static void calc_node_type(cairo_t *cr, designer_node_type_t *nt) { node_type_data_t *ntd = node_type_data(nt); _rect_t br, ir, or, sr; ntd->is = g_slist_length(nt->input_slot_specs); ntd->os = g_slist_length(nt->output_slot_specs); set_slot_font(cr); sr = text_rect(cr, "Mg"); /* add sep space */ sr.s.h += 3; ir = _rect(0, 0, 10, 0); for (int i=0; i<ntd->is; i++) { designer_slot_spec_t *slot = g_slist_nth_data(nt->input_slot_specs, i); slot_spec_data_t *ssd = slot_spec_data(slot); ssd->offset = _size(3, 5 + sr.s.h * i); ir = _union(ir, text_rect(cr, slot->name)); } /* offset left */ ir = _offset(ir, _size(0, 5)); /* add slot and sep space */ ir.s.w += 5+5; /* height including sep space */ ir.s.h = ntd->is * sr.s.h - 3; or = _rect(0, 0, 10, 0); for (int i=0; i<ntd->os; i++) { designer_slot_spec_t *slot = g_slist_nth_data(nt->output_slot_specs, i); slot_spec_data_t *ssd = slot_spec_data(slot); ssd->offset = _size(3, 5 + sr.s.h * i); or = _union(or, text_rect(cr, slot->name)); } /* move right, including sep space */ or = _offset(or, _size(ir.s.w + 5, 5)); /* add slot and sep space */ or.s.w += 5+5; /* height including sep space */ or.s.h = ntd->os * sr.s.h - 3; br = _union(ir, or); /* reserve space around area */ br = _inset(br, _size(-5, -5)); ntd->br = br; ntd->ir = _splith(&ir, 6); _splith(&or, or.s.w - 6); ntd->or = or; ntd->sr = sr; }
void Menu::draw(DrawingContext& context) { if (!items[active_item]->help.empty()) { int text_width = (int) Resources::normal_font->get_text_width(items[active_item]->help); int text_height = (int) Resources::normal_font->get_text_height(items[active_item]->help); Rectf text_rect(pos.x - text_width/2 - 8, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 48 - text_height/2 - 4, pos.x + text_width/2 + 8, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 48 + text_height/2 + 4); context.draw_filled_rect(Rectf(text_rect.p1 - Vector(4,4), text_rect.p2 + Vector(4,4)), Color(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.8f), 16.0f, LAYER_GUI-10); context.draw_filled_rect(text_rect, Color(0.6f, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.5f), 16.0f, LAYER_GUI-10); context.draw_text(Resources::normal_font, items[active_item]->help, Vector(pos.x, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 48 - text_height/2), ALIGN_CENTER, LAYER_GUI); } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) { draw_item(context, i); } }
void UIButton::DrawText() { if (!config_.button_text_.empty()) { UIColor color = config_.text_normal_color_; if (button_status_ == kUIButtonStatusHover || button_status_ == kUIButtonStatusPressed) { color = config_.text_focus_color_; } else if(button_status_ == kUIButtonStatusDisable) { color = config_.text_disable_color_; } UIPoint &offset = config_.text_offset_; int width = frame_.GetWidth(); int height= frame_.GetHeight(); int x = frame_.GetX() + offset.x; int y = frame_.GetY() + offset.y; UIRect text_rect(x,y,width,height); std::wstring &button_text = config_.button_text_; UICanvas *canvas = CurrentCanvas(); canvas->DrawText(button_text.c_str(),button_text.length(),&text_rect,color, config_.text_alignment_ | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE,&config_.font_); } }
