Пример #1
int				nb_true_args(int argc, char **argv)
	char		**tab;
	int			x;

	x = 0;
	tab = test_args(argc, argv);
	while (tab[x] != NULL)
	return (x);
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{   bool        vkt, ecb, cbc;
#ifdef  __cplusplus
    mars        _mars;
    rc6         _rc6;
    rijndael    _rijndael;
    serpent     _serpent;
    twofish     _twofish;
    alg_struct  _mars;
    alg_struct  _rc6;
    alg_struct  _rijndael;
    alg_struct  _serpent;
    alg_struct  _twofish;

    _mars.name = MARS(name);
    _mars.set_key = MARS(set_key);
    _mars.encrypt = MARS(encrypt);
    _mars.decrypt = MARS(decrypt);

    _rc6.name = RC6(name);
    _rc6.set_key = RC6(set_key);
    _rc6.encrypt = RC6(encrypt);
    _rc6.decrypt = RC6(decrypt);

    _rijndael.name = RIJNDAEL(name);
    _rijndael.set_key = RIJNDAEL(set_key);
    _rijndael.encrypt = RIJNDAEL(encrypt);
    _rijndael.decrypt = RIJNDAEL(decrypt);

    _serpent.name = SERPENT(name);
    _serpent.set_key = SERPENT(set_key);
    _serpent.encrypt = SERPENT(encrypt);
    _serpent.decrypt = SERPENT(decrypt);

    _twofish.name = TWOFISH(name);
    _twofish.set_key = TWOFISH(set_key);
    _twofish.encrypt = TWOFISH(encrypt);
    _twofish.decrypt = TWOFISH(decrypt);

    if(argc == 1)
        con_string("\nusage: aes_rav /a:[12345] /t:[kec] [/h]");
        con_string("\n        /a:[12345] algorithms to be tested");
        con_string("\n        /t:[kec]   type of test");
        con_string("\n        /h         use author's byte order (serpent)");
        con_string("\n        1:mars, 2:rc6, 3:rijndael, 4:serpent, 5:twofish");
        con_string("\n        k: run ECB Known Answer tests");  
        con_string("\n        e: run ECB Monte Carlo tests");
        con_string("\n        c: run CBC Monte Carlo tests");
        con_string("\n\n"); exit(0);

    vkt = test_args(argc, argv, 't', 'k');
    ecb = test_args(argc, argv, 't', 'e');
    cbc = test_args(argc, argv, 't', 'c');
    serpent_hack = false;

    if(test_args(argc, argv, 'a', '1'))

        do_tests(vkt, ecb, cbc, _mars);
    if(test_args(argc, argv, 'a', '2'))

        do_tests(vkt, ecb, cbc, _rc6);
    if(test_args(argc, argv, 'a', '3'))

        do_tests(vkt, ecb, cbc, _rijndael);
    if(test_args(argc, argv, 'a', '4'))
        serpent_hack = test_args(argc, argv, 'h', '\0');
        do_tests(vkt, ecb, cbc, _serpent); serpent_hack = false;

    if(test_args(argc, argv, 'a', '5'))

        do_tests(vkt, ecb, cbc, _twofish);

    return 0;
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{   OFILE   outf;
#ifdef  __cplusplus
    mars        _mars;
    rc6         _rc6;
    rijndael    _rijndael;
    serpent     _serpent;
    twofish     _twofish;
    alg_struct  _mars;
    alg_struct  _rc6;
    alg_struct  _rijndael;
    alg_struct  _serpent;
    alg_struct  _twofish;

    _mars.name = MARS(name);
    _mars.set_key = MARS(set_key);
    _mars.encrypt = MARS(encrypt);
    _mars.decrypt = MARS(decrypt);

    _rc6.name = RC6(name);
    _rc6.set_key = RC6(set_key);
    _rc6.encrypt = RC6(encrypt);
    _rc6.decrypt = RC6(decrypt);

