivated(tStep) ) {                  //skip inactivated elements
                if ( elem->giveParallelMode() != Element_local ) {

                nelemNodes = elem->giveNumberOfNodes();
                this->giveElementCell(cellNodes, elem, 0);
#ifdef __VTK_MODULE
                for ( int i = 1; i <= nelemNodes; i++ ) {
#ifdef __VTK_MODULE
                    elemNodeArray->SetId(i-1, mapG2L.at( cellNodes.at(i) ) - 1);
                    fprintf(stream, "%d ", mapG2L.at( cellNodes.at(i) ) - 1);
#ifdef __VTK_MODULE
                stream->InsertNextCell(this->giveCellType(elem), elemNodeArray);
                fprintf(stream, " ");

#ifndef __VTK_MODULE
            int vtkCellType;
            fprintf(stream, "</DataArray>\n");
            // output the offsets (index of individual element data in connectivity array)
            fprintf(stream, " <DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"offsets\" format=\"ascii\"> ");
            int offset = 0;
            for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {
                elem = d->giveElement(ielem);
                if ( ( ireg > 0 ) && ( this->smoother->giveElementVirtualRegionNumber(ielem) != ireg ) ) {

                if ( elem->giveParallelMode() != Element_local ) {

                offset += elem->giveNumberOfNodes();
                fprintf(stream, "%d ", offset);

            fprintf(stream, "</DataArray>\n");

            // output cell (element) types
            fprintf(stream, " <DataArray type=\"UInt8\" Name=\"types\" format=\"ascii\"> ");
            for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {
                elem = d->giveElement(ielem);
                if ( ( ireg > 0 ) && ( this->smoother->giveElementVirtualRegionNumber(ielem) != ireg ) ) {

                if ( this->isElementComposite(elem) ) {
                    continue;                                  // composite cells exported individually

                if ( elem->giveParallelMode() != Element_local ) {

                vtkCellType = this->giveCellType(elem);
                fprintf(stream, "%d ", vtkCellType);

            fprintf(stream, "</DataArray>\n");
            fprintf(stream, "</Cells>\n");

            // export primary and internal variables
#ifndef __VTK_MODULE
            this->exportPointDataHeader(stream, tStep);
            this->exportPrimaryVars(stream, mapG2L, mapL2G, regionDofMans, ireg, tStep);
            this->exportIntVars(stream, mapG2L, mapL2G, regionDofMans, ireg, tStep);
#ifndef __VTK_MODULE
            fprintf(stream, "</PointData>\n");

            //export cell data
            this->exportCellVars(stream, ireg, tStep);

#ifndef __VTK_MODULE
            // end of piece record
            fprintf(stream, "</Piece>\n");
        } // end of default piece for simple geometry elements

#if 1
        // loop over region elements with multi-cell geometry
        for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {
            elem = d->giveElement(ielem);

            if ( this->regionsToSkip.contains( this->smoother->giveElementVirtualRegionNumber(ielem) ) ) {

            if ( elem->giveParallelMode() != Element_local ) {


            if ( this->isElementComposite(elem) ) {
#ifndef __VTK_MODULE
                ///@todo Not sure how to deal with this.
                // multi cell (composite) elements should support vtkxmlexportmoduleinterface
                // and are exported as individual pieces (see VTKXMLExportModuleElementInterface)
                VTKXMLExportModuleElementInterface *interface =
                    ( VTKXMLExportModuleElementInterface * ) elem->giveInterface(VTKXMLExportModuleElementInterfaceType);
                if ( interface ) {
                    // passing this to access general piece related methods like exportPointDataHeader, etc.
                    interface->_export(stream, this, primaryVarsToExport, internalVarsToExport, tStep);
        } // end loop over multi-cell elements
    } // end loop over regions

    std::string fname = giveOutputFileName(tStep);

#ifdef __VTK_MODULE
#if 0
    // Doesn't as well as I would want it to, interface to VTK is to limited to control this.
    // * The PVTU-file is written by every process (seems to be impossible to avoid).
    // * Part files are renamed and time step and everything else is cut off => name collisions
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridWriter> writer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridWriter>::New();
    writer->SetNumberOfPieces( this->emodel->giveNumberOfProcesses() );
    writer->SetStartPiece( this->emodel->giveRank() );
    writer->SetEndPiece( this->emodel->giveRank() );
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter> writer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter>::New();
    // Optional - set the mode. The default is binary.
    // finish unstructured grid data and vtk file
    fprintf(stream, "</UnstructuredGrid>\n</VTKFile>");