void Menu::draw(DrawingContext& context) { if (!items[active_item]->help.empty()) { int text_width = static_cast<int>(Resources::normal_font->get_text_width(items[active_item]->help)); int text_height = static_cast<int>(Resources::normal_font->get_text_height(items[active_item]->help)); Rectf text_rect(pos.x - static_cast<float>(text_width) / 2.0f - 8.0f, static_cast<float>(SCREEN_HEIGHT) - 48.0f - static_cast<float>(text_height) / 2.0f - 4.0f, pos.x + static_cast<float>(text_width) / 2.0f + 8.0f, static_cast<float>(SCREEN_HEIGHT) - 48.0f + static_cast<float>(text_height) / 2.0f + 4.0f); context.color().draw_filled_rect(Rectf(text_rect.p1 - Vector(4,4), text_rect.p2 + Vector(4,4)), Color(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.8f), 16.0f, LAYER_GUI-10); context.color().draw_filled_rect(text_rect, Color(0.6f, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.5f), 16.0f, LAYER_GUI-10); context.color().draw_text(Resources::normal_font, items[active_item]->help, Vector(pos.x, static_cast<float>(SCREEN_HEIGHT) - 48.0f - static_cast<float>(text_height) / 2.0f), ALIGN_CENTER, LAYER_GUI); } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) { draw_item(context, i); } }
void NumberButtonDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { if ( || { ItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index); return; } if(option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver) { painter->save(); QPainterPath path; QRect button_rect = this->contentsRect(option.rect); path.addRoundedRect(button_rect, 8, 8); if (this->pressed) { painter->fillPath(path, Qt::black); } else { painter->fillPath(path, QColor("#58524F")); } QString text = tr("CALL"); QRect text_rect(button_rect); text_rect.translate(16, 0); painter->setPen(QColor("white")); painter->drawText(text_rect, Qt::AlignVCenter, text); painter->restore(); ItemDelegate::drawBorder(painter, option); return; } ItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index); }
static void calc_node(cairo_t *cr, designer_node_t *n) { node_data_t *nd = node_data(n); node_type_data_t *ntd = node_type_data(n->type); _rect_t nr, lr, tr, ir, or, br, xr; set_title_font(cr); lr = text_rect(cr, n->name); tr = _inset(lr, _size(-5, -5)); tr.s.w += 20; /* button space */ br = ntd->br; /* move into place */ br.o.y = tr.o.y + tr.s.h; nr = _union(tr, br); /* break down areas once again */ br = nr; tr = _splitv(&br, tr.s.h); /* split off close button */ xr = tr; _splith(&xr, tr.s.w - 16); xr = _splitv(&xr, 16); xr = _inset(xr, _size(4, 4)); ir = ntd->ir; /* align inputs to the left */ ir.o = _move(br.o, _size(5, 5)); or = ntd->or; /* align outputs to the right */ or.o = _move(br.o, _size(br.s.w - or.s.w - 5, 5)); nd->nr = nr; nd->lr = lr; nd->tr = tr; nd->br = br; nd->ir = ir; nd->or = or; nd->xr = xr; }
void TtkLabel::handle_redraw_event(const TtkRect& redraw_rect) { TtkGcInterface& gc = ws_env().gc(); gc.set_clipping_rect(redraw_rect); TtkRect label_rect(rect()); TtkRect text_rect(label_rect.tl_.x_ + 1, label_rect.tl_.y_ + 1, label_rect.br_.x_ - 1, label_rect.br_.y_ - 1); gc.clear(label_rect); if (action_ || !action_) { //for test gc.set_pen_color(kTtkColorBlue); if (has_focus()) gc.draw_rect(label_rect); gc.draw_text(text_, text_rect, true); } else { gc.set_pen_color(kTtkColorBlack); gc.draw_text(text_, text_rect, false); } }
void QueuedItemDelegate::DrawBox( QPainter* painter, const QRect& line_rect, const QFont& font, const QString& text, int width) const { QFont smaller = font; smaller.setPointSize(smaller.pointSize() - 1); smaller.setBold(true); if (width == -1) width = QFontMetrics(font).width(text + " "); QRect rect(line_rect); rect.setLeft(rect.right() - width - kQueueBoxBorder); rect.setWidth(width); rect.setTop( + kQueueBoxBorder); rect.setBottom(rect.bottom() - kQueueBoxBorder - 1); QRect text_rect(rect); text_rect.setBottom(text_rect.bottom() + 1); QLinearGradient gradient(rect.topLeft(), rect.bottomLeft()); gradient.setColorAt(0.0, kQueueBoxGradientColor1); gradient.setColorAt(1.0, kQueueBoxGradientColor2); // Turn on antialiasing painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); // Draw the box painter->translate(0.5, 0.5); painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1)); painter->setBrush(gradient); painter->drawRoundedRect(rect, kQueueBoxCornerRadius, kQueueBoxCornerRadius); // Draw the text painter->setFont(smaller); painter->drawText(rect.translated(-1, -1), Qt::AlignCenter, text); painter->translate(-0.5, -0.5); }