    _rijndael.name = RIJNDAEL(name);
    _rijndael.set_key = RIJNDAEL(set_key);
    _rijndael.encrypt = RIJNDAEL(encrypt);
    _rijndael.decrypt = RIJNDAEL(decrypt);

    _serpent.name = SERPENT(name);
    _serpent.set_key = SERPENT(set_key);
    _serpent.encrypt = SERPENT(encrypt);
    _serpent.decrypt = SERPENT(decrypt);

    _twofish.name = TWOFISH(name);
    _twofish.set_key = TWOFISH(set_key);
    _twofish.encrypt = TWOFISH(encrypt);
    _twofish.decrypt = TWOFISH(decrypt);

    if(argc != 2 && argc != 3)
        con_string("\nusage: aes_tmr /a:[12345]");
        con_string("\n        /a:[12345] algorithms to be tested");
        con_string("\n        1:mars, 2:rc6, 3:rijndael, 4:serpent, 5:twofish");
        con_string("\n\n"); exit(0);

    outf = open_ofile(outf, argc == 3 ? argv[2] : "CON"); header(outf);

    if(test_args(argc, argv, 'a', '1'))
        time(_mars); do_out(outf, _mars);
    if(test_args(argc, argv, 'a', '2'))
        time(_rc6); do_out(outf, _rc6);
    if(test_args(argc, argv, 'a', '3'))
        time(_rijndael); do_out(outf, _rijndael);
    if(test_args(argc, argv, 'a', '4'))
        time(_serpent); do_out(outf, _serpent);
    if(test_args(argc, argv, 'a', '5'))
        time(_twofish); do_out(outf, _twofish);

    close_ofile(outf); return 0;
Пример #4
 |    main
int main(int argc, char** argv)
#if defined(QT_QML_LIB) && defined(QT_QUICK_LIB)
   QGuiApplication a(argc, argv);

#if 0
   QElapsedTimer timer;

   // Test with lc_logging.
   for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
      log_verbose("Test: %d.", i);
   qDebug("Result lc_logging: %lld.", timer.elapsed());

   // Test with printf.
   for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
      fprintf(stdout, "- DEBUG:%s: Test: %d.\n", lc_current_time().c_str(), i);
   qDebug("Result printf: %lld.", timer.elapsed());

   // Test with qDebug.
   for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
      qDebug("- DEBUG:%s: Test: %d.\n", lc_current_time().c_str(), i);
   qDebug("Result qDebug: %lld.", timer.elapsed());

#ifdef __GNUC__
   LOG_CRITICAL("MyTag", "Oooops!");

   log_info("Info log.");
   log_info_t("MyTag", "Info log.");
   test_args("Testing %d va_args functions.", 2);

   log_debug("Some message for debugging...");
   log_disabled("A disabled log!!!!!!!!!!! You won't see this.");

   log_critical("Print int: %d.", 5);
   log_critical_t("MyTag", "Print int: %d.", 5);
   log_critical_t("MyTag", "Print with tag only.");

   /*lc_formatted_printf(stdout, LC_LOG_ATTR_UNDERLINE, LC_LOG_COL_MAGENTA,
                     "Underlined %s! ;-)\n", "magenta");*/
   log_formatted(LC_LOG_ATTR_UNDERLINE, LC_LOG_COL_YELLOW, "Formatted text.");
   log_formatted(LC_LOG_COL_YELLOW, "Formatted text with %s.", "param");

#ifndef __ANDROID__

   // Using streams.
      logger.stream() << "Blue log using stream. " << "Params can be added like " << 1234 << ".";

      LC_LogDef l(NULL);

      LC_Log<LC_Output2Std> logger(LC_LOG_DEBUG);
      logger.stream() << "Debug log with stream.";

      LC_Log<LC_Output2Std> logger(LC_LOG_WARN);
      logger.stream() << "Warning log with stream.";