    // Writing the *.pvd-file. Only time step information for now. It's named "timestep" but is actually the total time.
    // First we check to see that there are more than 1 time steps, otherwise it is redundant;
    if ( emodel->isParallel() && emodel->giveRank() == 0 ) {
        ///@todo Should use probably use PVTU-files instead. It is starting to get messy.
        // For this to work, all processes must have an identical output file name.
        for (int i = 0; i < this->emodel->giveNumberOfProcesses(); ++i) {
            std::ostringstream pvdEntry;
            char fext[100];
            if (this->emodel->giveNumberOfProcesses() > 1) {
                sprintf( fext, "_%03d.m%d.%d", i, this->number, tStep->giveNumber() );
            } else {
                sprintf( fext, "m%d.%d", this->number, tStep->giveNumber() );
            pvdEntry << "<DataSet timestep=\"" << tStep->giveIntrinsicTime() << "\" group=\"\" part=\"" << i << "\" file=\""
                    << this->emodel->giveOutputBaseFileName() << fext << ".vtu\"/>";
    } else
    if ( !emodel->isParallel() && tStep->giveNumber() >= 1 ) { // For non-parallel enabled OOFEM, then we only check for multiple steps.
        std::ostringstream pvdEntry;
        pvdEntry << "<DataSet timestep=\"" << tStep->giveIntrinsicTime() << "\" group=\"\" part=\"\" file=\"" << fname << "\"/>";

#ifndef __VTK_MODULE
VTKXMLExportModule :: exportPointDataHeader(FILE *stream, TimeStep *tStep)
    int n;
    std :: string scalars, vectors, tensors;

    n = primaryVarsToExport.giveSize();

    UnknownType type;

    for ( int i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) {
        type = ( UnknownType ) primaryVarsToExport.at(i);
        if ( ( type == DisplacementVector ) || ( type == EigenVector ) || ( type == VelocityVector ) ) {
            vectors += __UnknownTypeToString(type);
            vectors.append(" ");
        } else if ( ( type == FluxVector ) || ( type == PressureVector ) || ( type == Temperature ) ) {
            scalars += __UnknownTypeToString(type);
            scalars.append(" ");
        } else {
            OOFEM_ERROR2( "VTKXMLExportModule::exportPrimVarAs: unsupported UnknownType %s", __UnknownTypeToString(type) );

    InternalStateType isttype;
    InternalStateValueType vtype;

    n = internalVarsToExport.giveSize();

    // prepare header
    for ( int i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) {
        isttype = ( InternalStateType ) internalVarsToExport.at(i);
        vtype = giveInternalStateValueType(isttype);

        if ( vtype == ISVT_SCALAR ) {
            scalars += __InternalStateTypeToString(isttype);
            scalars.append(" ");
        } else if ( vtype == ISVT_VECTOR ) {
            vectors += __InternalStateTypeToString(isttype);
            vectors.append(" ");
        } else if ( ( vtype == ISVT_TENSOR_S3 ) || ( vtype == ISVT_TENSOR_S3E ) ) {
            tensors += __InternalStateTypeToString(isttype);
            tensors.append(" ");
        } else if ( vtype == ISVT_TENSOR_G ) {
            vectors += __InternalStateTypeToString(isttype);
            vectors.append(" ");
        } else {
            fprintf( stderr, "VTKXMLExportModule::exportIntVars: unsupported variable type %s\n", __InternalStateTypeToString(isttype) );

    // print header
    fprintf( stream, "<PointData Scalars=\"%s\" Vectors=\"%s\" Tensors=\"%s\" >\n",
            scalars.c_str(), vectors.c_str(), tensors.c_str() );
Пример #11
CrackExportModule :: doOutput(TimeStep *tStep, bool forcedOutput)
    if ( !testTimeStepOutput(tStep) ) {

    double crackLength_projection;
    double crackLength_sqrt;
    double crackWidth;
    double crackAngle;
    double elementLength;
    double damage;
    FloatArray crackVector;
    FloatMatrix princDir;
    FloatMatrix rotMatrix;
    FloatArray strainVector, princStrain;

    FloatArray output;

    double weight, totWeight;

    //InternalStateType vartype;

    Domain *d  = emodel->giveDomain(1);
    int nelem = d->giveNumberOfElements();

    //double index = tStep->giveNumber();

    std::vector< FloatArray > pointsVector;

    // loop over elements
    for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {

        Element *elem = d->giveElement(ielem);

        int csNumber = elem->giveCrossSection()->giveNumber();
        if ( this->crossSections.containsSorted( csNumber ) ) {
            //if (true) {

            totWeight = 0.;

            crackWidth = 0.;
            crackLength_projection = 0.;
            crackLength_sqrt = 0.;
            crackAngle = 0.;

            for ( int i = 0; i < elem->giveNumberOfIntegrationRules(); i++ ) {
                IntegrationRule *iRule = elem->giveIntegrationRule(i);


                for ( auto &gp: *iRule ) {

                    IsotropicDamageMaterialStatus *matStatus = static_cast< IsotropicDamageMaterialStatus * >( gp->giveStatus() );

                    damage = matStatus->giveDamage();
                    //elem->giveIPValue(strainVector, gp, IST_StrainTensor, tStep);

                    if ( damage > 0. ) {

                        weight = elem->computeVolumeAround(gp);
                        totWeight += weight;

                        elementLength = matStatus->giveLe();
                        strainVector = matStatus->giveStrainVector();


                        princDir.at(1,1) = crackVector.at(2);
                        princDir.at(2,1) = -crackVector.at(1);

                        princDir.at(1,2) = crackVector.at(1);
                        princDir.at(2,2) = crackVector.at(2);

                        // modify shear strain in order to allow transformation with the stress transformation matrix
                        strainVector.at(3) /= 2.;

                        StructuralMaterial :: givePlaneStressVectorTranformationMtrx(rotMatrix, princDir, false);
                        princStrain.beProductOf(rotMatrix, strainVector);

                        crackWidth += elementLength * princStrain.at(1) * damage * weight;
                        crackLength_projection += elem->giveCharacteristicSize(gp, crackVector, ECSM_Projection) * weight;
                        crackLength_sqrt += elem->giveCharacteristicSize(gp, crackVector, ECSM_SquareRootOfArea) * weight;

                        if ( crackVector.at(1) != 0. ) {
                            double contrib = atan( crackVector.at(2) / crackVector.at(1) ) * 180./3.1415926;
                            if ( contrib < 0. ) {
                                contrib += 180.;
                            } else if ( contrib > 180. ) {
                                contrib -= 180.;
                            crackAngle += contrib  * weight;
                        } else {
                            crackAngle += 90. * weight;

#if 0
                        double length1 = elem->giveCharacteristicSize(gp, crackVector, ECSM_SquareRootOfArea);
                        double length2 = elem->giveCharacteristicSize(gp, crackVector, ECSM_ProjectionCentered);
                        double length3 = elem->giveCharacteristicSize(gp, crackVector, ECSM_Oliver1);
                        double length4 = elem->giveCharacteristicSize(gp, crackVector, ECSM_Oliver1modified);
                        double length5 = elem->giveCharacteristicSize(gp, crackVector, ECSM_Projection);

                    } else {
                        crackWidth += 0.;
                        crackLength_projection += 0.;
                        crackLength_sqrt += 0.;
                        crackAngle += 0.;

                if ( totWeight > 0. ) {
                    crackWidth /= totWeight;
                    crackLength_projection /= totWeight;
                    crackLength_sqrt /= totWeight;
                    crackAngle /= totWeight;

                if ( crackWidth >= threshold ) {

                    output.at(1) = ielem;
                    output.at(2) = crackWidth;
                    output.at(3) = crackAngle;
                    output.at(4) = crackLength_projection;
                    output.at(5) = crackLength_sqrt;

    // vyblejt do outputu
    std :: stringstream strCracks;
    strCracks  << ".dat";
    std :: string nameCracks = this->giveOutputBaseFileName(tStep) + strCracks.str();
    writeToOutputFile(nameCracks, pointsVector);
Пример #12
HOMExportModule :: doOutput(TimeStep *tStep, bool forcedOutput)
    if ( !( testTimeStepOutput(tStep) || forcedOutput ) ) {

    Domain *d = emodel->giveDomain(1);
    int nelem = d->giveNumberOfElements();
    double dV, VolTot = 0.;
    FloatArray vecState, vecFlow, sumFlow(3);
    FloatArray internalSource, capacity;
    FloatArray answerArr, answerArr1;
    FloatMatrix answerMtrx;
    IntArray Mask;
    FloatMatrix baseGCS;

    domainType domType = d->giveDomainType();

