Пример #1
// {
//   min_count: <number>  // optional, defaults to 10
// }
Json::Value RPCHandler::doGetCounts (Json::Value params, Resource::Charge& loadType, Application::ScopedLockType& masterLockHolder)
    int minCount = 10;

    if (params.isMember ("min_count"))
        minCount = params["min_count"].asUInt ();

    CountedObjects::List objectCounts = CountedObjects::getInstance ().getCounts (minCount);

    Json::Value ret (Json::objectValue);

    BOOST_FOREACH (CountedObjects::Entry& it, objectCounts)
        ret [it.first] = it.second;

    int dbKB = getApp().getLedgerDB ()->getDB ()->getKBUsedAll ();

    if (dbKB > 0)
        ret["dbKBTotal"] = dbKB;

    dbKB = getApp().getLedgerDB ()->getDB ()->getKBUsedDB ();

    if (dbKB > 0)
        ret["dbKBLedger"] = dbKB;

    dbKB = getApp().getTxnDB ()->getDB ()->getKBUsedDB ();

    if (dbKB > 0)
        ret["dbKBTransaction"] = dbKB;

        std::size_t c = getApp().getOPs().getLocalTxCount ();
        if (c > 0)
            ret["local_txs"] = static_cast<Json::UInt> (c);

    ret["write_load"] = getApp().getNodeStore ().getWriteLoad ();

    ret["SLE_hit_rate"] = getApp().getSLECache ().getHitRate ();
    ret["node_hit_rate"] = getApp().getNodeStore ().getCacheHitRate ();
    ret["ledger_hit_rate"] = getApp().getLedgerMaster ().getCacheHitRate ();
    ret["AL_hit_rate"] = AcceptedLedger::getCacheHitRate ();

    ret["fullbelow_size"] = int(getApp().getFullBelowCache().size());

    std::string uptime;
    int s = UptimeTimer::getInstance ().getElapsedSeconds ();
    textTime (uptime, s, "year", 365 * 24 * 60 * 60);
    textTime (uptime, s, "day", 24 * 60 * 60);
    textTime (uptime, s, "hour", 60 * 60);
    textTime (uptime, s, "minute", 60);
    textTime (uptime, s, "second", 1);
    ret["uptime"] = uptime;

    return ret;
Пример #2
// {
//   min_count: <number>  // optional, defaults to 10
// }
Json::Value doGetCounts (RPC::Context& context)
    int minCount = 10;

    if (context.params.isMember (jss::min_count))
        minCount = context.params[jss::min_count].asUInt ();

    auto objectCounts = CountedObjects::getInstance ().getCounts (minCount);

    Json::Value ret (Json::objectValue);

    for (auto const& it : objectCounts)
        ret [it.first] = it.second;

    Application& app = getApp();

    int dbKB = getKBUsedAll (app.getLedgerDB ().getSession ());

    if (dbKB > 0)
        ret[jss::dbKBTotal] = dbKB;

    dbKB = getKBUsedDB (app.getLedgerDB ().getSession ());

    if (dbKB > 0)
        ret[jss::dbKBLedger] = dbKB;

    dbKB = getKBUsedDB (app.getTxnDB ().getSession ());

    if (dbKB > 0)
        ret[jss::dbKBTransaction] = dbKB;

        std::size_t c = app.getOPs().getLocalTxCount ();
        if (c > 0)
            ret[jss::local_txs] = static_cast<Json::UInt> (c);

    ret[jss::write_load] = app.getNodeStore ().getWriteLoad ();

    ret[jss::historical_perminute] = static_cast<int>(
    ret[jss::SLE_hit_rate] = app.getSLECache ().getHitRate ();
    ret[jss::node_hit_rate] = app.getNodeStore ().getCacheHitRate ();
    ret[jss::ledger_hit_rate] = app.getLedgerMaster ().getCacheHitRate ();
    ret[jss::AL_hit_rate] = AcceptedLedger::getCacheHitRate ();

    ret[jss::fullbelow_size] = static_cast<int>(app.family().fullbelow().size());
    ret[jss::treenode_cache_size] = app.family().treecache().getCacheSize();
    ret[jss::treenode_track_size] = app.family().treecache().getTrackSize();

    std::string uptime;
    int s = UptimeTimer::getInstance ().getElapsedSeconds ();
    textTime (uptime, s, "year", 365 * 24 * 60 * 60);
    textTime (uptime, s, "day", 24 * 60 * 60);
    textTime (uptime, s, "hour", 60 * 60);
    textTime (uptime, s, "minute", 60);
    textTime (uptime, s, "second", 1);
    ret[jss::uptime] = uptime;