      LC_Log<LC_Output2Std> logger(LC_LOG_CRITICAL);
      logger.stream() << "Critical log with stream.";

#if defined(QT_QML_LIB) && defined(QT_QUICK_LIB)
   QQuickView view;

   assert(log_verbose("") == true);
   assert(log_info("") == true);
   assert(log_warn("") == false);
   assert(log_err("") == false);
   assert(log_critical("") == false);

   return 0;
Пример #5
int main (int, char *[])
	 * The values below should match the config file.
	const std::string test_orb_options ("-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 1 -ORBObjRefStyle IOR");

	Lorica::Config::Endpoint ep1;
	ep1.external_ = true;
	ep1.hostname_ = "proxyhost";
	ep1.port_ = 951;
	ep1.alias_ = "ociweb.com";
	ep1.is_ipv6_ = false;
	ep1.ssl_port_ = 952;

	Lorica::Config::Endpoint ep2;
	ep2.external_ = false;
	ep2.hostname_ = "proxyhost";
	ep2.port_ = 1951;
	ep2.alias_ = "";
	ep2.is_ipv6_ = false;
	ep2.ssl_port_ = 1952;

	Lorica::Config::Endpoints test_eps;
	test_eps.push_back (ep1);
	test_eps.push_back (ep2);

	ACE_ARGV test_args ("lorica "
			    "-ORBUseSharedProfile 0 -ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 1 -ORBObjRefStyle IOR "
			    "-ORBListenEndpoints iiop://1.2@proxyhost:951/ssl_port=952,"
			    "hostname_in_ior=ociweb.com "
			    "-ORBListenEndpoints iiop://1.2@proxyhost:1951/ssl_port=1952");
	bool test_generic_eval (false);
	bool test_null_eval_unknown (false);
	std::string test_null_ids ("IDL:someID:1.0 IDL:someOtherID:1.0");
	 * End of test configuration

	const std::string config_file ("test.conf");

	Lorica::FileConfig *config = Lorica::FileConfig::instance ();
		config->init (config_file);
	catch (const Lorica::FileConfig::InitError& )
		std::cerr << "Failed to load config file: "
			  << config_file << std::endl;

		return -1;

	std::string orb_option = config->get_value ("ORB_Option");
	if (test_orb_options != orb_option)
		std::cerr << "ORB_OPTION mismatch." << std::endl;
		return -1;
	std::cout << "ORB_Option: " << orb_option << std::endl;

	Lorica::Config::Endpoints eps = config->get_endpoints (true);
	Lorica::Config::Endpoints eps2 = config->get_endpoints (false);

	for (size_t count = 0; count < eps2.size(); count++)

	for (size_t count = 0; count < test_eps.size(); count++)
		if (test_eps[count] != eps[count])
			std::cout <<"eps[" << count <<"] = "
				  << eps[count].hostname_ << ":" << eps[count].port_
				  << "/ssl_port=" << eps[count].ssl_port_
				  << ",alias=" << eps[count].alias_
				  << " (" << (eps[count].external_ ? "ex" : "in")
				  << "ternal" << std::endl;
			std::cout <<"test_eps[" << count <<"] = "
				  << test_eps[count].hostname_ << ":" << test_eps[count].port_
				  << "/ssl_port=" << test_eps[count].ssl_port_
				  << ",alias=" << test_eps[count].alias_
				  << " (" << (test_eps[count].external_ ? "ex" : "in")
				  << "ternal" << std::endl;

			std::cerr << "Endpoints mismatch." << std::endl;
			return 0;
	std::cout << "Endpoint info: ";
	for (unsigned int count = 0; count < eps.size(); count++)
		std::cout << eps[count].hostname_ << ":" << eps[count].port_ << " <> ";

	std::cout << std::endl;

	std::auto_ptr <ACE_ARGV> args (config->get_orb_options ());
	if (args.get() == 0)
		std::cerr << "No ORB args found" << std::endl;