void CTip::Show(CPoint point, LPCTSTR lpszTitleText) { if (!IsWindow(m_hWnd)) Create(m_pParentWnd); ASSERT( ::IsWindow( GetSafeHwnd() ) ); CClientDC dc(this); CFont *pOld = dc.SelectObject(m_pParentWnd->GetFont()); CSize size = GetTextSize(lpszTitleText, &dc); int offset = dc.GetTextExtent(_T(" ")).cx; CRect rectDisplay; rectDisplay.left = point.x; rectDisplay.right = point.x + + offset * 2 + 2; = point.y - ( + 2); rectDisplay.bottom = point.y; // Show the titletip SetWindowPos( &wndTop, rectDisplay.left,, rectDisplay.Width(), rectDisplay.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW|SWP_NOACTIVATE ); dc.SetBkMode( TRANSPARENT ); CRect client_rect; GetClientRect(&client_rect); FillRect(dc.GetSafeHdc(), &client_rect, (HBRUSH)(COLOR_INFOBK +1)); CRect text_rect(offset, 0,,; dc.DrawText(lpszTitleText, &text_rect, DT_LEFT|DT_TOP); dc.SelectObject(pOld); }
LLMultiSliderCtrl::LLMultiSliderCtrl(const LLMultiSliderCtrl::Params& p) : LLF32UICtrl(p), mLabelBox( NULL ), mEditor( NULL ), mTextBox( NULL ), mTextEnabledColor(p.text_color()), mTextDisabledColor(p.text_disabled_color()) { static LLUICachedControl<S32> multi_sliderctrl_spacing ("UIMultiSliderctrlSpacing", 0); S32 top = getRect().getHeight(); S32 bottom = 0; S32 left = 0; S32 label_width = p.label_width; S32 text_width = p.text_width; // Label if( !p.label().empty() ) { if (p.label_width == 0) { label_width = p.font()->getWidth(p.label); } LLRect label_rect( left, top, label_width, bottom ); LLTextBox::Params params;"MultiSliderCtrl Label"); params.rect(label_rect); params.initial_value(p.label()); params.font(p.font); mLabelBox = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLTextBox> (params); addChild(mLabelBox); } S32 slider_right = getRect().getWidth(); if (p.show_text) { if (!p.text_width.isProvided()) { text_width = 0; // calculate the size of the text box (log max_value is number of digits - 1 so plus 1) if ( p.max_value() ) text_width = p.font()->getWidth(std::string("0")) * ( static_cast < S32 > ( log10 ( p.max_value ) ) + p.decimal_digits + 1 ); if ( p.increment < 1.0f ) text_width += p.font()->getWidth(std::string(".")); // (mostly) take account of decimal point in value if ( p.min_value < 0.0f || p.max_value < 0.0f ) text_width += p.font()->getWidth(std::string("-")); // (mostly) take account of minus sign // padding to make things look nicer text_width += 8; } S32 text_left = getRect().getWidth() - text_width; slider_right = text_left - multi_sliderctrl_spacing; LLRect text_rect( text_left, top, getRect().getWidth(), bottom ); if( p.can_edit_text ) { LLLineEditor::Params params;"MultiSliderCtrl Editor"); params.rect(text_rect); params.font(p.font); params.max_length_bytes(MAX_STRING_LENGTH); params.commit_callback.function(LLMultiSliderCtrl::onEditorCommit); params.prevalidate_callback(&LLTextValidate::validateFloat); params.follows.flags(FOLLOWS_LEFT | FOLLOWS_BOTTOM); mEditor = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLLineEditor> (params); mEditor->setFocusReceivedCallback( boost::bind(LLMultiSliderCtrl::onEditorGainFocus, _1, this) ); // don't do this, as selecting the entire text is single clicking in some cases // and double clicking in others //mEditor->setSelectAllonFocusReceived(TRUE); addChild(mEditor); } else { LLTextBox::Params params;"MultiSliderCtrl Text"); params.rect(text_rect); params.font(p.font); params.follows.flags(FOLLOWS_LEFT | FOLLOWS_BOTTOM); mTextBox = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLTextBox> (params); addChild(mTextBox); } } S32 slider_left = label_width ? label_width + multi_sliderctrl_spacing : 0; LLRect slider_rect( slider_left, top, slider_right, bottom ); LLMultiSlider::Params params; params.sliders = p.sliders; params.rect(slider_rect); params.commit_callback.function( LLMultiSliderCtrl::onSliderCommit ); params.mouse_down_callback( p.mouse_down_callback ); params.mouse_up_callback( p.mouse_up_callback ); params.initial_value(p.initial_value()); params.min_value(p.min_value); params.max_value(p.max_value); params.increment(p.increment); params.max_sliders(p.max_sliders); params.allow_overlap(p.allow_overlap); params.draw_track(p.draw_track); params.use_triangle(p.use_triangle); params.control_name(p.control_name); mMultiSlider = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLMultiSlider> (params); addChild( mMultiSlider ); mCurValue = mMultiSlider->getCurSliderValue(); updateText(); }
void GUIPauseMenu::regenerateGui(v2u32 screensize) { /* Remove stuff */ removeChildren(); /* Calculate new sizes and positions */ core::rect<s32> rect( screensize.X/2 - screensize.X * 0.4, screensize.Y/2 - screensize.Y * 0.3, screensize.X/2 + screensize.X * 0.4, screensize.Y/2 + screensize.Y * 0.3 ); DesiredRect = rect; recalculateAbsolutePosition(false); v2s32 size = rect.getSize(); /* Add stuff */ const s32 btn_height = size.Y * 0.1; const s32 btn_width = size.X * 0.3; const s32 btn_gap = size.Y * 0.05; const s32 btn_num = m_simple_singleplayer_mode ? 4 : 5; s32 btn_y = size.Y/2-((btn_num*btn_height+(btn_num-1)*btn_gap))/2 +btn_height; { core::rect<s32> rect(0, 0, btn_width, btn_height); rect = rect + v2s32(size.X/2-btn_width/2, btn_y); Environment->addButton(rect, this, 256, _("Continue")); } btn_y += btn_height + btn_gap; if(!m_simple_singleplayer_mode) { { core::rect<s32> rect(0, 0, btn_width, btn_height); rect = rect + v2s32(size.X/2-btn_width/2, btn_y); Environment->addButton(rect, this, 261, _("Change Password")); } btn_y += btn_height + btn_gap; } { core::rect<s32> rect(0, 0, btn_width, btn_height); rect = rect + v2s32(size.X/2-btn_width/2, btn_y); Environment->addButton(rect, this, 262, _("Settings")); } btn_y += btn_height + btn_gap; { core::rect<s32> rect(0, 0, btn_width, btn_height); rect = rect + v2s32(size.X/2-btn_width/2, btn_y); Environment->addButton(rect, this, 260, _("Exit to Menu")); } btn_y += btn_height + btn_gap; if (menudata.simple_singleplayer_mode) { std::string text = ("Server IP/Port: "); text += g_settings->get("local_server_ip"); text += ":"; text += g_settings->get("local_server_port"); int width = Environment->getSkin()->getFont()->getDimension(_(text.c_str())).Width; int x = (rect.getWidth()-width)/2; int y = rect.getHeight() * 0.02; core::rect<s32> text_rect(x, y, x + width, y + g_the_font_height * 1.2); Environment->addStaticText( _(text.c_str()), text_rect, false, true, this,100); } }