    ret[jss::node_writes] = app.getNodeStore().getStoreCount();
    ret[jss::node_reads_total] = app.getNodeStore().getFetchTotalCount();
    ret[jss::node_reads_hit] = app.getNodeStore().getFetchHitCount();
    ret[jss::node_written_bytes] = app.getNodeStore().getStoreSize();
    ret[jss::node_read_bytes] = app.getNodeStore().getFetchSize();

    return ret;
void CRemoteGraphForm::OnRefreshClick()
	// let's load objects from ROT
	CComPtr<IRunningObjectTable>	rot;
	HRESULT							hr;

    sel_graph = RemoteGraph();

	hr = GetRunningObjectTable(0, &rot);
	if (FAILED(hr)) return ;

	// scan through running objects
	CComPtr<IEnumMoniker>			emon;
	CComPtr<IMoniker>				moniker;
	CComPtr<IBindCtx>				bindctx;
	ULONG							f;

	hr = CreateBindCtx(0, &bindctx);
	if (FAILED(hr)) {
		return ;

    CAtlRegExp<> regex;
    REParseError status = regex.Parse(_T("^\\!FilterGraph {[0-9A-F]+} pid {[0-9A-F]+}(; process\\: {.+?}, time\\: {[0-9]+\\-[0-9]+\\-[0-9]+})?"), FALSE);

	while (emon->Next(1, &moniker, &f) == NOERROR) {
		// is this a graph object ?
		LPOLESTR	displayname;
		moniker->GetDisplayName(bindctx, NULL, &displayname);

		CString		name(displayname);
		if (name.Find(_T("!FilterGraph")) == 0 && !GraphStudio::DisplayGraph::IsOwnRotGraph(name)) {
            RemoteGraph	gr = {0};

            CAtlREMatchContext<> mc;
            gr.name = name;
			gr.moniker = moniker;
            gr.pid = 0;
            gr.instance = 0;
            gr.processIsWOW64 = FALSE;

            if (regex.Match(name, &mc))
                const CAtlREMatchContext<>::RECHAR* szStart = 0;
                const CAtlREMatchContext<>::RECHAR* szEnd = 0;
                mc.GetMatch(0, &szStart, &szEnd);
                int nLength = (int) (szEnd - szStart);
                const CString textInstance(szStart, nLength);
                StrToInt64ExW(CStringW(L"0x") + textInstance, STIF_SUPPORT_HEX, &reinterpret_cast<LONGLONG&>(gr.instance));

                mc.GetMatch(1, &szStart, &szEnd);
                nLength = (int) (szEnd - szStart);
                const CString textPID(szStart, nLength);
				CString nameSuffix(szEnd ? szEnd : _T(""));

			    if (StrToIntExW(CStringW(L"0x") + textPID, STIF_SUPPORT_HEX, &reinterpret_cast<INT&>(gr.pid)))
                    CHandle process;
					process.Attach(OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, gr.pid));
					if (process)
                        TCHAR pszPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
					    if (GetModuleFileNameEx(process, NULL, pszPath, sizeof(pszPath)))
                            gr.processImagePath = pszPath;

                            // Extract filename
                            int fileNamePos = gr.processImagePath.FindFileName();
                            if (fileNamePos >= 0)
                                gr.processImageFileName = CString(gr.processImagePath).Mid(fileNamePos);
                            // a 32Bit process can't list the modules of a 64Bit process, so try to get the processImageFileName from the ROT-Name (works only for FilterGraphSpy-Entries)
                            mc.GetMatch(2, &szStart, &szEnd);
                            nLength = (int) (szEnd - szStart);
                            if (nLength > 0)
                                CString textFileName(szStart, nLength);
                                gr.processImageFileName = textFileName;
							else if (nameSuffix.GetLength() > 0)
								gr.processImageFileName = nameSuffix;		// as a last resort add any suffix information from the ROT name rather than leaving blank
#ifndef _WIN64
								gr.processImageFileName += _T(" *64");		// If we're 32bit, assume that we can't get process name because remote process is 64bit and show this on the dialog

                        IsWow64Process(process, &gr.processIsWOW64);

                mc.GetMatch(3, &szStart, &szEnd);
                nLength = (int) (szEnd - szStart);
                if (nLength > 0)
                    CString textTime(szStart, nLength);
                    textTime.Replace(_T("-"), _T(":"));
                    gr.time = textTime;