	ACE_TCHAR **test_argv = test_args.argv();
	ACE_TCHAR **the_argv = args->argv();

	if (test_args.argc() != args->argc ())
		std::cerr << "ORB argv count mismatch" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	for (int count = 0; count < test_args.argc(); count++)
		if (ACE_OS::strcmp (test_argv[count], the_argv[count]) != 0)
			std::cerr << "ORB argv[" << count << "] mismatch, "
				  << test_argv[count] << " != "
				  << the_argv[count] <<  std::endl;
			return -1;

	std::cout << "ORB Options: ";
	size_t the_argc = args->argc ();
	for (size_t count = 0; count < the_argc; count++)
		std::cout << the_argv [count] << " ";
	std::cout << std::endl;

	bool generic_eval = config->generic_evaluator ();
	if (test_generic_eval != generic_eval) {
		std::cerr << "Incorrect general evaluator configuration." << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Generic evaluator " << (generic_eval ? "" : "not ") << "applied." << std::endl;

	bool null_eval_unknown = config->null_eval_any ();
	if (test_null_eval_unknown != null_eval_unknown)
		std::cerr << "Incorrect null evaluator any configuration." << std::endl;

	std::cout << "Null evaluator any "
		  << (null_eval_unknown ? "" : "not ")
		  << "applied." << std::endl;

	std::string null_ids = config->null_eval_type_ids ();
	if (test_null_ids != null_ids)
		std::cerr << "Incorrect null evaluator ID string." << std::endl;

	std::cout << "Null evaluator ID's: " << null_ids << std::endl;

	return 0;
Пример #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{   int do_cmp, tyf[4], kf[3], ki;
    f_ectx alg[1];

#if defined(DLL_IMPORT) && defined(DLL_DYNAMIC_LOAD)
    HINSTANCE   h_dll;
    if(!(h_dll = init_dll(&fn)))
        return -1;

    if(argc == 1)
        printf("\nusage: aes_gav /t:[knec] /k:[468] [/c]");
        printf("\nwhere the symbols in square brackets can be used in");
        printf("\nany combination (without the brackets) and have the");
        printf("\nfollowing meanings:");
        printf("\n        /t:[knec]   selects which tests are used");
        printf("\n        /k:[468]    selects the key lengths used");
        printf("\n        /c          compares output with reference");
        printf("\n        k: generate ECB Known Answer Test files");
        printf("\n        n: generate ECB Known Answer Test files (new)");
        printf("\n        e: generate ECB Monte Carlo Test files");
        printf("\n        c: generate CBC Monte Carlo Test files");
        printf("\nand the characters giving block and key lengths are");
        printf("\ndigits representing the lengths in 32-bit units.\n\n");

    printf("\nRun tests for the AES algorithm %s",

#if defined(DLL_IMPORT)
    " (DLL Version)\n");
#elif defined(AES_CPP)
    " (CPP Version)\n");

    do_cmp = test_args(argc, argv, 'c', '\0');

    tyf[0] = test_args(argc, argv, 't', 'k');
    tyf[1] = test_args(argc, argv, 't', 'n');
    tyf[2] = test_args(argc, argv, 't', 'e');
    tyf[3] = test_args(argc, argv, 't', 'c');

    kf[0] = test_args(argc, argv, 'k', '4');
    kf[1] = test_args(argc, argv, 'k', '6');
    kf[2] = test_args(argc, argv, 'k', '8');

    if(!(kf[0] || kf[1] || kf[2]))
        kf[0] = kf[1] = kf[2] = TRUE;   // AES key sizes if not specified

    for(ki = 0; ki < 3; ++ki) if(kf[ki])
        do_tests(do_cmp, tyf, alg, 16, 16 + 8 * ki);

#if defined(DLL_IMPORT) && defined(DLL_DYNAMIC_LOAD)
    if(h_dll) FreeLibrary(h_dll);
    return 0;