static void draw_node(cairo_t *cr, designer_node_t *n, int flags) { designer_node_type_t *nt = n->type; node_type_data_t *ntd = node_type_data(nt); node_data_t *nd = node_data(n); _point_t pos = nd->origin; cairo_save(cr); cairo_translate(cr, pos.x, pos.y); /* drop shadow */ cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, RGBA_DROP_SHADOW); round_path(cr, _offset(nd->nr, _size(3, 3)), round_s); cairo_fill(cr); /* title area color */ cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, RGBA_TITLE_AREA); round_path(cr, nd->tr, upper_s); cairo_fill(cr); /* title text */ set_title_font(cr); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, RGBA_TITLE_TEXT); cairo_move_to(cr, nd->lr.o.x - 1, nd->lr.o.y + nd->lr.s.h - 1); cairo_show_text(cr, n->name); /* close button */ cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1.0); rect_path(cr, nd->xr); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8); cairo_fill_preserve(cr); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5); cairo_stroke(cr); cross_path(cr, nd->xr, 2); cairo_stroke(cr); /* body area color */ cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, RGBA_BODY_AREA); round_path(cr, nd->br, lower_s); cairo_fill(cr); #if 0 /* slot border */ cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3); cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1.0); rect_path(cr, nd->ir); cairo_stroke(cr); rect_path(cr, nd->or); cairo_stroke(cr); #endif /* prepare for slots */ cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6); cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1.0); set_slot_font(cr); /* input slots */ for (int i=0; i<ntd->is; i++) { designer_slot_spec_t *slot = g_slist_nth_data(nt->input_slot_specs, i); slot_spec_data_t *ssd = slot_spec_data(slot); _point_t sl = _move(nd->ir.o, ssd->offset); cairo_move_to(cr, sl.x + 6, sl.y + 3); cairo_show_text(cr, slot->name); cairo_stroke(cr); circle_path(cr, sl, 3.0); cairo_stroke(cr); } for (int i=0; i<ntd->os; i++) { designer_slot_spec_t *slot = g_slist_nth_data(nt->output_slot_specs, i); slot_spec_data_t *ssd = slot_spec_data(slot); _rect_t sr = text_rect(cr, slot->name); _point_t sl = _move(nd->or.o, ssd->offset); cairo_move_to(cr, sl.x - sr.s.w - 8, sl.y + 3); cairo_show_text(cr, slot->name); cairo_stroke(cr); circle_path(cr, sl, 3.0); cairo_stroke(cr); } /* filter border */ cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1.0); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8); round_path(cr, nd->nr, round_s); cairo_stroke(cr); cairo_move_to(cr, nd->br.o.x, nd->br.o.y); cairo_line_to(cr, nd->br.o.x + nd->br.s.w, nd->br.o.y); cairo_stroke(cr); /* root node? */ if (flags & 0x1) { cairo_set_line_width(cr, 2.0); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, RGBA_ROOT_NODE); // cairo_set_line_cap(cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT); // cairo_set_dash(cr, round_d, 2, 0); round_path(cr, _inset(nd->nr, _size(-3,-3)), rnd13_s); cairo_stroke(cr); } /* rect_path(cr, nd->ir); cairo_stroke(cr); rect_path(cr, nd->or); cairo_stroke(cr); */ cairo_restore(cr); }
LLSliderCtrl::LLSliderCtrl(const std::string& name, const LLRect& rect, const std::string& label, const LLFontGL* font, S32 label_width, S32 text_left, BOOL show_text, BOOL can_edit_text, BOOL volume, void (*commit_callback)(LLUICtrl*, void*), void* callback_user_data, F32 initial_value, F32 min_value, F32 max_value, F32 increment, const std::string& control_which) : LLUICtrl(name, rect, TRUE, commit_callback, callback_user_data ), mFont(font), mShowText( show_text ), mCanEditText( can_edit_text ), mVolumeSlider( volume ), mPrecision( 3 ), mLabelBox( NULL ), mLabelWidth( label_width ), mValue( initial_value ), mEditor( NULL ), mTextBox( NULL ), //mTextEnabledColor( sLabelTextColor ), //mTextDisabledColor( sLabelDisabledColor ), mSliderMouseUpCallback( NULL ), mSliderMouseDownCallback( NULL ) { static LLColor4 sLabelTextColor = LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor( "LabelTextColor" ); static LLColor4 sLabelDisabledColor = LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor( "LabelDisabledColor" ); mTextEnabledColor = sLabelTextColor; mTextDisabledColor = sLabelDisabledColor; S32 top = getRect().getHeight(); S32 bottom = 0; S32 left = 0; // Label if( !label.empty() ) { if (label_width == 0) { label_width = font->getWidth(label); } LLRect label_rect( left, top, label_width, bottom ); mLabelBox = new LLTextBox( std::string("SliderCtrl Label"), label_rect, label, font ); addChild(mLabelBox); } S32 slider_right = getRect().getWidth(); if( show_text ) { slider_right = text_left - SLIDERCTRL_SPACING; } S32 slider_left = label_width ? label_width + SLIDERCTRL_SPACING : 0; LLRect slider_rect( slider_left, top, slider_right, bottom ); mSlider = new LLSlider(std::string("slider"), slider_rect, LLSliderCtrl::onSliderCommit, this, initial_value, min_value, max_value, increment, volume, control_which ); addChild( mSlider ); if( show_text ) { LLRect text_rect( text_left, top, getRect().getWidth(), bottom ); if( can_edit_text ) { mEditor = new LLLineEditor( std::string("SliderCtrl Editor"), text_rect, LLStringUtil::null, font, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, &LLSliderCtrl::onEditorCommit, NULL, NULL, this, &LLLineEditor::prevalidateFloat ); mEditor->setFollowsLeft(); mEditor->setFollowsBottom(); mEditor->setFocusReceivedCallback( &LLSliderCtrl::onEditorGainFocus, this ); mEditor->setIgnoreTab(TRUE); // don't do this, as selecting the entire text is single clicking in some cases // and double clicking in others //mEditor->setSelectAllonFocusReceived(TRUE); addChild(mEditor); } else { mTextBox = new LLTextBox( std::string("SliderCtrl Text"), text_rect, LLStringUtil::null, font); mTextBox->setFollowsLeft(); mTextBox->setFollowsBottom(); addChild(mTextBox); } } updateText(); }
LLSliderCtrl::LLSliderCtrl(const LLSliderCtrl::Params& p) : LLF32UICtrl(p), mLabelBox( NULL ), mEditor( NULL ), mTextBox( NULL ), mFont(p.font), mShowText(p.show_text), mCanEditText(p.can_edit_text), mPrecision(p.decimal_digits), mTextEnabledColor(p.text_color()), mTextDisabledColor(p.text_disabled_color()) { S32 top = getRect().getHeight(); S32 bottom = 0; S32 left = 0; S32 label_width = p.label_width; S32 text_width = p.text_width; // Label if( !p.label().empty() ) { if (!p.label_width.isProvided()) { label_width = p.font()->getWidth(p.label); } LLRect label_rect( left, top, label_width, bottom ); LLTextBox::Params params(p.slider_label); params.rect.setIfNotProvided(label_rect); params.font.setIfNotProvided(p.font); params.initial_value(p.label()); mLabelBox = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLTextBox> (params); addChild(mLabelBox); } if (p.show_text && !p.text_width.isProvided()) { // calculate the size of the text box (log max_value is number of digits - 1 so plus 1) if ( p.max_value ) text_width = p.font()->getWidth(std::string("0")) * ( static_cast < S32 > ( log10 ( p.max_value ) ) + p.decimal_digits + 1 ); if ( p.increment < 1.0f ) text_width += p.font()->getWidth(std::string(".")); // (mostly) take account of decimal point in value if ( p.min_value < 0.0f || p.max_value < 0.0f ) text_width += p.font()->getWidth(std::string("-")); // (mostly) take account of minus sign // padding to make things look nicer text_width += 8; } S32 text_left = getRect().getWidth() - text_width; static LLUICachedControl<S32> sliderctrl_spacing ("UISliderctrlSpacing", 0); S32 slider_right = getRect().getWidth(); if( p.show_text ) { slider_right = text_left - sliderctrl_spacing; } S32 slider_left = label_width ? label_width + sliderctrl_spacing : 0; LLSlider::Params