    if ( domType == _HeatTransferMode || domType == _HeatMass1Mode ) {
#ifdef __TM_MODULE
        double sumState = 0.;
        TransportElement *transpElem;
        for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {
            Element *elem = d->giveElement(ielem);
            if ( this->matnum.giveSize() == 0 || this->matnum.contains( elem->giveMaterial()->giveNumber() ) ) {
                for ( GaussPoint *gp: *elem->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr() ) {
                    dV  = elem->computeVolumeAround(gp);
                    VolTot += dV;
                    elem->giveIPValue(vecState, gp, IST_Temperature, tStep);
                    elem->giveIPValue(vecFlow, gp, IST_TemperatureFlow, tStep);
                    sumState += vecState.at(1) * dV;
                    sumFlow += vecFlow;

        sumState *= ( 1. / VolTot * this->scale );
        fprintf(this->stream, "%e  % e       ", tStep->giveTargetTime(), sumState);
        sumFlow.times(1. / VolTot * this->scale);
        fprintf( this->stream, "% e  % e  % e       ", sumFlow.at(1), sumFlow.at(2), sumFlow.at(3) );
        //add total heat for each material - accumulated energy due to material capacity (J for heat) and internal source (J for heat)
        internalSource.resize( d->giveNumberOfCrossSectionModels() );
        capacity.resize( d->giveNumberOfCrossSectionModels() );
        for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {
            transpElem = static_cast< TransportElement * >( d->giveElement(ielem) );
            transpElem->computeInternalSourceRhsVectorAt(answerArr, tStep, VM_Total);
            internalSource.at( transpElem->giveCrossSection()->giveNumber() ) += answerArr.sum();

            transpElem->giveCharacteristicMatrix(answerMtrx, CapacityMatrix, tStep);
            transpElem->computeVectorOf(VM_Incremental, tStep, answerArr);
            answerArr1.beProductOf(answerMtrx, answerArr);
            capacity.at( transpElem->giveCrossSection()->giveNumber() ) -= answerArr1.sum();
        internalSource.times( tStep->giveTimeIncrement() );
        for ( int i = 1; i <= internalSourceEnergy.giveSize(); i++ ) {
            fprintf( this->stream, "% e ", internalSourceEnergy.at(i) );
        fprintf(this->stream, "     ");
        for ( int i = 1; i <= capacityEnergy.giveSize(); i++ ) {
            fprintf( this->stream, "% e ", capacityEnergy.at(i) );
        fprintf(this->stream, "\n");
    } else { //structural analysis
#ifdef __SM_MODULE
        StructuralElement *structElem;
        //int nnodes = d->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
        FloatArray VecStrain, VecStress, VecEigStrain, VecEigStrainReduced, tempStrain(6), tempStress(6), tempEigStrain(6), SumStrain(6), SumStress(6), SumEigStrain(6), tempFloatAr, damage;
        double sumDamage = 0.;
        //stress and strain vectors are always in global c.s.
        SumStrain.zero(); //xx, yy, zz, yz, zx, xy

        for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {
            Element *elem = d->giveElement(ielem);

            if ( this->matnum.giveSize() == 0 || this->matnum.contains( elem->giveMaterial()->giveNumber() ) ) {
                for ( GaussPoint *gp: *elem->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr() ) {
                    structElem = static_cast< StructuralElement * >(elem);
                    // structElem->computeResultingIPEigenstrainAt(VecEigStrain, tStep, gp, VM_Incremental);
                    structElem->computeResultingIPEigenstrainAt(VecEigStrainReduced, tStep, gp, VM_Total);
                    if ( VecEigStrainReduced.giveSize() == 0 ) {
                    } else {
                        ( ( StructuralMaterial * ) structElem->giveMaterial() )->giveFullSymVectorForm( VecEigStrain, VecEigStrainReduced,  gp->giveMaterialMode() );
                    dV  = elem->computeVolumeAround(gp);
                    elem->giveIPValue(VecStrain, gp, IST_StrainTensor, tStep);
                    elem->giveIPValue(VecStress, gp, IST_StressTensor, tStep);
                    elem->giveIPValue(damage, gp, IST_DamageTensor, tStep);

                    //truss element has strains and stresses in the first array so transform them to global coordinates
                    ///@todo Should this be the job of giveIPValue to ensure that vectors are given in global c.s.?
                    if ( dynamic_cast< Truss3d * >(elem) ) {
                        MaterialMode mmode = _3dMat;
                        tempStress.at(1) = VecStress.at(1);
                        tempStrain.at(1) = VecStrain.at(1);
                        if ( VecEigStrain.giveSize() ) {
                            tempEigStrain.at(1) = VecEigStrain.at(1);
                        StressVector stressVector1(tempStress, mmode); //convert from array
                        StressVector stressVector2(mmode);
                        StrainVector strainVector1(tempStrain, mmode); //convert from array
                        StrainVector strainVector2(mmode);
                        StrainVector strainEigVector1(tempEigStrain, mmode); //convert from array
                        StrainVector strainEigVector2(mmode);