            CString entryName = gr.name;
            if (gr.pid > 0)
                entryName.Format(_T("%d (0x%08lX)"), gr.pid, gr.pid);
			int nIndex = list_graphs.InsertItem(list_graphs.GetItemCount(), entryName);
            if (gr.processIsWOW64)
                CString val = gr.processImageFileName;
                val.Append(_T(" *32"));
                list_graphs.SetItemText(nIndex, 1, val);
                list_graphs.SetItemText(nIndex, 1, gr.processImageFileName);

            if (gr.instance > 0)
                CString val;
                val.Format(_T("0x%I64d"), gr.instance);
                list_graphs.SetItemText(nIndex, 2, val);

            list_graphs.SetItemText(nIndex, 3, gr.time);
            list_graphs.SetItemText(nIndex, 4, gr.processImagePath);

			if (graphs.GetCount() == 1) {
                list_graphs.SetItemState(0, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED);

		if (displayname) {
			CComPtr<IMalloc>	alloc;
			if (SUCCEEDED(CoGetMalloc(0, &alloc))) {
		moniker = NULL;

	// Set column width automatically to fit contents refreshed above
	for (int n=0; n<=4; n++) {
		list_graphs.SetColumnWidth(n, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER);
Пример #4
void PlotDummy( const TString &sim, UInt_t time, Int_t zoom=2, const TString &opt="") {


    // Palettes!

    // More makeup
    gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.12); // Margin for palettes in 2D histos

    // Load PData
    PData *pData = PData::Get(sim.Data());
    if(!pData->IsInit()) return;

    // Get charge density histos
    Int_t index = 1;
    if(opt.Contains("beam")) index = 1;

    char hName[24];
    TH2F *hDen2D = (TH2F*) gROOT->FindObject(hName);
    if(hDen2D) delete hDen2D;
    hDen2D = pData->GetCharge(index);

    hDen2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z [c/#omega_{p}]");
    hDen2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y [c/#omega_{p}]");


    // Tunning the Histograms
    // ---------------------

    Float_t Time = hDen2D->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();

    // Set the range of the histogram for maximum constrast
    Float_t density = 1;
    if(opt.Contains("units") && pData->GetPlasmaDensity())
        density = 1e-15 * 1e-6 * pData->GetPlasmaDensity();

    if(index==0) {
        Float_t Max  = 1.1 * hDen2D->GetMaximum();
        Float_t Base = density;
        Float_t Min  = 2.* Base - Max;
        if(Max >= 2. * Base) {
            Min = 0;
        } else if(Max<1.0 * Base) {
            Max = 1.1 * Base;
            Min = 0.;


    // Zoom
    Float_t range    = (hDen2D->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() - hDen2D->GetYaxis()->GetXmin())/zoom;
    Float_t midPoint = (hDen2D->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() + hDen2D->GetYaxis()->GetXmin())/2.;


    // Plotting
    // -----------------------------------------------

    // Canvas setup
    TCanvas *C = new TCanvas("C","Charge density and Electric field",850,500);

    // Text objects
    TPaveText text1(0.6,0.94,0.88,1.0,"NDC");
    text1.AddText("Charge density [a.u.]");

    TPaveText textTime(0.7,0.82,0.85,0.88,"NDC");
    char ctext[128];
    sprintf(ctext,"T = %5.1f [1/#omega_{p}]",Time);

    // Palettes!!
    // const Int_t electronNRGBs = 5;
    // const Int_t electronNCont = 64;
    // Double_t electronStops[electronNRGBs] = { 0.00, 0.10, 0.50, 0.95, 1.00};
    // Double_t electronRed[electronNRGBs] =   { 0.90, 0.52, 0.22, 0.39, 0.50};
    // Double_t electronGreen[electronNRGBs] = { 0.90, 0.74, 0.34, 0.05, 0.00};
    // Double_t electronBlue[electronNRGBs] =  { 0.90, 0.80, 0.58, 0.33, 0.09};
    // PPalette *electronPalette = new PPalette("electron");
    // electronPalette->CreateGradientColorTable(electronNRGBs, electronStops, electronRed, electronGreen, electronBlue, electronNCont);

    // Actual Plotting!
    // ------------------------------------------------------------

    // Output file
    TString fOutName = Form("./%s/Plots/Dummy/Dummy",sim.Data());
    fOutName += Form("-%s_%i",sim.Data(),time);


    C->cd(1); // <--- Top Plot

    // if(index == 0)
    //   plasmaPalette->cd();
    // else
    PPalette * electronPalette = (PPalette*) gROOT->FindObject("electron");


    // text1.Draw();
    // textTime.Draw();


    // Print to a file
    // ---------------------------------------------------------