slider_p(p.slider_bar);"slider_bar"); slider_p.rect.setIfNotProvided(LLRect(slider_left,top,slider_right,bottom)); slider_p.initial_value.setIfNotProvided(p.initial_value().asReal()); slider_p.min_value.setIfNotProvided(p.min_value); slider_p.max_value.setIfNotProvided(p.max_value); slider_p.increment.setIfNotProvided(p.increment); slider_p.orientation.setIfNotProvided(p.orientation); slider_p.commit_callback.function(&LLSliderCtrl::onSliderCommit); slider_p.control_name(p.control_name); slider_p.mouse_down_callback( p.mouse_down_callback ); slider_p.mouse_up_callback( p.mouse_up_callback ); mSlider = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLSlider> (slider_p); addChild( mSlider ); if( p.show_text() ) { LLRect text_rect( text_left, top, getRect().getWidth(), bottom ); if( p.can_edit_text() ) { LLLineEditor::Params line_p(p.value_editor); line_p.rect.setIfNotProvided(text_rect); line_p.font.setIfNotProvided(p.font); line_p.commit_callback.function(&LLSliderCtrl::onEditorCommit); line_p.prevalidate_callback(&LLTextValidate::validateFloat); mEditor = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLLineEditor>(line_p); mEditor->setFocusReceivedCallback( boost::bind(&LLSliderCtrl::onEditorGainFocus, _1, this )); // don't do this, as selecting the entire text is single clicking in some cases // and double clicking in others //mEditor->setSelectAllonFocusReceived(TRUE); addChild(mEditor); } else { LLTextBox::Params text_p(p.value_text); text_p.rect.setIfNotProvided(text_rect); text_p.font.setIfNotProvided(p.font); mTextBox = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLTextBox>(text_p); addChild(mTextBox); } } updateText(); }
void GameWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* /*event*/) { QPainter painter(this); painter.fillRect(0, 0, width(), height(), QBrush(Qt::black)); painter.translate(xoff, yoff); painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black)); QFont font("Courier"); font.setPixelSize(20); font.setBold(true); painter.setFont(font); //draw bubbles for(int i = 0; i < grid_size; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < grid_size; j++) { if(!grid[i][j].color) //empty continue; QRectF target( (i-grid[i][j].xoffset) * (bubblesize+margin) + margin, (j-grid[i][j].yoffset) * (bubblesize+margin) + margin, bubblesize, bubblesize); QRectF source(0, 0, bubblesize, bubblesize); painter.drawPixmap(target, bubblePixmap[grid[i][j].color][grid[i][j].scale_step], source); } } //show current score painter.translate(-xoff, -yoff); painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255, 160))); QRect score_rect = QRect(-5, -12, 150, 37); painter.drawRoundedRect(score_rect, 5, 5); painter.drawText(score_rect, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, tr("Score: %1").arg(score)); //draw selection (if there is one) if(selection.empty() or selection.size() == 1) return; painter.translate(xoff, yoff); const short color = grid[selection.first().x][selection.first().y].color; painter.setPen(QPen(bubbleColor[color], margin/3, Qt::DotLine, Qt::RoundCap)); QPainterPath path; foreach(Box b, selection) { if(b.x == 0 || grid[b.x-1][b.y].color != color) { QPointF point(b.x*(bubblesize+margin)+qreal(margin)/2, qreal(b.y*(bubblesize+margin)+margin/2)); path.moveTo(point); point.ry() += bubblesize+margin; path.lineTo(point); } if(b.x == grid_size-1 || grid[b.x+1][b.y].color != color) { QPointF point(b.x*(bubblesize+margin)+qreal(margin)*3/2+bubblesize, b.y*(bubblesize+margin)+qreal(margin)/2); path.moveTo(point); point.ry() += bubblesize+margin; path.lineTo(point); } if(b.y == 0 || grid[b.x][b.y-1].color != color) { QPointF point(qreal(b.x*(bubblesize+margin)+margin/2), qreal(b.y*(bubblesize+margin)+margin/2)); path.moveTo(point); point.rx() += bubblesize+margin; path.lineTo(point); } if(b.y == grid_size-1 || grid[b.x][b.y+1].color != color) { QPointF point(qreal(b.x*(bubblesize+margin)+margin/2), qreal(b.y*(bubblesize+margin)+margin*3/2+bubblesize)); path.moveTo(point); point.rx() += bubblesize+margin; path.lineTo(point); } } painter.drawPath(path); //show points awarded for removing selected bubbles QString points = QString::number(selection.size() * selection.size()); const int text_width = points.length()*15; QColor pen_color = bubbleColor[color]; painter.setPen(QPen(pen_color)); painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0, 200))); const int bg_width = text_width+6; const int bg_height = 26; QPoint center = path.boundingRect().center().toPoint(); QRect text_rect(center.x()-bg_width/2, center.y()-bg_height/2, bg_width, bg_height); painter.drawRoundedRect(text_rect, 4, 4); if(pen_color == Qt::blue) //too dark for text pen_color = pen_color.lighter(150); painter.setPen(QPen(pen_color)); painter.drawText(text_rect, Qt::AlignCenter, points); }
void DataViewTable::paintCell(QPainter* painter, int row, int col, const QRect& cr, bool selected, const QColorGroup& cg) { if (selector_ == NULL || row < 0 || col < 0) return; QRect rect(0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height()); if (selected) { painter->fillRect(rect, cg.highlight()); painter->setPen(cg.highlightedText()); } else { if (row % 2) { painter->fillRect(rect, cg.base()); } else { painter->fillRect(rect, cg.background().light(135)); } painter->setPen(cg.text()); } const SelectList &flist = selector_->pickList(); // Check for row out of bounds. int max_row_id = flist.size() - 1; if (row > max_row_id) return; // determine if table has optional col for the feature id bool show_id = Preferences::getConfig().dataViewShowFID; if (show_id && col == 0) { painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignRight, QString::number(flist[row])); return; } if (!selector_->HasAttrib()) { // we don't have anny attribs, bail now return; } // we don't have to worry about fails attribute fetches since we are anly // asking for records that are already in our select list and they cannot // get into the select list w/o a valid record. gstRecordHandle rec; try { rec = theSourceManager->GetAttributeOrThrow( UniqueFeatureId(selector_->getSourceID(), selector_->layer(), flist[row])); } catch (...) { // silently ignore. see comment before 'try' return; } int num_fields = static_cast<int>(rec->NumFields()); // Check for column out of bounds. int max_column_id = show_id ? num_fields : num_fields - 1; if (col > max_column_id) return; gstValue* val = rec->Field(show_id ? col - 1 : col); int tf = val->IsNumber() ? Qt::AlignRight : Qt::AlignLeft; int rowHeight = this->rowHeight(row); int colWidth = this->columnWidth(col); QRect bounding_rect = fontMetrics().boundingRect(val->ValueAsUnicode()); // fontMetrics should account for the font descenders, but it // seems to be broken. // I accounted for the descenders by adding a margin of 4 around the cell // contents to account for errors in the fontMetrics // height estimation for font descenders, e.g., the tail of // the "y" or "p") . This seems to work for even large fonts and // is readable for smaller fonts. int added_cell_margin = 4; int cellWidth = bounding_rect.width() + added_cell_margin * 2; int cellHeight = bounding_rect.height() + added_cell_margin * 2; if (cellHeight > rowHeight) { setRowHeight(row, cellHeight); } if (cellWidth > colWidth) { setColumnWidth(col, cellWidth); } // When drawing, we're going to force the horizontal margin here. QRect text_rect(added_cell_margin, 0, cr.width() - added_cell_margin, cr.height()); painter->drawText(text_rect, tf, val->ValueAsUnicode()); }