                        stressVector1.transformTo(stressVector2, baseGCS, 0);
                        strainVector1.transformTo(strainVector2, baseGCS, 0);
                        strainEigVector1.transformTo(strainEigVector2, baseGCS, 0);


                    VolTot += dV;
                    if ( damage.giveSize() ) { //only for models with damage
                        sumDamage += damage.at(1) * dV;



        SumStrain.times(1. / VolTot * this->scale);
        SumEigStrain.times(1. / VolTot * this->scale);
        SumStress.times(1. / VolTot * this->scale);
        sumDamage *= ( 1. / VolTot );
        fprintf( this->stream, "%f   ", tStep->giveTargetTime() );
        for ( double s: SumStrain ) { //strain
            fprintf( this->stream, "%06.5e ", s );

        fprintf(this->stream, "    ");
        for ( double s: SumStress ) { //stress
            fprintf( this->stream, "%06.5e ", s );

        fprintf(this->stream, "    ");
        for ( double s: SumEigStrain ) { //eigenstrain
            fprintf( this->stream, "%06.5e ", s );

        fprintf(this->stream, "Vol %06.5e ", VolTot);
        fprintf(this->stream, "AvrDamage %06.5e ", sumDamage);
        fprintf(this->stream, "\n");

Пример #13
GPExportModule :: doOutput(TimeStep *tStep, bool forcedOutput)
    if ( !testTimeStepOutput(tStep) ) {

    double weight;
    FloatArray gcoords, intvar;

    Domain *d  = emodel->giveDomain(1);
    FILE *stream = this->giveOutputStream(tStep);

    // print the header
    fprintf(stream, "%%# gauss point data file\n");
    fprintf(stream, "%%# output for time %g\n", tStep->giveTargetTime() );
    fprintf(stream, "%%# variables: ");
    fprintf(stream, "%d  ", vartypes.giveSize());
    for ( auto &vartype : vartypes ) {
        fprintf( stream, "%d ", vartype );

    fprintf(stream, "\n %%# for interpretation see internalstatetype.h\n");

    // loop over elements
    for ( auto &elem : d->giveElements() ) {
        //iRule = elem->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr();
        //int numIntRules = elem->giveNumberOfIntegrationRules();
        for ( int i = 0; i < elem->giveNumberOfIntegrationRules(); i++ ) {
            IntegrationRule *iRule = elem->giveIntegrationRule(i);

            // loop over Gauss points
            for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
                // export:
                // 1) element number
                // 2) material number ///@todo deprecated returns -1
                // 3) Integration rule number
                // 4) Gauss point number
                // 5) contributing volume around Gauss point
                weight = elem->computeVolumeAround(gp);
                fprintf(stream, "%d %d %d %d %.6e ", elem->giveNumber(), -1, i + 1, gp->giveNumber(), weight);

                // export Gauss point coordinates
                if ( ncoords ) { // no coordinates exported if ncoords==0
                    elem->computeGlobalCoordinates( gcoords, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates() );
                    int nc = gcoords.giveSize();
                    if ( ncoords >= 0 ) {
                        fprintf(stream, "%d ", ncoords);
                    } else {
                        fprintf(stream, "%d ", nc);

                    if ( ncoords > 0 && ncoords < nc ) {
                        nc = ncoords;

                    for ( auto &c : gcoords ) {
                        fprintf( stream, "%.6e ", c );

                    for ( int ic = nc + 1; ic <= ncoords; ic++ ) {
                        fprintf(stream, "%g ", 0.0);

                // export internal variables
                for ( auto vartype : vartypes ) {
                    elem->giveIPValue(intvar, gp, ( InternalStateType )vartype, tStep);
                    fprintf(stream, "%d ", intvar.giveSize());
                    for ( auto &val : intvar ) {
                        fprintf( stream, "%.6e ", val );

                fprintf(stream, "\n");

#if 0
        // for CST elements write also nodal coordinates
        // (non-standard part, used only exceptionally)
        int nnode = elem->giveNumberOfNodes();
        if ( nnode == 3 ) {
            for ( int inod = 1; inod <= 3; inod++ ) {
                fprintf( stream, "%f %f ", elem->giveNode(inod)->giveCoordinate(1), elem->giveNode(inod)->giveCoordinate(2) );
